I have some topography I've converted from SketchUp to .Dwg and I was curious if AutoCad (or any of it's versions) had the capabilities of turning this series of meshes into a run-of-the-mill topographic map. For instance, a standard plan view showing elevation lines at say 2' intervals.
If any of the versions are capable I can definitely get the 30 Day trial and give it a go.
I created a 3D math surface using 3DPLOT. However my outcome is a polyface mesh and I need to convert it to a solid. I have already tried the "Convert to Solid" & "Convert to Surface" options in the Mesh tab but I get "Mesh not converted because it is not closed or it self-intersects." I also tried the f2s.lsp but I am unsure on how to select my object.
I created a 3D math surface using 3DPLOT. However my outcome is a polyface mesh and I need to convert it to a solid. I have already tried the "Convert to Solid" & "Convert to Surface" options in the Mesh tab but I get "Mesh not converted because it is not closed or it self-intersects." I also tried the f2s.lsp but I am unsure on how to select my object.
I have a series of Polyface meshes imported from a Revit project.
(If this is doable straight from Revit that'd be good too, but I haven't had any success with that)
If I right click on one and select properties, I can clearly see where each vertex has an X, Y, and Z coordinate. For the purposes of a research project, I'd like to be able to automatically export all these coordinates to any ascii format for input into an algorithm. The dataextraction command does not seem to be capable of this and only exports the number of faces and vertices of each mesh.
I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to separate a Polyface Mesh at a particular point. I would like to use the SLICE command but it's not working. I tried SUBTRACT on the solid but no can do either. Is there a way to do this?
I have a huge structural floorplan, and I want to divide it up into sections so when XREF'ed in my drawing I can load it in piece by piece, saving a huge performance hit.
I have a 3d model of a building and all of the faces of the building are of the type polyface mesh. If I use explode, each polyface mesh gets split into individual 3d faces. But, I'd simply like to replace each polyface mesh with a 3d face (not multiple 3d faces). Is there anyway to do this?
The reason I'm doing this is because I'm importing the building model into ray tracing software, but the software doesn't like the building when the faces are of the type polyface mesh.
I'm trying to figure out a way to convert a 'Polyface Mesh' into a mass element or some other solid. The Polyface Mesh was created by importing a .3ds model using the '3dsin' command. The .3ds file was created from exporting the model out of Max.
I have received a drawing drawn in a polyface mesh and I'm trying to convert it into a 3D shape in order to determine the volume and surface area of the shapes.
I have a 3D model of a steel construction with the assignment to create special views of it and 2D projections for manufacturing of each beam individually. I tried many commands like Flatshot ( which don't work cause its a complex polyface mesh, and smooth mesh only makes a additionally mess), Flatten with hidden lines ( lines are mixed and changed), the LISP command SUPFLAT, but the hidden lines appear in the projection. SOLVIEW and SOLDRAW create views in the paperspace, which when export as a layout, become a mess too. The Lisp command M2S also does not work.
I created something in Rhino and imported it in Autocad as .3ds file but the geometry is not a solid one but a polyface mesh and I cannot edit it with boolean commands, thus I cannot continue editing it...I found out that there is this plugin Mesh 2 Solid but it is not free and I cannot find a proper crack anywhere..I cannot find any other way to make mesh solid...
I have created a TIN (triangulated irregular network) of an existing survey in my terrain modelling software (12d Model). I am able to export (save-as) the TIN as 3D Face Triangles for opening in AutoCAD (2012) or similar.
My ultimate goal is to create a solid surface in Inventor. The surface has to be seemless (stitched) in order for me to create a new sketch and extrude to this surface. Finally giving me a part in Inventor that represents my ground. I would then want to use the same process to bring into Inventor all other Civil Design works created in 12d Model such as roads, earthworks platforms (including dams) etc.
I've tried stitching (Inventor and Microstation) without success. Inventor keeps crashing and Microstation looses data. AutoCAD (2012) won't let me create a polyface mesh from 3D Faces. I tried doing a mesh, surface union without success. Programs either crash or data is lost.
I have a dwg file of a section of a tunnel that has been exported from Microstation as a polyface mesh surface. What I am trying to achieve is cutting a hole into the surface. I am assuming that I cannot cut a surface directly, but need to convert it to a solid first.
I've searched this site and I have tried everything I can think of to no avail. Inventor does not seem to be able to convert the surface to a solid. Also, when I import the surface to Inventor, some of the triangular meshes are not there, and there are too many "holes" to patch them manually. I've also tried using lisps in AutoCAD, but on the surface and 3D faces after exploding it, but for example m2s.lsp or f2s.lsp do not seem to work.
I have also had the same file exported from Microstation as ACIS .sat, but version 18.0 is not readable by Inventor. Is there a way to convert the ASCII file to an older version?
I am using Inventor 2013, and I also have AutoCAD 2013 available.
I have done a large topographical map in autocad and lofted the layers together to created about a hundred feet in elevation, but i wanted to know how i can smooth all the complicated layers (lattices created in the loft).. is it easier/and/or better looking to have the smoothing (and how can it be done) done in autocad or 3ds max?
I'm trying to create a topographic map using 200+ (x,y,z) data points that I already loaded into an excel file, but I can't figure out how to apply them to my AutoCAD.
I've already looked around at a few lisp programs, and I've downloaded them, loaded them, but when I try to activate them in the command box I type them in and nothing happens.
I am trying to adjust (raise) a very intensive topographic survey from NGVD 1929 to NAVD 1988.I know how to raise the surface and I know how to adjust the datum of the points.
How to raise all the breaklines used to develop the surface as well? This would include survey figures, feature lines and 3d polylines.I want to raise them all by an equal amount.
I would like to try to make topographic map from survey data, however my data is in excel format. Can i import the data in autocad? I'm using autoCAD 2014 trial.
I have a topographic profile of my site in autocad 2013. I need to calculate the volume of a valley on the map. I am looking for a quicker method to do this rather than building cross sections or integrating.
I have an assembly that has somewhere a hole with a round bar that exactly fits in this hole. But when meshing the assembly, the mesh of the hole and the mesh of the bar are different.
The result is that the different parts do only seem to touch each other at the edges of the mesh, resulting in high stresses.
See picture.
I tried to made a derived part from the assembly, but that one does not finish meshing. After 48 hours, the progress bar is still half way. While the one above did finish in about 15 minutes. What can I do to make the meshes match?
So I have a topographic surface I created from 3 lofts and 2 patches. The goal of the project is to: find out how many rolls of fabric will be needed to cover the surface, find out how far each roll will go, and create an assembly style sketch.
So far all I have is the surface. I was thinking I could divide it in sections by the width of the fabric (minus the overlap.) With each section, create a path, and use the sweep feature to sweep the profile of the fabric. Only sweep the length of the roll, till I reach the endpoint, and turn each sweep into a part file.
My first problem with this method is that I can't seem to project the surface of the topographic region to a sketch to create the path for the sweep. Does the surface need to be turned into a solid to do this?
I believe an easier method to this would be to thicken the topographic region, split the the thickened layer, and divide it into the sections I need to build the final sketch.
Is there a better method, and which method should I use. Also, is there any way to project a surface onto a sketch or does it have to be a solid?
Succesfully producing a slope analysis exhibit using LIDAR topographic base information with this version of Civil 3D? I have followed the instructions as best I can and have had no luck. I am using a trial version and this is a big factor in whether or not I will ultimately make the purchase.
I am not at all familiar with complex topographic maps, ow to plan it out, elevation markers, the distance between the lines, which polyline to use? straight and arc or splines (to close later)..
I'm creating an iPhone 4 case so it has a logo on it for my teacher. I got the case from thiniverse. It was a polyface mesh. i tried to subtract from it but it didn't work. I tried convtosolid but it didnt work. I exploded them and selected the outside shell and extruded all of the objects inward. Then when i tried to union them together, some of them would union, but not all of them together. im trying to export it as a .stl so I can use it with a 3D printer...
In Revit LT 2014, I've tried unsuccessfully to override the color of topographic surface edges in my model to white, so the edges don't show up in plan views. I've tried through the Object Styles menu, Override Graphics In View By Element, and Override Objects In View By Category, but nothing has worked. These overrides have worked for me in the past in previous Revit Arch versions, so I don't know if LT just doesn't have that capability, or it's a bug.
I can't simply extend the topo surface past the view window edges (I only want to show contour lines on my site, since they've been surveyed, but the neighboring site has not been surveyed, so I don't want to guess at them). I really just want to hide the toposuface boundary edge.
I thought they were supposed to appear when the Polygon shelf is selected? I don't see them. In fact, when I select different shelves the menu items on the right half of the task bar don't change at all. Is this normal?
I am having difficulty choosing which way to draw a jagged burr you get after .010" thick sheetmetal is punctured with a .030 punch. I drew my blank SOLID. I created the .030 hole. Now I would like it to look realistic. It's too clean. I need to add a jagged surface to it. I am haveg difficulty creating a three sided mesh on a .015" radius.
I have moved a mesh off to the side while I work on the 3d solid substructure the mesh covers. Now I need to move the mesh back, but it will not select the end "corner" of the mesh so I can place it back into position. This was not a problem in the past (200, but it doesn't work in our current version of AutoCad 2009. Is there a system variable or setting I need to set?