AutoCad :: XRefing Images- Hide The Border?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm creating a cover sheet for a drawing set, and I would like I add some PDF images to it. I had no problems x-refing them into the sheet, but because all images have to be assigned a layer, all of the PDFs are bordered by a line of that layer's weight and color.

I tried to assign the layer "do not plot", but the images don't plot either when I do. Is there a way to x-ref a PDF image into my sheet and prevent the border line from printing? I'm using AutoCAD 2010.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hide Custom Table Border With VB?

Jun 25, 2012

I am creating a standalone .exe with that opens an Inventor .idw and creates a few custom tables.  I want one of the tables to have no border at all. 

So far I have tried:

Dim oFormat As TableFormat oFormat = oInvSheet.CustomTables.CreateTableFormat oFormat.InsideLineWeight = 0 oFormat.OutsideLineWeight = 0 oCustomTable_Hardware.OverrideFormat = oFormat

 But that does not hide the border lines.

I've found no similar code to try out that dealt with table borders or that sort. 

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CorelDRAW X5 :: How To Hide Border Of Paragraph Text

Aug 15, 2011

The paragraph text always shows a black dashed border (or red, when part of the text is not shown). Sometimes it is very difficult to evaluate a design/layout, when the borders are shown. So I searched an option to hide this border, but did not find any. How to hide this border?

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AutoCad :: Images Plotting With Image Border

Feb 3, 2012

When I insert aerial photos into Autocadd 2002 or civil 3d 2011 i cannot get the border to disappear. I want them to plot seamlessly without a border or white line between the photos.

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Photoshop :: Images Overlap / Hide Palettes

Oct 24, 2012

As an old scholar (been using PShop since Beta 1.0) I have never been a fan of tabs -esp as I often drag/compare elements from multiple files. In CS6 I see some inconsistent behavior with palettes. The active file can now obscure the toolbar and the palettes docked at far right. Strangely, other palettes (not docked) remain visible above the image.

The same occurs with other open files, so that I can have the tool bar blocked by files I'm not even working on. I have set my workspace to mimic CS5 as I'm not fond of the newer interface. This odd overlap impacts my workflow, as it takes time to maneuver the various image frames so as not to obscure palettes. Is this SOP, a bug, or is there a prefs setting that I broke? (see attached image).

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Lightroom :: Hide Rejected Images While Showing All Others?

Apr 9, 2012

I want to set the filter to display only unrated and rated images so that rejected images disappear from the view as soon as I type "X" and move on to the next image.  Then I want go through my rejects to make sure they are all duds before deleting them permanently, and i don't want to see them again until I do that.  I can display one star or greater, but I can't figure out how to display unrated or greater  Surely this is user error and not poorly designed filtering. 

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Paint.NET :: Hide Transparent Parts In Images While Editing

Feb 17, 2014

Is there a way to hide the checkerboard while editing? I need to be able to see through the clear areas whilst positioning the object,but i cannot find anything on Google.

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Paint.NET :: How To Add A Border To Images

Feb 8, 2014

I have been trying to add borders to my jpeg and png images.   

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Photoshop :: Two Images - Add Blue Border To Second?

Jun 13, 2012

I have two images which are attached one has a blue border around it which is the end product, i have another image i need to add the same blue border to, again im not a designer im a Programmer out graphics designer left us recently so now i have to pick up the pieces until the new designer starts the dimension for the new image needs to be width:199px and the height is 122px

The contact-us image is the end product, the bridgnorth is the image im trying to add the blue rounded corners to, again at w:199px and h:122px

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Photoshop :: Border Backround Around All My Images

Apr 27, 2008

Got started with doing some picture editing and now I have this solid black image around all images. What is this area called? Backround, mask, border, window color, frame, pane, what? And how do I get rid of it so I can have white or light grey. It is hard to work with this black backround. I will see if I can attach the Print Screen for this issue.
I guess I can't add the attachment.

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Photoshop :: How To Create A Curved Border Around Images?

Nov 11, 2004

I want to create a border around my images with rounded corners.

How can I do this in PS?

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Xara :: Odd Border Inside Exported Images?

Jul 8, 2011

Open Xara Designer 7 for Windows - demo version.

1) Create a solid block of colour at an integer coordinate (say 0,0).

2) Make it an integer width and height (say 128 x 128)

3) Export

4) Choose '.png' (or '.jpg' - the same effect will manifest)

5) Zoom into the preview and see the weird discoloured edges produced

Alternatively, do the same thing with 'Create Bitmap Copy' and observe the same results.

I'm aware that if you have non-integer sizes/positions it anti-aliases, but this isn't supposed to happen if you rectify these.

[Edit: I think I found out what it was: on my Pro version, I have the option to minimise anti-aliasing, which might well be the issue. Oddly, I can't reproduce the problem at all on my Pro version, but only on my brother's demo version!]

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Photoshop Elements :: Possible To Put A Border Around Multiple Images?

Jul 28, 2013

In PSE10 if it is possible to select multiple images and put a simple border around each of them ?
I use PSE10 to re-size multiple images and, further down the track, I then drop the re-sized images into word documents but I'd like to re-size them and border them.

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - How To Add Border Around Images Posted To Facebook

Jun 10, 2012

I am using LR 4.1, also usis PS CS5.
Any user who uses Facebook to showcase image galleries knows that Facebook changes how images are displayed from time to time.  One month it will be on a black background and the next on a white background.  And then they put overlay's on top of your images and they change things around whenever they wish.  There is not rock solid consistency from Facebook on how they display your images across devices or over time.
What I am trying to do is to add some consistency to how my images are displayed by adding my own border to my images. 
Ideally, I would want Lightroom to add a border for me based on some setting under the export manager.  But as far I know there is no setting to do this?  (Why doesn't lightroom have any border options anywhere yet for anything it exports?  This would be relatively simple I think.)
Here is the only way I know how to solve my issue.
First, my other considerations: I want to keep my original images in my catalog in tact and as is w/o a border and with layers if it is a .psd file.  I do NOT want to destructively add a border to the catalog images, only the images that end up on Facebook.  I also want to add my watermark image to the final image so that it is done as the last step so that the bottom part of my watermark shows my web site address over the white border on the bottom of the image.  Using a droplet and the watermark in the same step does not work properly because it applies the watermark before it runs the action, not after.
I have created an action to add a x pixel white border by: Merging (flatten) all layersCreating a new unlocked background "image" layerExpanding the canvas by x pixels.Creating a new white filled layer and moving it to the bottom of the layer's pallet.Adding a 2 pixel black inside stroke to my image layer and adding a drop shadow. I created a droplet from this action and put it in the droplet folder for LR.
Now for the repeated steps that I am going through...
Select the images that I want to write to Facebook.Export these images to a new folder using the droplet.Import the folder of all of these images back into Lightroom.Move the new images with borders on them into the correct LR FB publish service.Publish the photos using the sharpening and watermark settings.Delete the .psd files created in Step #2.

The steps that I would like to avoid are #2, #3, #6

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Paint Shop Pro :: (Border) Around Screen Captured Images?

Oct 20, 2012

After screen capturing an image, when viewed in the PSPro X workspace, a thin white border shows on the right side and at the bottom.This shows what ever is captured, it wont clone brush or crop out.I have to apply a border to disguise it.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Plot Border To Cover Entire Sheet Border Instead Of Just Bottom Left Corner

Feb 19, 2013

Per the attached exhibit, how to get the plot border to cover the entire sheet border instead of just the bottom left corner.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: One Grey Pixel Border Line Exporting Images

Aug 30, 2010

The problem is almost prehistoric. It dates from the very beginning as far I can tell... whatever image you like to export and whatever its format: png, gif, jpg, there is always one grey pixel border line at the edges. This happens when AA is activated (and deactivate it is not an option if you know what I mean).

I have been reading some threads and no matter what I do: Exporting with or without the background or changing its color... it's always happening.

 I Have now installed the trial version of Corel Draw X5 (sp1 included) as I do with every release in order to check out if the problem persist... but no luck for me: nobody seems to be taking care of this issue. I really don't know why Corel is bumping off some many (potentially) buyers like me and many others... why Corel is keeping this issue unresolved year after year, release after release? 

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Lightroom :: Why Thumbnail Border For Images Of Different Color In Grid View?

Mar 26, 2013

Why is the thumbnail border for some images a different color in grid view?  Please see the attached image.  I can't figure out why the image on the left is a lighter gray than the two in the middle.  The far right image is lighter because it is selected.

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Lightroom :: Importing Sony Nex 7 Raw Images - Grey Border All Around The Image?

Jan 21, 2013

A friend of mine has been happily using / importing Sony Nex 7 Raw images into Lightroom 4.2 / 4.3 for a long time when suddenly this happens.
Note the grey border all around the image.
This file was imported with: No develop presetNo metadata preset.Process 2012.Various std  in the box profiles.  Here is a screen paste of the file dimensions (also showing that it is a raw file and not cropped).
 All Sony Nex raw files imported to a particular machine (Win 7, 64 bit) demonstrate this behaviour. So, in trying to trace the problem.
The crop tool was checked to make sure there was no crop applied. They grey border is not just a visual border.  If you examine the jpg it is actually grey pixels consuming a large percentage of the native 6000x4000 Nex 7 resolution.The Reset button was pressed also,to make sure the raw file conversion was restored to basecamp.History reset.A raw image imported into the same machine / software from a Nikon D300 behaves perfectly.Previously imported  Nex 7 Raw images are ok.When the images are imported into two other machines they imports perfectly.Scrapping the preference file makes no difference.Overlay mode was checked, an overlay image loaded and then overlay mode turned off… just to make sure this was NO overlay.Applying a crop and then removing a crop still leaves the grey border.Applying the crop reduces the image dimensions to approx.. 4946 x 3293.   Exporting an image to jpg (as shown) leaves image with grey border.  This grey border can be cropped out, but it means the resolution will reduce.Exploring various scene modes / in camera crops / resolution settings on the camera does not seem to make any difference.Formatting the card in the camera, take a picture, import directly from card. 3 different cards used.   (No change).When using  the Catelog on a different machine the grey border remains. 

NB Camera set to RAW + jpeg. Jpeg's import without border.
So finally last night…

……. we uninstalled Lightroom 4.3 and re-installed into a different folder. (No change).

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Photoshop :: Create Single Action For Adding Border And Signature For Portrait And Landscape Images

Feb 3, 2013

i would love to be able to create a single photoshop action for adding a border, plus a signature in the bottom right corner, that works for both portrait and landscape images.

need i say more?

i already have an action that adds a signature in the centre of the border at the bottom of the image e.g. the image below. what i want though is for that signature to be on the RHS and for the same action to work for portrait images as well.

supplementary info: reason for this is that I want to be able to export 300 wedding images (mix of landscape and portrait images) from lightroom in my pre-selected order (meaning the files are labelled from 001 to 300, ordered according to how the wedding day unfolded) and then use PS to add the border and the signature, in the same place, and for it to work for both orientations.

i need this to work for full sized exported jpeg images, i.e. i want the files that i give on CD to my clients to include my signature in this manner. so I don't want to copy the initial layer and then reduce the second layer size to leave a border around the second layer.

i hope i've been clear I think that this sort of presentation makes such a difference to final printed image, and I DONT want to have to go to all 300 images picking out the landscape from portrait ones (although this may be what I have to do and wouldn't really take that long but surely there's a better way!!!!).

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GIMP :: Extend Drawing Border And Change It From Square Outer Border To Round

Nov 11, 2012

I have a drawing that has a white background.

I would like to add more to the white background to make it bigger without having to stretch it and distort the image.

I want to place a circle shaped outline border around the original image with a set border thickness and color and be able to crop/remove the portion of the image beyond the outline, changing it from a square/rectangle image to a circular image.

If I am not able to change the drawing to have a round outer border from square, how can I make the outer parts past the newly created circular outline transparent?

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AutoCad :: How To Hide X / Y Axis

May 19, 2011

I am currently using old school ACAD 2002 and I can't get the x and y axis arrows to go away. How do I do that?

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AutoCad 2D :: Can Hide Help Box In Top Right Corner

Aug 23, 2011

can hide the help box in top right corner.

i want to hide this:


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AutoCad :: How To Hide The Front

Sep 13, 2011

I have 2 viewports. 1 view from the front and another from the side. Is it possible to "hide" the front then hide the other side without it affecting what was just hidden in the other view?

This is going to be for printing purposes only.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Any Way To Hide Scroll Bar?

Jan 16, 2013

The vertical scroll bar don't really bother me, it's the bottom scroll bar that I mostly want to hide. I never use them and the horizontal one take too much space that hide some "tabs". I know I can "minimize" the horizontal one, but I have to do it every single time I start AutoCAD. So I've search a way to hide them but come with nothing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Hide Sub Xrefs

Oct 15, 2013

I am working on a rather big xref setup. The MAIN file has got about 10 OVERVIEW files refferenced in, each of the OVERVIEW files got another 15-20 DRAWING files attached.

Now when i attach OVERVIEW to MAIN it brings in all the DRAWINGS as unique xrefs as well.

Of course i want to see the DRAWNIGS in the MAIN file, but I'd prefer not to see them in the xref-manger  (where i want to see only the OVERVIEW files).

An additional problem is that the DRAWINGS contain pictures on layout-tabs which are also shown in the MAIN file xref manager.

So long story short: is there a possibility to "hide" the sub-xrefs in the xref-manager?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hide Lines In IPT?

Nov 21, 2013

I like to export IPT images (Wireframes with Visible Edges Only) to documents and manuals, but I would like to hide lines where radii meet flat planar features in order to keep the image clean.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Hide Or Set BOM Not To Print

Sep 26, 2013

I have made a series of drawings from a Inventor file to send to a customer, but I am not willing to have the Bill of Materials print on them. Is there anyway to hide or set the BOM not to print?

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AutoCad :: Hide Lines Behind Railings

Mar 25, 2012

I am using AutoCAD 2008... just 2-D design, nothing fancy.

When I draw porches with railings, I often spend many minutes trimming out the objects behind the railing. So if my metal top rail is 1" thick (running horiz) and my vertical rails are 1" wide, 5" on center, I have to trim out all the lines inside those 1" rails.

I received an Autocad file from another designer not too long ago that had some sort of clear fill inside his rails, so the rails hid what was behind it (but it was not colored fill, black or white, or whatever... it matched the background color). If I erased the rail, the window behind it was there in it's entirety.

I tried to 'erase' the fill, but it does not seem to be there. I am so tired of spending 20-30 minutes per house just trimming out the doors and windows behind.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Hide Lines Partially

May 25, 2012

I am using acad2010, with medium expertise. I want to hide some part of lines so as to indicate the part is behind some object. I don't want to break the line as I need to create separate sketches for the same, or needs to list for the properties.

Refer attached drawing, fig 1 shows the actual model and fig 2 shows how I required when i print it.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Hide Hatch Boundary

Aug 29, 2013

I wish to hide my associative hatch boundaries. Is this possible to do as a permanent rule?

I have seen that you can apparently put them on a different layer then turn them off.

I used the select similar command but it chose all polylines (which i guess is what a hatch boundary is?)

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