I have architectural desktop 2011, my supervisor would like me to attach PDF and/or JPG to an attribute (or make an attribute that will call-up a JPG). I do not think this is possible, So…if it is correct that this cannot be done how can one place a word to a DWG and then ‘hyperlink’ it to a folder or an individual JPG? so I can click on the word int he DWG CAD and it will then pop up the JPG...
How to export the .dwg file to Microsoft WORD as a base/background for further word processing on top? Is there any direct way to convert the file that can use in WORD?
I have attach one drawing if you open and copy this from one place to place then dimension is automatically increases. can i know how this increase or what type of this dimension it is.
Everytime I try to attach a Hyperlink to a dwg via the ribbon Hyperlink button I receive a FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0000 Exception at e1e7b028h.
I have made dblink to database table and attach field from the row to the block label with value = 150 In the same block i need to have block hyperlink with adress like : [URL] To be clear, I need in my hyperlink to include the value of label
Three years ago I created a drawing in which I inserted Hyperlinks into the drawing. When I made a PDF from the drawing the Hyperlinks were still there and worked correctly from the PDF. Not sure which version of AutoCAD this was created from. I am now using 2012 and have tried to repeat the process but when I create the PDF the Hyperlinks are not there.
I have two objects that I would like to link together in model space. I realize this is easy to do using paper space but I am curious if this can be done in model space.
The two objects are wire connections but they are spaced far apart in my drawing and can be a pain trying to find thier locations all the time. if I could select or click the first connector and be able to pan or zoom to the appropriate connection by link or other means.
I'm running LT2010 on a Windows 7, every time I try and create a hyperlink the page freezes then comes up with a fatal error message. I then have to recover the drawing..
As survey data collectors now come with cameras intergrated, it would be very useful to be able to have a way of hyperlinking the imported survey points to the images. Images are normally named by the survey point number that they are associated with.
Can Civil3D import points and automatically have the hyperlink field of a COGO point populated?
Can this be achieved through the survey database? Or maybe via a point-file with UDP's?
I have a ss that I am using & wish to generate a drawing index sheet. I can manually update the fields in the drawing index table on the index drawing, but I would like to have this automatically work for every sheet set I generate.Would I need to use hyperlinking fields for this to work?
Autodesk Plant 3D Premium 2012 Autodesk MEP 2012 HP 3.2 Ghz CPU 16 ram 1TB 7200 rpm SATA 3Gb/s hard drive 2GB DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GT 530 HP 2311x 23" LED Monitor
I am making an excel spreadsheet that has a list of all the drawings we have on file, an inventory list per say. I have all of the drawings hyperlinked.
I created a property ("PLAT") for Parcels and want to hyperlink it to a PDF. How do I make that happen?
Do I have the ability to limit my layers to my Zoom Factor? I see other GIS Maps that have layers limited per how far you are zoomed into the drawing.
Can i adjust my Map Feature 'hatch' to be more faded per our color table or even send it to the back and still have the abiltiy to list my features after i publish to DWF?
Is there a possibility to furnish a hyperlink linking on a defined Excel-data sheet within an Excel file? Are there other possibilities to tie together to a drawing object external additional information, e.g., a product name, product data or product pictures?
I am using Photoshop cs6. I purchased a template for magazine advertising purposes. The images have been taken out but there are custom designed objects (masked shapes) where I am supposed to place my images. When I attempt to place a photo into one of the shapes, using the Place Command, it does not work.
I'm struggling to figure out how to delete a hyperlink from a PDF I'm editing. The box that shows up around a url address isn't visible on Illustrator but shows up when you open the file in Preview or print it out. Is there a way to delete this box or unlink the url?
I am using Photoshop CS6. I have a question about Photoshop command Place.(File- Place) . Here are some pictures below. It shows the problem.
I opened the PSD file that has a green circle(picture 1) and using Place command to import other PSD file that has a red circle(picture2). Those 2 PSD files are same size, same canvas size, 1024x1024. So it should place the red circle precisely on the green circle, but as you can see, if I import the red circle PSD into Green circle PSD, Place command won't place the red circle pensively on the green circle. There is a gap between those 2 circles.(Picture3) It's really frustrating, because I have to move the red circle layer manually to place it just onto the green circle.
This command "Place" isn't reliable, so usually I don't use this command, and use Duplicate layer or group to import contents of other PSD, but if Place command can import other PSD file without this gap problem, I will use it because it's much faster than duplicating.
Do you know why and how to place those 2 files without the gap? Is it a glitch? I should not use Place command to import other PSD file?
I'm updating my resume currently and want my website to be clickable after it has been saved to a PDF so potential employers will just be able to click on it rather than copy and paste. My resume was made in photoshop but can this just be done through Acrobat?
I have done an advertising piece that will be emailed to a client list in Photoshop, just because I am comfortable with it, and I was wondering if there is a way to create a link to a website in Photoshop versus having to go to another software just for that text line to become a link?
I have a string of white paragraph text, to which I have assigned a simple hyperlink to a selection. CorelDraw X5 turns the linked text blue to indicate that it is a live link and the Publish to PDF function works as expected. I want, however, for the linked text to be yellow, not blue, and I can't seem to be able to accomplish this. If I change the text to yellow the conventional way, the hyperlink no longer functions.
Is there a way for me to simply change the color of an active hyperlink?
I created a video and want to insert a Hyperlink to a website at the end of the video, most likely within a title box. Is this possible? I know how to add the text/title to display the website link on the video, but I'd like the viewer to be able to click it and go to the website.
I'm trying to create links from a webpage to specific spots in a pdf. I can get it to work perfectly if I create the hyperlink destinations in the pdf, using the Acrobat software. However, I was told you can create the hyperlink destinations in InDesign, then export the pdf, which I'd like to do because the InDesign original is going to change a lot, and then I wouldn't have to recreate all the destinations every time it's updated. When I try it, though, I can't get the webpage link to go to the destination, only to the top of the pdf.
I'm creating my resume in illustrator, very very basic stuff. Not special settings or anything, just a few guides and lines of text. I've tried creating a new document and retyping everything to no avail.
Basically when I'm done formatting and creating the resume how I like it, I Save As to PDF and open it up in Preview, Reader and the built in pdf viewer in my browsers and noticed that the entire document is now a clickable link...center of the page, near the top of the page etc. Its picking up one of my reference contact's email addresses from the bottom of the page.
So i tried changing from paragraph left to paragraph center and it seems to stop the issue. but if i revert back to my preferred formatting its there again.
When I remove their email, no longer a problem. and i can revert to my prefered formatting and with his emial remove the reference below his, their email is intact and not casuing the problem.
My previous resume formatting was all in paragraph center formatting so it was never a problem..
I've been doing quite a bit of research on how to make an object into a hyperlink when exporting my .ai as .pdf.
So far I've come across guides that show the method of using Object > Slice and the Attributes' Image Map, but none of them seem to work when I open my exported .pdf.
How to create objects with links when exporting .pdf?