How to export the .dwg file to Microsoft WORD as a base/background for further word processing on top? Is there any direct way to convert the file that can use in WORD?
I've been importing Microsoft Word text just using the clipboard. That is, I'll open Microsoft Word, open my document, select all, copy, and then go to InDesign and paste. InDesign gives me a text block with my text and I just re-size the columns. The text comes in all weird and I have to stylize it, of course. Sometimes I get some junk like nonbreaking characters and other hidden characters which screw me up until I figure out what's going on. My question is: what's the best way to import Microsoft Word text that will introduce the fewest errors?
I am using AutoCAD 2014. We were recently asked if there is a way to automatically update bill of materials if you change or add materials in a drawing. Bill of material is not necessarily in the same drawing? Do I need to create a table?
We normally just create a bill of material separately from the rest of the drawings in AutoCAD. They also want to be able to export it to exel
When i use the BOM feature, i get a list but cannot get panel sizes as dimensions in a table. I can get a part ID and other not so important in for for a BOM but dimensions and sizes should be key.
How can i get a detailed BOM to include panel sizes (like a cut list).
I am drawing water pumping stations for my company, and they are wanting to do a "Bill of Material" for each job. But they are wanting to do it through the block attribute system in autocad. This actually seems more time consuming than just counting the parts and inserting the new quantities in a table.
I am drawing these with 2 and sometimes 3 views.....the problem with that, I would draw 3 views of a valve (3 blocks), and It counts it as 3 different valves.
I am seeing this "varies" message on certain items in my BOM but can't tell where the incosistencies are. The strange thing is that my part number LCVINYL is showing the correct length of material while the Unit Quantity is showing "varies". Normally this would make me think that the inconsistency is in the name only. Where should I be looking to correct this?
BTW all of these LCVINYL parts were created in the frame generator if that matters.
I changed the names and locations of my parts in an assembly, opened the drawing, and found all of the parts and names. I then looked at the parts list on the assemblies in the drawings. Even though the assemblies updated, the part name did not update. How do I update the BOM to match the assembly (I thought it would do this automatically?)?
I have tube and pipe subassembly in my assembly. When I see my BOM, each route is a subassembly but some not, and went I add balloon on pipe from "this not subassembly but in realy is one" it give me the same item number for each pipe generate in this route.
How can change this "fake" part to assembly for BOM?
How & where I can add fields that I require for my equipment. I see I can add it to the bill of materials in the assembly but that doesn't carry through to the drawing.
I see that I can add to the parts list in the drawing but i don't want to have to add the information into my drawings every time I use one of my machines.
Basically I am busy creating a library of all the machines I use. This library will then be used for numerous drawing for many different clients. I need the required info to be in my drawing from the beginning without me having to add it to every clients drawing.
I have an iassembly with iparts in an .iam file and I went to make a shop drawing of this assembly. When I go to do this, I get my parts list showing all versions of the iparts, even the ones that are not used. It will show a 0 in quantity.
This is under the "structured" view and I do not see a "pars" tab, which is what I've read I need to look for.
I've read that I have to be very careful with the way that I create iassemblies and iparts, How to make a drawing with a BOM that only shows the parts currently in use.
I have a problem with Bill Of Materials in drawings.
I want to show a structured list of the top level components in this general arrangement. But whenever i select a view for inventor to create the table it only gives me to option for 'Components Only.'
I have edited the assembly and switched off the 'Components only' option in the IAM, but it still will only let me put a parts only BOM into the drawing. I have right clicked the node in the IDW browser and selected 'bill of materials' and here i have also switched off 'parts only' but still the same.
Im trying to generate a list of parts and assemblies that has all the quantities included in it.Ive found that if i use the structured view it does not multiply the part count by the number of assemblies, so if i export the bill of materials i wont get the actual number of parts that i require.
If i use the parts only list then it wont include the sub assemblies.the job that im working on has hundreds of sub assemblies and thousands of parts so manually adding them up is not an option.Using Inventor 2014 Pro.
Im trying to link mtext in an acad drawing to a word document. For example, when I write a legal description based on a drawing, in word, I want the text that I am referencing in the drawing to be linked. In other words, if I change the text in the drawing, it will automatically change the text in the word doc.
for a client I made a logo in Photoshop. For her letters she uses Word en wants to use to logo there. But if the logo is imported in Word, using insert from file from the menu the logo gets a bit blurry, sort of anti-alias kind of blur.
I tried PNG and JPEG, with 72 dpi, 150 dpi and even 96 dpi. It used the sizes we need in word so no rescaling is done. When exporting from Word to PDF does not work.
The settings for compressing are set to "keep current resolution".
I use PS CS5 en Word 2011 both on the Mac. My client uses Windows.
What to do about the not so sharp images in Word 2011?
I want to insert a word document with several pages in autocad by the OLE OBJECT function. The problem is the insert only the first page. How to follow the other pages?
how to export attribute data from a block to a MS Word document template. I am looking to create a check sheet for a drawing, i.e. open a drawing, click a button and a check sheet will be printed out that the operator can complete and sign. However all the drawing info from the title block would already be complete (extracted from the titleblock block attributes).
I need to convert a PDF file to Word 2007 in an editable format. Is this possible and how do I achieve it?
I want to be able to preserve the formating as well as all the text. I want the text to be in the same format and editable in word along with all the objects and images.
I am trying to work out the best way to import a word document into Designer Pro 6 and am struggling.I have a 21 page word document which is formatted text only i.e. no graphics included. I have exported this from Word as a RTF file. I now want to import this into DP6 so that I can use the power of DP6 for embedding all the graphics that I want.
Ideally what I would like to be able to do is to set-up a page with a text area, import the RTF document and insert it into the textarea and for DP6 to create the following pages with flowing text areas. I don't seem to be able to do this.
I think I must be missing a trick as in Gary Bouton's excellent book on Xara Xtreme 5 he says in the section on "Pouring Text into the Layout" (Page 198), that "Xara automatically adds pages to a document to handle text that won't fit on a page.".
I have been sent a Microsoft Word document of text and photographs. The photo will need to be professionally doctored in Photoshop before commercial printing.
I have tried copying and pasting the images from the Word document into Photoshop but they lose a considerable amount of quality.
Is there an ideal/professional way of 'unbedding' the photos in Word and transferring them into Photoshop without losing detail?