AutoCAD .NET :: Capture Real Point Of Line Within Block?

Aug 30, 2011

How to capture the real point of a line within a block?

I used the following method to captured some entities  from a block.

I need the point of the entities, to redesign a dimension.

But if I move the original block, and then run my program. The dimension is redesigned in the original location of the block.

Basically the code looks like this:

 private void FilterDimension() { TypedValue[] typedValue = new TypedValue[2]; typedValue.SetValue(new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Start, "INSERT"), 0); typedValue.SetValue(new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.LayerName, "Dimension"),


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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Capture Point Node Of Text Line By Middle Center

Sep 5, 2011

In AutoCad when the text is aligned with "Middle Center" has two points, but in C #, I only managed to capture one of the points using: myText_DBText.Position.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Insert Block With Pick Point On Line Prompt?

May 8, 2013

I have a lisp routine that I would like to add to. Right now when running the macro the user is not prompted to "Pick Point On Line" in this example

(command "insert" blk "s" var1 pause pause))

I have added the line

(setq pt1 (entsel "Pick Point On Line "))
(command "insert" blk pt1 "s" var1 pause pause))

but the command doesn't seem to like my PT1 value

BLK and VAR1 are set in another lisp routine.

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AutoCad :: Create A Block So That The Base Point Is The Only Snap Point On The Block?

Aug 22, 2013

is it possible to create a block so that the base point is the only snap point on the block?

In other words supose I have a block of a simple rectangle with the base point in the center.

If I try to snap to the block, I will be able to snap to all the corners, but not the base point. I know that i can put a point at the base point, but can I turn off the snap to the corners (just for the block) in other words, have an object that is unsnapable to without turning the snap mode off.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Block Test Works Real Object Doesn't

Jul 17, 2013

I have created a dynamic block which has hatchings in it.

In the block editor when I do a test of the block everyhting runs smoothly.

Howevfer when it is in model space it fails to keep the hatch boundary associativity. Even when the same dimensions are used as the block has as default.

Why would this be?

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AutoCad :: Insert Block - Switch Between Base-point And 0,0,0 Point?

Apr 29, 2013

I'm inserting blocks into my drawing and the block has a basepoint and a 0,0,0 point. The CAD guy who usually works with me is off today but he has a keyboard method of switching between the 2 points when inserting the block.

Its a fairly straight forward thing on his keyboard, nothing he has set up but standard in autocad.

I've had a try hitting a few keyboard buttons this morning but can't seem to do it.

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AutoCad :: Select Line Start / End Point That Is Known Distance From OSnap Point?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to draw a plan of my house in Autocad 2009 but I seem to be endlessly using trim and extend because I can't easily select the points that I want with osnap. Eg. imagine I have a box, and I want to start drawing another box inside it that has each side as 10 units smaller than the corresponding side on the outer box.

Step 1 - I draw a small line from the top left corner of the big box using the endpoint snap, typing in "5" for the length.

Step 2 - I then do the same at right angles to the first line to get me to the starting point of the inner box. This always leaves me with 2 small lines to remember to delete.

Step 3 - Then in order to draw the top line of the inner box I end up drawing to a random length because I can't say "draw until 5 units away from the right hand side of the big box", then I end up trimming it later once I've repeated steps 1,2 and 3 for the next side of the inner box.

I know in my example above I could have scaled the box down or something but that's not what I'm getting at. I really want a way of selecting line start and end points that are a known position away from an existing point.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Inserting A Block Deletes Points With Point Style With Same Block

Oct 16, 2013

We're using C3D 2013 SP2.  The survey company we use uses point styles to show the blocks.  Say they shoot a catchbasin.  Instead of inserting the block, the point shows up as the block.

I did a field check & needed to insert a missed CB.  When I inserted the block, the other points that were CBs disappeared.  I had to insert the block, copy it the clipboard, undo the insertion & then paste the block in.  It did this on other drawings & other blocks.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: New Block A Stretch Point Appears Even If Its Not A Dynamic Block

Dec 3, 2012

my problem is whenever i make a new block a stretch point appears even if its not a dynamic block . also its not a stretch point, because when i click on it, it just move the block , and it always appear on the coordinates 0,0 it cause me a problem when I insert the block , autocad use this point as a base point , and its very far from the real block .

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Block With Attributes That Automatically Complete X / Y And Z For Insertion Point Of Block?

Feb 14, 2013

Is there a way to create a block with attributtes that automatically complete x, y, z, lat, long for the insertion point of the block?

I am trying to complete text in paperspace that will automatically fill in the lat long of a point in model space without using a table.  I have tried field insertion with reference to a cogo point, but it doesn't give options for position on a cogo point.  If I pick a block with attributes, it will let me pick any attributes, and x,y position for the block.

Cogo points show all the information I need to propagate in the properties....but how do I get that to translate into the text using fields or some other method?

Dell Precision T3600 - Windows 7 64-bit
NVIDIA Quadro 600
Intel(R) Xenon(R) CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz
8 GB ram - Two 1TB raid

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Insert Point At List Block And Dynamic Block

Apr 18, 2013

I am learning autolips and i found  a problem that i can´t solved.
(vl-load-com)(defun c:pmb ( / ss ent pt )(prompt "
selec block : ")(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")))) (setq ent (ssname ss 0)), (setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 (entget ent)))) (command "point" pt))
 wich this code you select one block and insert one point at insert point´s block.

which this other code yo select all block and insert all  point.... but in one block
(vl-load-com) (defun c:pmb11 ( / sele cod bloque nbloque lista pt ) (prompt "
block: ") (setq sele (ssget ( List'(0 . "INSERT"))) Cod 0 )cod (1+ cod) (repeat (sslength sele) (setq bloque (ssname sele cod)) (setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 ( entget bloque)))) (command "punto" pt) );repeat ) 

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AutoCad 2D :: Move Base Point Of Block In Block Editor?

Mar 20, 2009

I want to move the base point of a block in the block editor. However, when I move it, the block moves accordingly in the drawing.

How can i move the base point in the editor, so that the block stays at the same position in the drawing.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Perpendicular Line From Point Laying On A Line / Pline

Sep 30, 2013

 I have a line or a pline segment and i want to start a line from a point laying there and go perpendicular outwards. Is there a way to do it with tracking?

Yes, i saw the command draw line at an angle but i find it a little bit complicated for a simple task like that. I am sure autodesk have a simplest solution about that.

If i am already at the draw line mode and i can easy catch the tracking perpendicular to previous segment but if i want to start from another line and go perpendicular i cannot make the tracking work.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Insert Point At Block Insert Point

Sep 26, 2012

trying to insert point instead of block.

(setq blok (entget (car (entsel))))

(setq point (cdr (assoc 10 blok)))

(setq XX (rtos (car point) 2 20)) ;; x koordinata bloka

(setq YY (rtos (cadr point) 2 20)) ;; y koordinata bloka

(setq ZZ (rtos (caddr point) 2 20)) ;; z koordinata bloka

(command "point" xx,yy,zz) is not working

!xx="5582453.414999999" but when i (atoi xx) i get 5582453 no dedimals...

how to create valid insertation point from xx, yy and zz?

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Illustrator :: Zigzag Line - Starting From Point A And Finish In Point B

Oct 9, 2013

I would like to draw a Zig Zag Line, but I want that the line start in point "A" and finish in point "B".
The image below is similar to how I want the line, but I would like to have that "wavy" style. I use Illustrator CS6.

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AutoCad :: Aligning Line Between A Point And Another Line

Nov 17, 2011

I want to align a line of length say 3m between two intersecting lines. How to do it in autocad.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Moving Block From Its Point To Another One

Apr 4, 2013

How Can I move one block only from it's point to another point

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Grip Point To Rev Block?

Feb 4, 2013

I know you can add a connection grip point to newly created sketch symbols, but how do you add it to the existing Rev Block from Inventor right out of the box? You can't edit the definition of the Rev Block, I'm stumped. I need to do this so my Rev Block is attached to the titleblock top right corner so when changing border sizes, it follows the top right corner.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Lisp For Replacing Block With Point?

Jun 10, 2013

I need to replace a large number (3700) of blocks with points, and cannot find a command for that operation. I have found a lisp for converting circles to points.

Have I just not found the command, or am I a bad googler? Unfortenately I cannot handle pure code (yet), so I need a lisp file (or the command).

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Jig Rotate A Block With Different Fixed Point

May 15, 2012

here is my jig rotate code

Protected Overrides Function Sampler(ByVal prompts As JigPrompts) As SamplerStatus Dim myPPR As PromptPointResult myPPR = prompts.AcquirePoint(myOpts) Dim curPos As Point3d curPos = myPPR.Value If curPos.IsEqualTo(BasePt) Then Return SamplerStatus.NoChange Else myMatrix = Geometry.Matrix3d.Displacement( _ BasePt.GetVectorTo(myPPR.Value)) Dim pt1 As New Point2d(BasePt.X, BasePt.Y) Dim pt2 As New Point2d(myPPR.Value.X, myPPR.Value.Y) BaseRo = pt1.GetVectorTo(pt2).Angle End If Return SamplerStatus.OK End If End Function Protected Overrides Function Update() As Boolean myBRef.Rotation = BaseRo Return False End Function

I always rotate the block with bottom left point as fixed point. What can I do to make the block rotate around another point? such as centre point of the block?

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AutoCad :: Modifying Insertion Point In A Block?

Nov 23, 2013

I have drawn some doors and saved them as blocks. Whenever I insert one or another, the door itself is far away from the insertion point. How can I modify this?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Using Block Reference As Point Symbol?

Jun 6, 2011

I create a set of points in a drawing and create each point as a block reference containing the point, text and probably something else. Also I would like to use different symbols for points and each of the symbols is defined as a block definition, and for each point I create a block reference according to the symbol type. The question is if is there any way to "combine" block definitions/references? I mean, I have common block definition for all points, whis defines somethin common for all of them. Also I have different symbols for each type of points and each symbol is defined separately as a block. But when a final point is created (containing common definitions and type-dependent symbol) I want to have it as a single block.

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AutoCad :: Block Not Displaying Base Point

Feb 14, 2012

I received a 3rd party drawing which contains a block to indicate directions. The block does not display its base point and I am unable to find it. why this block is not displaying the base point.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Take Point Of Line?

Nov 10, 2013

This is, how can i determine width of a square when i click inside it. And i have attach file autocad.

But I can not apply for file autocad(I have attach) . In my file Autocad have a lot of squares( each square have number) and a lot of layer.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Change Base Point Of A Block

Jul 31, 2011

I have lots of block in a file in different places. How to change the base point of that block with out changing the position of that?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Block Insertion Point Moving

Feb 20, 2012

I create a block where coordinate 0,0 is my base/insertion point (which is established in an orientation that is to the lower-left of my blocks line work). In a new drawing I insert that block and specify coordinate 0,0 as my insert point. Instead of my insertion point being in the lower left it is in the upper right. I run into this in new version and old version drawings.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Select Attributes From Block - Point Selection

Jun 18, 2011

Is there a way to select attributes from a block if I pick a point inside the block?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Convert Block Reference Point

Dec 25, 2013

I have points as reference blocks I want to convert them in to autocad points so than to convert them to Cogo to covert block refernc point to autocad points

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Get Point Marker With Attributed Block

Jan 24, 2013

How do you get a point marker that uses a block with attributes to show the attributed text?

We are using tree symbols that have the size of the tree as an attribute, but when the points that use that block come in...the block shows up w/out any attributed text. Tried to edit the "block" or point marker with attedit command, but C3D tells me it is not a block. Understand that it is a "marker" for the point. But, what is stopping the text size of tree from showing up?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Output Coordinates Of Point / Block

Dec 19, 2013

A way to automatically output a point into a table. For instance having a table searching for a specific block reference or point inside a block or external reference and submitting this into a table with x,y coordinates?

I make a lot of civil drawings and sometime i need to list up relevant coordinates. In stead of manually plotting these in a table i would like to list them up automatically.

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AutoCad :: Block And Wblock Base Point Selection

Jun 4, 2012

What method of block base point selection do you mostly use:

Screen selction point
WCS 0,0,0 point

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