AutoCAD .NET :: Two Drawings Open / Netloaded Assembly Only Works In One
Jun 20, 2012
I open a blank 2012 session with drawing1.dwg, then I open a new dwg "drawing2.dwg.So one session, two blank drawings.
I netload an assy into drawing2, and can run a lispfunction from it.
I netload the the assy into drawing 1, and cannot run the lispfunction.
it says "error: no function definition:..."How should the checking process normally be done, to see if a .net dll is loaded?I normally do this with lisp:
(if (not mylispfunctionname)
(vl-arx-import 'AcXt-GetColorNoBylayer) ;since I compile to separate namespace vlx's
The separate namespace thing is secondary, and I am just talking about loading dll's by hand, and running functions from them on command line. Once I get that ironed out, I can tackle how to detect from inside a vlx.I saw Kean's post on making a dll to detect what dll's are loaded, but its not even working for me once I have that info. URL....
I know what is block and I am aware of its importance and how it makes life much easier and pleasant in CAD wold. But I don't know for what reason, I was unable to make it a drawing habit for myself to use it as a routine. I am unfamiliar with this command and seldom use it.
I have a customer who uses Solid Works and I of course have Inventor 2013. Before I get into discussion with them about software compatability I wanted to ask the experts! Can I open Solid Works drawings with Inventor?
I am importing solidworks assembly files into AutoCAD 2014. They show up fine after importing them. It says the assembly is in inches but when i go into the individual parts blocks they are all 25.4 scale. Is there a way to not have all the parts scaled up when it is imported?
I've created a DLL that can store and use some user settings. Now I want to call the settings from another dll.
I've added a property class to get and set the settings in the source dll. But when I try to catch or set them trough module B it doesn't have an effect on the values in module A
Lets say I've got 1 user setting as Boolean called AL_HATCH in Module A
Public Class Settings Public Shared Property Hatch As Boolean Get Return My.Settings.AL_HATCH End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) My.Settings.AL_HATCH = value My.Settings.Save() End Set End PropertyEnd Class
In module B I referenced the DLL with the module above.
Lets say its at the moment True . When I change the value with module A and call it back with module B it is still True when it needs to be False.?
I have built a 3D turbine that combined more than 50 3D parts. Now I want an assembly drawings to show our clients how to put those parts together. Any autodesk software? Some people recommended Inventor and I have never used it. Is this a right software to do some kinds like this project?
I have a fixture that will have a symmetrically opposite fixture. Is there a way to copy/mirror the fixture in vault that would include the drawings?The new fixture would also be in a new project.
I was thinking I would copy the entire design in vault to a new project. I could then open it up and mirror the entire assembly. Would that work?
I wonder if there is any way of creating the list of drawings that derive from a general assembly, which contains sub assemblies and spare parts. That involves to export some personalized i properties, such as nº of drawing, nº of father drawing (for sub-assemblies), and title.
The idea is creating a inculcated link between these drawings (.idw files) and an excel file that, if possible, updates itself when changing the drawings.
Is there a way (either thru Inventor or Vault) of print ALL idw (drawings) files related to an iam (assembly)?
Inventor (and Vault) are capable of creating and managing a BOM of the iam files and would think that it would be reltivly easy to query this bom and "find" all the associated idw files and batch print them. Possibly with the option to select the "levels" to dril down to (All, Top Level, Sub Assemblies within the iam, etc, etc)
I have an iassembly model with iparts in it. I am trying to make one absolutely complete model rather than have several models with redundant parts in it. For example having the full assembly and making a Top Line Drawing from that, but then also making a drawing from the individual components.
So for example I have a Top Line assembly drawing with a tank with all the fittings, gauges, and instrument panels shown. Then I would want to make another set of drawings showing the tank itself, fittings, gauges, and the instrument panel. My main issue is with the tank drawing; the tank drawing is supposed to be simply the tank so I would need to remove the fittings, gauges, instrument panel etc.
I would like to know if there is a way to "Hide" or "Supress" the components that I do not need for a particular drawing without taking them out of the model; yet at the same time removing it from the BOM because they wont be necessary at this level.
We have some serious problems by creating assembly drawings with reference geometries in inventor 2010. Our target is, to create a drawing that look the way, the attachment shows (Picture-1) The sheet metal plates Pos 10-100 are an assembly. And the assembly in the back is the reference geometry. It’s a frame consists of steel sections. What we want: 1. The frame must be phantom lined in the idw. 2.
The Sheet Metal parts must be thick lined. 3. The Partslist of the Assembly should only contain the sheet metal parts and not the frame We have some ideas to solve this case, but each of them is nor perfect (please see the attachment Box.pdf) And there’s another problem (described in part 3 of attachment), we cannot position viewports or drawing elements to each other exactly. You have no possibility to give them dependencies. Also if you want to position symbols to each other. All of them are only near to be exact, but that’s a big problem. If you change contents of a viewport, another should be aligned to it, but that doesn’t work.
I have written a program within Inventor that list all components of an assy with their properties (iproperties and properties from Producstream) and allow an export of the bill of material to Excel with our company layout.
I want to add a function to my program in order to print all drawings that belong to an assy.
I have the list of components and I want to use the new functionality of the Producstream menu that allows us to open the attached drawing.
But I don’t know which library and which property.
I want to be able to hide a part of an assembly in one projected view of the 2d drawing but not all, however when I do so the hidden lines stay hidden lines. They do not change. I know you can change the hidden line properties to make them continuous lines but is there a setting that will allow these lines to change automatically?
What's the purpose of making modeling edits at the assembly level if those edits don't show up in a drawing of the parts? Sure, it makes the assembly look prettier and more true to the final product, but say I make a bunch of cuts, holes, etc. at the assembly level, but then I make a drawing for one of the parts that was affected... those edits don't show up on the part itself, so all those edits are of absolutely no use to me when I need to give the guys in the shop a detail drawing of how to make the part. Why I would make edits at the assembly level?
is there a way to make the drawings like Lego does for assembling the stuff? After you finish one step, of lets say three pieces put together, and you go to the next step those pieces are like grayed / shaded out and you know to build the next pieces in what position etc..
Why am i forced to open up parts separately when trying to open my assembly. Once I open my assembly I get pop up windows asking me to either open, skip, or find the part it specifies.
When holes are put in at the assembly level by using the 2d sketch command, projecting geometry and then using the hole command in the Model tab works great. Is there a way to transfer the holes put in at the assembly level to the detail drawings (ipt)?
I do a lot of work where I start with a full assembly drawing, then make more drawings for the individual parts. Is there a way to link the title block parameters in the part drawings to the title block in the full assembly drawing? The only way I found was to link the parts together and then grab the info for the drawings off of the parts, but if I'm implementing this in a template used by others I want them to still be able to just fill in the blank on the assembly drawing to make it work.
I was able to get iProperties to show parameter buttons, but I haven't seen any way to link to other files or anything like that.
I'm not sure if there's a way to stop this, but whenever I add parts to an assembly and switch to the drawing of the assembly, the hidden lines for those parts show up in every view of the assembly. Right now I'm having to go to each view and select the hide hidden lines option for each part. Is it possible to stop the hidden lines from showing up everytime I add a part?
Inventor Professional 2013 Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz 12GB DDR3 RAM NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU Windows 7 Professinal 64-bit
When I open a large image (one larger in resolution than my monitor), it opens in a small window on the far right of my screen. When I move it to the middle of my screen, resize it so I can see more of it and zoom in again, the window snaps back to the far right.
about 3 days ago for some reason my cad is really slow when i have two drawings open at the same time. it lags when i am panning or zooming.
it just started randomly and the computer i am using is new and started using it about 6 months ago and it has been fine since i got it except for the past few days.
it doesn't matter what drawing file is open it lags. RAM is alot (8gigs) again this just started happening randomly. everything else is fine
I tried the following method to save all drawing currently open. It always fire fill access arror, whereas AutoCAD can save the file wihthout any issue. Here I am checking for drawings that not even saved once and ask the user to take action for those files.
I'm trying to add a block with an attribute to a drawing. The command works if there is only one drawing open, but when there are other open drawings then the block doesn't appear. Strangely if I select the block in the block editor and then close the block editor the block suddenly appears. Do you know what is causing the block to not appear when other drawings are open?
I included the code below. "s1" works but "s2" has the strange behavior of the block not being visible.
[CommandMethod("s1")] public void AddBlockWithAttributeToDestination_WithNoOtherDrawingsOpen() { var attributeValue = "1234"; var destination = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; using (var transaction = destination.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { addBlock(transaction, destination.Database, attributeValue); transaction.Commit();
I'm running 2013 C3D and have a quirk that my drawings zoom out when I first open the file. I'm not even sure what they are zooming out to as it is not 'Extents'.
For some reason, one of our PC's running MEP 2012 has suddenly started to only open drawings in read-only mode. The same drawings will open just fine on other PC's so they / their folders are not set to read-only in windows. The user also has the exact same access rights on the server as the others.
The strangest thing about this is the following warning box that appears on screen. see attached.
For some reason, the alert message which displays the full path of the dwg in question, has it's path modified with a date and time stamp prefixed with a '@' symbol. Needless to say the folder '@GMT-2012.07.17-11.00.04' does not exist. In 18 years of playing with AutoCAD I've never seen this one before.
But, I've lost the ability to open drawings with the traditional "tree" type search.... Something like Windows Explorer. Just before this happened, I had blown up a drawing by, apparently, importing one too many iges files. Got a message that Autocad had an error and was shutting down. Now, when I hit file/open, I get nothing but the command line asking me to enter the drawing path.
I can't open a drawing I saved yesterday afternoon. I always get a fatal error after reaching 98%. When i try doing recovery I get a message that is something like a program failure.Is there any way to open that drawing?