AutoCAD .NET :: Populate ColumnDataview But Not Integrate All Linetype In Current DWG
Apr 1, 2012
here my code :
Public Function LectureDefLine() As Collection
Dim db As Database = New Database(True, False)
Dim OkErreur As Boolean = False
dim cCollDefTypeLine as collection = New Collection
Dim path As String = HostApplicationServices.Current.FindFile
i use it for populate a ComboxColumn of a dataview.
I want populate a ColumnDataview but not integrate all the linetype in mu current dwg.
This code run but acad crash after .. So have you a function/sub working fine ?
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May 21, 2011
Is it possible to fully integrate a jpeg (ie a logo jpeg) into a drawing instead of image reference? I am working on some catalogues and each page of each catalogue has a logo and forgetting the logo.jpeg once in distribution yield chaotic result.
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Jul 20, 2013
how can i know if the current view/display is align with the current ucs?
let's say i have rotate the ucs about z axis 45 degrees and make it plan now i draw some things and then i change back to world
worlducs = 1
viewdir = 0,0,1
ucsxdir = 1,0,0
ucsydir = 0,1,0
but the display is still in the ucs z 45 (ucsfollow = 0) set the view to PLAN current (now the view is aligned) but the system vars does not change.
For a plan UCS, you would need to compare the VIEWDIR system variable and the cross product of the UCSXDIR and UCSYDIR system varaibles.
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Sep 29, 2011
Is there a macro/script/deisel that will automatically print a pdf (cute pdf autocad lt 2007) to current plot settings in current drawing directory and give it the current drawing view name and number? Disk space not a problem these days and would save time to have a pdf copy of all drawing tabs readily stored in the directory ready for issue.
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Sep 3, 2013
Technique that can check the current plotter name for the current tab and assign it to a variable? i.e. can it be assigned to a variable to check if if equals "myplotter1". The next step - is there a technique to change the plotter name to "myplotter2.pc3".
I have partially done the latter part of this in the past using the -plot command line to ASSIGN a new plotter but I would really like to only run the routine if it really needs to.
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Nov 13, 2013
I need to integrate dwf files in my web page. There is one more requirement it should fulfill, suppose i want to search for a room in building which has some number or name , i want it be searched in the drawing directly using a query string from the aspx page.
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Nov 21, 2006
Is there currently any way to integrate voice commands into Inventor? It would be an incredible time saver. Software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking and IBM ViaVoice offer this technology for some Windows applications. I was just wondering if it could be applied to Inventor? If not, can we expect something for R12?
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May 18, 2011
I am looking for a way of integrating an image, actually a logo jpeg directly into the dwg instead of an image reference and each time having to have the logo.jpeg in the same directly and reloading the image.
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Mar 4, 2013
Just wondering whether there is a way to integrate iLogic error message into VB.NET code.
For example, if use following sentence to read the data from spread sheet.
LengthFloat=GoExcel.CellValue("tank_data.xls", "Gauges", "llg_arm_lgth")
if there is no such cell of "llg_arm_lgth", the error message appears as in attached file.
Right now I want to use "try...catch... end try" in the iLogic code. I can duplicate the first line of the warning message using VB.NET code, but I can not reach the second line. Does the iLogic expose this error message through some function? or which VB.NET code does this job?
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Nov 14, 2012
How can I copy a linetype definition from a drawing to the linetype definition file?
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Jun 5, 2013
I have 1 Next button that is used on the timeline. Each position has a pause then a play so there is only 1 button. I need to get the label info so I know where I am so I can save the location of the timeline that the user was at if they exited before they finished the process.
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Sep 26, 2012
if I choose PSE11 to be the photo editor in Aperture, the selected photo won't be opened in PSE11, PSE11 is started though. However, if I drag and drop from Aperture to PSE11 it works, but saving back to Aperture does not.
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Dec 28, 2013
I cannot find my NIK plug-ins after initial installation of LR5. I installed Silver EFX Pro (1) and Color Efex Pro 4 after LR5 +.3 upgrade, and theres nothing in the plugin manager except what came on the LR5 installation disk. Im running Windows 8 on the desktop and windows 7 ultimate on the laptop, same issue with both computers.
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Feb 14, 2014
I would like to know how to integrate a slideshow 'gallery flash lightroom" into a dreamweaver CC page which already exists. I don't find any bottom "export into dreamweaver" in Lightroom...
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Oct 16, 2013
I extract all my files from a database, and start Edge Animate CC. How do I determine, when Animate has closed the files again? It must work for both Windows and Mac. We have solved similar requirement for Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign CS5 and CS6 by writing a plugin.
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Jun 29, 2012
I love Photoshop CS6, and my absolute favorite new feature is the Color Lookup adjustment layer. So far, I've been extremely happy with the effects I've been able to pull off by combining that with other adjustment layers, channel work, etc.
However, I've gotten to the point where I realize that my next step -- much like a user who graduates up from using actions he/she downloads off of Deviant Art -- is to make my own color look up tables. The only tool at my disposal for this is Speed Grade. (I have a CS6 cloud membership -- off topic, but way to go, Adobe, that made it feasible for me to "graduate" from only having Photoshop CS5.1 to having the full suite at a very reasonable price!)
I've used Speed Grade on video clips I've shot with my Canon 5D MkII to great effect. Nothing I'd post publicly yet (I'm still learning how to shoot motion), but I considered the results to be very positive. I've managed to save several test .look files, as well, both on video footage and still images (JPGs, to be specific).
I always shoot RAW, and my usual workflow is to start in Aperture (I'm a Mac user), do some basic RAW adjustments, then export a 16-bit PSD and get down to the real work in Photoshop. SpeedGrade doesn't yet seem to support PSDs natively, so in order to create a .look which is appropriate for my image, it currently looks like I need to export a JPG (down to 8-bit sRGB, ugh) from Photoshop, then open THAT in SpeedGrade, do my work, save my .look, go BACK into Photoshop, and use the .look file there.
I could live with that if -- IF -- the .look file actually gave me my expected results. However, the only time the .look behaves exactly the same in Photoshop as it does in SpeedGrade seems to be if I open the image as a JPG -- thus losing all my layers, adjustments, smart objects, etc. When I apply any of my .look files to a PSD, they come entirely too dark, every time. Many of them have simply turned an image into a large 22 megapixel black rectangle.
So my question is this: How do I make a SpeedGrade .look file behave predictably in Photoshop, in a 16-bit-per-channel PSD file? I'm OK with changing the color space if I have to (even if it's to sRGB, the bane of my existence) -- but I need to see the same thing in SG that I do in PS. Is this possible today, or am I waiting on the next SG release? Or, and I assume this to be the case -- as I'm a software engineer by trade, and know that this is almost always the case! -- is this a case of user error? And if so, what can I do to correct my user error?
Or, sacrilegious as it may seem since I have all of Adobe's tools, are there other Mac-based products I can use to create color look up files compatible with Photoshop?
In case it matters, here's my platform:
Canon 5D MkII, latest firmware, always shoot RAWApple Aperture 3.2.3. Mac OS 10.7 (late 2011 MacBook Pro 17", 16 GB RAM)Adobe Creative Suite 6 Cloud Subscription (photo, illustration, video tools installed; no Flash nor web tools)
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Feb 24, 2012
how to configure my software to integrate color management so that what I see on my monitor is comparable to what I print or post on the web. I've read all I can find on-line and looked through a number of books and magazines, but as my reading increases, so does my confusion - too many menus, options, links and connections. I'll describe what I have in terms of hardware and software in as much detail as possible.
I run an HP desktop with an ASUS IPD monitor. I have ColorMunki and have reguarly conducted their diagnostic, which gives me an updated monitor profile every two weeks - when a new profile is created, it becomes my default under Windows 7 Control Panel Color Management. I print with an Epson Stylus Photo R1900 with Epson paper and ink. I use the printer and paper profiles supplied by Epson for the R1900 and specific papers.
On the other end, I have Nikon photo equipment. I set the color space on my cameras to ProPhoto and I shoot exclusively in Nikon raw format - .NEF. I shoot a D90 and a D7000 with 12M and 16M files respectively. I download directly from the SD card using Windows Explorer and then import into Lightroom 3.
I have Lightroom 3 and Photoshop CS5 Extended. I use Lightroom to import raw files into the catalog and to do basic editing. From there, I publish to Smugmug as .TIFF files - directly from Lightroom. I also export files from Lightroom to Photoshop CS5 Extended and save them as .PSD and .JPEG files. The files that I export to Smugmug look pretty good - similar to what I see on my screen. My real conundrum is with the Epson printer and Lightroom/Photoshop. What I see on my monitor is very different from what prints. From both platforms. As a rule, the shots are too dark and the colors are often very muted. This is especially true with images of people and skin tones. They often come out looking pale gray or blue.
My problem, (well, one of them) is the multitude of menus that have color management inputs - how do I make sure they are all working together and reinforcing each other instead of working at cross purposes? In Lightroom, I have Page Setup and Print Preferences, as well as Color Management options in the Print Module right hand panel. In Photoshop, I have Print and Page setups, as well as Color Management menus. There are also the Proof menus to consider.
In Photoshop, softproofing, I think I ned to select teh printer profile so that Photoshop is showing me how the printer will interpret the color space. I also think I need to be consistent in how I define the workspace - from Nikon to Lightroom to Photoshop to Epson. If I use ProPhoto with my camera do I need to use that in every circumstance? Should I switch to Adobe RGB? I have printer setting color space turned off in both LR and PS.
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Dec 20, 2012
how to integrate this CSSDeck code into an Edge Composition? [URL].... I tried to follow Joel Pau example here: [URL]... but had no luck implmenting. My knowledge of code is pretty weak so I have troulbe following.
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Nov 14, 2012
What i want to do is popluate a Listbox with with the area of previously selected Objects.This is what i have at the moment:
i = 0ListBox1.ColumnCount = 2For Each ssetOBJ In sset objarea = ssetOBJ.Area i = i + 1 With ListBox1 .AddItem .List(.ListCount - i, 0) = "Fläche" .List(.ListCount - i, 1) = objarea End With Next.
But the code only writes the area of the last Object in the first Row of the Listbox.I think in the FOR EACH Expression the variable "i" pass always "1" for the Row Number.
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Feb 28, 2013
Is there a way to populate a ListBox with all of my Action Recorders?
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Sep 16, 2013
I'm using AutoCAD 2014. When we upgraded from 2013 I migrated all of my tool palettes and settings over to 2014 earlier this year. All seemed normal up until Friday when I created a new palette. That part was normal, but when I tried to drag a block from Design Center to that tool palette it wouldn't populate. It seemed like it was going to, it gave me that typical >---< under where the block would show up in the tool palette, but when I tried to release it in the palette, nothing.
Additionally, if I right click on a directory/folder in design center and select "Create Palette of Blocks" (which I have done a million times before), it will create the tab of the directory/folder I have created but does not populated it with the blocks within that directory/folder. Leaving me with a blank Tool Palette.
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Apr 26, 2011
I have to add 80 Xdata to some objects. How to populate them within a loop. This what I did for 11 of them . But
I am pretty sure there is a way to do it in a loop which I don't know .
Public Sub SetXData2()
Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
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Jul 24, 2012
How to populate an Inventor Multivalue PARAMETER using a For cycle in iLogic according to a variable index corresponding to a different number of array items?
for example:
i grab some data from a Rule and populate an Arraylist variable. I trace the number of instances using a counter. after the data acquisition I want to populate the Multivalue Parameter with the acquired values.
No problem browsing the Arraylist parameter: MyArraylist.(Index)... but what about the Multivalue parameter?
the MultiValue.SetList("Multivalue Parameter", Value 1, Value 2, ... , Value N) provide a defined number of data and cannot be set dynamically according to an Index.
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Oct 6, 2013
I've been given a floor plan of a building which I need to populate with smoke detectors. The smoke detectors are larger than the entire building. I've used the same smoke detectors on other floor plans and they've always been scaled properly.
Also, I notice the floorplan is 1:250@A3
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Sep 30, 2010
How to create and populate a new custom dictionary in with None of the examples I could find (that I think would work) were written in vb and weren't very well documented. So I guess what I would like is a push in the right direction.
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Oct 10, 2012
I know how to create a new Palette but I need to populate it with some terminal blocks i use every day, I currently open drawings and copy and paste, How do I add the terminal blocks I created to my custom palette. I have AutoCAD LT 2013
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Sep 2, 2012
I have one drawing with several thousand instances of the same block in it. Each block has a 'name' attribute. I want to populate those block attributes with a spreadsheet. What is the best way in AutoCAD 2013 to do that?
Ideas: the old ATTOUT, ATTIN commands from Express Tools....rather a dated method, but it might work
dbConnect: I've never used it, but might work.
Data Extraction Wizard: I think is just for data extraction from a drawing, but again not sure.
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Jun 27, 2011
I am trying to use an iLogic rule to populate iProperties (some generic, some custom) from a part number spreadsheet (containing columns such as PART NUMBER, DESCRIPTION, FINISH etc) and the rule keeps throwing up the following error 'Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.'
Here’s part of the code (would be extended for the required custom iproperties but I’m assuming the same principle is ok)
'read excel file
'index row 3 through 10000
For rowPN = 3 To 10000
'find first empty cell in PART NUMBER column (Column A)
If (GoExcel.CellValue("A" & rowPN) = "") Then
Changing the format of the excel data (number or text) has no effect. Is manipulation of the format required so that Inventor can read text and numbers to iProperties in this way?
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Jan 8, 2014
I am struggling to populate a list view on my windows form. I have tried various methods but its not working. I can get the values into the listview but where i need 2 columns with many rows, i am just get 5 columns.
my list view needs to populate 2 columns. the first column is visible and shows a part name. the second column is hidden and holds a different value. I recursively loop through records and i need to add a row per record. This is captured with j. How can i add the correct amount of rows per j and the columns to hold the correct data?
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May 16, 2013
I have some files (OK, 11,000 of them) and they have drawings on the bottom and text on the top. I want to erase this text and replace it with data that comes from a database. I don't know where to start.
I need to:
1. preferably find a way to erase the old data on the top, but I could do it manually
2. Insert data from specific fields into specific spots on the drawings.
3. Each drawing would have the same fields but different data corresponding to an account number. The account number is included in the name of the drawing and is a field in the database.
How to get started? I have Map3D as well, which I was told would work better than regular AutoCAD on this, but I also have regular AutoCAD. I can't even figure out how to make the database connection work.
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Aug 6, 2013
I'm importing pictures from different cameras into the same catalog. I set the world time on both cameras so they could seamlessly integrate into one catalog by time. What setting do i need to choose in the catalog to make the pictures from the 2 different cameras integrate by time shot?
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