AutoCAD LT :: Select File Dialog Box Background Color
May 9, 2012
When opening a file, if you want to change the background color behind the folder icons on the left side of the Select File dialog box, do the following in Windows 7:
From Windows 7 desktop screen, go to personalization and click on Window Color at the bottom of that dialog box. At the bottom of the next dialog box, click on Advanced appearance settings...At the bottom of the next dialog box, under Item: select Inactive Title Bar and change the color to your heart's delight. I just wanted it darker so I could read the folder names easier which are white text.
I consider myself an advanced CAD user and much of the evolution that hapenned since I started using CAD-14. However, one of the most annoying features introduced in CAD 2010 is the 'disappearing' layer dialog box once you go to select a color. So you open the layer, create a new one, go to select a color just before you assign it a linetype, lineweigth and make it current, but as soon as you open the 'select color' dialog box and hover over it the layer window just goes. I know you can just make sure you do the color selection last, but what if you want to create three different layers and assign them a color ? you have to open the layer window 3 times and look for your layers...
using autolisp or visual lisp I want to open "Select Color Dialog Box" URL....and get RGB color code to my lisp.If I enter "color" in command line, i get color dialog box, but if I use this command in (command "color") I get more promts and not color Dialog Box.
I want to make a lisp routine which would ask for first color, second color and range of colors. And will calculate color range from first color to second color.
The blue color on the left side of the dialog box is too light and makes it hard to read the white font. How can I change those colors? If they are part of the windows color theme, which element would this be?
In the Select File dialog box, I can modify the column widths and I can change the column content. For example, I can delete the "date" column and add a "date modified" column. But, I haven't found a way to save the settings that I prefer to have each time the dialog box opens. How to save the settings as the default dialog box?
When I issue the Wblock Command I can not find the Dialog box to select objects and file location... This happens in the Layer Dialog when I try to change the color of a layer, the Color Dialog box can not be found. When I use the Block command the dialog box pops up, so I can see it.
Is there a way to allow user to select multiple files inside the file dialog using scripts? So not just something like "*.ai" or "*.eps" but where the user can actually use their shift key to select a batch of files inside the file dialog and then the script would process each one.
Is there a way to make the color select tool not only select a specific color but related shades as well. I have a graphic that is mainly shades of gray but with black outlines and divisions as well as other colors mixed in. I want to shift all the shades of gray to shades of dark yellow without have to select each shade individually.
I'm developing a C# project that exports drawings to DXF. I have almost finished it, but I cannot figure out how to set the background color of a Hatch entity. As I see in some sample DXF files, the background color looks like:
I am trying to get a dialog box that i can select a path from. Im using it to make a script writer in vba. I have tried a few different ways. Ive tried using the "microsoft common dialog box" it says i dont have a license to do it.. or something... the other way is to add a reference through tools, and with like "textbox5.text" something that made no sense...
Okay so I'm trying to take the white background off of a picture using the select a color on white, but it takes out a lot or the fur and eyes(it's a picture of a cartoon cat) How can I remove the areas of can from the selection without removing the pieces of cat too.
It's creative commons, so I guess I can post screen shots...
The cat is from [URL]...
A general idea of the selected area
What happens when I take out the selected area
So how can I take the pieces of the cat out of the selected area so when I try to delete the background I don't get an invisible cat?
I'm trying to set up a main dialog box with three radio buttons. the selected button will determine which 'next' dialog box appears when the next button is clicked.
I recently purchased AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 and all of a sudden when I select "File", and "Open", the dialog box from which I am supposed to select a drawing file has a small "Initial View" box with a small check box to "Select Initial View". This box seems docked to the right side of the "Select File" dialog box but I am unable to select the check box. It seems to do nothing. Is this a glitch?
I am operating on a Mac Air Book with the new Adobe Creative Cloud. I am new to Illustartor, so do not know how to use it well. I saved my document as a pdf, however, in the preview, it does not have the background color, but is jjust plain white. How can I save my document so that the color will show onto the pdf?
When I export in indesign cs6 pdf file (I made a digital flipbook and I want to upload it on my website) there is a white default color in the background. Is there a way to get rid of this white default color or make it transparent in indesign?
I'm using Autocad Civil3D 2011, Version 3. Just yesterday I noticed that the file date shown in Autocad's open file dialog box shows an earlier time than Windows Explorer, which shows the file date and time correctly. When I enter the "time" command on the autocad command line, the correct time is shown for the "last updated" time.
For example:
The Autocad open file dialog box shows the file having a time/date of 4/23/2013 3:54 PM
Windows Explorer shows the file having a time/date of 4/23/2013 4:10 PM
"TIME" command at autocad prompt returns the following:
Current time: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:55:35:454 PM Times for this drawing: Created: Thursday, March 27, 2008 5:49:57:104 PM Last updated: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:10:56:299 PM Total editing time: 17 days 15:31:26:967 Elapsed timer (on): 17 days 15:31:26:967 Next automatic save in: 0 days 00:09:58:237
I rebooted and restarted autocad, and resaved my file with the same results (although with different times-but again the autocad open file dialog box showed an incorrect, earlier time). I have never had this problem before, and it is driving me crazy as I usually sort my files by date to assure that I am working with the latest file.
I'm using the file dialog snippet as the foundation for a save as dialog box for saving a new copy of my template assembly to a project folder. Is there a way to disable the ability to click on a file in the window which puts that filename in the input box? The assembly file name is standardized and pre-"calculated" by my code and its a decent hassle if you accidentally click another file because the user would either have to rewrite the file name by hand, or cancel out of the dialog box and re-navigate to the project folder.
I have two questions for CS4, which may not be possible, and I didn't find in the feature forums.
1) Is there a way to do a color range selection created from all the colors that were selected from the magic wand tool. See attached image one.
2) Is there a way to crop an image based on histogram? For example if I wanted to remove all px that were above level 200 for all colors (or a specific color). Can effect the image at all from the histogram (without an side step to something like select color range)?
I'm working with very large images on multiple systems (both 32 and 64 bit, all CS4). Normally in the 50,000x30,000 -- 50,000x70,000 px range. For the sake of argument and ease of use I could scale down but eventually need to be operating in this range. The images are created by stitching a series of images taken under high magnification. I would like to find ways to quantify certain regions of interested based on color, but that do not have great color separation (see image 1). The hope would be take this information from several images and export the histogram information. As far as cropping the histogram is concerned: the scanning process used to create the stitched images produces a lot of near white color variation that so far I've been unable to select entirely (via color range select using clusters). I would say my best effort is only 85% of the "white" (see image 2) I want to drop out the white px for size reduction and noise reduction when it comes to histogram statistics.
Also I know this is pushing the limits of intention for PS, but we tried this on three other software packages-seemingly designed for these purposes--and failed.
When I go to the file open dialog box and start typing in a file name the the file name box it does not show a list of drawings that match the search in the file name box.
First, I am developing with the following system environment.
- ObjectARX 2011 - AutoCAD 2010 - C# with VS 2008
I am making a custom command that opens a open file dialog to prompt the user a dwg file.And the programmatically(automatically) insert another dwg file to the opened map.So what I tried to find a method to open a open file dialog, but couldn't find it.So next I tried to execute "OPEN" command programmatically. The following code is what I tried...
When I run the custom command, nothing happens. After opening a file, I want to insert ("INSERT" command) another drawing onto it. How could I achieve this?
Revit Architecture 2014? I've been trying to use the structural beam system, but when I select the joist I cannot select the start/end extension in the properties dialog box. I would like to know why is that?
All of the dialog boxes in my Bridge & Photoshop CS6 have black writing on a black background which makes all of them unusable. I have recently zeroed my hard drive and reinstalled all software (Adobe via Creative Cloud) and this problem popped up.
There is a similar 2012 forum thread which addressed this problem, stating the solution was found by zeroing the drive, then reinstalling:
How can I make a dialog window with transparent background which looks like exactly like this: With transparent background, so the Aero glass color is white.
If you hover your mouse over the picture, you may see checkered patterns, which is transparent, so the Aero glass can see through the checkered patterns.
How can I do this like the Aero glass see through the checkered patterns above?
Just thought I would post this because I have been looking for a working VBA file open dialog box solution for awhile. I'm an old autolisped making the jump to VBA and I have seen and read various solutons for the equivalent getfiled autolisp function but I never had much luck with them. This one worked for me it uses the Win API to do the job.
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _ "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long Private Type OPENFILENAME lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long
[Code] ....
Make a form and place the following code listed below on a button to call the showopen routine.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim Filter As String Dim InitialDir As String Dim DialogTitle As String Dim OutputStr As String
After finally getting X6 to be stable and usable I have two things I'd like to mention..
First, I've been using a 3rd party file manager called Ztree for years and one of its most wonderful capabilities is to copy paths to the clipboard which alleviates opening/saving frustrations with the typical Windoze Explorer dialogs. Anyway, one of the first problems I noticed with X6 is that Paste no longer works in the Open Drawing dialog, while it worked just fine in X5 and as far as I can remember, all previous versions. I sure would like to get that back.
My second complaint is the File/Export routine and specifically the presets. I do a lot of exporting to PNG and JPG and use multiple presets for fixed size/print resolution image output in both file formats. During the typical export session, I essentially export multiple different drawings all of which are exactly the same size/resolution in CD and in the past (X4 and prior as I recall,) was able to just hit <Enter> when the Export dialog appeared once the preset was set to the one I needed for that session.
In X6 though (and to some degree in X5,) even though the correct preset is listed, CD doesn't appear to recognize it, i.e., the math for the size/dpi conversion doesn't take place which forces me to waste time selecting "Original" or some other preset first, waiting for CD to render the new version, and THEN selecting the conversion preset that was pre-selected when I first opened the export dialog.
I'm attempting to create an easier way to change layer colors of nested linework by selecting the linework and having the ACAD index color dialog box appear to select the replacement color.
defining the "ic" variable;
(defun c:clc (/ ent ent_data ic ent_lay) ;change layer color(setq ent(nentsel)) (setq ent_data(entget(car ent)))(setq ic ;index color(cdr(assoc 62(ACAD_COLORDLG))))(setq ent_lay(cdr(assoc 8 ent_data)))(command "-layer" "c" ic ent_lay ""))