When dealing with vector, it is just to click in image with "pick tool" to appear a tool bar where object align/distribution is available.
But when dealing with raster, this tool isn't available. The only way I found is through "menu=> objects=>align". To raster images, is there similar vector tool bar to access direct object align/distribution?
I use a couple plugins fairly frequently in the Edit window and it's tiresome to have to navigate 4-levels deep into a menu each time I want to access them. Can a link/button to plugins be added to a toolbar? Is there another quick way to access plugins?
I was messing around in PSP X4 and somehow managed to mess up my toolbars. Specifically, the STANDARD toolbar now has no images. I've uploaded a screen capture to show you what that looks like.
Screen capture showing the missing icons on the standard toolbar. noicons.PNG (9.52 KiB) Viewed 729 times
I try to add a new toolbar to my "edit" menu on PainshopPro X5 but i cannot find it ? This toolbar is in the "photo gestion" tab, but i want to add it on my "edit photo" tab !
Assume I have to increase oftentimes but not always the brightness of digital photos by a certain value (e.g. 20). The contrast should be 0.Ok, I could go now (in PSP X2) to menu
Adjust--->Brightness and Contrast---->Brightness/Contrast
then manually adjust the values and click OK.However these multiple steps is somehow unhandy. Even if I put the Brightess/contrast icon into the toolbar I still have always to adjust the actual values.
I want to perform this operation by ONE click.Is there a way to put a customized icon into toolbar which (when clicked) performs always the brightness/contrast operation with my pre-defined values regardless which values are set up currently in the "normal" brightness/Contrast dialog?
In the past week or two, I took time to re-create the tool button config in PSP14 that I've used for many years in Paint Shop Pro. However, the next day I see PSP14 has reset to the DEFAULT toolbars!!
Why did this happen? Was it failure to SAVE the configuration? Are my toolbars lost now? any way to restore besides button-by-button reconfig?
Have only recently purchased and installed X5. I am coming from PSPv9 (and doing so reluctantly.)
I am attempting to duplicate the tool toolbar that I am use to in PSPv9 in X5. I have been successful except for one group. In PSPv9, the Dropper tool and the Color Replacer tool are in the same group. I have been able to create a new Button Group and place both tools into it. What I can not figure out is how to have the new button group display an icon. All other groups display the icon of the first tool in the group listing.
I installed the KPT plug ins from the Corel Content (or whatever it is called) website. They don't show up in X6--64 bit version. That is because they only work in 32? How can I get them to show up in 64 bit?
ps. They show up in X5. I can't remember which one, but I did like one of them.
I have Windows 7 64 bit and PSP x5. Everytime I try to access my brushes, it freezes and the drop down menu won't open to select a brush. If I play with it for an hour or so it will finally come down for a second and I have to select quickly before it closes again. I have lots of memory and hard drive space. I've uninstalled KB2670838 windows update, as another forum suggested for general x5 freezes. I deleted all the brushed from the program file and made a separate folder and pointed XP to it in the file locations. The same thing happened with my tubes, but after continually trying to open them several times, it finally opened and from that point on it worked, not so with the brushes which I need to use in my work.I don't want to have to uninstall and reinstall, it took so long to get all the plugins added and working to have to do that again.
I've recently upgraded to PSP X5 and tried to update to the latest nvidia 32 bit DDS Plugin today (this one). After the installation i copied the "dds.8bi" file in my "PlugInsEN" folder - which worked perfect with previous versions (my latest was from 2011 tho).
When i try to save a DDS file i get the normal DDS export/configuration dialog. When i hit save, i get an error message stating that the plugin causes an access violation (in german: "Plugin hat Zugriffsverletzung verursacht").
That error message appears twice and the file is of course not saved.
I'm using PSP X4, have an image open in edit but I'm not able to add any layer(s). None of the layer type options will remain highlighted for me to choose when I go to new mask layer or new adjustment layer.
I just downloaded and installed the PSP X4 Ultimate, I'd like to try it before I buy it. When I installed the software, I tried to access"Color Working Space", because I work with Adobe1998 and I wanted to change the work space, but every time I try to access PSP crashes.
I know how to access the EXIF information inside PSP software OR from within WINDOWS but how to access it in terms of a text/DOC file so that it could be printed or used in other software?
Open up a picture Create a Mask marquee and Cut [Ctrl X] Undo twice [Ctrl Z twice]. You're now back where you started but with a cut object on the clipboard Paste [Ctrl V] Cut [Ctrl X] Paste again [Ctrl V] Cut again [Ctrl X]
In my case, the entire image has now been cut, not just the pasted object.The reason I do this is because I'm working with two virtually identical pictures. On one picture there has been a modification which I wish to paste onto the other. I cut and paste but need to align the pasted object with the picture. So, I paste the object and move it; then cut and then paste it to check it's in the correct position. If it's out of alignment then the image appears to move. There may be other ways to do this but I find this way easy.
Have a problem seeing my quick access toolbar, there seems to be a white shading over most of it, how I can get rid of shading ? Not a display problem with my screen as only happens in Autocad ! See the attached screenshot .
I can't access all of my toolbar on the lhs of the editing mode of elements 11. It stops at the crop tool and I can't see or access what is below that. I am using Windows 7 on a Notepad.
I watched a video, but next to the Lasso icon on the tool bar I don't see a square Selection Mode icon. Also, I don't see a green Apply button.
I was able to remove the object using the Carver tool. However, I had to reduce theTif file to 8 bits. I'm not sure what the difference is. (The photo is for publication in a magazine.)
BTW, when I go to the Corel help page, the top of the page is cut off so I can't get to the search box.
I would like to clone one object from one picture to another. When I have 2 pictures side by side and I want to clone one object to the other pictures the percentages are not the same with each other and the object is out og proportion. How do I get both pictures with the same percentages? As an example maybe there's a fire hydrant and I would like to clone it to the other picture and have it look as a 1 to 1 ratio.
I already add in the Quick Access Toolbar the "Layer Combo Control" and the "Ribbon Combo Box - Linetypes"
I would like to add also "Ribbon Combo Box - Object Color" BUT it seems impossible...
I copy it from Panels - Home - Properties and put it into Quick access Toolbar, but it never shows up and worse when I go back to CUI it has dissappeared...
The only things that works is the "color" function.
Every time I try to use the CUI: create a new ribbon panel, create a new quick access toolbar, etc ACAD LT crashes and shuts down. When I reload ACAD LT the work spaces are gone.
This is something that I could do very easy with PS, just CTRL + click in the layer and the object get a selection around it. How I can create a selection for an "floating" object? Sometimes I need to remove some pixels around the object I cant find a way to select the contour of the object again.
Using PaintShop Pro on Windows 7: I am trying to restore an old photo that I scanned as a TIF. When I open the file, I can use the Scratch Remover tool without any difficulty. Once I switch to Object Remover though, I cannot go back to the Scratch Remover -- the Object selection stays active and even though I can drag the scratch tool, it won't do anything. How can I kill the Object Remover?
I have a user who's QA Toolbar is so light it is hard to see. I have tried to adjust all of his settings and it still looks washed out like it is faded back. Like it does for the inactive icons but with all of them yet lighter...
I made my first installation of Autocad 2013 on this computer. Unfortunately the quick access toolbar appears whitened as you can see in the attached picture.
I added the Layer group (On / Off Freeze Lock / Unlock and Layer name) to the Quick Access Toolbar. I only see the first part name of the layer. Is there a way to stretch this part of the group in the QAT tool bar so I can see the more of the layer name? The partial name and layer color may be a sufficient clue as to the whole layer name over time. Would be nice to see the whole name until then.