AutoCad 2D :: Start Numbering On Multi Text

Dec 13, 2012

How do you start the numbering on multi text from a No. higer than 1?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Start Drawing Numbering At Something Other Than 1

Aug 6, 2012

Anyway, I have an .idw series of drawings that i want to start at sheet #13. How? It is a clients title block and the format is "sheet 1 of 8, sheet 2 of 8, etc." so I need sheet 13 of 26, etc..

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AutoCAD 2010 :: TCOUNT With MText - Automatic Text Numbering

Oct 29, 2012

When I try use ' TCOUNT ' with mtext, the numbering increments not by the value I enter (ie 1,1) but rather by the number of lines in the mtext; 3 lines of mtext would count 1, 4, 7, 10, 13...). BUT this only happens if the 'enter' button was pressed to start a new line.

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Photoshop :: Get Numbering Using Text?

Feb 26, 2012

How do I get numbering like the attached image using text in photoshop? I have photoshop elements 9. Basically I just want to be able to type out numbers within boxes, or some other solution that will give me this desired effect easily.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Break Multi Line Text Into Single Text

Dec 23, 2013

I have multi line text i want to break in one text suppose i have 3 word in multi line text

so i want to break separate like i-love-you as well

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AutoCad 2D :: Change Text Edit To Start At The End Of String Of Text?

Jun 26, 2012

What I want to do is have text edit for single line text to start at the end of a string of text instead of high lighting the entire text. Is it possible to do this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Make Line Boundary Around Multi-line Text Region Corresponding To Text Mask?

Apr 27, 2010

I need to do it quickly with many text regions. How to make line boundary around multi-line text region corresponding to text mask?

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AutoCad 2D :: Multi Line Text Editor

Jun 6, 2012

when I go to edit a text in my drawing using dd edit. The text I want to edit is Italic T, but when I start typing it automatically changes to Txt. font. So every time when I'm done typing I have to highlight everything I typed and change the font manually. On an older computer I had I never had to do this.

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AutoCad 2D :: Editing Multi-Line Text

Aug 2, 2012

I use a lot of Multiline text, copy and paste that text to other areas of the floor plans that I draw, then edit the text. My problem is when I select the text for editing my cursors always appears in a different location other than Align left.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Edit Multi Line Text

Oct 4, 2012

I am using AutoCad 2009 and I have a problem with the panel titles staying where I can access them. Example: the Format panel will appear at certain times, but I cannot find out how to access the function where they stay put all the time.

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AutoCad :: Match Properties From One Multi Text To Many Others?

Jun 24, 2011

i want to match properties from one multi text to many others , but i dont want to change the rotation to suite the source ...

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Multi Leader Not Extending To Text

Apr 17, 2012

All of my multi leaders (mleaders) worked great in 2012 with the added "extend leader to text" for leaders on the end of a text string, but in 2013, they now attach to the end of the box again.  

Some appear as though they are "trying" to extend, but the beginning of the leader without the extension now starts at the end of the box on the FIRST line.

See the attached examples:

Top one - Mleader is on the end of a text box larger than the actual text (NOTE:  I have many drawings like this, opening them in 2013 is a nightmare)

Version #2 - Note what the leader does in this example, the "extend to end of text" is the correct length, but it starts at the edge of the box, not the end of the first line of text.  Again, this worked fine in 2012.

Version #3 - This is what should happen, only happens if you adjust the text box size.  I don't really want to spend my clients money updated dozens of multileaders on hundreds of drawings to force the mleader to work.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Multi-Line Text Imaginary Box

Oct 12, 2012

we have several columns of multiline text and draw a line to the left of each column.  problem is when the text increases or decreases the number of rows the line does not change.  is there a way to have this line dynamically change as the number of rows change?  or is there a way to snap a line on the imaginary box around the text?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Multi-viewport - Text Is Out Of Scale

Feb 4, 2013

In paperspace the text are so out of scale and it only shows a specific area of the model view.the other viewports will have a realistic and 2d wireframe.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Empty Text Value Within Multi Value List

Aug 12, 2013

I could add an empty text value within an multi value list in inventor 2010, but I don't think i can do the same thing in 2013, is there a possible way to do it?

Btw, when by an empty text value I dont mean a space.

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AutoCAD LT :: Making Boxed Multi Leader Text Opaque

Sep 23, 2013

Is there a way to make the box, and thus the ext within the box block out anything behind it on the drawing. Making the boxed text opaque?

This would be real handy in a complicated drawing if the lines, etc. behind a text box on a multileader did not show through the text box.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Multi Value Text User Parameter

Aug 26, 2010

I created a sketch that I would like to use in an iFeature.  The sketch dimensions are controlled with an ilogic rule referencing a multi value text user parameter, eg the text parameter pull down menu controls the size of the part.

Is there an easy way to get this parameter into an ifeature or derived part?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multi-line Text Won't Stay Justified

Mar 2, 2012

I have a couple of different files that I'm working on that I want a particular text box left-justified.  I will get it left-justified and save the file, but the next time the file is opened the text is centered. 

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AutoCAD LT :: Multi Line Text No Longer Visible / Works

Jul 26, 2011

I've been running AutoCAD 2006 since it came out and have been running it on Windows 7 since it came out.    I've never had any problem runnning my LT version.  Today, all of a sudden I cannot type text in the multi-tex box. The cursor moves in the box but nothing is shown.  I click okay but cannot select anything.  It's like the cursor is moving but not laying down text.  I've changed the different fonts, colors and even changed my background from Black to While and still cannot see any text.

My single line text tool continues to work just not the multi-line text box. 

I also tried restarting my computer and tried opening existing files.  The multi-line box problem occurs on other files to.

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AutoCAD LT :: Convert Single Line Text To Multi Line Text

Oct 7, 2011

I need to convert single-line text into multi-line text (AutoCAD LT 2009). Will this version allow you to do so?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Single Line Text To Multi Line Text?

Dec 14, 2011

I know that there was a command that would convert single line text to multi-line text but I can not find it. It use to be tt2mt or something like that.

I can not find this command in the help either. Did they get rid of this command like zoom center?

how to take multiple single line text and add them together into one multi-line text?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Multi Line Text In One Cell In Parts Lists

Dec 6, 2011

We are using inventor 2011 and I would like to make the text wrap where I want it to not where the cell length determines. Can I do this in the ipropeties of the part? When I edit the parts list to move wrap the text manually the text turns blue of course, but this also negates the updating of parts automatically. In the part I use an expression to ensure that the description reverts back to the iproperties of the part ie =<G_L> X <G_W> - <MATERIAL>. I would like it to insert a text wrap then proceed to the next line with <STOCKNUMBER> - <PARTNUMBER> so I would look like:

12" X 6" - G40.21-44W
PL. 1/2 - PL-100

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Placing Multi Lines Of Text In DCL Edit_box

Jan 10, 2012

Is it possible to have Multi lines of text in a .dcl edit_box or such? 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: What To Put In Override Box To Start Second Line Of Text

May 24, 2012

What to put in the override box to start a second line of text? its autocad 2013

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Put Multi-lines Of Text Into Drawing Info Comments

Dec 19, 2011

I am able to insert multi line text into the Drawing Properties Summaryinfo standard field "comments" by using  string concatenation in VBA by using "mytext" & vbLF & vbCR "mytext".

But I can't find a way that works in autolisp. This code does not work.
(defun c:FillComments (/) (vl-load-com) (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq acDoc (vlax-get-property acadObj 'ActiveDocument)) (setq acDocSumInfo (vlax-get-property acDoc 'SummaryInfo)) (setq *customer* "MyCustomerName") (setq *location* "MyLocation") (setq *project* "MyProject") (setq*comments* (strcat *customer* ", " (chr 10) (chr 13) *location* ", " (chr 10) (chr 13) *project* ) ;_ end of strcat ) ;_ end of setq (vlax-put-property acDocSumInfo "Comments" *comments*) (princ)) ;_ end of defun
The text comes in but all on one line.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Editing Multi Leader Text Insertion Point

Nov 16, 2012

Is there a way to modify the text insertion point of multileaders using lisp? We have a problem with some of our multileaders getting a landing distance set to a negative value.  My lisp routine will correct these to a default value, but then the text jumps a bit.  If I could get the insertion point prior to changing the landing distance then I could restore that point after changing the landing distance.
;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(defun c:zld (/ e th dogleg doglegllength sf ss c mlss mlcount) (setqss (ssget (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "MULTILEADER"))))DWATxtHgt (getvar "userr1")sf 1dogleg (/ 3 32.0)th (if dwatxthgt dwatxthgt dogleg)c 0mlcount 0mlss (ssadd)) (IF ss (while (< c (sslength ss)) (setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss c)) c (1+ c) ) (= (vla-get-ObjectName e) "AcDbMLeader") (progn;;change the dogleglength if


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Sorting Multi Line Text In Alphabetic Order

Apr 23, 2013

I required a lisp for sorting Multiline text in alphabetic order. (Ascending and Descending)

For example in my drawing it contains lot of Mtexts having multi rows. I need to sort texts inside Mtext. Like PDC-012, DAG-012, AAG-096. I need that Mtext should be AAG-096,DAG-012,PDC-012.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Get Profile Start And End Labels To Appear Even After Checked Label Start Station

Feb 22, 2012

I can't seem to get my profile start and end station labels to appear even after I checked "Label start station" and "label end station" in the profile view properties.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Can't Start 2014 / Unable To Start Application (0xc000007b)

Apr 28, 2013

I got this error

Unable to start application (0xc000007b).

I already tried several fixes like:

1. reinstall all redist(x64 & x86).

2. reinstall .Net 4.0

3. Use CCleaner for Registry error.

4. chckdsk for error and fix.still error so I've gone through this.

5. I uninstall Autocad 2014 completely, uninstall it manually one by one,deleted left over folder of autodesk or similar software to it, deleted its registry keys.just like the instruction on how to remove autocad completely in autodesk, I just followed it all. [after Reboot]

6 I Re-install it and still the problem persist.

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InDesign :: Using Same Text Over Multi Files

Apr 8, 2014

I am taking a long shot at this because I know its possible, but I cant seem to figure out how to do it. My problem is that I have a lot of resturants clients who have different menu (take out, dine in, delivery) that contain the same items over and over agian. Problem is that if there is a change in one you have to manually change it in other menus. I am wondering if there is a way to setup these menus where you change the text in one file (doc, txt, rft, incopy or whatever)? BUT the tricky part is that, each of these files have its own indepdent text & paragraph styles and that cant be disturb by the edits.

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Start 2014 Without Empty Start-up Drawing

Jun 10, 2013

I want to start AutoCAD LT without the empty drawing. Just AutoCAD and the welcome screen. How can i do that? I always close the first drawing and begin a new one by choosing out of several templates or start with an existing drawing, rename and modify it. For NEW or OPEN i like to use the welcome screen.

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