AutoCad 3D :: Horizontal And Vertical Curved 3D Pipe
Aug 12, 2012
I would like to know how to draw this pipe as shown in this picture below. Draw a 3d pipe with horizontal curve and vertical curve elements combined. Here are the design elements
for the horizontal curve for the vertical curve
radius=30.798m radius=18.000m
angle=29deg angle=60deg
The diameter of pipe that i am trying to draw is 5 meters.
In 2013, just placed a view in an idw. Now I need it rotated 90°. In pre2012, there was a rotate Horizontal and Rotate vertical command where we could pick the edge and it would align to it.
Has that been taken out of 2013 or am I just overlooking it? Restarted Inventor and that didnt work. I did not restore the marking menu because I have some customizations that I dont want to lose.
For what its worth, Wiki help shows the "Rotate View" command in the video..... maybe I don't have the full version...IDK. Looks like I am missing several commands here, like Apply Design View.
I have build a solid in which the projection of the hole on the face of the cube is an ellipse. However, as I did not create the ellipses on the faces, but the ellipses are just the result of the projection of an empty egg inside an extruded rectangle on the faces of the extruded rectangle. How can I see the dimensions of the ellipses? I tried to use the measure distance command, but with no success.
The building plan has been drawn according to North, etc. When I try and draw a rectangle, for example, the rectangle is angled according to North and not vertical and horizontal in the MS.
How do I turn this off. I tried changing VPORT to 0,0 and it rotated the whole drawing with North at the top.
I am having a problem with the vertical and horizontal constraint shortcuts. If I were to select a line and constrain it vertically the line becomes horizontal and vice versa.
I need to stretch a drawing so the horizontal scale is different from the vertical. The stretch command does not seem to work for this and scale only seems to allow a change in both axes.
I'm setting up some plan and profiles (I DON'T HAVE CIVIL3D) with MAP3D. I have a couple of autolisp routines to work with the profile grid, but one thing that confuses me, the grid should be in paper space and the vertical scale set based on paper space, right? I'm assuming that the actual contours/polylines (once I have them georeferenced) will go in model space.
We have an interior space built out for a commercial project incorporating curved walls in 3D. We need to generate a 2D drawing to be turned over to the on-site architect. Generating a 2D section yeilds a faceted wall. AECFACETDEV has no effect on the curve quality. Is there a control for Horizontal section? Walls do not show up using flatshot so that is not an option.
I am wondering if it is normal for the lines to be jagged. Vertical and horizontal lines are straight but the angular ones are jagged, Stair step looking whatever you would call it. It makes the stuff I draw look like (edited) .Especially the low angle stuff.
I've read about a command before which can copy entities with increment via specified distance, horizontal or vertical. Now I need it but can't figure out what was that command.
What is the industry standard regarding horizontal vs. vertical scale? More specifically, should the exaggerated vertical scale be proportional to the horizontal scale?
For example, if I have a drawing that has a horizontal scale of 1" = 100', should my vertical scale be 1" = 10'? Or if my horizontal scale is 1" = 30', should my vertical scale be 1" = 3'? Obviously, we have the ability to make the vertical scale anything we want but what is there a recognized industry standard that correlates the horizontal scale to the vertical scale?
Is it possible to create a viewport with a different horizontal and vertical scale? I want to create a horizontal scale of 1"=40'-0" and a vertical scale of 1/4"=1'-0". Is this possible?
My question is "Can I create surfaces, profiles, & alignments using AutoCad2012?"
I know if I had Civil3D2012 I could do it, but can it be done with the Regular version I should say.
At my previous job I was using Civil3D2010 (darn economy Government job did lay offs) and now I'm using CAD2012 with new employer and I'm realizing that there are a lot of functions/commands that I don't have.
Is there any way to make a vertical or horizontal section plane of 3d solid leaving the rest of it like a solid?
Often I need to do pretty much complex view in which the same solid should be sectioned for half part of it and be solid for the rest. It is a common way to present solid draw but I can't do it with autocad 2013.
On my LED monitor (Samsung XL2370), horizontal and veritcal lines display as different hues. Is there an Autocad setting to work with this or is it maybe some setting on my monitor?
I am trying to model a force main with several vertical and horizontal bends. Getting the network set up and drawing in the pipe segments with the styles is a sinch, what I am having trouble with is modelling the horiz and vert bends to show up both in plan and profile view. I have done many sany and storm profiles but this is a first time with a force main. Does Civil 3d have the capability of modelling these or is this more of an MEP type task?
I am begineer in autocad. I have to draw plot margin like ractangle having 2 horizontal line and 2 vertical line. on vertical line i want to put letters from A,B----- and on horizontal line 1,2,3,----.
when I am trying to extract an element of an image from a larger image (using a layer mask) come across straight sections - but at an angle - at this point it would be nice to be able to put a "ruler" across that section and brush against it for a nice clean line. I tried creating a marquee and using the boundary box to position it - but when I rotate the marquee it wants to take that bit of the image with it...
this in an issue ive noticed for a long time now across a few versions of ACAD, not sure whats causing it. When i try to draw an XLINE sometimes the command will get locked into either horizontal or vertical mode, without me choosing that option. seems to based on the OSNAP pickpoint i grab maybe.
attached are pics of the process.
i run XLINE, pick endpoint and bam, its locked into horizontal mode, very annoying if im trying to make a vertical and horizontal line based off the same point.
I'm using the Intersect With method with two pipes. The Intersect With method doesn't appear to work with curved pipes if the pipes do not cross. If they don't cross the method works, but if they don't then it doesn't find the intersect points properly. This appears to be an issue with Civil 3D 2010 to 2012 API.
In the screen cast image the pipe on the right finds the intersection point with the straight pipe on the left, but not the curved pipe that is in the middle. I've had poor results trying to put in support requests for API related issues.
For Civil 3D 2010 here's the code that isn't working:
In CS6 when I crop, the crop would automatically be vertical on a vertical pic, and horizontal on a horizontal pic. The new CS7 (Photoshop CC) doesn't do that.
I have downloaded photos from an Iphone 4s to my desktop computer. The photos are horizontal and when I rotate them to vertical and try to save them I get the message " could not complete your request because of a program error". I have no problem doing this with photos from my Canon camera.
I've created a 3d sketch with the run of the tube on it but when I click "Derived Route" although the full 3d sketch is highlighted bugger all happens. There's nothing in the "Included Geometry" folder.
Is it because of the material? I've set it to a "Tube With Bends" and set my default radius.
I am trying to constrin a washer to a curved pipe. How do I create an axis along the curved pipe so the washer can constrain and move along the cruved axis?
The problem is that when I choose or designate an outline thickness, the horizontal is much thicker than the vertical. I need consistency. Especially noticeable if I modify a font, enlarge it, stretch or skew. I do set the outline to scale with image and also don't outline until I am finished with the modifications.