AutoCad 2D :: Routine For Conduit Leader?
Mar 5, 2012I am running AutoCAD MEP 2012. Any basic routine for a conduit leader?
View 1 RepliesI am running AutoCAD MEP 2012. Any basic routine for a conduit leader?
View 1 RepliesIs there anyway to prevent AutoCAD from converting a MTEXT leader with a block element attached to a BLOCK leader when doing a copy/paste? See screen shot.
2012-04-05 3-09-00 PM.jpg
I work for an A/V company. We use AutoCAD LT 2013. We are looking for a program or a computer script to check our A/V Flow Diagrams and Conduit Riser to make sure that all cables are accounted for.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have the Arrow leader convert to Loop leader in one click. Our company standards use diamond tags and sometimes i have to change the arrow to loop by inserting a leader.
View 9 Replies View RelatedC3D 2012 running with 64 bit Win7 all up to date on a capable Dell Precision
I want to add the leader part to the leader that is created when I drag a Station Offset label. This would be the part in a three point leader that goes horizontal for a short distance before the label text begins, similar to how a multi-leader is created. Looks weird having the C3D labels be the only "leadered" noted be without the landing.
How can i assign conduit length tag on line....? know that i have multiple lines and i wanna get total length of multiple line so how can i do this....?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm contemplating creating a put-together and take-apart frame using conduit, or pipe or tube. After specifying member length, I wish to crimp or crush each member a specific length, fillet the member ends so that they are completely round, and then places holes that are concentric to the filleted ends or other locations within the "flat" area of the conduit, or pipe or tube.
How do I model such members to follow the specifications above?
How would I crimp members at locations other than the ends?
I'll be using Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012 Ultimate.
When I use qleader with mtext annotation , The arrow and texts are inserted as two unit. I can rember there was a facility to use this two objects as a one unit.
View 3 Replies View RelatedUsing LT 2009
I have to find the minimum inside diameter for a conduit which will hold several cables of similar diameter (0.258"). The number of cables per conduit will be 10, 16 and 20.
I have played around with the program but I can't figure out a way to make this work efficiently. I am trying to account for the fact that different numbers of cables will (or won't) cluster so evenly or uniformly. That is, with different quantities of cables, there will be some room for the cables to orient unevenly to fill the available spaces.
I have included a .bmp file with 10 and 19 cables in the cluster.
I am trying to model a flexible metal wire conduit. I was going to use a spring, then I wanted to have it follow a spline, but can't figure out how to do this. I vaguely remember doing something like this in the past but can't remember how I did it. I want to model it as opposed to using maps. It will be a fairly close up rendering.
Max 2014 (SP2)
Win 7 64-bit; Dual Xeon E5-2687W @ 3.10 GHz; 64 GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570; Quadro 4000
Ok, I'm sure there is a very simple way to fix this that I just haven't yet discovered. When I insert a stacked dimension in the top line of my leader text, the spacing gets automatically adjusted for the hight of the stacked dimension and it adjusts the leader line up so that it actually passes through my top line. Can this be avoided? I have attached a picture for reference.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to add a Leader Text to lable a part- referencing the Part Number or whatever, move the text close to the edge of the part, to remove the leader/arrow and make the txt rotate 90deg to be vertical. I have messed with style settings for a new Vertical Txt style, and Vert Dim style -(pointed to the Vert Txt style and adjusted Notes and Leaders tab)
i don't understand why in the Format Text window the "rotation" box is always grayed out. can you unlock it?
I port my autolisp routines to NET.A simple autolisp routine changes the UCS to another one.The change needs no regeneration and is immediate.But in NET i have to use "UpdateTiledViewportsFromDatabase".When the dwg is loaded with lots of objects it takes quite a lot of time to regen.Is there a way to have an immediate change using NET just like when using autolisp command?Also why autolisp needs no regen?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAnother program (not autocad) creates dwg files.when I open these files the textstyle standard is wrong.
the textfont must be arial
width factor must be 0.8
oblique angle must be 0
small routine that can adjust the textfont?Now i always have to make the adjustements manually and sometimes this is a repetitive job and takes some time.
I have a lisp routine and I keep getting NIL. I want it to draw a door and I want to be able to move it.
(defun c:door ()
(DEFUN dtr (A)
(* PI (/ A 180.0)))
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(setvar "OSMODE" 0)
I put mleader into a LISP routine and it is doing the text attached to it only in the command line instead of in the drawing is ther a way to put mleader into a LISP routine and have it do the same as when you just type in mleader?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe have been playing with offset alignments, and the tool appears very useful, especially in regards to laying out subdivision streets with curb, sidewalks, row, etc. In order to shortcut the process, I am hoping to develop a routine that will gather offset data for each type of offset, and then apply the appropriate styles, label sets, naming convention, etc.
We started going down the path of using Lisp or a recorded macro, but it quickly became obvious (through trial and error and some quick "googling") that another approach may be more suitable. I have attached a screenshot of an example of what we would like to automate.
We are moving from AutoCAD Map 3d ver 10 to ver 11. There's a lisp routine I use all the time and it doesn't seem to want to work in the newer version 11. this routine is supposed to fill but like I said doesn't work in ver. 11.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have just finished modelling hundreds of pits/manholes in 3d, to import into 12d as required by our current project.
After importing into 12d we have realised that all the faces are back to front as the dark edges are facing outwards, and the light edges are facing inwards on the pits.
Is there a way to globally flip, or perhaps a lisp routine to flip all the faces?
Basically, the routine asks for the user to choose the hatch type (Retirer/Percer), then the layer (Defpoints/Select/Current) and finaly the type of the object to draw (Polyline/Rectangle). My original routine has also a Circle and a Boundary options, and an Error trap to reset the variables but I will keep it simple for the purpose of my issue.
So, my issue is: when I choose the type of object to draw, it draws just one of it and the routine ends. I would like to have something that "says" to the routine that I want to keep drawing that object (Polyline or Rectangle) and putting the hacth inside until I do enter and then the routine goes to its end.
Lisp routine for creating item balls with an arrowhead and a one to two digit number in the balloon?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am using a fairly old Lisp to generate section arrows, started using this in 2000 and up until 2011. Since we have installed 2012 the routine does not work correctly, after inserting block with attributes instead of bringing up dialogue box it inserts next line of string in to the dialogue box. I have attached lisp routine and blocks
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have created an acad.lsp file in where I want to arrange all our company settings. I've stored it on the network to make sure everyone will use the same one and when updates take place I don't have to run past all pc's to change it. I've set everything in the deployment package but users can still change it when they reset their profile. Plus some pc's are already installed with AutoCAD before creating the lisp routine, how can I enforce the support directory to check on the network for the acad.lsp each time?
View 9 Replies View Relatedwith the mouse I can select objects on the screen and then start a command that uses these objects.
How can I perform this in lisp?
I can create my selection set, that's no problem, but how can I 'make it active' for an external function?
(ssget "_C" p0 p1 '((0 . "TEXT")))
Easy way (or LISP routine) to do radial line hatching in AutoCAD 2006. What I mean is the ability to hatch an object, such as a ring (or doughnut) such that the hatching lines are in between the two rings, and are all perpendicular to the circle. Even better would be a generic routine to allow hatch lines to follow arcs (but that would be dreaming too big for now). Perhaps there is some sort of sweep technique that could be exploded into lines? All I need are the lines, actually.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I have a lot of 2D drawings (a couple thousand roughly) that I need to go through and shift the objects within to the absolute 0,0 position. That way, when we insert them into a new drawing, everything is centered appropriately and not way off the screen.
Instead of:
Open File > Select Objects > "MOVE" > Specify Basepoint > " * 0 , 0 " > Center View on Newly position Objects > Save File > Close File
... Repeat ...
By way of a LISP routine, or a script that could automatically do the above steps on it's own. Even something that doesn't require me to hit *, then tab, then 0, then tab, then 0 again.
I have got points from a GIS software into AutoCAD, the problem is that I am unable to draw a polyline between the points to get a distance between the points. Anu lisp routine which can convert the points to make them selectable. I have attached the drawing I am working on for those of you who want to have a go at this one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe are trying to update our company logo on hundreds of autocad drawings, lisp routine or a better way to get this update.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a lisp routine that allow me to select a text object that is rotated to anything other than zero, and it will change the text object to zero rotation and while still in the command allow me to place the text object on the screen.
I have a routine that is similiar called RT180 but it just rotates whatever text object you select 180 degrees from its current rotation, but I can not figure out how to modify it to rotate to zero rotation angle. What I like about RT180 is that you select your text it rotates it on the spot and then lets you pick a spot to place it.
I want autolisp program to check overlap like in closed or open polyline with any other entity in the drawing, whether other entity is overlapping inside the polyline or not, i am beginner in autolisp and want to know exactly which functions are used or the program itself Also if possible to check circular overlap of one polyline with itself.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLISP routine for rotating lines so that text in linetypes always reads from left to right?
I use the QUERY command to create basemaps and often the lines that are imported read upside down or backwards or however you prefer to look at it. Most often, if I look at the XY coords of these backwards lines, the End X coordinate is of a higher value than the Start X coordinate.
Looking for something that would compare the two X coordinates of a line, do some sort of an IF Start X > End X, and if its true, store the XYZ coords of the Start and End in some variable, and swap them.