How do we flip the dimension numbers from one side of the line to another?
My dimension always appears on the left hand side for a vertical line and on the top for horizontal line... Can I make them appear on the bottom or right side?
I'm trying to get the dimension text that I pull out to the side closer to the actual dimension marks. The 2 1/2" and 2" shown have a minimum distance they can get toward their dimensions. I would like it to be about half of what it is, but so far I haven't been able to find the property that changes that.
Can i change the length of the dimension line 'extension' when my dimension text placement is beside the dimension line (see attached image)?dim line length.jpg
every one now a day i am making isometric drawings so i m little bit confuse in that i am using dimension and change the oblige angle text of dimension so is it right way or not ????
When doing an angle dimension and trying to put text under the dimension line, the text types out straight which if long enough will extend over the dimension line. Other then creating text with arctext, is there no other way to get it curved? I am using AutoCAD 2010.
my normal dimension style has text above dmension line & I want to add 'typical' to it below dimension line.
I have done this lot of time in my previous job an year back. but I can't seem to remember what to type between dimension text & the word I want to add in edit text box, so that it appers below dimension line.
Inventor to remove an Ordinate dimension (not Ordinate Dimension Set). It seems you can only make one per view. And you can only edit the dimension, i.e. the Origin symbol, but not delete it !? Don't know if there is a change from previous versions of Inventor to 2009.
is it possible to have a dimension style setup that shows the dimension text inline with the dimension - without having to move it?I have been looking but cannot seem to do it - is it possible and I am just missing it?
I'm using revit for my college projects.. When I edit an in placed mass I see these dimension texts, i could use guidance on how to hide these... this started happening today
My office has two desktop printers, both HP. Our Officejet 7000 wide format prints great. On the HP Officejet 7500, we are often seeing text printing errors. It will not print the text from vertical dimension strings, and cuts off some M-text at an imaginary vertical line in the middle of the text box. PDF's of the same drawing look fine. Is this a printer driver issue? Is there anything I can do within AutoCAD?
I am having problems with changing the height of the dimension text. I have tried going into the style editor and changing the text height in there and then saving it. The number for the height that I changed stays saved however the actual text height on the drawing does not, not even after I tell it to update.
We have detail drawings that contain horizontal and vertical dimensions. They're drawn at full scale in model space and saved as individual drawings. We then insert them as blocks onto a sheet in paper space, scaling them down to 1/2", 1/4" scale ETC.
Here's the problem - all the vertical dimension text appears bolder than everything else when scaled down. Horizontal text is just fine, diagonal text also looks a little bolder though.
When i mark Text/Dimension/Multileader and such in autocad 2011 LT, i get an issue, which i have tried to shown on the picture.The problem is that when i mark them, they show the current size they have, plus any other size they have had (Annotation it seems).
I Make a dimension. The overall annotation scale is 1:10. Now i change the overall annotation scale to 1:100. Then i set the overall annotation scale back to 1:10, i click my dimension, and it now shows how it currently looks, plus how it looked when the annotation scale was 1:100. This way i end up with every text object showing up 5 times when i mark them.
Home and work computers act differently when I initiate the dimension text edit command. One moves both the text and the dimension lines and the other only moves the text. It doesn't appear to be the dimstyle so I am wondering if it is a setvar.
i'm having some problem when I preview my drawings for printing. When i'm zooming in the drawings in the paper space, the text and dimension text become invisible but when i zoom it out again, that the drawings become a bit smaller, i can see the text. by the way i'm using Vista as my OS.
Instead of adding text as a prefix or suffix i would like to know if it is possible aswell to remove text from within text: For example:
I have these texts "I am not good", "he is not good", "what not to be" And i would like to remove the word "not" from all selected text so i would get "i am good", "he is good" , "what to be". The set word not will always be the same, so there is no need for user string input.
How do you add text before a dimension in the idw environment? For example, I have a dimension that shows 40".... I want to add text before it to say something like.... " 8 Spaces at 5" = 40" ".... The 40 would be the default dimension value, everything else I want to add to the dimension... I have added tons of text information behind default dimension values, this is the first time I need to add the text before the value and cannot figure out how to get it to work...
I wrote a dimensionroutine and want to put the dimensiontext on a home or upper position depending the space the dimensiontext needs and is nearby the last created.
With the boundingbox of the dimensiontext I hope to calculate if the dimensiontext will fit between his two dimensionblocks
This used to work, then my computer dies and AutoCad was reinstalled. I am trying to dimension some cut-outs in a 19" rack panel. I can dimension them, it shows the correct dimensions but then when I hit enter it wont save the dimensions. I've gone into DIMSTYLE and everything looks fine but I cant get this simple task to work.
Background Info: I am fixing about 10 drawings with to our clients standards, which are no where close to normal drafting standards. This client likes their titleblocks droped in to model space and scaled to fit, unless it has multiple scales on the drawing then it's O.K. to do it the correct way. I know right!!
Anyway I am trying to get some drawings ready for IFC.
The problem: The person that set these dwg's up did the dimentions in paperspace and now that I have them in model space I can't get the text size to change. I can't change them in dimention style format box because it is grey'd out. I tried to change the overall scale in the dim style box to no avail. I also tried highlighting and changing the text size in the properties box but alas that to failed.
I need to overwrite the measurement of quite a lot of dimensions. I do this by double clicking on a dimension and entering properties and writing the text there. However, this takes forever and I need greater efficiency.
In 2011 I could select dim, Right click, Type "X" to bring up the move dim sub menu, Then either "M" to move dim alone or "L" to move it with a leader.
I can't seem to do that in 2012. I have to hover the mouse over the dim text grip point and wait for a menu to pop-up.
Obviously the former is way faster and I would like that back.
Also on a side note, I'm noticing 2012 to be ever so slightly slower. Micro second delays here and there. Extremely annoying when you're used to instant commands. Biggest culprit seems to be the move command. It hangs for a split second when I invoke the command. (and no I don't have properties up). Is this something I just need to get used too?
Select a dimension. Select the text grip. Right click. You'll get a menu for doing some neat things with the text, such as moving it independently, resetting it, and centering it vertically. You can even rotate the dimension.
I was trying to move some dimension text because the plan doesn't line up with the UCS. Either the text was upside down (reading left to right) or on the wrong side of the line (reading right to left). This beats exploding the dimension!
I have recently upgraded from LT06 to LT09.Why am I having trouble changing the text height on my dimension? I used to be able to double click on a specific dimension and change the text height to anything I wanted and than using the "match properties" icon change all the others.
All of a sudden this morning when I dimension something, my dimension text is upside down. It is only on one drawing and only on new dimensions. why nad how to correct?
I have a dimensioning problem. I have dimensions that I cannot modify as I normally do. I do not know what setting is stopping me but here is what it is doing. I add a dimension to a part. I then edit it to add 2X in front if it. It will then put it on top of the dimension. If I put it behind the text, it then goes beneath the dimension. There is no way to add text and it would actually appear on the same line as the dimension.
I'm using different dimension styles for different scales on my drawing, however, if i change one dimension style text to a certain size, all of the others change too, is there something i'm doing wrong? I need every dimension style to be its own text size, but i'm having to manually change them every time.