AutoCAD LT :: Writing Plug-in To Work With 2011?

Feb 11, 2013

Writing a plug-in with visual basic?  Is there a specific version of visual that works with Autocad LT 2011?  Or will express 2012 work too?

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Photoshop :: Why Won't Plug-ins For CS3 Work On My 7.0

Sep 30, 2008

I'm using 7.0 on my Lap-Top and I'm about to install CS3 on my Desktop

I have tried everything to get a Plug-In called Topaz to work in my 7.0

I have installed it and says has been Installed

When I open my plug-ins in 7.0 Its not there

Did some looking and looks like it's for CS2-CS3 only AND SOME HAVE EVEN SAID IT ONLY WORKS IN CS3 EXTENDED.

Is there anyway to get this Program to work on my (OLD AND OUTDATED BUT WORKING 7.0)

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Photoshop :: Will Old Plug-ins Work With 64bit CS4

Sep 25, 2008

Will my 32bit CS3 plug-ins (Neat Image, etc) work with CS4? Also, will CS3 actions and scripts work in CS4?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Does IntersectWith Work With 2011

Mar 8, 2011

Does IntersectWith work with 2011?  If not what is the fix?  Apparently I cannot find the apparent intersection point of two lines.

If I try to use IntersectWith, I get an error that it is obsolete.

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GIMP :: Unable To Make Python Plug-ins Work

Oct 11, 2011

I have followed the instructions here [URL]......... installed GTK+, fiddled and cajoled and still I cannot get python scripts to run from within Gimp. The scripts show up in the menu within Gimp, but when clicked on, do nothing.

I am using Windows 7 32 bit, Gimp 2.6. I installed Python 2.6, pygtk all-in-one installer 2.2.

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AutoCad :: 2011 - View Cube Ceases To Work

Nov 26, 2011

In AutoCAD 2011. After a little bit the view cube stops working. Ill click for ,example, left side, and nothing happens untill i close out and reopen.

I sucks big time when your modeling and you use it constantly while drawing on different axises.

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3ds Max :: Windows Don't Work Properly In 2011

Jul 3, 2011

I 'm trying to create a window from the command panel( for example fixed) and firstly I can't create the width unless I go to modify nor can I add rails and panels.

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Xara :: Change Black Background Screen With White Writing To Gray With Black Writing

Feb 22, 2014

I have just purchased this upgrade software having used XARA Xtreme4.0 for many years.How can I change the black background screen with white writing to grey with black writing?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Put 2011 Topobase And 2011 ArcGIS Plugin Into 2012 Or 2013?

Apr 3, 2012

Is there any way to put the 2011 topobase and the 2011 ArcGIS plugin into 2012 or 2013?  Seems such a shame just to lost all of that functionality.

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AutoCAD LT :: Over Writing Blocks

May 15, 2002

Is it possible to bring in a block from another drawing so that it overwrites the block of the same name in the current drawing? The only way I know how to do this is to explode the block, bring it into the current drawing and then make a block so that it overwrites the one in the current drawing. This is a long method of doing it.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Writing Attribute Values

Feb 29, 2012

I'm trying to write some code that adds values to attributes of a specified block. I'm able to search for the block, but I'm having trouble editing it.  

Dim acDoc AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim acCurDb AsDatabase = acDoc.Database
Dim acTransMgr As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager= acCurDb.TransactionManager

Using acTrans1 AsTransaction= acTransMgr.StartTransaction
Dim acBlkTbl AsBlockTable = acTrans1.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)
If acBlkTbl.Has("blockname") Then 

*** here I need to get the object found in the active block table and edit it's attributes by attribute name ****
End If
End Using

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Writing Equation In Parameters?

Mar 7, 2012

I need to put the following into equation form to plug into a User Parameter:

if d91 falls in the range of 4" to 11"

then d92 = d91 + 2"

else d92 = 7.5"

Windows 7 Pro, SP1
Inventor 2012 SP1

Due to the nature of our business, I am not permitted to attach any files showing models or .idw environments of any actual work-related components.

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AutoCad :: Writing Plot Data To CAM File?

May 25, 2013

I am experimenting with a simple form of CAD/CAM and would like to be able to export the coordinates of my drawing to a data file in order to use it as an input file forthe CAM system. I am running AutoCad 2000 and would expect to be able to have this option available under the Plot command but have not been able to see how it can be done. For example, taking the simple case of a rectangle, I would like to be able to write to file the coordinates of the four corners of the drawing.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Reading And Writing To Block Attributes?

Sep 22, 2011

this part of my code is supposed to look for a layout I just added, search through it's blocks that have attributes, and if the block with the specific attributes is found, it should open a dialog box and populate the two text boxes with the attribute text.  When the user changes the text in the dialog box and picks ok, I want it to go back and change the attribute values in the block.

I'm just not sure how to change the text value for the attributes.  Do I create an identical code that will search all over again only to write the values instad of read?  There has to be an easier way since I have the block located already.

Public Sub replaceTitleText(ByVal pageNumber As Integer) Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim db As Database = doc.Database Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Dim layoutCount As Integer = LayoutManager.Current.LayoutCount - 1 Dim getTexttrans As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Detected While Writing Segment?

Apr 3, 2013

I have been working for the last couple of hours "copying objects" into my part file.  I am creating composites from surface data that exists in other part files.  I now cannot save my part which I have renamed TEST.IPT for the purposes of this request.  This is a common workflow for me when I am recreating a part from multiple imported CATIA files.  (I know it is hard to guess withour providing the actual data.)

Problems encountered while saving the document.
Error(s) detected while writing segment PmDCSegment in database TEST.IPT
Error detected while saving object of type MIxTransactablePartition in TEST.IPT
Error detected while saving object of type MIxPartition in TEST.IPT
The attempted write operation did not succeed. Part file may be corrupt.
The database in TEST.IPT could not be saved

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AutoCAD .NET :: Writing Tool To Add Custom Drawing Properties

Jul 20, 2012

I have installed the autocad ObjectARX 2011 and .Net wizzard to start writing a .Net application for adding custom drawing parameters to all our acad drawings.  I have found two issues detailed below.  This is my first attempt at using c# with autocad so any pointers on what I am doing wrong will be well received.

1.  If add the AcDbMgd.dll and AcMgd.dll references and set copy local to false as the documentation advises then I get a FileNotFoundException, could not load file or assembly 'acdbmgd'.  If I set the copy local to true then the error goes away.

2.  I tried using the code below to add a paramater but I get an exception on the first line System.TypeLoadException: Method 'CopyTo'.

Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Databasedatabase = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;

//Users builder to edit the summary info (file properties) of the drawing

Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.DatabaseSummaryInfoBuilder infoBuilder = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.DatabaseSummaryInfoBuilder(database.SummaryInfo);
string key = "test";
string value = "testvalue";
infoBuilder.CustomPropertyTable.Add(key, value);
database.SummaryInfo = infoBuilder.ToDatabaseSummaryInfo();

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Writing A Script File With 2012

Apr 24, 2013

Writing a script file is more difficult with the current version of AutoCAD (2012) than i used to be with older version? What i wanted to do is to insert an as-built block to 198 drawings

Open a drawing

insert a block (same location, same scale, same rotation)


and close

Is there any other way beside writing a script file to do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Writing Notes On Part / Assemblies

Jul 31, 2013

When a co-worker opens an assembly or part drawing I want them to see a note regarding the model, a note that would be used for internal purpose only.

The note has to be visible on the screen when the drawing is opened, anyway of doing something like that?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unhandled Access Violation Writing

Nov 11, 2013

Today I receive FATAL ERROR unhandled access violation writing 0xee300200 exception at  e0093851h, where I start to investigate?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Reading And Writing 2010 Files In 2014?

Dec 3, 2013

I have drawings that are saved as ACad 2010 and need to work on them in ACad 2014.  I am receiving error messages saying the drawing is damaged and requires recovery.  Errors are being detected and some files I can eventually open but edits are missing.  Others I am unable to open and I get a message "audit could not correct errors in database".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Writing Referenced Document IProperties To Test File?

Dec 4, 2013

I am writing a external ilogic riule, which will iterate through all the referenced documents of the active assembly and write certain iproperties  to a text file.

The code is below

It works in that the text file is created and it does write the iproperties. HOWEVER it only writes the iproperties from the active assembly

' go through all referenced documents in a assembly . Grab the description,title and part number iproperties

' and print out a list  

If Not ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType= kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
End if


How can i fix this code so that it writes the iproperties for each oFileRef ?

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AutoCAD LT :: Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x7f83f993 Exception At 49206f1ch

Nov 15, 2012

We are getting the following error on one of our machines:  FATAL ERROR:  Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x7f83f993 Exception at 49206f1ch.  It is happening when a file created with AutoCAD LT 2013 is opened using AutoCAD Mechanical 2008.  The file was saved as a 2007 file in AutoCAD LT 2013, so that it would work on our older computers.  How can I fix this?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Register Plug-ins

Nov 2, 2011

I'm using ACA 2012 (standalone) with Win 7 Professional  x64. When issuing the command to CheckStandards, I'm getting an error message stating that

"No plug-ins are registered on your system. CheckStandards cannot continue with a check until you have repaired the feature installation."

I repaired ACA 2012 and also determined that the file DwgCheckStandards.exe existed. Since I still get the same message. How do I register plug-ins in AutoCAD?

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AutoCAD LT :: Fatal Error On Startup - Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x67583544

Jun 24, 2013

I'm running AutoCad LT 2012, this message appears right after the startup loading page and its always different with the exception of 3544 at the end of every code. I've tried a repair and a reinstall but this keeps popping up.

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AutoCAD LT :: Fatal Error / Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x0000 Exception At 0h

Feb 5, 2013

I have just installed Autocad LT 2013 (licence bought yesterday) on a new Lenovo E330 laptop and the first time I'm trying to run Autocad I'm getting the following error: "fatal error: unhandled Access violation writing 0x0000 exception at 0h". 


1. regediting the DWORD Low to all 0000000, but it goes back to whetever value it was (i have tried with changing value and restarting, not restarting... etc. numerous combinations) and the error is still there

2. On one ocasion an autodesk employees on that thread informed the user that the generated error report was pointing towards a usb display adapter, and as I was using an external replicator (USB) I decided to try with the laptop running by itself on it's own graphics, that didn't change the error message. Next step update the HD4000 driver to the latest from intel, but still the same fatal error.

On top of the above i have also completly unistalled Autocad and all related products, performed new installation with same fatal error again after the installation. I have tried different comatibility modes when running the software and i have tried running as administrator (although I am logged as administrator anyway)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: WriteDataToFile Outputs Incorrect Drawing Sheet Titles While Writing To DWF

Apr 26, 2013

I created a Multi Sheet drawing file.(.idw)While the file to DWF format with WriteDataToFile, the Title Block shows wrong Sheet number.For a 5 Sheet drawing, the output DWF files contain following Titles:

1 of 2
2 of 3
3 of 4
4 of 5
5 of 5

Whereas expected titles should be:

1 of 5
2 of 5
3 of 5
4 of 5
5 of 5

Interestingly, if I create a multisheet Drawing and Activate all sheets one by one before saving it.The DWF files outputted show correct Titles.Hence in the first case, I used Activate() on all sheets before writing them with WriteDataToFile. But could not get correct Titles.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Plug Ins In Classic Screen

Jun 16, 2012

Where can i find the "plug ins" i  have added to the autocad in the classic screen, (and their symbols also)?

(In the other screens there is a special  "tab" named "plug- ins").

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AutoCad :: Create Standards Checker Plug-ins

Mar 25, 2011

How to create extra plug-ins for the standards checker. Currently AutoCAD only ships with 4 plug-ins:

and linetypes

I'd like to add a plugin at our office to also check table styles, multileader styles, and possibly other things such as making sure our title blocks are at the proper location, or that nothing is drawn on the layer 0 (unless in a block).

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Fatal Error Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x0000 Exception At 0h

May 16, 2013

I Have  an Error (( autocad 2013 fatal error unhandled access violation writing 0x0000 exception at 0h ))

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Plastic Wall Plug File

Oct 24, 2011

Where I can get an Inventor file of the attached (or similar) plastic wall plug? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Fatal Error / Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x006c Exception At A5d45122h

Jun 14, 2013

Every time I run AutoCAD 2014, I get this message:

Fatal Error: Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x006c Exception At a5d45122h

It then shuts the program down, and asks if I want to send an error report to Autodesk, which I have done.

I'm running Windows 8 Pro.

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