AutoCad :: Block Linking Dimensions To Table
Jan 22, 2012
If it is possible to set a block's dimensions to read a table's cell value. Say a rectangle has dimensions x wide by y tall and a table has the x and y values given in cells a1 and b1 linked from an excel spreadsheet.
I would like to link it like this because i have an excel file that will update and then output to AutoCAD. Is this possible and if so how? I have figured out how to link the excel table into AutoCAD. I am using AutoCAD 2012.
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Apr 25, 2012
Is it possible to link the dimensions in my .idw to the table in the upper left corner? I want the information in the table to reflect what is in the drawing.
I'm using Inventor 2012
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot
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May 21, 2013
I have created d/blocks for my different pipe sizes i.e one block with a dropdown to select the different sizes and have done the same for my flanges. now how do I link / insert the flange d/block to the piping block so that I can export the information into a material list later on.
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Dec 21, 2011
I have a table in excel and I'd like to have text in cells link to nodes on a map.
i.e. I have the traffic volume of a road section in a table. I'd like to show that volume on a map beside a circle where the count was taken. I'd like to be able to update the table value and have it also update on ythe map.
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Mar 5, 2013
I have created a new title block for my company and i have a revision table on it. I use the tabs to go from different paper spaces and i would like to find a solution to where if i enter information on my first page it will automatically copy exactly what i put to the other tables on the other tabs.
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Sep 4, 2012
We use a number of blocks with block tables for data extraction here, and whenever one of the blocks is modified and updated, all of the block tables reset to the default value. This happens for any block reference change, not just changes to the block table (which makes sense that it would reset).
How can we update these blocks without having to manually change all of the block tables afterwards?
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Dec 6, 2012
I was wondering if there is a way to link one parameter to another. What i'm doing is creating a theater flat block that has adjustable length and width. There are support members that are needed when it gets big enough. Right now i have them set to a Visability parameter and have to select to turn them on and off in model space. Is there a way to link the Visability so that it changes based on the Linear Distance parameter's lenth?
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Nov 23, 2011
My boss gave me a copy of Autocad 2012. I've messed around with architecture 2010 before so the ribbons are no surprise. One thing I have noticed that's really different is the dynamic block constraints & block table actionblock properties table? I looks very similar to the lookup property table
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Mar 7, 2013
It's about "Block Properties Table",I want to use a Block Properties Table to manage a Dynamic Block.
I have defined a Dynamic Block a and its Block Properties Table in Autocad2010,this is the screenshot of the Block Properties Table(a1:d1=100,d2=200;a2:d1=100,d2=400;a3:d1=100,d2=600.) Now I want to insert the Dynamic Block using .NET API.after I input a command,the block of a2(d1=100,d2=400) is inserted. I have the code about it, but the code is not complete. this is the Dynamic Block
this is the the screenshot of the Block Properties Table .
the result:
the code about it:
static public void CmdReadBlockTable()
Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.
// select a block reference
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Aug 25, 2011
So I'm creating a block with a block table and constraints. The constraints such as Geometric Constraints work just as assumed. When adding in dimensional constraints we start to have more fun. So I have dimensional constraints that use other dimensional constraints to manipulate itself.
EX. dimconC = (dimconB-dimconA)
dimconA is 12
dimconB is 14
dimconC would be 2
Now when ever dimconA or dimconB change dimconC would populate accordingly.
With this I wanted to make an attribute that could be placed in instead of a dimensional constant.
EX dimconC = ((Att1*dimconB)-dimconA)
Att1 is 02
dimconA is 12
dimconB is 14
dimconC would be 16
However when trying to place in formula that references a attribute I keep getting an error "A DEPENDENT EXPRESSION CANNOT BE EVALUATED" So I assumed it was missing an expression from the attribute, however once entering an expression in for it I still get the same error.
(full error message attached)Constraint_Error.JPG
Is this something that is not allowed at all or have I over looked something?
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Jan 18, 2012
What are all the block table records?
I've got Model Space & Paper Space(Or Layout Space) under control.
I've got two block reference instances of the same block on a drawing.
If I purge the Drawing the older duplicate block reference disappears.
7867 is the older reference that disappears when I use the purge command.
78A7 is the newer reference, I only want to see this one on my extraction of attributes.
What property of the block reference will tell me that it would be purged if I used the purge command?
As I want to detect what's the old block and which one is the current block reference.
The problem is I only want to extract the attributes from the newer block reference.
The old block reference is coming up... how can I filter that out of my loop results?
I know I could just purge the drawing and my problem would be done with.But I need to do this in a manner that only accesses the drawing from a read-only manner.
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Dec 8, 2009
I have created fields in the drawing properties custom fields dialogue box, then inserted those fields into my title block attributes.
Two things I hope to get out of this:
1. link these fields into the drawing property summary, so that I can display the drawing title and other pieces of info in the help strings that appear in windows explorer by simply hovering the cursor over the file.
2. I wish to be able to fill out the information in the title block by data linking it to our drawing lists in access.
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Aug 18, 2011
We are using a title block and it has an attribute field that links to the file name. Now one of our projects is adding the revision to the CAD file name, but it messes up our drawing sheets.
i.e. It was fine when the CAD file name was 111-A222-ZZ-X-123456.dwg and this would display the complete 111-A222-ZZ-X-123456 in the drawing title.
Now we need to do this, the CAD file name, 111-A222-ZZ-X-123456-001002-A1.dwg and we still need to just show 111-A222-ZZ-X-123456 in the title block, striping away the 001002-A1.
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Aug 14, 2011
The question I want to ask is about reference dimensions in iPart.
I can create a sketch and place reference dimensions on it, there's no problem. I can activate any configuration manually and see the reference dimensions adjusted according to configuration, no problem again.
I would like to know — is it possible to automatically populate column of the iPart table with reference dimension value, as it stands for each configuration?
I was able to find some solution for that, but it's not automatic. I can mark reference dimension of export, and add it as a column to the table, but I need to manually activate each configuration to populate the column with measured reference value. Not very good, because there can be very many configurations.
How to automatically get complete list of reference dimensions values for each configuration of the iPart?
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Jan 18, 2012
I figured out how to change the precision of the X-Y location dimensions in a hole table, but is there a way to turn off trailing zeros? I have turned them off in my styles, but for some reason the styles don't effect hole tables. Maybe I just don't know where to look?
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May 23, 2012
I am looking for a way to customize the dimensions of Autocad Tables to that I can have custom cell height and width.
How to do this?
Table v1.dwg
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Jun 20, 2011
Ok over the past few weeks I've got pretty much most of the Dynamic Block stuff down except this feature.
I've attached a drawing. In the middle I used VISIBILITY to have all the different weld types. I need something at the end to where Weld Tails can be added if they're needed but you can only use one Visibility per block. I'm also going to need something at the front of the block for different symbols like "Field Weld" and "All Available". If I can figure the Tails out then I can do the other one.
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Jun 8, 2012
Here is what i would like autocad to do
I work in architecture, and every time i create an opening (door, window) i add a block next to it with an attribute to the reference number
I was wondering if it would be possible when creating that little block to give it more information and later on extract the information from it to a table
Ex: door 106-02, steel finish, 3'x7' , isolated, steel frame, 2" thick etc.
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Dec 10, 2013
I've created this dynamic block for work. Its an overhead cupboard with 4 doors. My problem is that when i create a table through data extraction the value for the length and height for the doors aren't shown (The column this there with a heading, no value), the length of the cabinet and visibility is though. Do i need to assign an action or something for the value to be displayed?
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Feb 23, 2012
I have a block which contains dimensions and am wondering if it's possible for the dimensions to be hidden if the block is not selected? They are on a separate layer so I can hide them in the layer manager but it would be slick for them to autohide unless I select the block.
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Jul 1, 2013
When I want to test if block with a given name exists in drawing, I use Block Table. Has(key as String) method, which is case sensitive, but then, when I try to insert a block with the same name, but different case, the block name is considered the same.
How can I test if the block in in the drawing then?
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Dec 11, 2012
Is there a trick in using a dynamic block in a table cell? When a dynamic block is inserted into a cell, any visibility can be viewed (Properties Manager) in that cell if the visibility state has a block in it. What happens if the visibility state does not have a block. That is, if the view has exploded block so one can use parts in actions etc? Can I view ANY state in a cell regardless if it has a block or not? Or must the visibility states have blocks to be able to use it in the table cell?
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Oct 22, 2012
I have created a dynamic block and have applied some lookup tables to it but its not working just the way I want it. I think its to do with the custom entry on the lookup tables. If I delete the custom entry when i select the block in model space the drop down select box to allow me choose a selection is no longer available. How can I remove the custom entry and still have the block working normally. I've attached the block.
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Jul 25, 2012
I am trying to add a table that I can edit like an attribute but have it in a block, Basically I am trying to put information for all the poles in an electrical panel, but im not using MV parts just a block is there anything that can be recommended in this instance.
Just another note I need to reference 72 poles and 5 colums for each of these.
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Dec 31, 2013
I am not sure this is even possible, but could I use some sort of invisible block attribute data and everytime I insert it into a drawing (I use the same block multiple times within a drawing) it would autopopulate fields in a table. For example I have a smoke detector symbol I insert, I also have a specific address associated with every single detection symbol I insert into a drawing, would I be able to attach data such as what type of detector it may be and have the address and type automatically populate in a table everytime I insert my block into a drawing?
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Jun 26, 2012
I'm creating a routine to fill in my terminal strips. This routine worked perfectly in Vba but I'm now rewriting it for .NET...The problem is that I want to insert a block with attributes into different cells.The tables already exists. Below my function, I'm stuck on this part
Dim lonReturnedIds = FunBlockId() ' Calls the function FunBlockID to get the ID's of the attributes
' 0 = BlockID
' 1 = AttributeID of KleurB
' 2 = AttributeID of KleurO
TS.Cells(i, intPosition).Contents.Add()
TS.Cells(i, intPosition).Contents(0).BlockTableRecordId = lonReturnedIds(0)
TS.Cells(i, intPosition).SetBlockAttributeValue(lonReturnedIds(1), strCableConductor2WriteFirst)
Public Function Fun_StripUp(ByVal Po3dXY As Point3d, ByVal str_CableName As String, ByVal Str_CableConductor As String, ByVal strCable Conductor 2 Write As String, ByVal strCableConductor2WriteFirst As String, ByVal intPosition As Integer) As StringDim tAcadDoc As ApplicationServices.Document = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim myDB As.
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Apr 26, 2012
I am having some troubles whit my dynamic blocks. Whenever I add a block property table the window that should be opent doesn't open. The strange thing is that I think it actualy is open but i just don't see it on my screen. The same thing gous for the screen that allows you to ad a parameter to a lookup set. by folowing this link you can see what i mean, it gets interesting after 30 seconds.
Is there a variable that decides where on your screen you see these screens?
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Jan 24, 2012
I've created a titleblock with a menu to select sheet size, a single set of attributes that serve all the different sheets, but now I'm trying to find a way to add a table.
The table is to sit above the title box and include information on: New revision number
Text detailing changes since the last revision (might be single or multiple line text)
Date of new revision . The bottom line needs to sit flush to the top of the title block so the top line would be moving up the sheet as new lines are added if that makes sense?
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Nov 13, 2013
I'm looking for a solution to place the overall model dimensions in the title block.
We have a box (Promted entry) in our company title block were we manually typ our overall dimension of a part (or in some cases assembly).
For our planning engineer this is easy because he can easy see the dimensions of the "base material" or the size of a container / box in case of an assembly.
The risk that sometimes people forget to change these dimension when the model is changes.
Now I'm looking for a solution (e.g. VBA / iLogic) to place the overall dimensions Automatically in the title block.
The overall dimensions are available in the "BIM Exchange" menu > Check Design. Maybe these dimensions can be used.
We're using Inventor 2014.
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Feb 13, 2013
I am working with a set of dynamic blocks, each with a block table that provides a drop down for the user to alter attributes from. My goal is to be able to update the block table using VBA to push data from an excel file. I do have import/export code that will update block attributes, but I am not sure the functions that would access the table properties.
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Nov 8, 2013
The "Main Stretch" parameter does not correspond with the Block Properties Table. What does this parameter need to be attached to?The paramter will adjust with the pull down options of the Block Properties Table.
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