AutoCad :: Filtering Vertices At Set Tolerance?

Dec 2, 2013

I've got some 2D contours that have certain vertices very close to each other in some parts of the string. Some are only 0.008 apart. The cross checking in Drawing cleanup is picking these all up as crossing strings.

anything that will possibly filter out these vertices at a set tolerance? I've tried using Snap clustered nodes but that won't work seen as though it is occurring on the same string.

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AutoCAD LT :: Hatch Gap Tolerance

Apr 4, 2012

How do you set the gap tolerance in Hatch command?

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AutoCad 2D :: Get Gap Tolerance Setting

Jul 12, 2013

Is it possible to get your Gap Tolerance setting to stick. Mine keeps reverting to 10 by default!?

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AutoCAD :: Filtering Property Set Definitions In Tables?

Aug 14, 2012

On my Property Set Definitions I have a attribute table called "ROOM_NO". This is where I enter the full number/character of the room, in my case the value usually looks like "101A", and sometimes "A101B" for Room number.

I was asked to do another table to separate the fields.


Separating the room number in 3 attribute tables to "A 101 B"

I was thinking referencing the ROOM_NO table in each box and filtering out the numbers and character. For example in ROOM_PREFIX I would reference ROOM_NO and filter out the number and the suffix letter through a formula. And in ROOM_NUM I would Filter both alphabetical character.

how to write such formula?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer Filter Not Filtering

Jan 16, 2013

I'm having issues with Civ3d 2013. I pushed off upgrading because of the format change and the service pack release. I was hoping little glitches would be fixed.Here are the  a couple of glitches to date that I saw no resolution to in the long list of threads.

1. Layer filters do not filter, unless I have checked "Apply filter to toolbar". The problem is, I don't want to apply them to the toolbar.

2. Publishing to PDF - when set to lines merge (set in the page layout and the publish setting), the wipe outs don't work, and the background masks on leaders makes a faint border around the text in the PDF. When set to overwrite, to get the wipeouts to not print to the PDF as a big black blob, they have to be on a layer set to color 255. I can work around most of the wipeouts, except for dimensions because the background mask doesn't seem to take.

another complaint that doesn't have anything to do with AutoCAD, but since I'm venting... we just got a KIP 7100 printer/scanner. WORST printer/scanner we've ever had. Period. Getting the right driver, then getting the driver to produce good drawings to the correct paper size was ridiculous, and the gray shades still look like we're using a big dot matrix printer. Scanning is the most painful thing; compared to the Xerox 6204 we gave up, the quality is poor and PDF file sizes are huge.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Tolerance Onto Second Line

Sep 13, 2013

I have a drawing I am trying to ordinate dimension and I was wondering if it was possible to place a symetric tolerance for a dimension on a second line under the actual dimension?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Hole Tolerance By API Using C++

Feb 5, 2012

I'm trying to get hole tolerance by Inventor API using c++ but the value returned is not correct.

the code is:

Parameter* diam = m_Feature->GetHoleDiameter(); // m_Feature is a given HoleFeature 
double tol = diam->Tolerance; // returned 1.0
BSTR str = diam->Tolerance->HoleTolerance; // returned "0".
// The correct value is 2.89

How can I get the correct tolerance value?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Different Tolerance Method

Apr 30, 2009

While looking at the different tolerance methods, I see a couple called MIN and MAX, which just tack these words to the end of the dimension. Is there a way to customize the tolerance methods to add suffixes or prefixes to dimensions, such as TYP or 2 PLCS or something like that, so that I can minimize my detailing time.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Query Parts List Filtering Via API

Jun 5, 2013

Is there anyway for me to check the filtering applied to a parts list (on the drawing) via the API?  I looked but couldn't see where to access this information - am I just overlooking where it is stored on the object?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Filtering Grade Break Labels?

May 18, 2012

I've got a drawing in which the existing ground is so jaggedy that I've got way too many grade breaks (see the attached image).  I know I can use the weeding and eliminate the labels every 50 feet, or so, along the profile.  But I need to have the ability to only show a specific grade break range.  For instance, I'd like for my profile only to display grade breaks between 0% and 2% and not to display anything above 2%. I've tried making an expression, but have been hitting brick walls.  I also know I can manually (use the CTRL + click) select the specific labels that I don't want and erase them, but I've got lots of these labels. Any LISP routine or an expression that can accomplish this?  [URL]

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Paper Size Filtering

Oct 19, 2011

I'm having a problem making paper size filtering 'stick'.

For years I've configured PC3 and their associated PMP files for each of our printers and plotters. As a part of the configuration, I filter out all the paper sizes we don't use. Once the PC3 and PMP files are configured, they're copied to all the local PC's. I've never had a problem with this, until now.

On the PC where the PC3 file is configured, the filtering is correct. On any other PC, various paper sizes are added. For instance, I'll filter out all paper sizes on printer "X" except for 8.5x11 and 11x17. On a similar PC, the paper sizes "16k 197x273mm" and "8k 273x394mm" are added.

If I point the PC's to a location on our network where the PC3 and PMP files are stored, I get the same results.

We have two OS's here - Win7 Pro and XP Pro. All OS's are kept up-to-date. All the Win7 PC's use the same version of the HP Universal Print Driver. All the XP PC's use the same version of the printer specific drivers.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Filtering Partlist Use Filter View?

Dec 25, 2012

how to filtering a part list use view by assembly drawing, with VBA editor or iLOGic code.

there is no class system in API for filter in partlist class use views filter.
i use autodesk inventor 2010, and get install use ilogic add-ons 2010

i want to get automation system for my inventor design.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Tolerance +/- Symbol Alignment

Dec 6, 2013

Seeing the behavior for these symbol alignments, preferably also in earlier version of inventor?

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

In the video i'm showing an A2 sized sheet, the effect is less apparent on smaller sizes but still noticable.

But i'm mainly trying to establish if this is worth opening a support ticket for...

Using IV2014 Pro SP1 update 1, Win7-64bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Connector Tolerance

Jan 10, 2014

Whats the importance of "Shell Connector Tolerance"in the create new simulation dialog box. Any example or some kind of illustration to explain this.

Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Editing Geometrical Tolerance Box?

Sep 20, 2013

I tried editing the content (text) of a Geometrical Tolerance Box ? but the usaual don't work.

I tried double clic, Properties, right clic ....

Is there some command or icon that i did not see?

I have attach a drawing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Default Tolerance Of Part Via API?

Jan 30, 2008

Is it possible to set the default tolerance of a part via the API? If so ,How? Also, how would I ensure that those values are used in the drawing dimensions. I don't see any link to the values that I put into the model and the dimensions in the drawing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole Tolerance Dialog Box (VBA)

Jan 11, 2014

I have the simple (for you ) question about hole tolerance window: I want to open hole tolerance dialog box and "click" OK button (ofcourse I want to do that via VBA code). Only this, I wouldn't change tolerance type or value of tolerance.

I show you what I want on screen.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Tolerance Text Height

Apr 13, 2011

When I export .idw in autocad .dwg, the tolerance text height of dimensions with 'Limits/Fits-Show tolerance' change, becoming the same of the dimensions text, while the tolerance text height of dimensions without 'Limits/Fits-Show tolerance' remain the same of the .idw file. Why? There's something I can do, to ensure that text height no change? See the attached pictures that show the problem.

I use Inventor 2011 with SP1.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Edit Geometric Tolerance Block

Jan 13, 2012

I would like to know, how to access the GDT tolerance block in Autocad, I have a requirement, that I need to take the values from Xl and paste it in the tolerance block.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Dimension Tolerance Types

Feb 14, 2005

Any method to set all the Tolerance Types for a GeneralDimension via VBA.

The Tolerance object, accessible via the GeneralDimension object, offers methods to set Deviation, Fits, Limits & Symmetric tolerance types, but I can’t find a way to set other Tolerance types, such as Reference, Basic, Max & Min

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Tolerance To Holes That Are Created By IFeatures

May 22, 2013

 I've got an iFeature created that's very handy.  It's basically a reamed hole with a counter bore for a purchased locating pin.  

Here's the rub:  Is there a way to specify a tolerance to that hole that will come through the i Feature?  As in, I can draw the hole with a diameter of 0.501" within the definition of the iFeature.  That's easy.  However, when I do a print, I'd like to be able to just snap a leader to it that will have the "Use Part Tolerance" box checked and will reflect the correct tolerance.

As an aside, one of the reasons I want to do this is because I use Hole Tables a lot.  In a hole table, I can manually go in and change the call out for the hole to show the correct tolerance, but in order to keep the grouping together, I have to do EVERY hole individually.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA - Unable To Change Tolerance Precision?

Jul 28, 2010

All the values I put in to set my tolerance are being rounded to three decimal places even though the value is four place and I am setting the dimension precision to four place. 

For Example:  I have a hole of diameter 2.0466.  It is to have a tolerance of +.0005/-.0000.  When tolerance.setToDeviation is called, the .0005 is strangely forced to .001 and is set as this in the part file.  The precision value had already been set to 4 at this point.

I am using the following code in Inventor 2010:

    'Create hole feature
    Call oCompDef.Features.HoleFeatures.AddDrilledByThroughAllExtent(oLinearPlacementDef, dDiameter, kExtentDirection)
        'Get hole feature just created
    Dim oHole As HoleFeature
    Set oHole = oCompDef.Features.HoleFeatures.Item(oCompDef.Features.HoleFeatures.Count) ' need most recent index


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using ILogic To Change Model Tolerance

Jul 8, 2013

I need to change one dimension using iLogic.  It changes due to the path taken to manufacture the part.  In a nutshell majority of the time the "OD" has a +.004 / .000 tolerance and the model is drawn at the minimum size.  There are cases when the "OD" has a  +.005/-.005 tolerance and is modeled at the nominal size.   I've learned some of the iLogic to make the change I'm after but not all.  I'm having trouble setting ModelValueType to change the model size.

See the code below, for setting +/-.005" 


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating A Composite Position Tolerance?

Nov 18, 2011

how to create a compsite position tolerance with the Feature Control Frame command? (See attachment)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Tolerance Of A Step File

Oct 4, 2010

Is there a way to define the export tolerance of a step file? Now the tolerance is always set to 0.01mm but i need a tolerance of 0.001 to go further in another CAD / CAM System.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole Diameter Tolerance Reset

Jul 2, 2012

I keep hving trouble with a hole and the diameter tolerance.

Create a simple hole, single diameter concentric and specific depth.  I go to the tolerance window for the diameter and change it to a Limits-Linear.  I enter my values .3758 and .3754.  Precision is .1234.  I clikc OK, then go back to the tolerance, and its reset both values to .3756  What gives????  I've deleted and recreated the hole, edited it about 10 times, and still the same effect.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Increase Tolerance Value - Simulation Will Change

Jul 22, 2013

I have noticed that as I increase my tolerance value in CONTACTS in the simulation settings my results will dramatically change.

My initial settings are 0.004" with SEPARATION as default. After completing the automatic constraints, I will manually bond all the necessary components such as nuts to bolts and welds to the plates.

Then if I change 0.004" to 0.5" and leave it as SEPARATION, to pick up clearance holes, etc., the result will resemble the way the assembly should behave.

But if I change the separation to 1.0" (and nothing else) then the simulation will run with results that are not correct, giving large deformations and very high stresses.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Filtering Results Of Safearray List?

Dec 20, 2011

how to work with safearrays so that I can modify a dynamic block property reporting tool that I found here on the forums. I’d like to take the following code and filter out the extraneous properties so that the user doesn’t get information overload.  Here’s the code that I'm starting with – works nicely:

(defun c:dbinfo (/ obj v vval sal salnth count)
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "
Select Dynamic Block: "))))
(setq v (vla-getdynamicblockproperties obj))
(setq vval (vlax-variant-value v))

So, how do I filter the safearray list (down two levels to property names) so I can remove origins and other unimportant properties? Here’s the two property names I am trying to filter out:

(or (= (car y) "Origin") (= (substr (car y) 1 8) "Position"))

I’m beating my head against the wall trying to figure out how to take sal and redefine it like:

(/= (or (= (car y) "Origin") (= (substr (car y) 1 8) "Position")))

Of course, that doesn't work with a safearray.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Basic Tolerance Dimension - Size Of The Box Be Adjusted?

Aug 7, 2013

When a Basic Tolerance is used to dimension - can the size of the containing box be adjusted?

I understand this is set as a percentage of the text size - where is this value & can it be edited?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Volume Calculations And Curve Tolerance Values

Jan 17, 2013

I have learned the hard way that Civil 3D has a Curve Tolerance value that is to be used when applying sample lines and computing average end cross section volume calculations along an alignment with a curve. How I discovered this was by double checking my self and using a straight alignment verses an alignment with a curve. When using the alignment with a curve the average end cross section volumes differ. I did some reading in Autocad help and it mentions that sometimes a curve tolerance value is needed when using curves and this value is changed in the compute or edit materials window. What is a curve tolerance?" The edit materials window prompts a user to enter a Degree value. How do I calculate this curve tolerance value? I assume it is related to one of the values of a curve.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Properties Palette - Text Height / Tolerance And Precision?

Jul 29, 2013

In Autocad 2014 I can't seem to get the same properties when I choose a dimension as I have been with all previous vertions. It does not have any of the option such as text height, Tolerance, Precision etc. Is this new for 14?

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