I'm using visual studio 2010 and autocad 2012 x64. When I make (visual) changes to a form in the editor between debugging, for example the width of the form, the changes aren't visible on next debugging, it's still the same width as it was before. Same thing for font size, when changed the changes are not showing when debugging again. Almost seems like autocad remebers the previous layout of the form. A new control added between debugging shows up fine.
Basically I've been asked to compile a series of my best work into a collection that our sales guys can take with them as an example of the service we provide to our customers. I'm trying to figure out the easiest way, because I have a pretty big library of 3D drawings.
When I do an actual project, I toss everything into a single .dwg and just print from paper space. I have an AutoLISP script that takes all the paper space layouts and prints them to a single .pdf file with a specific name relative to the project with the current plot time and date.
I could just create a new file Library.dwg and copy/paste all of my past work into it, then make a ton of paper space layouts, but the end result would be gigantic. I'm still running AutoCAD 2013 on a crappy laptop because I won't get the budget for a real rig until the end of the month.
One thought I had was that maybe there's some way to make a viewport in paper space that directs to a model space of an external .dwg, but all of my searches turned up nothing. In fact, now that I think about it, it's driving me nuts that it isn't a feature already. Making a paper space viewport that points to an external .dwg would make my life significantly easier.
One reason I don't want to just go back and print the original pages as they exist is that I want to use the same title block template for all drawings, and mine has evolved over time. I also want to add notes to each page, and I don't want to modify the old drawings at all.
The error below has appeared randomly when AutoCAD 2011 is started. There was not an error of this sort, but it suddenly appeared and some of the LISP routines will no longer work.
*Invalid attempt to access
a compiled function definition. You may want to define it using defun-q:
I recently blew away my Ubuntu 10.10 and installed 11.04. Not liking Unity, I figured I would try Gnome 3. After getting Gnome 3 set up, I downloaded babl,gegl, and gimp tarballs and proceeded to install all sorts of dependencies(required and many optional ones) via apt-get packages.
I then compiled babl(0.1.4), gegl(0.1.6), glib(2.29.8) gtk+(2.24.5) and finally gimp 2.7.3(note that all the above are from the gimp.org ftp site. Prior to compiling gtk+, gimp failed on the make with some really strange errors, which is why I compiled my own copy. Also note, ALL of the above were compile into a different prefix with :
./configure --prefix=/home/joefrazierjr/opt
Once I finally got GIMP compiled, I can see my tablet in the input devices, but they are greyed out along with all of the below:
SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad Virtual core XTEST Pointer Wacom Bamboo Fun 6x8 cursor Wacom Bamboo Fun 6x8 eraser Wacom Bamboo Fun 6x8 pad Wacom Bamboo Fun 6x8 stylus
The ONLY thing that is NOT greyed out is Core Pointer.
The main reason I complied is because for whatever reason,the PPA package available does not also install Python(but does let the tablet work).
Note that I am comfortable with "using" the shell, but am a power user in linux, so assume that I know nothing about linux in any replies. Also, if I need to remove, any of the compiled code and recompile, I assume running "make clean"will fix it up correctly?
Note, my Bamboo Fun works fine in MyPaint(with pressure sensitivity,etc), so the issue is with either GIMP compile itself or GTK appsin general(If MyPaint is GTK or not). Also, I still have the build folders, so if I need to link to any of the config.log files, I will put on my dropbox.
One of the features I was really looking forward to in CS6 was creating fillable forms with ONE application. I created a form following the step by step instructions in classroom in a book for CS6. When I opened the exported form in Reader X, I get a "This operation is not permitted" error. I opened the completed "end" document in the lesson to make sure I didn't commit an error, and I got the same message when exporting. I have looked for places in menus to modify security restrictions and I can't find any. I installed the updates and that didn't solve the issue.
I saw one solution posted which is to open the document in Acrobat, then do a "save as" option. Is there anything we can do that doesn't involve buying additional software? If this is not the case, then Adobe seriously needs to change its training and advertising about this functionality.
I am working on a form (global) and have added a picture with a parameter and a picture folder underneath. So that the picture displayed on my form will change depending on the parameter value.Here comes the trick. Only text parameters can be used!On the form editor only 'Text parameter' can be selected to drive the picture selection. I actually need an integer, so that i can use my User/Excel parameters from Inventor.
I can work this around with an iLogic rule to equal the value of my string Picture Parameter with the relevant integer Inventor parameter, but the rules need to be run before the pic and the form updates (by pressing the 'Apply' button at the bottom of the form and then the assy updates too. So this takes a couple of minutes)... whereas if it was an option on the form editor then the update would be instant without waiting for everything to update...
Is there a particular reason why the Picture Parameter only can be a text parameter?
I have acquired a new Win 7 32bit laptop. Now when I debug in 2011, I can't use edit and continue. 2010, 2012 & 2013 are all fine. I installed all 4 from the installer with no changes.
ACAD Architecture installed as 32-bit on Win 7 64 bit machines w 12 gig ram. My users are using that g.d. CAP studio program, hence the 32 bit install. SP1 is installed as are hotfixes for Ribbon and Dimension issues.
Here's what's happening: most of the time we have no issues with raster images attached to the files. However, every once and a while one of the images decides to not show up. In XREF manager, everythings fine - the paths to raster images are correct (shared network path). The files are loaded, the insertion layers are on. You can close out of AutoCAD and come back in - sometimes the image pops back in.
Even though these are plot settings, I have RASTERPERCENT set to 80, and Raster Threshold set to 120 (although the size of most of these images is around 100k)
Since I'm so darn clever I decided I could "save as" a 2009C3d-32bit drawing to 2011C3D-64bit. This drawing was working just peachy for a while. There are no data links. The drawing contained 2009 surface and point groups. I imported some Pipe styles created in 2011. Created 800' of profile,and my pipe network. When I was closing the drawing I got a lot of errors wanting to know if I wanted to save changes to VBA-pipes. Seemed like a good idea at the time so I said Yes. This morning I opened the drawing and it's there but the surface from 2009 no longer has it's Definition data. The point group is gone, breaklines are gone. I needed to remove one lousy bad point out of my surface. The points in the drawing now have three copies and one has the elevation in the point description and you can't fix it. The 3 labels are all tied together and if you erase one they all disappear. I am going to wing it from here and get this puppy out of the office with a little old fashioned autocad. This is my question. Should I have just started a new drawing in 2011, clipped all my old line work and text from the 2009, imported the points and rebuilt my surface? Did I do something wrong and there was some way I should have been able to make this work? I was running 2009 and 2011 on my computer but had to remove 2009 last week. It no longer like livng with his better looking brother "2011" and I had to put him out. I have numerous small projects created in 2009 so this will happen again.
I am having all sorts of trouble with my setup - 32bit windows 7 and 32bit CS6. I have a 2TB hard disk (with 1.7 unused) and 8GB Ram installed.
I understand that this setup has a maximum amount of 1.7GB ram available to CS6 and this may possibly be the problem. (see the attachment)
My D800 NEF images are around 40MB each. I get out of ram messages in Photoshop and the same in Bridge. In Bridge the 100% lupe takes forever to activate and eventually after several images it says the 100% lupe is unavailable. If I purge the cache it is OK again for just a few images. There appears to be no problem with smaller files, jpegs etc.
I will change the setup to 64bit CS6 on Win7 64bit if this is the only way to rectify the problem.
Now that I have CS4 running on XP I'm trying to do some real work with it. First thing I do is disable tabbed windows and other new features as they have yet to prove themselves useful in my workflow. Perhaps I'll grow to appreciate them. But for now I'm just trying to get the app to work with the good ol' floating windows.
1) Can I stop new images opening with a Window that's glued to the top left corner of my screen? Past versions of PS just opened a floating Window. CS4 obliges me to 'unstick' the Window from the top left corner every time I open a new image. I've scoured the preferences but have yet to find any way to turn off this feature.
2) When grabbing the top bar of an open image window to move it on my screen I find it to be sluggish. With previous versions of PS one would grab the top of the image window and move it quickly on your screen to wherever you want. The response was pretty will instantaneous. With CS4 there seems to be a very slight lag whereby the move is occurring slightly behind the cursor moving it. It's not a huge lag. Just enough to get the sense that there's something amiss. I'll try it in Vista64 to see if the same thing is occurring there.
before the latest updates to photoshop CC one could export from LR a series od Raw images to HDR Pro, create a 32bit file, save and editin LR or CR.
Now, when creating the 32bit file photshops promts a button for edting in Camera Raw instead of the usual "create file" (then to be saved and opened in LR). Which is ok, but if I edit the file in CR and then open it as a Tiff in LR the adjustments done in CR are not visible in the sliders, but not only, the images is of bad quality in LR.
I just downloaded photoshop CS6 and I went to import video frames to layers but it says I need to use the 32 bit version. I had the same thing happen to me when I had CS5 so I looked up how to switch it and found out that I just had to right click on the photoshop app, click "Get Info", tick a box that says "32bit" and reopen the app. Well, I tried that with Photoshop CS6 but there is no option for 32 bit and now I don't know what to do.
I have 2009 and downloaded the 2012 trial (selecting 32bit as my OS). I'm trying to use a plugin and 2009 is too old, so if it works in 2012 I'll just upgrade. However during install it never gives me an option to install the 32bit/64bit version of 2012. It just auto-detects the OS and installs the 64bit.
how to get it to install the 32bit version? I tried the plugin with the 64bit and it doesn't work. I'm not sure if it's because 2012 is too new or if 64bit doesn't work for the plugin. The plugin is the Flare3D Max plugin if it matters.
I wanted a picture-editing program but wasn't prepared to buy photoshop, so I saw Gimp as the answer! I got it, used it to colorize a black and white picture of a B-29 and it worked great! Next thing I know, Gimp is having trouble starting. I restarted the computer and Gimp would then work. After a while though, even re-downloading Gimp didn't work.
MacBook Intel Core Duo (32-bit) Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) 2GB of RAM
Just want to know if this normal. The Opencl option can be checked in the 64 bit version of Photoshop but not the 32 bit. Just updated the drivers for the Intel HD 4000 graphics from the Intel website and Opencl is still not an option. HD 4000 supports OpenGL 4.0 and Opencl 1.1
So is it something I can fix or should I contact Intel about it?Here is the basic OS/video info:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x32 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
I am trying to install Photoshop CS6 on my Windows 8 64-bit PC. While in the loader option I chose both 64 and 32 bit installations, I only get 64-bit to install and work properly, and the Program Files (x86) protoshop cs6 folder stays empty.
I tried to reinstall 32-bit alone, uninstall and full reinstall, I also checked for security permissions in Program files (x86)/Adobe and in Common files which seem OK, Administrators, Creator Owner and System have the desired Full control permissions and finally I apllied the latest adobe_creative_suite_cleaner_tool fix on all products and tried reinstall, to no avail.
The error I always get upon finishing installation is the below:
Exit Code: 6 see specific errors and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DF024, DW063 ...
I've only seen one thread that releates to this issue with no answer resolution. I have a reoccuring but where my layer comps display with elements moved into different positions from when I last saved the comp (all layer comps are set to save Visibility, Appaearance and Position).
This seems to always happen when I re-open a document, and frankly I'm getting sick of going back and fixing photoshop documents after I save all my comps to files. I can't imagine that this isn't a known issue or that others are not seeing the same thing.
we should be able to switch using teh Get Info and activate the 32 bit switch. It looks like it works, but every time PS starts up it starts in 64 bit. This is happening on both a SL and Lion version of OS.