AutoCad 3D :: Using 2D Plans To Generate Rendering?
Apr 4, 2011
Which software application can I use to create a rendering of an elevation from just 2 dimensional dwg plans and elevations? I was interning in an office where the developer hired a render to develop illustrations of our design. The render said he only required our first floor and second floor plans, and the elevation we wanted rendered. The turn around time was very quick (24 hours). I was surprised as building a model takes me a long time. The cornice was very detailed, it would have taken much longer to build a model.
why i cannot change the color of the background when rendering? It is always black, and i cannot attached or make new material, if need to attach jpeg or new texture on my drawing, cannot create new material. what should i do? im currently using autocad for mac 2012.
Well my question in details is after making a detailed plan in Autocad, do import the plans to 3d max or make the 3d model on autocad. if i have to import it 3d max how do i make the plan on 3d max come to life. do i use the plans as reference?
I'm slowly trying to make the transition from AutoCAD to AutoCAD architecture.
The main thing that is confusing me is how to organise the project so that plan, section and elevation sheets will all update from the original construct whenever it is changed.
I'm confused about plans and sections...should I draw my section lines from the annotate panel directly onto the 'construct drawing' and then use that as my plan or should I create a plan view of the construct ( and then draw the section lines over that plan?
I plot my drawings from a layout to PDF then can print from various printers, but the PDF and subsequent plots come out very light, somewhat like in a halftone plot. The image in the paper view port also show lighter than the color in the model view. I am using the AIA standard color.ctb plot style and have tried switching to various styles.
changing series of elevations, which are currently flat like plans, to an up right position. I just want to change the plane of the elevations essentially. This is being done in autocad 2011
Im currently drawing renovation plans, sections and elevations, and i have a prexisting set of drawings, a after renovation set of drawings and would like to achieve the intersecting of this two sets with objects/lines in yellow for whats going to be demolished and red for whats being built and white for whats to remain untouched.
I started by setting a yellow color for the first set and red for the second set. And worked my way to the excrutianting task of breaking and setting this two sets of 2d drawings.
Is there a command or routine that allows me to break a line were two diferent lines overlap in the drawing. I was wandering if i could do that i then would only have to overkill the entire drawing..
So we are doing some plans production standards. One thought was why are leaders needed if all the object are called out witha station and offset in civil engineering plans?
Why use text leaders in cad plans?
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
Just a general Content Center question: does Autodesk plan to update (add more parts to) the library at any time in the near future? We really could use some pvc pipe and fittings. Also, fix the MC/C library shapes (they are all MC profiles, not any C's). I'm sure there are a number of additions to be made, but it seams that nothing new has been added for a few releases that I am aware of.
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014 Vault Professional 2014 Windows 7 Pro SP1 HP-Z400: 2.67 GHz 12 Gb Ram Nvidia Quadro FX1800 driver 276.42
I have to transfer my auto cad plans to Photoshop. Im trying to export each layer into eps format and then open in Photoshop. But some layers are not showing up... What should i do?
I am trying to convert Store Floor Plans to DXF format for use in JDA software. Problem is, the part number attribute on the fixture (fixture is a block) is visible when you pull the DXF in on the other software. Is there a way to turn off attributes without losing them before I convert the file from AutoCAD? I will be pulling the files back and forth between both software programs.
I have 5 plans in a single autocad file. I recently saw a layout option that fixes the view and the areas that you want to print. I want to do like this.
1 layout I want to create is of an A1 size sheet on which these 4 floor plans are placed in a square fashion, i.e. each plan on one vertice of a square. I want to set the printer output option as a postscript level 2 file in another layout I want to put the site plan on an A1 sheet. Here I also want a postcript level 2 file.
However in my original drawing, these plans are placed next to each other in a linear fashion. Is this possible?
Our professor provided us with 3 dwg files that we are supposed to use for our title blocks on all construction documents. One is the title block file, one is a file with preloaded client info text and the other is preloaded with project info text. This includes dates(drawing, revisions, etc.), page numbers, sheet names, etc.
He explained how it's easier to xref all of these files into the paper space of our working files, but I don't understand how this is easier when every page has different information on it - in the very least a different page number and sheet/drawing name.
Is this a matter of creating a unique file for each page of our set of plans? This seems much more confusing that just inputting the text manually on each drawing.
With a new HP T 7100 Plotter I can not plot bigger sizes than A0 with transparencies. Installed is the HP-GL2 and the PS Plotterdriver. I can plot from AutoCAD normal plans till a sizeformat of A0 with trasnsparencies, but with oversizes there is no plot. Plans without Transparencies can be plottet and I can plot from other programs all plans even with Transparencies. As a landscape architect I want to use the transparency on bigger plans.
I have a task to redraw floor plans of an existing object (5 floors of 5000m2)... The problem lies in the existing drawings which contain incorrect dimensions.
Now, since the shape and position of elements is generally correct I am able to approximate to a 0.5-1.0m (witch I find annoying).
My question is:
How would you do the task having in mind that when SOME correct dimensions turn up (are measured on site) correcting the rest doesn't become a pain.
our office has decided to use the smart labeling for our TC elevations on street plans in addition to the FG and pad elevations - all these labels are tied directly to the surface and street centerline. It scares me a little, because if the labels themselves move slightly, their elevation changes. And, if the surface changes unintentionally then all the elevations change.
I currently work for a construction company, we mostly focus on roadway rehabilitaion. We recieve DOT paper plans containing the construction plans and cross sections. I have been till now using the cross sections to build the roadway in Agtek, which is the software we use, then from there I can do my takeoff for excavation, utlites and areas. We have the 2012 BIM software and i'm very intersted in using that to rebuild the plans so I can preform the takeoff just as the DOT does as well as to model the utilities. Also i'm intersted in creating the model to show the estimators and the higher ups, so we can create a phasing plans, traffic plans or how we would want to handle the roadway rehab in general. I'm a novice in terms of Civil 3D, so this would be something i'd be practicing at home first.
While drafting floor plans; lines, fillet, Radius, Snap lines, there are small white boxes showing there is an angle or radius. They are getting in the way of drafting, slowing down my program and genuinely annoying. Do you know how to prevent them from appearing? Also, and I believe related, there are blue boxes appearing on all my right angles for reasons beyond me. How can I also prevent these from appearing?
This is to trim a line that crosses another. I draw lots of plumbing plans. It draws a circle based on 'dimscale', trims a line to that circle, then erases the circle. The problem is if you miss the trim point (PT2) it does not erase the circle and you lose your object snaps.
I am trying to show all the wall scones and light fixtures in my rcp plan, but i don't want to show any door or wall openings, i just want the walls to show up as solid/hatched fills.
I imported a scanned drawing into Revit and traced it. I put the walls and floors in, then was inserting doors. I tried to find a particular door, but found I clicked on the wrong door and closed Revit instead of the screen I was in. However, when I brought Revit back up, I could no longer see any Floorplan, but my 3d was still visible. How do I retrieve or make visible Level 1 or 2? (When I tile the Floorplan Level 1 and the 3D drawing, my 3d drawing will turn blue if I box in the blank area on my Floorplan screen, so I assume it must still be there).
The other question I need answered is how to insert the geometric figure/camera that shows each side of an elevation? When I imported my scanned drawing, it was much larger than the area within the four “eyeballs”, but I have tried moving it and don’t see them.