AutoCAD .NET :: How To Cancel Order Before Use API
May 21, 2013I know the way to sendCommand to AutoCAD will cancel one order . I mean is there any other way to use .net API to cancel one order but not using 'SendCommand'
View 1 RepliesI know the way to sendCommand to AutoCAD will cancel one order . I mean is there any other way to use .net API to cancel one order but not using 'SendCommand'
View 1 RepliesI have an active command that I want to cancel, how can I do this? Right now I'm working with 3dorbit, if that makes a difference.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have an assembly with a half hour or so of unsaved work into it.
I downloaded an IGES model and initiated a Stitch Surfaces command.
15 minutes later . . . here I sit.
AUTODESK: add Escape to Cancel current operation!
I want to cancel deletion of certain Part Feature (where PartFeature.Name starts with ''I_''). In my dll, I capture « DocumentEvents.OnDelete ».
private void PartDocument_OnDelete(object o, BeforeAfterEnum beforeAfter, NameValueMap context, out HandlingCodeEnum handlingCode)
if (beforeAfter == BeforeAfterEnum.Before)
if (((PartFeature)o).Name.StartsWith(‘’I_’’))
MessageBox.Show(‘’You cannot delete ’’I_*’’ part features.’’);
First I thought that putting « handlingCode » to « HandlingCodeEnum.evtCancelHandle » would do the job, but when I read the API, it says that Inventor doesn’t care about that output argument. Then, how can I cancel the deletion of an object when capturing ‘On Delete’ event ?
I have program with do...loop while
I draw line(they are also block) but, when I press right click it doesnt exit sub?
how can I exit sub when I press escape or right click?
2 question:
When I press escape my programme add a new line. but I dont want it to add my draw. how Can I solved this issue?
3. question
I want to draw a line with temporary dimention( as you see picture) is it possible?
4 question
is appear any icon when I get on my line block ?( **** yo see on picture )( green plus)
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.GeometryImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInputImports System.Windows.InputImports
Any way this can happen in a reasonable time frame, say in a release or 2,since view creation takes so long?Or did you development guys sneak that into R9?
View 4 Replies View RelatedYesterday I was cruising along as normal when all of the sudden my escape key stopped working. I believe it happened after I accidentally loaded the dbconnection manager or something similar but not sure. When I envoke a command, the escape key does nothing. When I select something and hit the escape key, it doesn't deselect everything. I know it's not my keyboard because I'm using a laptop and both the attached keyboard and the keyboard on the laptop function the same in that the escape key doesn't work. I also have a Logitech Performance MX with a button set as the escape command and that doesn't work. When I type in cancel or ^c^c, the response is "unknown command".
View 9 Replies View RelatedIt is possible to cancel a command using visual lisp reactors. If this is not there another way I could do that. I tried to use UNDEFINE but it works only with own CAD commands and not with Visual Lisp command.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to add a stop or cancel button onto ilogic code?
I have code that looks into all .ipts with a certain material type,that works great but if we run by accident there is no way of stopping code until it finishes .
how do I re-order or change the order of images within a file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHere I have several concentric squares in an uninterrupted stack.I moved the topmost (small orange) one vertically.I then went to the Alignment panel, selected all the squares and clicked on the one I moved.Then I clicked on Vertical Distribute Center.
The right hand picture shows what happened.One of the squares (that big orange one) near the bottom of the stack shot up so that its centre was above the centre of the topmost one in the stack.The centres are evenly distributed but why is the stacking order not controlling the order in which the squares are arranged?
Fortunately the positioning of that big orange square was easy to correct, but something tells me this is not the way things are supposed to happen.Seemingly this does not always happen. I have tried the method on several stacks. Some were o.k., others showed similar behaviour to the above.
How do I detect wich button the user pressed in the iLogic-form?
I can show it like this:
result=iLogicForm.ShowGlobal("MyForm", FormMode.Modal)
I guess that result is of type FormReturnValue - but I can't guess the qualifier (FormReturnValue.OK / FormReturnValue.OkBtn / ?)
I use the Repeat command with an index, and when it exits, it writes the last index.
I cannot move it to a new line,nor cancel it.
If i insert a (princ "") inside the loop it moves it to a new line, but also all the outputs of the loop get extra line spaces
Level: Newbie OS: Win7 64bit Ps: CS6
I am working on a tut so that I can (try to) learn about Masks.
But for the life of me I cannot find info on what it means to ... cancel the Mask view.
( Here's the tut link ... [URL]...)
This is a pic from the tut. See in the top layer (Body) how the down arrow, folder and the link icons are grayed out?
Well, this is what the tut says to do ....
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to cancel the mask view.
I have Shift + Clicked the masks thumbnail but that doesn't give me the result like the picture above shows and I've tried the Alt + Click but that doesn't do it either.
what the author means by this ... Cancel Mask View ... ??
How did they make the login and cancel buttons,
View 5 Replies View RelatedI use energy analysis module of Revit 2014. Energy report give me fuel consumption I need to know how to cancel fuel from model as we don't use fuel for cooling or heating. Also, how can I change the cost of electricity. Ant data regarding energy analysis report.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to close alert at once but the loop continues the alert, how can I stop the alert at once
var doc = app.activeDocument
var layersToTargetNameArray = ["Background", "Artwork", "diecut", "size", "sign off panel"];
for (var i = 0, il = doc.layers.length; i < il; i++) {
var curLayer = doc.layers[i];
[Code] ......
I just installed the student version of Revit 2013. I opened it and everything seems to be working expect when I draw anything (ie topo surface, wall, etc.), the modify tab is missing all the draw options (line, circle, etc) as well as the Finish and Cancel buttons. This makes it impossible for me to use the software without those. Is there a way they could be hidden or is the software just corrupt?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIf I try to use the hints, it takes me to the sign in box. When I try to sign in, the program hangs up. I can not cancel or quit the program. I have to use a Force Quit. It appears that I am locked out of some of the features unless I am signed in. Regardless, I would like to use the hints as this program is new to me. I have also tried to sign in by clicking Sign In in the upper tool bar. Same problem.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I use either Nik or onOne to edit a RAW file, if I chose to cancel using that plug-in, LR still creates a TIFF. Is there a way to prevent this (other than not using the plug-in)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI usually remember to save things, but this time I didn't. I went straight to print. But before I did, I hit the wrong button and pressed "cancel print". It's now saying, "cancelling print" for 20 minutes. I know its likely frozen but I don't want to lose my work. I have a mac and so I made a JPEG of the image, using GRAB application. Is there any way to save what I have? I know if I "Quit" the application, I'll lose it. How can I get it to finish it's "cancelling?"
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had a situation where I had to quit Photoshop immediately, but it wouldn’t let me because a background save was in progress. I don’t like killing a program with the Task Manager during a write operation, but that’s what I had to do.
If there’s a way to cancel a lengthy background save or to view its progress, I haven’t found it yet. There needs to be a way to do this.
in the Image Adjustment Lab there is no button to say OK or to CANCEL. How do I save a fixed image or retrieve the missing button?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended Student Edition. My computer is Windows XPI continue to get the error Photoshop exe Aplication ErrorInstructions at oxofa92c5b sometimes is states oxofc42c5breference memory oxoooooo28 Memory could not be read Cancel or debug. it shuts down. no matter what you click. It does this after I get the picture open and when I click on different tools. This is newly installed on my computer and newly bought program.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAfter this error when I click cancel to delete the files and start again shows the same error deleting the remaining files.
View 6 Replies View RelatedUnderstanding the "tabOrder" for layouts. I would like to rename my layouts "P1", "P2", "P3".... based on the taborder.
Also, I would like to copy a layout (the last layout tab) and place it at a given point (like the third tab). Once I can copy it and place it, I'll be able to rename the layout tabs using taborder.
i've to list all layers and objects in the drawing. I've got 2 checkedlistbox, one for layers, the second for objects.I've got 2 buttons, one up, one down, for swaping order. I've no problem with objects, but it seems a little more complicated with layers.I use this code to swap:
Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction Dim id1 As ObjectId = listLayerID(CB_List_Layer.SelectedIndex)Dim id2 As ObjectId = listLayerID(CB_List_Layer.SelectedIndex + 1) Dim first As DBObject = tr.GetObject(id1, OpenMode.ForWrite)Dim sec As DBObject = tr.GetObject(id2, OpenMode.ForWrite) first.UpgradeOpen()first.SwapIdWith(id2, True, True) tr.Commit() end using
id1 is the ID of the first layer, and id2 the id of the second layer. ListLayerId contains IDs of all layers. CB_List_Layer is my CheckedListbox.When is swap 2 layers, it don't swap objects in the layers. (ex : What i've got now :
Obj1, Obj2 in layer0 and Obj3, Obj4 in layer1 SWAP
Obj1,obj2 in layer1 and obj3,obj4 in Layer0.It's not what i want. I want :
Obj3,Obj4 in layer1 and Obj1,Obj2 in layer0)
I found a issue that vba reads bom in different way when I tried to export bom to excel. here is the routie i am using for BOM. I am using inventor 2012 sp1, window 7 sp1 and excel 2007
1. create a assembly with bom structured view enabled.
2. open BOM editor in structured view tab. sort BOM by part number, and renumber them from 1,2,3....
3. save and exit.
4. in vba, i used code below
For Each oRow In oStructuredBOMView.BOMRows
Set oDoc = oRow.ComponentDefinition(1).Document
On the export bom excel sheet, the item order is different from BOM in assembly file. on the excel sheet, the order of item number is same before sorting and renumber BOM. It seems to me that BOM editor didnt remember sorting and renumber.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014
Autodesk Product Design Suite Standard 2013
Microsoft Office 2007 & 2013
Windows 7 64bit
Synergis Adept 2013
Visual Studio Express 2010
I use image insert to attach aerial photographs. I would like to use the FDO raster connection, but I keep having a problem with the raster image losing it's display order. I use "display order" in the display manager and move the raster to the bottom, but for some reason it keeps popping above the line work and I have to keep sending it to the back.
I put images in drawings quite frequently as they change from year to year and we monitor a large number of projects yearly. Is image insert still the quickest solution or is there a way to ensure the image will retain it's display order when I do a data connect?
I have several shp files ordered in the display manager. Three Polygons, one line and one point shp. the problem is that the bottom polygon that is supposed to draw order last continues to show up above all other files during plotting to PDF or other digital file. I have tried to disconnect and reconnect the problem shp, reorder several times but nothing changes. This is making it impossible for me to plot a file in the way is it being displayed.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm having an issue with the order of my BOM. In the picture below I have an assembly with subassembly STR-35-241-19L-17450. The BOM for the subassembly is on the right in the picture and is ordered the way it should be. However when I open the BOM in the Top level assembly (left in the picture) the order is not the same. In fact the order is completely random for the subassembly. I need this order to match the subassembly so I can export it into our ERP system.
View 9 Replies View Related