AutoCAD Map 3D :: Text Rotated - Possible To Flatten To 2D
Oct 7, 2011
I received a 3d map and I just need to plot it out but the text is rotated so much it almost illegible is it possilbe to flatten it to 2d? If I just put the map in 2d space the text is smashed down so it looks like a line.
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Oct 24, 2013
how to flatten or z values to be done zero for rotated dims & splines?
when if u r viewing dwg in isometric views for keeping all the z values zero. commands for acad2011 format?
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Nov 18, 2013
I wonder if it is possible to create a new text style where one can set the text to be already rotated.
I know that it is possible to rotate text in many ways but the styles always seem to be set on the horizontal to begin with.
C3D 2012
Win 7 64 i5
8GB RAM Quadro FX 1800
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Feb 7, 2012
I am working on a project that has around 6 different roads, all at different angles from one another. The problem I have is when I start to create the lay-outs, I use a rotated viewport so that the roadway will be horizontal across the page. I then rotate the text so that it will be horizontal or at 90 º within the viewport. This has worked fine in the past.
With this project I have multiple areas that are sharing 2 or 3 different viewports, therefore, the text alignment for one does not match the other.
Is there a way to associate the alignment of the text to the viewport? Or will I have to copy the drawing multiple times (one for each viewport)?
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Nov 19, 2012
in ps my text looks fine,. but when i go to preview for plotting its rotated 90 deg.
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Jul 10, 2012
I have read many topics that talk about TTF text printing bold under various circumstances, but have not found one addressing my exact issue. I have attached a PDF with which I hope to illustrate my problem.
I have a non-annotative, Scale = 1, all elevations = 0, block; My text is PDF's as text whenever the block is left at 90 or is exploded then rotated. But whenever the blocked is rotated (any amount) the text is no longer interpreted as text, it prints bold.
I need to be able to align my blocks to other, rotated, objects in both model and paper space; so this issue is causing my a fair amount of grief. I have been told switching to a shx font is out of the question.
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Feb 1, 2011
I'm having an issue on my full scale detail sections for a set of entry doors. I used layoutwizard to create my layout and I'm adding text (dtext) and leaders and it all looks good on my screen. When I print it out the text is rotated 90 degrees. I imagine it's any easy fix but I sure can't find it.
I thought I should add- when I look at 'print preview' the text is rotated. When I go back to the layout the text looks correct. I tried unchecking the "match text orientation to layout" and checking it again and it didn't work. Seems like this might be a glitch of some sort?
update: If the text is in model space it prints properly. Only the text in paper space shows up rotated.
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Apr 18, 2013
I've created my first line type (woohoo!) but the rotated V that I used as an "arrow" won't center and I'm having a difficult time understanding why so that I can fix it. I am aware that linetypes like the one I created exist but I wanted the arrows a specific size and distance apart which I couldn't do with the existing linetypes available to me (also I really wanted to try creating a custom one).
In the attached picture:
-the green line is the finished custom linetype
-the red lines are polylines
-the blue text is rotated 90 degrees, set to a text style titled Linetype (simplex font, not annotative, height set to 0 and width set to 1.0), and Justify set to Bottom Center
The finished linetype code is:
Also, this the first time I've attached a picture, I'm not sure that I did it correctly.
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Apr 30, 2012
We have some blocks that have static text labels on the left and numeric attributes on the right. When these blocks are rotated so the text is near vertical the static text has a bold appearance.
If you explode/burst the block then this 'bold' appearance goes away. If you rotate the text to normal then the effect disappears as well. The bold appearance shows up on a plot as well. The effect is subtle at times but noticeable.
Sample drawing attached, see the block near the top of the drawing and a copy of it rotated to normal. Use the BURST command on the block on the left to see the change.
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Oct 11, 2011
When creating text in model space it appears both mirrored and rotated 90 degrees to the horizontal. However, when I create text in paper space it is fine. I have tried looking at the properties for the text but although I can find a place to rotate the text back to the horizontal it is still mirrored and therefore unreadable.
When I copy paste stuff from one document to another this also occurs.
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Apr 12, 2013
I'm writing down some names & seeing how they'd look like when I use a different font but just now, I've realized that the text slightly blurs when it's rotated.
Original text: [URL]
Rotated: [URL]
I know this isn't much of a big deal but I'm just wondering if there is a way to prevent the blurring or anything like that. I tried 'sharpening' the selection but as far as I'm concerned, it didn't change anything.
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Apr 7, 2011
Rotated text.cdr
How can I stop new text boxes being rotated? When I make a new text box (or start typing artistic text) using the text tool, the box (or artistic text) is rotated 90° clockwise. The tabs also show on the left hand ruler instead of the top one. I have looked at all the options in the Tools menu but there does not seem to a way of changing this. I have attached a CorelDraw file as an example.
I am using CorelDraw from Graphics Suite 4. My PC is running Windows XP Pro, Service Pack build 2600.
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Sep 27, 2012
I have just discovered that Spot Elevation text is mesbehaving in rotated dependent views:
If you have an orthogonal parent plan view, then create a dependant view from it, then rotate just that dependant view, then place a spot elevation - the spot elevation symbol respects the rotation of the view (ie its paralel to screen/view boundary), but the spot elevation text remains in the orientation of the parent view. see attached image.
This does not happen if you rotate a normal Revit plan view; nor does it happen with a callout - both cases the symbol and the text are parallel to the view boundary. I think this is a bug?
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Jul 10, 2012
I have two lights in action. One spot with falloff and spread and one directional.
The directional light only show an effect on the text if I rotate it, but moving it along the Y-axis perpendicular to the text shows no changing effect.
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Oct 3, 2012
This is probably very easy, but I cant figure it out. Whenever I try to type text on the spine of my lightroom book, Lightroom puts it horizontally. I like to rotate the text on the spine of my book by 90 degrees so that it reads from top to bottom, like on any normal book. How do I do that?
By the way, when I start a new book, the spine text appears correctly by default (rotated by 90 degrees). In my existing book, the text cursor appears only for horizontal flow however, despite using the same design template. Is this a bug or did I accidently change the orientation of the text?
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Mar 4, 2006
I am learning about CS2 now.
Is it best to flatten my images once I get them completed or is it better to keep them in psd format with the layers intact. What are the pros and cons (other than file size of course).
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Jul 5, 2008
do you flatten your layers when finished? PSD files are huge and flattening seems to compress the size.
Also, if you do flatten, can you open them up again to make further adjustments?
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Jun 19, 2012
I've tried both draging an image into Autocad and importing it in as a block. When I try to rotates the image it either rotates around a point (but doesn't actually rotate itself) or rotates and disappears only leaving a white outline. How can I properly rotate an image?
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Jan 22, 2012
Autocad LT user. How the TORIENT command found in full-version, express tools.
Have 1000 block attributes that need rotated to "0" and do not want to do each one individually.
-And fyi, I'm not interested in upgrading right now. Need work around for the long haul.
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Sep 21, 2011
is there a command in mechanical 2012 similar to FLATTEN,As this does not work on my comp for some reason. I do lot of 3d and then redraw on paper and do dims there after, some of the shapes are not curves themself but for dimensioning this is essential and redrawing over the top is just not an option.
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May 23, 2011
I have exported a 3D stick figure to a DXF (these are just lines and no solid objects) and imported it into AutoCAD 2006 (2012 ordered but not installed yet). I normally draw in 2D and want to get the 3D lines flattened, but I am having trouble.
When I issue the FLATTEN command and say yes to remove hidden lines, it takes a while and I do get a 2D DWG, but the lines on the back side of my 3D lie on top of each other. Is there a way to make a block of the lines that lie on a plane and paste them into a new DWG?
I'll try to attach a screen shot of my 3D model (it is a lattice transmission tower).
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Nov 26, 2013
Is it possible to flatten a drawing so the images i attached are not referenced...
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Jul 17, 2013
I've placed generic Junction box structures right out of the box from C3D and when I cut a section, the section shows the wrong side of the structure. (Rotated) i.e. An inserted 60”x36” junction box inserted as a curb inlet and then rotated into position will display the 60” side even though it’s perpendicular to the section line.
I've had to go back and place a 36”x60” to get it to display the 36” side in section? Why is there a “rotation handle” on the structure if you can’t really rotate it?I really don't want to swap all 60"x36" with 36"x60" structures just so they will display properly in section.
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Nov 12, 2013
Acad 2013 on a capable Windows 7 machine.
I would like to cut a section through an extrusion. Attached find a section view of my extrusion cut at 90%%d. My deal is I want to be able to specify the angle. It could be anything, and it could be a compound miter (using in saw-speak, because my drawings go to saw operators), that is, angles in two directions. But, let's keep it simple - how to cut a section parallel with the Y axis in the attached drawing?
Right now I am warping something in due to the complexity of the profile. But for accuracy sake it is obvious why I'd like something better. I'd like my operators to have confidence in what they see.
I could do this easily in Inventor. Or even oin Civil 3D, working around it (using Autodesk-speak). But, I have neither. Is this a UCS thing? I trained myself to never touch the UCS long ago, because I am a surveyor by trade, and surveyors pull coordinates from AutoCAD (or one of its children) to stake points on the ground with, and a surveyor ends up working at McD's if she/he goes outside with coords pulled from a made-up UCS. So I don't know the first thing about manipulating the UCS, despite daily use of the products since release 12.
I looked at Sections in the 3D modeling workspace palettes, but nothing really jumped out at me for being able to rotate or cut sections where I want them to be. They all seem to snap to existing planes of the extruded solid. Big deal - I can do that intuitively just by looking at the part.
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Jun 13, 2012
Using Map 2013.It seems that when a viewport is rotated more than 45 degrees in paperspace, the labels disappear.
Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.111025-1629)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: LENOVO
System Model: 6075CTO
BIOS: Lenovo ThinkCentre BIOS Ver 2RKT38.0
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Jan 4, 2013
I am working with 2013 in 2D
Somehow I switched my UCS without noticing from X,Y,X to Z,Y,X. Though the UCS was changed my layout never switched orientation (flat square remained flat square and did not turn into a line).
I was alerted to the error when inserting the blocks. Half of the blocks were showing up as thin lines (in the Z plane) and half where showing up in the X plane.
I was able to correct the UCS by typing UCS, world view, then PLAN, current.
My question now: How can I fix the blocks that where "created" in the Z plane so that they can be inserted into the X plane without having to 'rotate3d' every time I insert a block?
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Jan 14, 2013
I have a spline that runs through about 70 points to make the perfect line. But when I rotate the sketch the spline turned from green to black and is no longer recognised as a boundary. I then have to delete the black line and re-draw. How do I keep the spline green and usable?
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Aug 24, 2012
Im using LT 2012 & have an issue with a few drawings.
Example:I draw a single line & set to 'Dashed' (or any other type). If i then rotate that line the linetype scale changes to a very small dash & the actual scale of the line changes. rotate it abit more & it will change again.
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Oct 5, 2012
I have a plot plan, that is rotate about 31 degrees off true north. So when I draw inside the plan, I rotate the UCS to be able to follow a "plant" north.
> UCS > point 1 > point 2 (along x axis) > point 3 (along y axis)
> PLAN > enter > enter
Now, I'm trying to measure a distance between 2 points with my drawing rotated along a new UCS. However, it keeps giving me the measurements as if it were still in the WORLD my x and y values are weird numbers instead of the nicely rounded numbers to which I have offset from a certain point.
> DIST > point 1 > point 2
How do I get my distance to show me what the x and y distances are in the UCS that I have rotated to, instead of showing me the x and y distances based on the WORLD UCS?
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Mar 24, 2010
I'm getting the rangebox of my assembly, but am having problems getting exactly what I need. Basically, if a part in my assembly is rotated, it's like it's getting the rangebox of the part's rangebox in its new orientation. I have included pictures to show what I am getting and what I would hope to get. In the last screenshot, I have drawn a red box to show what I would like to achieve. The black box being drawn from the rangebox was created from some code I downloaded (I think from this forum, but I couldn't find it via search, here is another link
Is there anyway to do what I am needing to do?
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Mar 2, 2012
How do I put a rotated drawing back to level, I would like to do it using 2 pick points on a line I want to be horizontal
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