AutoCAD .NET :: Display Object Data And Also Add New Features To That Table
Sep 7, 2012How can I display the object data in a grid with and also add new features to the same layer along with the object data.
View 3 RepliesHow can I display the object data in a grid with and also add new features to the same layer along with the object data.
View 3 RepliesHow can I display the object data of a layer in table format, with or How can I display the attributes of a .SHP file, edit it and also add new point to it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am wanting to use an Autocad table object to display fields from an Access database table that is linked to symbols in my drawing.
My objective is create a database table that has detailed notes for call outs in my drawings and then link my call out blocks to the database table and display the blocks and linked descriptions in an Autocad table. If the notes in the database table are edited the Autocad table updates with the new the description from the database.
How can I Get table name of the object data of a selected layer, with C#.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am just wondering whether FIELD category can access the OBJECT DATA Table ?
I want to use a block to display its OD table's attributes as Annotation text , so that the Text will update when the OD table change.
Or do I need use the Data connection for this purpose ?
i have imported a shp file into dwg with their attribute.
how i can display any fields(BLGDID) in autocad dwg. and can i edit this by simply double click editing. can it update in object data's same field.
i dont want to use ADEEDITDATA but task is same .
any simple way
I'm attaching data to objects (attached data) and I'm unable to get the table option to open in a new window. I tried Field and the value is already set to 1. I'm using Map 3D 2012 .
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have imported a shp to dwg. it has the object data attributes.
Suppose I have a point for cities shp imported to dwg. The attribute has name of the city. How can I display the name of the city to each point on the layer of dwg file.
Is it possible to embedd data in a table so that a user can select from a group of data within one cell?
I use this technique quite often in Excel. One cell in a table can have various values: A, B, C, or D. While another cell can have a different set of values to choose from: BLUE, RED, ORANGE, or PURPLE. The user can pull down an arrow (similar to a dynamic block) and choose from a set list of values.
Is it possible to add data to a feature data table? Example: The shape file data downloaded from NRCS only has the Soil number for the State. As I check out features I would like to add data for the soil name, soil group, etc. as additional columns in the data table and have it available in the future by checking the feature back in to my local information.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe want to substitute drawings with a color-palette. This means, we have to set different colors to different kind of features ( i.e. H7-fitting to red, thread to yellow, ....). We do this manually by now.
I mean, if on makes a fit-hole then automatically it appears in red. All threads he makes are in yellow and so on. Is there a chance to make a feature-based color-table in inventor and if it is so.
How can I export a excel table to Autocad not as an OLE object but as a Audocad table?
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow to suppress the Data Window from appearing after drawing a new feature? Most of the new features are populated with triggers and autonumbers, so I don't need to see the Data Window when I draw something new..
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to import point data that has Map Object Data also attached to it? "import it by attaching to a data source".
Example: I have a bunch of manholes. Each MH has X,Y,Z, but also Type, Invert Elevs., Pipe Sizes, Pipe Materials, Pipe Directions, Structure Type/Material, etc. etc. etc. I may have point data representing MH's, airport runway ends, trees, anything you can imagine, with all kinds of data imaginable.
I want to import this data directly into Autocad/Civil 3D as either Autocad points, lines, or closed polylines (I also have utility lines, parking lots, etc.- all with data associated with it), all with the data attached as object data. I know that anything more complex than points might be hard to explain here, so I am hoping at least for a solution on how to import points - I have 99,999 MH's and obviously I don't want to have to type all that data in one by one.
I basically suck at using sql server. I can get around using the Map workspace and the different tabs. I have never used FDO, and I am not even sure what it is.
I fooled it today by creating 99,999 Autocad points at the correct XYZ, attaching the correct object data to them, then exporting as a shp file. I went into the shp_name.dbf file and edited it to add the data I wanted by cutting & pasting from Excel. then I re-imported the shp file. but, this is a workaround at best.
Surely Map can import objects and their associated data fields, all populated with valid data! all I need is to know how to do it. I mean, if this is not something I can do directly using Map commands should I take the money I earned by surveying 99,999 MH's with my GIS data collector that allows me to assign 101data fields to each object I survey, and buy something better?
C3D 2012 on 64bit Win 7 all up to date
Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M
LDT/C3D user since release 12
I have a drawing with Objects that have both Object Data and Linked data in an Access database. I need to get information from the linked table to a new linked table for each object.
I have thought that if I get the necessary information from the Linked table record to the object data for each object, I could then convert the Object data to a new link and am looking for a way to copy the data from a field in the Linked Table to the object data. There is at least one field common to both the OD and Linked Table record.
Is there any automated way to transfer this data?
In my company, they have just upgraded the old version of Autocad LT 2004 to the new 2013 and we have created menu to make our job easy. I have try to transfer the menu file .mnc to 2013 but it's not working or I don't do it the right way.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm working in AutoCAD Map 3D 2008 and Autocad Civil 3D 2009.
The General Task:I want to convert the object data to attribute data so that I can export it to an Excel file, add another column of data, and then import that new data as attribute data.
The Specific Task:I have thousands of campus water meter locations (a block with a small icon, attribute data, and object data) that belong to two different systems, domestic water and lake water. Each of these blocks has object data item (a barcode tag) that I want to show as a label next to the block.
However, before I do that, I want to export that barcode data to an excel file so I add a column (eventually a new piece of attribute data) that says whether or not that specific water meter is radio read or manually read. I want to then import that radio read/manual read excel file back into autocad and have an X appear on the block icon if it is radio read. I also want the barcode information to show up as a label.
My problem:I can't get the barcode object data to export with the locations in one easy excel sheet that I can simply import after I have made my changes.
Find some person on here who knows how to convert object data to attribute data.
Is that possible to read the Autocad Table data , without opening the Autocad from VB.NET. I tried with opening one autocad then loading the source dll. it was working perfectly.
But i need to without opening a application its possible or not?
I am working on a co-ordinate utility that utilises data extractions. I am able to extract the data that I want to an XML file, but how do I create a dxe file and link it to a table? I have found the WizardSettings has a table style, but that is as far as I have reached.My code is below.
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DataExtraction;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Data;using System.IO;using AcApp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application;namespace acmCoordinates { public class DataExtraction { const string outputXmlFile = @"c:empdata-extract.xml"; public static void.
I'm using iLogic to make simple parts. I don't want to make duplicate sizes. When a new size is created I add it's values into a spreadsheet. This is not at table driven part. I've also created some fancy excel searches to find sizes close to the current part. Ideally I want to display this close list in Inventor via a form or popup message. My thinking is we might find a size very close to our current need and not need to create a new size.
Originally this was a table driven part. We had to change it and make the parts individuals.
Most people that I work with don't use autocad map, they use the regular Autocad. So they can not access the table data of my vectors. Is it possible to transform the table data that I choose and place it as text in the appropriate place ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHere is what i would like autocad to do
I work in architecture, and every time i create an opening (door, window) i add a block next to it with an attribute to the reference number
I was wondering if it would be possible when creating that little block to give it more information and later on extract the information from it to a table
Ex: door 106-02, steel finish, 3'x7' , isolated, steel frame, 2" thick etc.
I have a table in excel and I'd like to have text in cells link to nodes on a map.
i.e. I have the traffic volume of a road section in a table. I'd like to show that volume on a map beside a circle where the count was taken. I'd like to be able to update the table value and have it also update on ythe map.
If it is possible to plot points (or a PLine, or a mesh) in AutoCAD from a table of values in EXCEL (columns of x,y,z coordinates).
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am using data extraction and data linking to an excel file to count blocks and list details. I need to be able to update automatically and the most trouble I have been having is that I need the images of the blocks to come out in the table as well. so far only have been able to get the text data to come out in the table.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am having problems regarding Data Table Types.
I utilize Excel to build BOM's. I import them through data connection, I than will tell it which cells are Headers / Data / Titles. At which point text sizes / styles ... are applied.
I have a cell that is enlarged with small text in the middle. I can orientate the boxes to increase in the Vertical or Horizontal directions larger than the original Excel Data File but i cannot get them to shrink?
I want .05" on the left / right of the widest data, and .02" on the top and bottom. If i change Vertical to .02 it puts the text at the top of the cell.. but if i put it at 1, it enlarges the cell and places it in the middle.
Horizontal i want .02 from the left, but if i align left it goes all the way to the left line.
Can a table format re-define an external excel spreadsheets cell lengths? Obviously taking into account if Wrap text is Enabled it takes the width and defines only the height?
I have an alignment that is line and curve tagged for a table. The last segment of the alignment is a 3 point curve. It shows up in the alignment grid view, and is tagged. When the table is produced the everthing comes in except the 3 point curve I mentioned.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to export my slope - table - legend to an excel or txt file.
(Of course only the values)
Civil 3D (2013)
Is there any way to do this in Autocad? Split a table so it is in 2 sections side by side, rather than one verrrrrry long one? Similar to what you can do in Inventor?
I am trying to insert a table using a data link. I set up the Link through the DataLink manager and then insert the table using a range. I click OK to insert the table and after a few seconds of thinking ACAD sits there with no table on the screen. When I look in XREFs, the DL is there but says it is unrefrenced. Tried multiple ways of entering or setting up information to no avail.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow to insert a linked excel table into my drawing, however I have not figured out how to add rows to the table, the option is greyed out. I can insert rows above and below the (inserted) table but not anywhere in the middle.
I've tried everything I can think of, even removing all the formatting in the .xls spreadsheet to no avail. The cells are unlocked, I can manipulate the data, but not being able to insert rows is really hindering the efficiency of using a data linked table.