AutoCAD 2012 is loaded on my office machine with WIndows 7 64 bit. I have downloaded the correct vba module and installed. After writing a simple program with two texboxes for user input and a calculation button with an answer box. When running, the cursor appears in the textbox but neither textbox will accept input from the keyboard and the cursor does not move nor does the tab key work even with it set in the program. Pressing the calculate button and a zero appears. In the toolbox I have added the AcFocusCtrl control, still no luck.
AutoCAD 2012 is loaded on my office machine with WIndows 7 64 bit. I have downloaded the correct vba module and installed. After writing a simple program with two texboxes for user input and a calculation button with an answer box, when running the cursor appears in the textbox but neither textbox will accept input from the keyboard and the cursor does not move nor does the tab key work even with it set in the program. Pressing the calculate button and a zero appears. In the toolbox I have added the AcFocusCtrl control, still no luck.
This code works with no errors but does not change the text size. A user can over ride the text size (Font size) so I'm hoping it is possible thru code.
Dim oSketch As Inventor.Sketch Set oSketch = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Sketches("Sketch1") Dim oText As Inventor.TextBox Set oText = oSketch.TextBoxes.AddByRectangle(pnt1, pnt2) oText.Style.FontSize = 0.1
I have the following image. This is for schools as a fundraiser product/promo product.
What i have in green is the text box. I want it to adjust the text height and width itself depending on how much text is in the box while keeping a universal textbox size. Is there a way to do that?
I xref’d a plan into a compiled drawing and added notes in the compiled drawing’s model space. The xref’d plan contains an image. When adding the notes in the compiled drawing, I turn the layer off on the xref that contains the image so that I can see the text clearer. When I turn the image layer on, the notes are there, but 2 things are happening: (1) I cannot select the xref for some reason, and (2) the text disappears in the viewport when I switch to paper space.
I need to mix left to right and right to left (hebrew) text in a textbox. How can I do that? If I copy/paste hebrew text the text is inserted as if it was left to right, that is: reversed. Can I somehow work around that?
This is a problem running through only some of my drawings, I have tried forcing the z value to 0, no change. I have tried setting the ucs to current, world, no change. I have tried to flatten the text, no change.
I'm have been using Photoshop CS2 for the past year and suddenly I am no longer able to see text that I type.
The background is white, the text colour is black, I'm on the top most layer (actually right now I'm on the only layer), the font size is big enough and is a Photoshop friendly found (basic Arial Black).
When I click on the document to create the text, a black square is coming up but I can't see the cursor, or anything I type.
i have a Problem with my Autodesk CAD 2012 version. I wanted to write a VBA-Skript, but then there comes up a problem i cant solve and i don't know if it's a CAD or a VBA problem. When i make a Userform with a Textbox and run the program i can't write anything into the Textbox. I have the impression the program jumps always from cad to vba and back.I tried it then in excel and in the Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 and there it was no problem.
I have a Form with a UserControl that has a Textbox on it.I want to be able to enter negative numbers in the Textbox.However, it will only allow me to input the chars [0-9 and a period '.'
I have added KeyDown, KeyPress, PreviewKeyDown events for the form, UserControl and the Textbox.
None of these receive events for characters other than the chars above.
I am displaying the form with the Application.ShowModalDialog( myForm) call.
I am guessing that the Application object is eating the keypress event.
I've been working on items in Illustrator, and noticed a HUGE change when I transfer them into Photoshop. What I am doing is creating images (and text) in Illustrator.
Then I select, Control + C to copy, then I paste into my 300dpi document in Photoshop to add textures, etc. Once they are brought in... the text is pixelated and not clear like it is in Illustrator.
Left (is the Photoshop Image) AFTER Transfer ------ Right (Original Image in Illustrator)
I am using Inventor 2013 API for an application that imports Solid bodies and Sketches from Inventor parts.
Observed that when we import sketch entities, the Text object simply returns 4 lines representing its bounding box. What I want to do here, is to get the formated text as a collection of geometric entities. (lines, splines, arcs)
Is there any API available to "explode" text into entities, or may be a cleaner method that simply returns tesselation of formated text?
I am trying to change the titleblock definition of a drawing when I run my custom ilogic code. Currently (and for the past few years) the drawing name is defined by the drawing properties part number but when I run my code I would like the drawing name to be defined by the model properties part number as shown below:
Currently the textbox for the part number is configured as below:
And I'd like to change it to this:
The code I have to find the part number is as follows:
Dim x = 1 Dim oTxtBox As Inventor.TextBox For Each oTxtBox In oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.Definition.Sketch.TextBoxes If oTxtBox.Text = "<PART NUMBER>" Then oStuff =
I am a relative newcomer to Photoshop CS5. I have been creating a document with a background image layer and a couple of text box layers. The font is set at Arial, italic, sharp. When I save the document as a PDF file, random words appear in bold. I have tried deleting these words in the PSD document text layer and retyping them but they still appear as bold in the PDF file. Interestingly when I save as a JPEG image the bold words appear as normal. CS5 version is 12.0.4 and OS is Windows XP.
One two of my text boxes there is background colour appearing. I did not put it in there and it just suddenly appeared.
On the top left of the properties panel, where the name of the itme appears, there is a button to select between Div and cod and h1 and p etc. And when I experiment and change between the different options sometines this is removing background of one of them and then when I select the other one and change the option, it is removing the background, but then the original one goes back to having a background. See image below.
I only mention the paragrph above becuase it seems to make a difference.
What I think I am looking to do is get into the code and delete the CSS which is giving the text a background. There does not seem to be an option in the properties to add or remove a text background.
I'm trying to add text on both sides of the diagonal line. I want the text to be screen filling, so what I'm trying to achieve is two triangular shaped text boxes.
In Indesign (cs4): When I have marked the textbox and wish to alter the font, I have the last couple of days experienced that I click on the new font I desire, but the font does not change. I have to close down Indesign and then I can change the font. ... for a while, then it happens again, and I have to close down Adobe again. (there is plenty of space in the textbox, that is not the problem). (I have had this CS4 for many years, and not till this last week have I had this probem).
I think I need to change the cdrTextPropertyFill using cdrTextPropertySet. If you look at the Property Manager Window with Artistic Text selected go to the 5th tab (format). On the bottom is background color: with two drp downs. One for textbox background and one for character background.
I would like to be able to change these settings in a macro. I think this line is finding the text on the graphic, now I need to change the background.
One of my co-workers had an issue with a drawing, and she had a PDF file XREF'd into model space on a layer called "XREF", and she had created a viewport in paperspace and you could see that the PDF file was there. However, when you plot it, the PDF does not plot. The layer is on, and is not frozen in the viewport, and is also a plottable layer, so techicially, there should be no reason why it shouldn't appear when plotted.
The only way I could get the PDF to plot, was to remove it from model space and place it in paper space, and then I could get it to plot out. The reason for placing it in model space to begin with is so we could create a polygonal viewport and not be limited to just the rectangular shape of the PDF page. Also, with the PDF in paperspace, we can't XCLIP it and are limited to just reducing or enlarging the PDF page, which in this instance was an 8-1/2 x 11 landscape page.
Why the PDF does not plot on paper when XREF'd into modelspace but it plots out fine when the PDF is in paperspace?
I'm trying to get connection to WMS; however after the connection is made, I don't get any layers in my list.
I've been trying many times, and the same result.
The situation is that the original Imagery were in LL84 and the provider transferred them to local CRS; since then I don't get any layers to view! Though I was able to see them before the transformation has made.
Architectural logo has inserted as OLE object in the title block, we called this title block as x-ref and inserted the title block in paper space (layout). Now when we convert into pdf the drawing the OLE object logo is not appearing and the other coponents are appearing.
what could be the reason, for PDF conversion i am using DWG to PDF.pc3
When we convert same logo as a pdf overlay in CAD by using same .pc3 file it is working fine.