AutoCad :: Controlling Hatches And Polylines With Lineweight
Nov 7, 2012
usingacasd 2010 inmy company we get drawing from others , most of the time we need to use the CTBto gray out others plane and emphasize our drawing on top of it., everything isgrayed out as expected but hatches and poliline which have big "global weight"property will still appear emphasize. i tried to screen out 50 percent of thepen , it effects the hatch but also the other vectors so they can be hardlyseen. howcan i have hatches and global weight poliline grayed out like all othervectors?
My custom linetype (something like this ----W----W----W----W---- ) doesn't work as a huge polyline (6 units wide.) The line is wide enough but the letters are tiny dots.
If I try to set the lineweight by layer, the maximum is 2.11 mm, which is way too small for the 50" by 70" map I'm working on.
Is there a way to get a nice looking line that wide with letters ( ----W---- for water, -----S---- for sewer, etc.) or should I tell my boss that we have to use the standard lines?
As the above mentioned, I have a drawing drawn using polylines with width from someone. The width of the line are suppose to represent area,
To put things into prospective, here is an example:
The polyline is 10 unit long and with a width of 2 unit wide. If i explode that polyline, it will become a single polyline without width. The line are suppose to represent 10 unit long and 2 unit wide; representing an area.
My question is is there a way to change the line above directly from polyline with width to a close polyline (4 x polylines) of 10 unit long and 2 unit wide.
Is there a way of converting 3d polylines to polylines with an elevation?
I have a dwg of contour information, the contours are 3d polylines, because they are contours the z value is constant all along the line, so there no question what the elevation of the polyline would need to be.
I need to do this as I then need to import the dwg into a GIS programme called MapInfo whch doesn't read 3d polylines.
I'm trying to hatch the attached drawing (extracted from the actual drawing) with two separate hatches,
Now the quickest way is to hatch both areas with the same hatch and then use the properties painter, on each separate hatch, Unfortunately it's not hatching the areas separately.
How to add hatches to finished hatches in the classic view of autocad. in older versions if you needed to edit / add hatch you would double click on the hatch and the hatch dialog box would come up. then you would pick new points to add. How to do this in 2013 cant find any answers on the web.
I started with AutoCAD 9.I thought that until recently, that I could draw a line from parts of a hatch.
I could draw a line perpendicular to a hatch line.Or, I could draw a line from an intersection of hatch lines.Did I change a setting?Or have I imagined being able to do such?
Often i hatch two areas separately. is there any way to combine 2 adjacent hatches? for e.g. there are two adjacent rectangles which are hatched with same pattern having the same scale. if i make the shape into a one single rectangle by trimming the middle line, i want to combine the two hatch into a one single hatch.
I have a path shape that curves through the property, and I would like the hatch (which are just 60x60cm squares) follow the curve of the path instead of being applied like a pattern (just orthogonally).
Quite often I recieve drawings with loads of hatches/solid fills in. For example a housing layout with all of the houses, trees, roads, grass etc hatched.
I generally want to delete these/turn them off and work with a line drawing.
Sometimes the hatches have been drawn on their own layer, so turning them off is simple. But sometimes they've been drawn on layers with other things I want to keep. Genereally there are loads of hatches, so deleting them one by one is frustratingly slow.
I used to use Microstation, and in that there was a tool to delete hatches or fills, and if you selected all items you could delete the lot in one go. Is there such a tool in AutoCAD?
The orange items in question are blocks and are just copies of each other. However, the grass hatch underneath shows through the left one and not the right one. I checked the properties of both blocks and they are identical except for x/y position.
I have this railing I want to hatch. I use solid color to hatch to keep the background from showing, but the outlines of the windows in the background shows through the hatch no matter what I do.
I created a pipe network in civil3D and now I want to insert it as an xref in an autocad file. The problem is that when I do so, I lose some properties, such as the hatches in the directional arrows of the pipes and the background mask property of the structure labels.
I am having an issue with a window not inserting properly into a wall, or rather with the wall materials showing behind the window in seemingly random locations. I am using a modified version of a standard wall style and have tried several different types and lengths of windows with the same result in this location. I am attaching a screenshot.
a) can send me geological elements hatching patterns in .PAT format to (e.g. hatch for tuffs, basalt, tuff breccia, andesite, dacite, diabase, etc), or
b) Websites where I can dowload them or otherwise buy them quickly...
From DWG files exported off Vectorworks, in Model Space my lines are interrupted with blank area which are non removable, unpickable. If I move my drawings in MS theses black areas stay in place, the problem is: I can drag my drawing away from them but without seeing them, where they are. In Paper Space, these invisible hatch turned into grey area in random location and as grey background behind Elevation Benchmark (circle+text), room text, floor section.
I've recently started working with a colleague who uses Microstation. Since importing .dgn files into AutoCAD, my list of hatches seems to have increased exponentially, with many of the new hatches being similar in appearance and having names prefixed '_dgn'.
I'm now finding that scrolling through the list causes my computer to crash.Even when starting a new drawing, these hatches are on the list, and the purge command does not have 'hatches' on the list. How I can manage these hatches?
I am trying to embolden lineweights to stand out on the drawing, without them getting in the way when viewing in the drawing. I have set the lineweight in the layer dialogue box to the max size (2.xx mm), checked the "plot lineweights" in the printer dialogue and switched between none and grayscale (this is so the assigned colors will fade out in the background). Nothing I have tried thus far has changed the print output on any of my printers (virtual PDF, HP2100, HP2600n, HP2840 they are all very old). I have read through the lweight command and help sections, but I don't need it assigning the lw just getting it to properly print.
One possible problem: is the line weight relative to scale or is it absolute? I am printing at 1/8" scale, and that can't change.
Quick question about plotting to a PDF. I'm using autocad 2013 and I'm plotting to a PDF printer called bullzip, a free PDF printer. My question is, will my line-weights be the same if I have kinko's print a PDF file with my drawings in them
I have this complex section of an architectural project, which is drawn at 1:1 scale (obviously). It has lots of constructive details, however i've made lots of layers and everything is under control.However, as I started to hatch the drawings, i was having big problems at using the same drawing for different scales, because non-annotative hatches also change their size with different scales.
So I began trying annotative, and i did it as i read in several how-tos. I made an hatch in the layout to know the perfect scale for the hatch, then applied that scale in model hatches. Then, in properties, I selected the scales at which that hatch should belong. Until here everything was OK!
However, as the ideal scale for the hatches (ANSI31) was something like 0.0003, here started the problems. The layout has an erratic behavior with similar hatches (I even tried to use match props to be sure different hatches had the same properties). On different viewports, some of the hatches appear as solid, and they plot just like that! As I zoom in and zoom out, the problem changes, as problematic viewports become right and others become wrong.
I tried to change HPmaxlines to 10000000, i tried to change the size of ansi31 in acad.pat, however the problem persists. It seems that the problem disappears when i have increase the hatch scale to, lets say, 0.05, however it's not that scale I want because of the presentation...
Whenever I plot this perticular dwg to a pdf, the pdf comes out perfectly fine. But when I go to print the pdf... the titleblock and some hatches don't show up. All the hatches are on the same layer and the titleblock is xrefed in the same as all the other sheets in the set, which all are fine as well.
In Acad 2012 (sp1, w64), it seems that, if a hatch has a scale too big to have something showing into the boundary, it renders as a solid hatch ! (previously, it rendered empty, as expected).
The attached file demonstrates the issue, with "dots" hatch samples at various scales. You can see that, at scale 80, where no point should be visible, it becomes solid !
It's a major annoyance, since I have lots of lisp-based automatic hatching of things, and, while it's not a problem to have an empty hatch whenever the boundary is too small for a given scale, getting a solid hatch instead is a big no-no.