AutoCAD .NET :: How To Access Sub Object In Plant3D From C Sharp

Nov 20, 2012

I have a program in C# where i am trying to access a sub-object which is of type Connectors/fasteners.

In a drawing, I have an object with class (PnPClassname) P3dConnector, and when I click on it's red circle with <ctrl> pressed, I access an object with class (PnPClassname) BoltSet. I have added the event oDatabase.ObjectModified, but this only access the P3dConnector-object, not the BoltSet-object. See the image and attached file.

How can i access this sub-object? I have tried to loop through prompted result set using SelectAll. The P3dConnector-object is listed but not the BoltSet-object.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Creating Socketweld Connection In Plant3D?

May 28, 2013

I'm trying to create a assembly with .NET to draw all objects from a chosen spec. I started from Plant3D SDK which have a sample project. Autodesk ADN support is too slow to answer some basic questions since they have changed support platform recently.

After hours searching and trying to reach the main goal, I understood how connections between objects are done. The connector is based on End Type of objects. I'm not a meterial guy, so everything is much more difficult to me At CreatePipeline (..Plant SDK 2013SamplesPipingCreatePipeline) sample we have a class PipelineConnector which create connector. The main problem is only Buttweld connector code is available at CreatePart method in this class. I'm needing a piece of code where creation for others connector types such as Socketweld are shown.

the CreatePart code below:
public override void CreatePart() { Database db = AcadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database; ContentManager cm = ContentManager.GetContentManager(); part.Position = InsertPoint; part.SlopeTolerance = 0.1; part.OffsetTolerance = 0.0; if (ConnTypeName.Equals("Gasket")) { // Gasket // //PartName = "Gasket"; var spGPart = GetSpecPart("Gasket"); PSPColl.Add(spGPart); var blockSubPart = new BlockSubPart(); ObjectId Id = ObjectId.Null; try { if (spGPart.PropValue("ContentGeometryParamDefinition") != null) Id = cm.GetSymbol(spGPart, db); blockSubPart.SymbolId = Id; } catch { } part.AddSubPart(blockSubPart); // BoltSet // var spBPart = GetSpecPart("BoltSet"); BoltSetSubPart boltsetSubPart = new BoltSetSubPart(); boltsetSubPart.PartSizeProperties.NominalDiameter = NomDia;


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AutoCad 3D :: Add Opening Into A Plate Created In Plant3D?

Apr 24, 2013

is it possable to add an opening into a plate created in Plant3D?

i.e. i have some equipment that need to pass through the grating of several leveals of a new structure.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Access Object Of Last Entity Modified?

Jun 29, 2011

Is there a way to access the object of the last entity modified.

If a dynamic block is changed I want to collect the changes.

I'm guessing I use the AcadDocument_EndCommand to kick off the routine but don't know how to identify the modified object.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Access AEC Object Properties From RealDWG?

Sep 24, 2013

Is there a way to access AEC object (AEC_WALL etc.) properties from RealDWG? I am able to get the class name AecDbWall. And even the extents of the entity.There are some Aec*.dll files in the RealDWG folder but I am not sure what to use to  get the properties of Wall,window.I'm using visual C++. I have installed the object enablers of Architecture Structure Drawing, MEP, and also of Civil.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Opening Object For Write Access

Mar 16, 2012

I'm upgrading some older COM based code to work in VB.Net with Civil 3D 2012. The app iterates through all of the Alignment objects, finding the ones with SuperEleveation, and places the names in a listbox. The user can select one or more of the alignments from the list to have the SuperElevation slope values modified. 

The problem I am having is when I get the alignment object to update I get an execption that the object is locked. It's probably something simple but I'm at a loss to where to go next.Here as a brief code snippet:

' Sub1 is called to find all of the alignment objects with SuperElevation
Sub Sub1()
Dim objCol As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.ObjectIdCollection
Dim objID As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.ObjectId
Dim tm As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Transaction
Dim myAlg as Alignment

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AutoCAD .NET :: Error / Cannot Access A Disposed Object / Objectname / FrmBatchProcess

Feb 2, 2012

<CommandMethod("crane")> _ Sub Crane() Application.ShowModelessDialog(myForm) End Sub
Show it only happens after I've open the form once. When I close it and try to re-open it it fails to open.

How do I dispose of VB.NET objects...

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Access Solid From Drawing File Using Object ARX

Jun 7, 2012

I want to access the solid opened in AutoCAD from dwg file using C++ and Object ARX.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Access Hatch Object And Modify Color?

Jul 15, 2013

How do I get at the hatch objects within a drawing using iLogic?

I would like to be able to customize hatch color based on various part properties.


Purchased part = Green Hatch
Refrence = Light Grey
and much more

This would be possible if I can get to the hatch object and determin what part it is associated with.

I only see iLogic code that allows you to change visibility of all hatching, and set general hatch angle.

Since I can select a hatch in the drawing and change its color, I assume there is an un-published API object that relates to hatches

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Paint Shop Pro :: Toolbar To Access Object Align?

Feb 16, 2012

When dealing with vector, it is just to click in image with "pick tool" to appear a tool bar where object align/distribution is available.

But when dealing with raster, this tool isn't available. The only way I found is through "menu=> objects=>align". To raster images, is there similar vector tool bar to access direct object align/distribution?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Internet Access Is Required To Access

Apr 26, 2012

Just loaded 2013. Of course right away I get an error. "Internet access is required to access the Help" Well as you can see I have internet access.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Getting Data From DWG File To Use In C Sharp

Jul 8, 2013

I am a new c sharp developer. I want to create a program in C sharp, which can communicate with autocad, when I do click in some area of the drawing, I can call to the c sharp program with the information of the object selected, for example I want to know the four utm coordinates of a rectangle,with those coordinates I want to search in a sql server database, which contains information of the object selected, for example if I select a rectangle, the database must contain the name of the owner, location and display to the user the information.

Otherwise, I want to open the program in c sharp, doing a searching via name of the owner and I want to open the dwg file that contains the utm coordinates of the name provided.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating A Sharp Fold

Aug 24, 2012

I am trying to fold a sheet into an "L" shape (using the the Fold command) but i would like to have the inside of the bend to be sharp and not a radius like on the outside. Is there any way that i can achieve this?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Read Data From DWG Excel File Using C Sharp

Jul 5, 2013

[CommandMethod("Test")]public static void TestMethod(){ Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = doc.Editor; Database db = doc.Database; using (Transaction Tx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) {


1-autocad program will be closed
2-be selected within the file path c sharp example: csharp.jpg
3-I want to read data from a DWG excel file using C#. examples: dwgfile.jpg and drawing1.dwg
4-I want to list here DataGridView data
5-c sharp winform .net 4.0

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Placing A Hatch Mark At Virtual Sharp?

Oct 28, 2013

Is there a way to put a hatch mark (dimilar to a DIMCENTER) at a "virtual sharp"?  For example, two 90 degree lines have a 1/4" fillet/radius between them.  I want to put a small cross there the lines would have theoretically intersected.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Place Ordinate Dimension To Theoretical Sharp Corner

Aug 19, 2003

I'm trying to place my ordinate dimension to a theoretical sharp corner and the dimension will only go to the end of the arc (see pict). I try and drag the dimension end point by selecting the end of on line and dragging it over, select the other line and drag it till the two yellow dots meet at the intersection.

When I let go of the mouse button to place the dimension it pops to one side or the other of the arc.

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Photoshop :: Use Sharp Tool - But Nothing Happens?

Jun 14, 2012

I tried to use the Sharp tool but nothing happens, the brushes only leave on the photo a mark type,  I read the tutorial by Adobe about it, it doesnt seem to work,.what other tutorials are there? that are simple and free.I restoring photos.

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VideoStudio :: Videos Not Looking Sharp?

Sep 21, 2011

I have a Sony HXR-MC50U HD camera. I have been recording videos and then transferring them to my computer using the USB cord. They are in the AVCHD format. I use VS X4 to edit my movies. The video plays great when on the camcorder, however when I transfer it to the computer something happens. In scenes where I "Pan" I sometimes get what can be described as a "squiggle" that runs in the middle of the screen. Sometimes there is more than one of them. The squiggle looks sort of like when cinemax late night is squiggled out.. It is a blurry line that runs across the middle of the screen. This "squiggle" will then transfer to any output file that I select. Whether I choose HD AVI or HD WMV, it still does it..

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Photoshop :: Sharp Edges

Nov 17, 2008

I'm trying to make the edges sharp, when I use the Rectangle tool there is a 1px line on the edges which I think is suppose to blend the image to the background, but I don't want this 1px line, I want the edges to be sharp. How do I switch this off.

Using CS2, and I'm sure this is a default setting because I remember reading something about it in the book but now I can't find it.

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Photoshop :: Sharp Lines

Dec 19, 2003

Maybe this is something utterly simple that I have totally missed, but I just don't get it. everything I make seems to have a feathered edge... thats bad when I'm trying to make something with an absolutely crisp edge. The attached file shows whats hapening. It only really matters on the level where you can see individual rows of pixels, but that is where I prefer to work.

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Photoshop :: Sharp Text For The Web

Jul 20, 2009

I like to put some (small) text on a simple image to use it on the web, but the text looks blurry. I've tried all the anti-aliasing options, but none of them looks sharp. Pixelfonts do not seem to look any better.Is there any way to make small text look sharp in Photoshop, or should I use Illustrator e.g.? I'm just a beginner in PHotoshop and I have no clue how to solve this problem.

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Photoshop :: Cannot Get Sharp Thumbnails For My...

May 16, 2008

tried everything to get sharp thumbnail pictures for my website but to no avail this is what i do :after working in raw (no sharpening) i then put my picture on a grey background size is 1804x2560 then go to image size put in 72 for res and bicubic sharpener it then takes it down to 541x768 then save for web 32.1k jpeg medium and optimised quality 70-90 then upload to web but still not sharp, when you click on the thumbnail to get a bigger picture its sharp. i have also tried save as and put in quality 9 with no success. i had the website designed for me and you cannot load a seperate thumbnail.

fashion pics taken in raw canon 20d and work in adobe cs3

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Photoshop :: Pen Tool Feathered Not Sharp?

Sep 24, 2013

Not sure what I've done to my Pen Tool, but since it's only feathered not sharp. Looked through Anti Alias / Refine Edge / Brush type but with no success.

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Photoshop :: Creating Sharp Text

May 16, 2008

I want to create some sharp text in my image, but can't figure out how to do it despite lots of searching.

Here is what it currently looks like:

Those letters look terrible and I'd like it to be straight, sharp lines.

I noticed if I use "Convert To Shape" it outlines the letters exactly the way I want them to look:

But, when I select the shape, it just selects the nasty pixels behind it, not this border.

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Photoshop :: Sharp :: Scanned Text

Oct 3, 2005

i regulary scan documents with text but find text looks muddy when printed .blocky edges .ive played around with unsharp mask but no joy. if i input text through photoshop 7 its nice and sharp yet scanned text remains poor .played around with scanner using different resolutions and input formats ie colour doc . line art etc tried abbyy finereader but waste of time (need graphics in background)

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Photoshop :: Sharp Angled Lines

Feb 19, 2004

normally i do webdesign and other 72 dpi stuff, but i had to make a logo with straight lines but at about 87deg angle. so just off square at 300dpi.

even at 300, i still couldn't get them really sharp and clean.

i tried the pen and node mode, but even that seemed to have anti aliased the angle a bit.

what do i have to do - perhaps 600 dpi and then reduce?

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Photoshop :: Sharp Text Outlines

Feb 1, 2005

I have a friend still using PS 5.5, OK, OK it's me. How would I create a SHARP outline around text or anything else. I've tried outerglow, stroke and expanding the selection. The problem is, wherever the font or shape has a sharp or 90 degree angle, the outline rounds off at that point.

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Photoshop :: Maintaining Sharp Edges On Gif

Jul 29, 2006

I have designed a small gif motif for a webpage. I used paths which I then filled so it would be sharp. However, when I reduce it to the size I would like on the web page (about 45 pixels) , the edges look ragged. I can't seem to get rid of the bitmapped look.

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Photoshop :: Making Sharp Pdfs

Apr 22, 2009

I notice that pdfs, the imagery comes out soft. any way within making pdfs that they can be sharp? I don't think a setting like that exist.

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3ds Max Modeling :: How To Smooth New Sharp Edges

Feb 22, 2012

I have this cylinder (purple) that I want to cut into this smooth curved sheet.

I have thought about booleans but I don't understand why the stack closes and how to smooth the new sharp edges created when i do it.

How would you go about it?

The aim is to create a cylindrical opening in the sheet while maintaing the smoothing, while getting the edges themselves smoothed.

My stack is EditPoly, TurboSmooth, Bend, Box.

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Mudbox :: Painting Sharp Edges

Apr 9, 2013

it seems it's impossible to paint sharp edges in mudbox (ie when painting there is no softness to the brush)... is there a good way to do this that i'm missing?

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