AutoCad :: Plotting One Layer In Color

Apr 19, 2013

I would like to know if it is possible to plot one layer in color, while all the others plot in black.

I know it is possible to plot a drawing in which all or most of the colors plot in black while plotting one particular color in its actual color. This is done by adjusting your pen settings in that they are all set to black except for a designated color to actually plot at that color.

We have a client that would like a layer or two in color and everything else in black. If you could plot those particular colors in actual color my problem would be solved. However, the color of those layers in question are shared by other layers that need to be in black. I can change the color of those layers to a unique color and set the pen settings to print that color in color, but I wanted to know if you could simply plot a designated layer (or more) in color.

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AutoCad 2D :: Plotting In Monochrome Except For 1 Layer

Nov 15, 2012

We need to plot revised drawings with clouds for a local building department that demands the clouds be in color with everything else in the standard B/W !!!

Our office pen settings are set in a way that a particular line color has a specific lineweight, i.e., on the screen all the lineweights appear the same, but when plotted the lineweights vary.

My first thought was to to simply turn all the layers to one color (white for example) and the clouded layer to be red, create a PDF in color thus having black lines and red clouds. This works, however, all the lineweights are now the same which makes for an unappealing drawing.

Is there a way to isolate the clouds as one color (red) and monochrome the other layers yet still maintaining their pre-determined lineweights?

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AutoCad :: Plotting Drawing Layer Lineweight

Jun 22, 2012

With regard to line thickness, which takes precedence when plotting a drawing, the layer lineweight (in layer properties) or the line colour assignment (in plot styles)?

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AutoCAD LT :: Plotting In Color

Mar 12, 2012

I'm putting together an elevation where I want to be able to pdf the drawing in color but I'm having trouble getting the colors to plot.  For instance I'm using color 37 and in the plot style table editor the color is set to 37, pen # is "automatic" and virtual pen # is "37".  When I plot to a pdf that color doesn't even show on the plot.  What am I missing here?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Input On Layer Display When Plotting

Feb 22, 2012

I've been working in C3D for about 5 yrs now, and one thing that drives me absolutely nuts about it is how to get the correct layers to display when plotting different sheets out of the same drawing, regardless of the layer state of my model.  I worked in Terramodel for about 5 years prior to coming back to AutoCAD and became spoiled by the ease with which layers displayed on different sheets in the same drawing.  You assigned a layer state to the viewport and that viewport always plotted that way. 

It didn't matter what layers were on or off, frozen or thawed in the model view, once you jumped over to the sheet it always looked the same once you set it up.  In C3D I've tried viewport overrides, jumping into the viewport and setting the layers then saving the layer state...  All sorts of different approaches, but I've never found anything that really works.  My projects are typically small enough that I have all of my sheets in the same drawing but want different layer settings on different sheets. 

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AutoCAD LT :: Grayscale And Color Plotting

Feb 4, 2009

Here is my problem;

•Need to plot entire drawing in Greyscale, with that in mind I need to select X number of objects in the drawing to plot in Color. So in the end I will have a complete drawing in greyscale and a selection of objects in color so they stand out.
•Now, I know I can do this through the .ctb file but I have many colors / layers and many objects so this will take a long time to do.
•Is there an app or override option I can use to do this?

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AutoCad :: Plotting In Monochrome From Color

Jan 26, 2012

I am trying to plot a multi-colored layout in monochrome. I have gone through the page setup manager and set my style to monochrome. My prints come out in color. I have made my own propety and listed the print to be made in black only. Is there another setting that I need to setup differently to print in Black & White?

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AutoCad :: Plotting A Viewport In One Color?

Jul 4, 2013

is it possible to plot a viewport containing many layers and colors just in one specific color without changing the colors of all the layers?

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AutoCad 3D :: Plotting Models In Color?

Jul 18, 2012

I am trying to simply print my model as it appears on the screen, but when I go to plot it shows my preview either in wireframe or as a shadow. I have tried all of the different view types (realistic, conceptual, etc.) but none of them print it as shown on the screen. Is there something I can do to plot it as is?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Label And Object Settings Using Layer 0 And Plotting?

Dec 31, 2012

I am having problems plotting out parcels and creating label settings.  I think I am missing an important concept in the object and display tab of setting creation.  I am not finding going through the documentation.   What I have found is not well explained.

I started with the OOB alignment settings.  I noted that the Basic setting has a description that states the object will take on the settings of the layer it is created on.

I noted that if I adjusted the alignment properities to "Basic". I could then move the 'roadway' alignments to P-RD-CL and the swale alignments to P-SWALE-CL.  Freezing the P-SWALE-CL then turns off the swale CL's, but keeps the roadway ones on.

I am looking for a fast way to determine which styles this works for or the area of the documentation that better explains how this works.

I am starting to explore creating label styles the same way.  That way I can double or triple label pipe networks such that identical styles are labeled on an E&S layer and a PCSM layer and the individual lables can be dragged on the two different sheet layouts in the same file to avoid text over writes.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Structures On Non-plotting Layer Still Plot

Feb 21, 2012

When I'm drawing in pipe networks I like to use a user created block for structures. I do this by manually inserting the block I need (DI, MH, etc.) at each structure location. Since there are different blocks for different structures, having the structure itself display as a user block via the structure style isn't really an option since it will display the same block for all structures unless you make a style for each type of structure. So I like to have my structures set to display on a non-plotting layer via the style display layers. This way I can still select and modify its properties, but it won't show up on a plot.

My question is: If the style display layer is a non-plotting layer, why is the "object layer" (0 layer in the case) overwriting the display layer and causing the structure outline to plot?

If I put the display layers of the pipes onto a non-plotting layer, they will not plot even if the object layer is a plotting layer. The workaround so far is to select all the structures and set their object layer to a non-plotting layer, but this is not ideal.

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AutoCad :: Plotting With Layer States / STBs And Multiple XRefs

Sep 26, 2012

I am working on a massive project with many x-refs. We are using an STB, along with layer states for line weights. We are plotting from a sheet file, where our, and consultants' drawings, are x-reffed in.

If we apply the layer state in the SHEET file, we will need to know all layers of our consultants. If we apply the layer state in the MODEL file, we will need vis-retain set to 0, and therefore we will need to redefine all of the layers of the x-ref to print grey every time we plot.

Can you apply plot styles around different sheets more efficiently?

Can you set an STB to look at the prefix of layers (ie. every layer starting with XXX, or every layer from a certain x-ref) be a certain plot style (ie. 60% grey)?

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AutoCad :: Plotting Layouts From Different Drawings With Overriding Layer Properties

Oct 2, 2013

Say I have 10 .dwg files. Each .dwg file has a printable layout, a load of geometry, and in particular, a layer called "Animals" with some geometry on it. During .dwg creating some of the CAD engineers turned off the "Animals" layer in MSPACE and saved the drawing.

I now want to come along as the reviewer and plot these 10 .dwg files all with the "Animals" layer turned on. Currently I'd have to go into every .dwg file and turn back on the "Animals" layer, and then plot.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Only Plotting Color To Preview And PDF

Mar 28, 2011

AutoCad I have both a CTB and STB black and white plot style converted from a previous version of AutoCAD.  I have it set as my default plot stlye and set up in the page manager.  No matter what I do it continues to preview and plot ONLY in color.

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AutoCad :: Plots Are Plotting Random Edge Of View Which Is On No Plot Layer

Aug 12, 2011

can't resolve problem I haven't had before. My plots are plotting a random edge (or two) of my view which is on a no-plot layer.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Color Point Cloud Plotting

Jul 12, 2012

Is there a way to plot a color point cloud (PCG) in color in a viewport in paperspace?  I can't seem to figure it out if there is. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: DWG To PDF Plotting - Logo Text Changes Color

Oct 16, 2013

I have attached my template drawing and a plotted pdf file of my template.

My question is the logos in the title block are hand drawn dwg logos. My client does not like the pdf file because the ITC logo text changes color and looks grainy or washed out. It is not crisp and clean. This is VERY IMPORTANT to him. Why do they change so as in the colors of the ITC logo change to a light blue not the 178 I set it at in AutoCad. when I plot a pdf the file. When plotting I use the DWG to PDF option.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Yellow To Blue Color Change Before Plotting

Feb 5, 2013

I am working on drawings in which some of the text is in yellow which is great on a black background. After printing the yellow becomes very hard to see on white paper. I know I know I could change the color of the layer before plotting but I was hoping for a seamless way of doing it. Is there a way to display colors in yellow and plot in blue similar to white/black?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Plotting Feature Lines In Black And White Not Color

Aug 14, 2013

I'm new to Map 3D and not to Civil 3D.  I connected to a roads and streams shp file from a ArcGIS directory.  Everything came in great and I even was able to get everything named all at once from the attibute directory.  The problem is that the features seem to only plot in the colors that I see them as.  If I change them all to black, then I see can't see them at all.  I have been spening the past 3 hours trying to get them to jus plot black.  We also have to stick with stb plot styles in our department.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Plotting On HP LaserJet Pro CP1525nw Color Printer

Oct 21, 2013

I have AutoCAD 2014, When I Try to Plot on HP LaserJet Pro CP1525nw Color Printer. The software crashes. It even doe not show the preview. I am using Windows 7. AUTOCAD functions properly with other printers and I can plot the and HP LaserJet Pro CP1525nw Color Printer too woks well with other softwares.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: True View 2012 Plotting To PDF Background Color

Nov 8, 2012

When I plot to paper from TV2012, I'm good with monochrome - black lines, white background - awesome.

I would *like*, however, to plot a few things to PDF, but retain the view I have on my display - I.E., lines/labels of various colors and a BLACK background.  I've been poking around for a bit, and if there's a way to make that setting, I'm no finding it.  Everything I try has gotten me colored lines/labels on a white background.

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AutoCad :: Apply Layer Color / Linetype / Properties To Objects On Layer

Feb 15, 2013

I have a bunch of objects on a particular layer, and they're all different colors and linetypes and lineweights, and i want them to all take on the color / linetype / lineweight that i chose for that layer.. how do i do this?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Script That Assigns Lineweights To Layer Based On Color Of That Layer

Nov 19, 2013

Any script that when ran will set lineweights of a layer based on what color the layer is assigned.  For instance if I have 3 lines that are green on 3 different layers. I need the script to change all 3 layers lineweight   to .015mm. I have drawings that are inconsistant with layer names so layer translator and methods of that nature will not work because I do not know all the layer names and I have 100 drawings to do this to.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Control Color Of First Entry To Be Color By Element Instead Of By Layer

Oct 17, 2013

We are using Civil 3D 2014.

We have an alignment curve table and the data text, first data entry (curve number) is appearing as color by layer (magenta), when all colors are set as explicit colors by element in table style under Display tab.  How do I control the color of the first entry to be color by element instead of by layer?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Object Layer Line Under Parcel Style And Plotting

Aug 26, 2013

I have a record plat drawing with multiple parcels and parcel styles. For my lands of the grantors I view port froze the lots and right of way layers from my parcel styles. I don’t want to show them in this viewport. To my surprise the lines show up in the object layer we have set for parcels.  This was not the case in 2011. We are in 2014 with the first hotfix update. I understand putting the parcel styles in the object layer, but why another mysterious line under it? I did create parcels from objects, but had them erased when I created them. This did not matter either way. Is there a way to get rid of them? I did put them in a new layer, set it to “No Plot” This kept them from plotting, but I really don’t want to have to take the time to do it.

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AutoCad :: Plotting To PDF Versus Plotting To Printer?

Feb 26, 2013

I'm attempting to plot a drawing with a 3d shape and a title block around it. I would like for the occluded lines to not be drawn therefore I'm using the hidden visual style and set shade plot to hidden as well.

My problem arises from the quality of the plot to PDF versus the quality coming out of a printer. It is just a 8.5x11 page. The pdf comes out with horrible anti-aliasing and jagged lines, whereas the print is entirely smooth. Is there something simple I'm missing? It would be even better to find a way to make the plot to PDF come out in vector format! I know it is possible to show the layers and have them vectorized in a PDF... How is this done?

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Photoshop :: Reversed B&W Adjustment Layer / Export Color Channel To Layer

Mar 1, 2012

What I want to do is to have an adjustment layer that is a reversed, black and white image.  I initially thought to merge B&W and reverse adjustment layers, but read that an adjustment layer may not be the target of a merge.  Is the way to accomplish this to fiddle with the B&W adjustment layer sliders somehow?
I like how the black and white displayed image of a given color channel looks, how can I export that channel into a layer?

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Illustrator :: Change Layer Selection Color From Black To Color?

Jan 8, 2014

Somehow I've turned off the color selection so that I don't have a color when I select a part of a drawing on a layer. The drawing area stays black whether I have selected it or not and I don't know how to turn back on the color.
how I can turn on the color again so that when I select a line it changes from black to red or magenta or whatever?

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Photoshop :: How To Color Image With Special Color-layer Under It

May 29, 2013

I want to color a photo of a brown leather shoe by switching on a color layer under it. I need this because a website script works with 2 separate images/layers. The top layer must be a transparent png of the image (the brown shoe) and the layer under this is a solid color (or more colors). This way you can color a shoe by clicking a button on the webpage.

I tried it using a white shoe on a layer, setting the opacity to 80%, than I used 'Select Color Range' to select the leather of the shoe, than I deleted this selection. This way the shoe keeps the leather look but is kind of transparent. A colored layer under it 'paints' the shoe while you still see the leather texture on it.

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Photoshop :: Picking Color From Color Fill Layer...

Feb 19, 2005

i'm making a new color fill layer and want to fill it with the same color like an other (already existing) color fill... how can i simply pick the color from that existing layer? or how can i set the foreground color to the collor of an existing color fill?

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Photoshop :: CS4 / How To Set A Color Using Color Balance Layer

Mar 24, 2013

I want to use a color balance layer with a vector mask to change the color of a shirt to come as close as possible to matching a particular color swatch. So, say the color swatch is  RGB, 101, 164, 33
The color balance has the 3 sliders and I can adjust:
cyan -> red
magenta -> green
yellow -> blue
Is there a way of converting the RGB values (or CMYK values) from the swatch that is not trial and error that will tell me where to set the 3 color balance sliders to match the swatch color?

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