AutoCad 2D :: Why Don't Snapping Commands Work With Polylines
Jun 28, 2012
When I type PL for polyline and then END or MID or PER they don't work, but they do for lines? Any way to change this? When I manually type in any of these snap commands my OSNAP settings turn off.
I use the right mouse click command as my enter. But for the past couple of days when I try to use the move, copy, stretch commands, everytime I go to select a base point - autocad selects the point and then automatically snaps or displaces to a random point off of the screen. I don't know if this has something to do with the right mouse click or not, but I can't figure out why it keeps snapping off screen. If I switch and use the enter key or space bar as enter the problem goes away.
Command: s STRETCH Select objects to stretch by crossing-window or crossing-polygon... Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 13 found Select objects: Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>: Specify displacement <0'-0", 0'-0", 0'-0">:
Command: m MOVE Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 43 found Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 27 found (14 duplicate), 56 total Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 18 found (14 duplicate), 60 total Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 14 found (4 duplicate), 70 total Select objects: Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>: Specify displacement <0'-0", 0'-0", 0'-0">:
one of the pc at my work place seemed to be working funny, compared to the other pc.
For example, the command CO won't work, but instead i have to type CC to copy. The command MA doesn't work at all, and i don't know how to match properties.
Along the way, there are other commands that I encounter before. Basically, it jus feels funny for this PC.
Is there any way to restore every single setting without re-installing the autocad?
My "Magic Snap"[magnetic object snapping] has vanished/stopped working. Turning the magnet icon on and off does not do anything .I am using the latest Xara Designer Pro version []. Is there any way to get it back without re-installing? I'm tired of having to re-install every time something goes wrong [which is kinda frequent]. I don't like having to reset the xara function icons each time [I use a different arrangement than the garden variety supplied].
I am using an i5 processor and have 8 gigs of memory running with Windows 7 OS.
I recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2013 and now all of my "Create Surface" commands do not work. I get the message " _AeccCreateSurfaceGridFromDEM Unknown command "AECCCREATESURFACEGRIDFROMDEM".
I am working on someone else's file, using CAD2010..For many lines, Chamfer & Fillet commands do not work, "lines are non coplanar "..In the Properties, all Z = 0
I made my plug-in for Autocad 2012.I register my plug-in in registry and so it's autoloaded.If I open Autocad I saw my toolbar, my message from IExtensionApplication.Initialize and all my commands (marked as [assembly: CommandClass) works fine. No problem.
BUT! If I open autocad file by double click - autocad opened. Now I saw my toolbar, saw my message from Initialize!But any commands didn't work. Autocad said that command is unknown. What can be a problem? My be in Autocad version? I have student version and startup message about it.
just installed CS on to my new computer, and all the key commands i use no longer work. For instance holding down the space bar to get the hand tool isn't working, holding down the shift key when i want to proportionally transform something doesn't work, holding down the apple/command key and the space bar to get the magnifying glass tool doesn't work, and so on...
I have seen under the Edit menu the keyboard shortcuts option, but i never set these short cuts up myself, they were just defaults in photoshop. When i was using CS on my old computer, the key commands i spoke of above worked what has changed? why don't they work anymore?
I use PaintShop Pro v. 11.20 at work. I was using it as normal one day, and it crashed. This is nothing new, the crash is because I tend to have a lot of programs open at the same time and I had not rebooted my computer soon enough to clear the RAM. The problem occurred when I reopened the paint shop after rebooting, and all commands involving the control key (copy/paste, etc.) as well as the delete key do nothing. Very occasionally, it will allow one of these commands to work, but this is now very rare. If I have an object selected, the highlighting will blink briefly as it does when you try to copy it, but otherwise does nothing. I can still use these commands from the drop-down menus. I think this is probably just some random bug that happened when it crashed for whatever reason. If I can avoid reinstalling that would be preferable, as I would have to have the disks mailed to me by the head office. I looked to see if there was some setting that would put things back to normal but could find nothing. I reset defaults, no change.
As the above mentioned, I have a drawing drawn using polylines with width from someone. The width of the line are suppose to represent area,
To put things into prospective, here is an example:
The polyline is 10 unit long and with a width of 2 unit wide. If i explode that polyline, it will become a single polyline without width. The line are suppose to represent 10 unit long and 2 unit wide; representing an area.
My question is is there a way to change the line above directly from polyline with width to a close polyline (4 x polylines) of 10 unit long and 2 unit wide.
Out of nowhere my AutoCAD commands such as line, offset, circle, etc will only work if i type in the amount in inches. I use feet / inches when i use these commands. It says specify second point... Not sure what this means. For example I want to offset a line 15'-8". It won't let me do that. If i offset a line at 146" it lets me do it.
Is there a way of converting 3d polylines to polylines with an elevation?
I have a dwg of contour information, the contours are 3d polylines, because they are contours the z value is constant all along the line, so there no question what the elevation of the polyline would need to be.
I need to do this as I then need to import the dwg into a GIS programme called MapInfo whch doesn't read 3d polylines.
I used to be able to snap to the end of the linework that form the visual end or intersection of walls while grip dragging a wall of one style to another. For example, using a wallstyle as a countertop, I'd be able to drag it to the corner of a room and use object snap to the intersection. In ACA 2012, the object snap defaults to the justification plane of the wall even if that's not where the intersection snap is desired.
I am trying to trace part of my point cloud, which has been aligned according to a new UCS I set. Drawing on the top down view, a poly line works fine out in the black ether or the model space, however when I attempt to trace over the point cloud it shoots way off in the distance.
My node snapping is turned off of course, but this only happens when I click over a part of the point cloud, as if it was snapping to the cloud and getting confused.
When I turn snapping off completely I can click anywhere I want and I'm fine. This suggests to me that it is a snapping issue, although I was under the assumption that "Node" was the only snap setting that related to point clouds.
I'm working out some bugs that have cropped up now that I've upgraded to 2011. For starters, I can't seem to be able to snap to existing dimension lines like I used to, even though I have almost all of my snap types activated.
My crosshairs are not moving smoothly in my workspace. They are jumping big spaces. I typed "snap" and click "OFF" but it had not effect. I can't click on objects.. or draw from.. my mouse moves smoothly in every other application of my computer..just not in CAD workspace.
I am using education version of Autocad 2012 and have only around 2 gig of RAM. Whilst drawing , mainly in 3d my osnaps do not seem to work properly. In a lot of cases it is only the "nearest" snap that works. Sometimes I get no snaps when I think there should be plus I get a bunch of tiny green crosses around where I want to snap. Could my lack of RAM be causing this ?
I have just developed a problem where I can only snap to the origin regardless of where my cursor is. I have tried snapping to midpoints, endpoints, centers, etc. it always selects the origin. I even tried to change the origin to a point I want to draw from, but it sends me right back to the original origin.
I made no changes in the software setup - it started when I opened an existing drawing, and now it affects any drawing I start or open.
I have a strange problem with some featurelines in one of our projects. I have recorded the error because it is hard to describe. Below is the link to download the short video. I have tried running the audit and purge commands an no errors are reported.
I'm snapping to the corners of my multileader text boxes. OSNAPNODELEGACY is set to 1 and I'm not snapping to regular text or mtext. How can I change this behavior for the multileader text?
We detail an extensive amount of 3D solid entities using viewports in layout tabs. Most of detailing entities are in model space, things like dimensions, part callout, and other text entities that provide description as to what's going on in the viewport. Periodically, there is a need to create entities in paper space. Lets say for example, I'm zoomed out to the layout of the page setup, and I have a viewport with a lot of 3D solid entities. Still zoomed out now, I want to add an icon to the corner of the viewport. When I invoke the "endpoint" osnap to insert my icon at the viewport's, without zooming in, and try to pick a corner of the viewport, the icon gets inserted to an endpoint of an entity that's in model space. What a pain in the behind. The only real work-around is to zoom right into the corner of the viewport, which defeats the whole point of osnaps in the first place.
I remember this not being the case. Did AutoCAD introduce a variable and set it's default to something that I don't it to be, or is this a screw-up of AutoCAD?
I have several shapefiles that I have brought into a new autoCad drawing all with the same coordinate system. All display fine when zoomed out to the extents but when I zoom in the features disappear. The scaling is set to the default 0 to infinity onside of the styling so they should disappear like they are or like one would think if that was set to something else.
I also can not snap to these features while zoomed in either.
I was able to move Cogo points onto an existing line or polyline, and retain their existing Z value, rather than changing to 0.00 of the height of the poly line/line.
Is there a variable to change this? Thought it might be "OSNAPZ" but thats already set to 1 and this is still happening.
I am very new to autocad and i am trying to duplicate a template in my text book. (Yes, i'm an old new student). I have a drawing that i am trying to add a hidden line to and when i pick my start point and then select my second point, the line will snap to the nearest corner instead of staying where i put it.
In earlier releases of Acad, when Dimensioning, I could bring a new dim inline with an existing dim and the with using osnap align the new dim with the existing dim. With 2013, I can not get the osnap pick box to appear on the existing dim to be able to keep all my dims inline.
What I am trying to do is line snapping over 2 stetches.
I am working in 2D sketch mod, I am basically drawing square boxes on one sketch (in black) and then on another sketch (in orange) drawing connecting lines.
Right now I am having to maually look to see the distance, but is there any way to line snap over 2 sketches?
On a side note, When a drawing is finished, is there any way to scale it up or down?