AutoCAD .NET :: Cancel Sub When Press Right Click Or Escape?

Nov 4, 2013

I have program with do...loop while

I draw line(they are also block) but, when I press right click it doesnt exit sub?

how can I exit sub when I press escape or right click?

2 question: 

When I press escape my programme add a new line. but I dont want it to add my draw. how Can I solved this issue?

3. question

I want to draw a line with temporary dimention( as you see picture) is it possible?

4 question

is appear any icon when I get on my line block ?( **** yo see on picture )( green plus)

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.GeometryImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInputImports System.Windows.InputImports


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AutoCAD Inventor :: No Escape Key To Cancel Operation?

Mar 17, 2012

I have an assembly with a half hour or so of unsaved work into it.

I downloaded an IGES model and initiated a Stitch Surfaces command.

15 minutes later . . . here I sit.

AUTODESK: add Escape to Cancel current operation!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Escape Key And Cancel Command Not Working?

Oct 7, 2010

Yesterday I was cruising along as normal when all of the sudden my escape key stopped working.  I believe it happened after I accidentally loaded the dbconnection manager or something similar but not sure.  When I envoke a command, the escape key does nothing.  When I select something and hit the escape key, it doesn't deselect everything.  I know it's not my keyboard because I'm using a laptop and both the attached keyboard and the keyboard on the laptop function the same in that the escape key doesn't work.  I also have a Logitech Performance MX with a button set as the escape command and that doesn't work.  When I type in cancel or ^c^c, the response is "unknown command".  

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Failed To Initialize Stone And Wire - Press Escape

Jan 14, 2011

I read studios2010 problem and it sounds like I have something similar.

I get to the startup screen and get "Failed to Initialize Stone & Wire. Press Escape."

I have a student license and I might have a corrupted .db file. Just don't know where .db files are on my computer.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Click Cancel To Delete Files / Start Again Shows Same Error Deleting Remaining Files

Oct 17, 2012

After this error when I click cancel to delete the files and start again shows the same error deleting the remaining files.

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AutoCad :: Replacing F1 Key To Escape?

Apr 2, 2013

Something I have found useful in day to day drafting is changing the F1 key to a secondary escape button. This way you won't have to wait for the help window to appear.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Capturing Escape Key During A Command

Dec 17, 2013

I have a Autocad add-in which runs an iterative routine with a while..wend loop that often takes a few minutes to finish. The routine is very stable and always restores user control eventually, but if the user hits the escape key while it is running, a fatal error occurs in acad.exe.

if there is a way to detect that the escape key has been pressed so the routine is exited?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Trapping Escape Key Without User Input?

Jan 3, 2012

Any way to trap when the user hits the escape key without a user input function. The idea is to loop infinitely and perform some analysis until the user hits the escape key.

I suppose I could do the same thing with a form but I would not.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Trap Escape Key From Within AddIn?

Oct 24, 2012

show me an event handler (or whatever is needed) for bailing out of an AddIn?  I'm using  The end users would prefer to use the ESCAPE key for this. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Description Key With Field Code Escape?

Apr 30, 2012

Why is that if I import some points that have a "/" (field code escape) the symbol does not come in. For Example: TP/ 1' N.S

Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Clicking Escape Button Disables Selection Events?

Nov 25, 2013

When I click the Escape button, All the selection events are stopped working. Please follow the steps below reproduce.

1. Create the Select Events Object using the following steps.

hr = m_spiInteractor->get_SelectEvents(&m_spiSelectEventsObj);


2. Open the part and Select any face in the model.

I get the following event.

STDMETHODIMP CSelectionEventHandler:nEvent_OnSelect(ObjectsEnumerator * JustSelectedEntities,SelectionDeviceEnum SelectionDevice, Point * ModelPosition, Point2d * ViewPosition, View * View )

3. Now click on the Escape button. Now if you try to select any face , no call back is received.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Ribbon Does Not Respond When Pressing Escape Key At Command Line?

May 15, 2012

To reproduce this bug, you must set the Command Line in the new semi-transparent style as featured in AutoCAD 2013. If it's docked in old-fashion like previous AutoCAD versions, the bug won't work.

When there's no command active, you have the following Command Line with the text "Type a command":

If you press the Escape key to cancel (weither you're in a command or not), AutoCAD focus on the command line with a bar sign and the transparent background turns white:

Now if you move the crosshair with your mouse in the drawing area, the Command Line bar sign will revert back to the "Type a command" text, which is fine.

But if the mouse cursor hovers the Ribbon region and you press the escape key, and then you click a Ribbon button, instead of executing the button's command/macro, the Command Line will simply revert to the "Type a command" text. So in the Ribbon area, if you want a Ribbon button to work, you must not have the bar sign in the Command Line. This gets annoying when you often have the habit of pressing escape while in a command and having the mouse ready to chose another command in the Ribbon.

My guess is that the new Command Line format in 2013 may have focus priority issues with other AutoCAD pallettes like the Ribbon. In AutoCAD 2012, the Command Line did not have a friendly "Type a command" message. So it probably has to do with this new implementation when AutoCAD decides when you have the "Type a command" text or the sign bar.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Cancel Order Before Use API

May 21, 2013

I know the way to sendCommand to AutoCAD will cancel one order . I mean is there any other way to use .net API to cancel  one order but not using 'SendCommand'

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Cancel Active Command

Sep 13, 2006

I have an active command that I want to cancel, how can I do this? Right now I'm working with 3dorbit, if that makes a difference.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cancel Deletion With On Delete

Oct 28, 2011

I want to cancel deletion of certain Part Feature (where PartFeature.Name  starts with ''I_''). In my dll, I capture « DocumentEvents.OnDelete ».

private void PartDocument_OnDelete(object o, BeforeAfterEnum beforeAfter, NameValueMap context, out HandlingCodeEnum handlingCode)
if (beforeAfter == BeforeAfterEnum.Before)
if (((PartFeature)o).Name.StartsWith(‘’I_’’))
MessageBox.Show(‘’You cannot delete ’’I_*’’ part features.’’);

First I thought that putting « handlingCode » to « HandlingCodeEnum.evtCancelHandle » would do the job, but when I read the API, it says that Inventor doesn’t care about that output argument. Then, how can I cancel the deletion of an object when capturing ‘On Delete’ event ?

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Photoshop :: Escape Key Function

Sep 22, 2012

I work in AI more than PS, so my habits from AI are hard to break. One interface difference I ran across was the "esc" key functionality. In AI hitting "esc" saves current changes in the symbol editor and moves the user back to the artboard. In PS, hitting "esc" cancels any editing tool, such as "transform" or "Puppet Warp" without saving changes. While the PS "esc" function is probably more appropriate, it is annoying for someone who is used to the AI worflow. Image my frustration when I worked diligently on a "Puppet Warp" session and lost it all by hitting "esc". Noticed this inconsistancy in the two programs?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add A Cancel Function To Create View

Sep 23, 2004

Any way this can happen in a reasonable time frame, say in a release or 2,since view creation takes so long?Or did you development guys sneak that into R9?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Cancel Command With Reactor

Nov 24, 2011

It is possible to cancel a command using visual lisp reactors. If this is not there another way I could do that. I tried to use UNDEFINE but it works only with own CAD ​​commands and not with Visual Lisp command.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add A Stop Or Cancel Button Onto Ilogic Code

Jul 2, 2012

Is it possible to add a stop or cancel button onto ilogic code?

I have code that looks into all .ipts with a certain material type,that works great but if we run by accident there is no way of stopping code until it finishes .

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AutoCad :: Arbor Press Project

Mar 30, 2011

I'm having the "Arbor Press " as a project..I did everything except the 4 screws that we place in the Cover Plate..i don't know how they look like but i got a description of it that i cant understand "Cover Plate Screw ... (8-32 UNC x .50 cap screw)"I'm using Autocad 2008 & i have to draw it in 2D.

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AutoCad 3D :: Press And Pull Not Selecting

Oct 21, 2011

Alright, so I was using this site earlier to create a 3D park where, because of how I cad, was told to use the "press and pull" command on closed objects as they will be pulled or pressed into 3D shapes.

Up to this point it has worked on every structure I can think of but this time around it has not.

I am working on a Whale Slide for the park and, for some reason, I am unable to press/pull the parts out in order to complete the 3D effect.

This is the area I am tryin to press/pull:

Whale Slide Selection.jpg

Now, as you can see the entire slide is not complete yet. The reason being that I don't want to cad it all out only to find that it doesn't work. The "tail" part of it was avle to form pefectly fine but this part will not.
I have tried the loft, swipe, etc. commands but they never make a solid object which is what I need. The lines are all connected and I've pressed/pulled angles before so I'm not to sure what is wrong.

Here is the file incase you need it: Whale Slide.dwg

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Shortcut Menus Mouse Buttons (CRTL+Right Click And SHIFT+Right Click)

Feb 15, 2013

I have two menus that I use often and I would like to add them to my mouse buttons. Attached is a picture of the two menus I like and the two buttons. The Shift + Click has the correct menu already (Osnap menu2) my problem is adding my custom menu to the CTRL + Click doesn't work. I labeled Osnap Menu 1 and 2, 1 being the custom menu I have use in the past and 2 being the default osnap menu that comes with the cui file. How to get the second button to read my menu rather than both read the same osnap 2 menu?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Detect If User Pressed Yes / No / Cancel In ILogic Form

Feb 21, 2013

How do I detect wich button the user pressed in the iLogic-form?

I can show it like this:

result=iLogicForm.ShowGlobal("MyForm", FormMode.Modal)

 I guess that result is of type FormReturnValue - but I can't guess the qualifier (FormReturnValue.OK / FormReturnValue.OkBtn / ?)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Cancel Return Value Of REPEAT Command

Jan 10, 2013

I use the Repeat command with an index, and when it exits, it writes the last index.

I cannot move it to a new line,nor cancel it.

If i insert a (princ "") inside the loop it moves it to a new line, but also all  the outputs of the loop get extra line spaces

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 Single Click On Ribbon Is Now A Double Click

Apr 17, 2012

I have noticed that when I click on any button on the Ribbon Panels it now requires more that one click to activate the button. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensions For Press Brake?

Aug 27, 2013

we do a lot of sheet metal fabricaton, using inventor and autocad to create the drawing for a laser then the pars are formed on a press brake. 

My problem is showing necessary diminsions for the press brake when there are 2 or more bends. The first bend is no problem I can show the diminsion from the edge to the bend for the backgauge setting, the second bend needs a diminsion from the flange of the first bend to the bend line of the second bend for a back guage setting. That is the diminsion I am having trouble showing on the drawings.

I would like to give the press operator the backguage settings on the drawings.for each part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shortcut Key - How To Remove Press Enter

Jan 3, 2012

I've installed PDS premium 2012 and when I would like to use a shortcut it doesn't work. I have to push enter after pushing the shortcut. On the other computers of our R&D dept shortcut work properly.

How do I can remove "press enter" ?

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AutoCAD LT :: When Press Hatch Button It Shows Not Responding?

Nov 16, 2011

I am using Autocad LT 2011 and when i press the hatch button it shows the comment 'not responding' at the top of the page and it takes about 15-20 seconds to repsond and when it does eventually respond it doesn't allow me to change the scale until after i have chosen an area which in some case proves a problem if the scale is very small.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Escape Command In A Script That Doesn't End The Script

Sep 6, 2011

I can't find a keystroke or combination of keystrokes that will issue the "escape" command in a script file without ending the script. In other words, I want a line in the script which will issue the "escape" command and then go to the next line of the script and continue on.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Press Pull And Solid History From Menu Bar

Jan 4, 2014

Where press pull tools and solid history Menu Bar are?

Not in toolbar and Not Ribbon, from Menu bar.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2008 Not Response To Press Button Open Or Print?

May 14, 2012

For some days when I press the open button or print button on the toolbar, Autocad LT 2008 does not respond until after two or three minutes and opens the window.

I noticed that this only happens when I have enabled LAN. The "plotter" that I use is shared by a print server and when I hit the open button, the default folder that shows me a folder on the server.

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