AutoCAD Inventor :: Bill Of Materials - Actual Parts And Assemblies Quantity
Sep 16, 2013
Im trying to generate a list of parts and assemblies that has all the quantities included in it.Ive found that if i use the structured view it does not multiply the part count by the number of assemblies, so if i export the bill of materials i wont get the actual number of parts that i require.
If i use the parts only list then it wont include the sub assemblies.the job that im working on has hundreds of sub assemblies and thousands of parts so manually adding them up is not an option.Using Inventor 2014 Pro.
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Mar 5, 2013
How & where I can add fields that I require for my equipment. I see I can add it to the bill of materials in the assembly but that doesn't carry through to the drawing.
I see that I can add to the parts list in the drawing but i don't want to have to add the information into my drawings every time I use one of my machines.
Basically I am busy creating a library of all the machines I use. This library will then be used for numerous drawing for many different clients. I need the required info to be in my drawing from the beginning without me having to add it to every clients drawing.
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Aug 19, 2013
When i use the BOM feature, i get a list but cannot get panel sizes as dimensions in a table. I can get a part ID and other not so important in for for a BOM but dimensions and sizes should be key.
How can i get a detailed BOM to include panel sizes (like a cut list).
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Jun 12, 2013
I am seeing this "varies" message on certain items in my BOM but can't tell where the incosistencies are. The strange thing is that my part number LCVINYL is showing the correct length of material while the Unit Quantity is showing "varies". Normally this would make me think that the inconsistency is in the name only. Where should I be looking to correct this?
BTW all of these LCVINYL parts were created in the frame generator if that matters.
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Aug 13, 2013
I changed the names and locations of my parts in an assembly, opened the drawing, and found all of the parts and names. I then looked at the parts list on the assemblies in the drawings. Even though the assemblies updated, the part name did not update. How do I update the BOM to match the assembly (I thought it would do this automatically?)?
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Apr 20, 2012
I have tube and pipe subassembly in my assembly. When I see my BOM, each route is a subassembly but some not, and went I add balloon on pipe from "this not subassembly but in realy is one" it give me the same item number for each pipe generate in this route.
How can change this "fake" part to assembly for BOM?
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Sep 19, 2012
I have an iassembly with iparts in an .iam file and I went to make a shop drawing of this assembly. When I go to do this, I get my parts list showing all versions of the iparts, even the ones that are not used. It will show a 0 in quantity.
This is under the "structured" view and I do not see a "pars" tab, which is what I've read I need to look for.
I've read that I have to be very careful with the way that I create iassemblies and iparts, How to make a drawing with a BOM that only shows the parts currently in use.
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Jun 11, 2013
I have a problem with Bill Of Materials in drawings.
I want to show a structured list of the top level components in this general arrangement. But whenever i select a view for inventor to create the table it only gives me to option for 'Components Only.'
I have edited the assembly and switched off the 'Components only' option in the IAM, but it still will only let me put a parts only BOM into the drawing. I have right clicked the node in the IDW browser and selected 'bill of materials' and here i have also switched off 'parts only' but still the same.
How do i get a top level BOM into my drawing?
iv12(sp2) w7(6.1 SP1) 16gb ram NIVIDA
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Oct 3, 2011
I am working in an Inventor Assembly .iam, I have about 250 fasteners (screws) that are constrained to a flat washer and lock washer. I would like to put them in as a single unit (sub assembly if you will) and then promote or explode them in the top level so that my bom has 250 screws, 250 washers, and 250 lock washers all at the same level, not associated to one another except thru the constraints that were entered in the original assembly. I have tried Promote but that doesn't work because it removes the washers from the original file and I end up with only 1 instance of the assembly. Am I approaching this incorrectly? Is there a better way? I run across this scenario with different components quite often.
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Jul 4, 2011
I am looking for ways to add actual custom materials - not (just) in appearance, but in actual material properties (elasticity, etc). I have looked at wiki and searched this forum (and others) but I haven't been able to find anything of the sort... but the properties of the few aluminium alloys available are not those that we use... besides that we need them at specific temperature ranges (and honestly, I haven't been able to find any temperature controls in the FEA yet either.) And.. is there a more direct, faster, way to assign materials then [big I Pro button] > iPropperties > Physical? Right click on the solid and selecting "material" seems so much more ideal.
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Jul 10, 2012
It would be nice to add materials to assemblies..(under the physical properties tab)I see it can be done only if it was a 'weldment' under the weld bead properties, but in weldments you cant have positional reps.
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Oct 14, 2013
I am using AutoCAD 2014. We were recently asked if there is a way to automatically update bill of materials if you change or add materials in a drawing. Bill of material is not necessarily in the same drawing? Do I need to create a table?
We normally just create a bill of material separately from the rest of the drawings in AutoCAD. They also want to be able to export it to exel
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Jul 14, 2012
I am doing a project where am required to open AutoCAD Database and Extract Data from AutoCAD.I am using VB.Net as Front End.I am not using NetLoad.
Directly i am opening the AutoCAD Drawing and trying to access the data.
acadApp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")
acadApp.Visible = False
Dim ValCount As Integer = 0
'acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open(Files(ValCount), True, Type.Missing)
acadApp.Documents.Open("C:SomeDwg.dwg", True, Type.Missing)
Now using acadApp i am trying to extract Data as AcadApp has AutoCAD Drawing
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Jul 10, 2012
I have an assembly with a lot of purchased parts. I need to create a buy out list for purchasing. I've done this many times in the past and have a template set up for this purpose.
So now the problem, In this assembly, I have subassemblies showing up on my parts only parts list.
One of the subassemblies cinsists of two purchased parts. Both parts are set to purchased in the Bill of materials. If I do a parts only list on this assembly, it works as expected, showing two purchased parts. However, if I put that assembly into a higher level assembly, A parts only parts list shows the assembly instead of the individual parts.
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Dec 9, 2013
Is there a way to display the density of materials that are assigned to varius parts in the parts list on a drawing? I don't need the mass of the parts I just need the material density to show up next to their respective parts.
For example, if I have a part with [steel mild] material assinged to it (no matter the size) I need a column in the BOM on the drawing to show: 490.684 lbs/ft^3. "Worry when there's something to worry about."
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May 21, 2013
I am drawing water pumping stations for my company, and they are wanting to do a "Bill of Material" for each job. But they are wanting to do it through the block attribute system in autocad. This actually seems more time consuming than just counting the parts and inserting the new quantities in a table.
I am drawing these with 2 and sometimes 3 views.....the problem with that, I would draw 3 views of a valve (3 blocks), and It counts it as 3 different valves.
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Dec 6, 2012
Is there a fast, acurate way to convert a Bill Of Materials done in autocad text (I could convert it to mtext if I have to) onto a word document?
I am able to do it line by line with ddedit /copy but what a hassel.
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Jan 25, 2013
Can Revit architecture 2012/2013 create a bill of materials? If not, which autodesk product can create a bill of materials on a kitchen design?
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Oct 16, 2012
I'm having a problem highlighting parts within a sub assembly. A simple structure to demonstarte this issue would be:
Using this structure I wish to highligh ChildPart1.ipt, howver my vba macro code below doesn't seem to work (nothing happens):
Public Sub Highlight()
Dim SubAssy As Inventor.AssemblyDocument
Dim ChildPart1 As Inventor.ComponentOccurrence
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Apr 3, 2009
how the file structure works and how to link parts (ipt) and assemblies (iam) to each other. I converted a large file from Mechanical desktop to inventor which was a two day process. All parts and assemblies for the main assembly were dumped into one directory. I would like to move all the part files to one location and the assembly files (sub assemblies) to another location and then tell inventor to go there and pick the items from those two locations. I have set up the project telling inventor where to go and look. I moved all the items out of the original directory and now when I open the main model assembly I have to resolve the link to each part individually. This will take forever, is there a way to have inventor go and look for the parts and assemblies without me having to resolve each one?
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Oct 21, 2013
I just installed Inventor 2014 today and I can't drag a part from the browser of one assembly into another open assembly.
It changes the cursor when I do it, but it never actually drops the model into the new assembly.
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May 31, 2012
I have one main assembly with two seperate sub assemblies in it. I need to make two drawings showing the installation of both sub assemblies (one drawing for each). I need to insert views of the main assembly into each drawing, showing the overall view of the install, but I need the balloons to represent the sub assembly BOM.
I tried making the sub assembly I'm not currently showing, Phantom, and I have a design view set up to hide the information of the sub that is not part of the current drawing. That seems to work fine for the first drawing, but when I change the BOM (of the main assembly) to suit the next drawing, it affects the first drawing. How can I use one main BOM to suit two different drawings, showing only certain components? Or can I "tell" the balloons which BOM to reference? (I have the BOM of the sub assemblies set up the way I want them as well)
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Jan 11, 2012
i placed an ilogic component (wich i use as a template to later change dimentions) into an assembly file after changing dimentions i placed the same "template" ilogic component into the assembly but when i want to change something on the second component it also changes the first one and that only happens with only one feature of the component the other features work fine.
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Mar 19, 2013
I'm working on a project with three small and very similar vessels. I'm done with the first vessel and I want to re-use this assembly when I start to design the next one. But vessel number two will require some changes to the parts (nozzle location and so on)
My question is, how do I re-use my assemblies and parts so that I can make changes to them without it affecting my original parts and assemblies?
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Feb 23, 2012
How do I scale parts and assemblies in Inventor. I"d like to be able to change the size of parts, sub-assemblies and full assemblies up and down by a uniform amount. Ideally, I'd be able to increase or decrease the size of a part or assembly in all three axis or only in one at a time.
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Mar 9, 2012
I am puttilng parts together on an assembly and right now when I move them they stop when they hit. how do I turn this off?
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Aug 23, 2012
Is it possible to rescale whole assemblies after they are created?
Say I have three serially linked worm drives that fit inside a cube 50 cm on a side, can I take the file and reset the dimensions to where it could fit inside a 1 cm cube?
Does it matter how complex the assemblies are? Could an entire car be rescaled to fit inside, say, a 1 mm cube? Never mind that a normal internal combustion engine that small might not work at all because of the air viscosity at that scale--it's not real.
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Oct 30, 2008
I have some BOM parts and an assembly that are read only and I need to be able to enter information in the bill of materials under the status column and the comments column. The BOM parts are i-parts and the assembly is an i-assembly. Is there a way to set them to read or is this a limitation?
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Jul 11, 2012
I have a issue merging multiple parts into one assembly. When i do the constrains the parts are able to move but the pieces break part. I need to be able to move the whole assembly with all parts together without them breaking apart.
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Jul 11, 2012
I can't move the assembly I'm building around without the parts moving out of place from where there constrained too. I manly use mate and flush constrains. I have to build a layout of a room later on with these assemblies in it and they must be able to be positioned where they need to be. How do you keep your constrain parts from moving out of place?
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Nov 13, 2012
We have thousands of parts & assemblies, and want to create a thumbnail image of each for use with our production software. Unfortunately task scheduler only exports to solid models, not images. How to achieve this via macros, VB or iLogic. The process would go something like:
1) open (each) file
2) turn 'all work features off' (not essential but it would be nice so work planes don't show up in the thumbnail)
3) go to 'home view'
4) zoom to extents or zoom all
5) 'save copy as' to a set location (not same location as part or assy) with file name of "<PartNumber>.png" (not same as original filename)
6) turn 'all work features on' (if we managed to turn them off)
7) close (and repeat process for the remaining parts & assy's).
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