AutoCadLT2012 has deleted the data from all the files I was currently working on. The files are there and the backup is there , but all data has been removed. I have searched my entire computer (three hard drives) and Acad backup, auto save, etc. and the files are there, but no dwg.
how to remove this link from my template. I don't see the table in MS or PS. When I right-click on the link I get the message: "The data link is being used and cannot be deleted."
I purchased a new computer today and also purchased PSE 12 (I had PSE 10 running on a different machine/laptop). On the laptop/PSE 10, I had about 20,000 digital on an external drive (all were tagged according to color, theme, etc via the PSE organizer). All of the elements were stored on the external drive under a folder called "digital kits". I used the PSE 10 backup utility to backup my catalog to ease the move to my new machine. After I performed the backup, I renamed the "digital kits" folder to "digital kits-glw" because I intended to just move the external hard drive to the new computer and restore the catalog to the same path, “E:digital kits”, as I have other software that is dependent upon that path.
The restore went pretty quickly, and I can see the correct folder structure within PSE 12 Organizer, but all I have is a bunch of blank thumbnails. Upon closer inspection, the restore did NOT recreate the E:digital kits folder on the hard drive as I expected. Worse, the E:digital kits-glw folder is virtually empty (just a handful of thumb.db files). So, it appears the backup process deleted/hijacked all of my files. (Note: I did NOT verify the contents of the digital kits folder before I renamed it.) Tech support is closed until Monday, and I’m just sick over the possibility of losing all that data, so I’m turning to you all.(I have a backup of the data, but without the catalog piece I would have to re-catalog all 20,000 elements!)
So last week I shot a wedding. I just imported pictures from my computer and have been working on them. Tonight I sit down to edit and was going to delete another catalog not thinking and deleted all of my pictures including my wedding folders. Those had thousands of files most of which I had already edited. They went to my Recycle Bin so I do still have them but now they are not edited. Is there ANY way of getting what I had edited back?
I have been deleting, or rather, REMOVING files as I edit a wedding, I assumed they would go to the recycle bin which I could empty at a later date, this is not the case and now when I start up LR it is telling me that I am running critically low on disc space on my c drive and that I need to delete the files.
I have included an image to show you what I'm talking about.
I have some ABR files (blue, red, & brown numbered files) that I have combined to make new ABR files (blue, red & brown corresponding files marked as "M"). The problem is, after creating & saving my new ABR files, I went into the Presets/Brushes folder & deleted the original individual (blue, red & brown numbered files) ABR files. HOWEVER, as you can clearly see, they're still in my selection list in CS6!
The whole reason for doing this was ease of accessing certain types of brushes & to clean that list! If I can't figure out how to remove the DELETED ABR files from the list, it will be huge by the time I'm done!!! I have closed & re-opened CS6, hoping that will "refresh" my brush selection list. As you can see, it most definitely has not.
When i rename files in batch in Bridge CS6 the extension from my files is deleted, leaving me with exec files. Sometimes the new name is given but the extension disappears and other times the new name i wanted to give my files appears in place of the extension.
I have had this problem for a while in combination with a cache problem (every time when opening bridge it asked me to purge the cache). I seemed to be solved by renaming the cache folder cache_old and creating a new one but now the batch renaming problem has returned.
I accidentally deleted some files from my SD card and hard drive thinking I had them backed up, turns out they weren't. However, the photos still show up in my Lightroom collections, is there any way I can save the files that are on Lightroom to my hard drive? I'm running Lightroom 5 on a mac.
I try to setup Photoshop on my computer an error message pops up saying that an error has occured during the setup with a bunch of numbers. I don't know what to do and its really annoying because I need photoshop on my computer and it won't allow me to install it. Someone please help. Am I missing files that are needed to install it or what? Also does anyone know how to reinstall .dll files that were accidentally deleted.
If I do an import from my memory card, choose my external hard drive as a second location for the import, and then go into my catalog and delete the bad photos, is there any quick way to also remove those files from the backup on the external hard drive? I've got a ton of wasted space on my external HD due to things that I've deleted and don't know of any simple way to get rid of them short of formatting the drive and doing another export, which takes a long time and isn't something I want to do all that often.
I want to import a csv file into map3D and set the layers to which the blocks with attributes are inserted on. Using
Click Home tab > Data panel > Import From Files > mapimport.
Problem is, when I do this, I do not get the dialog that the help file says I should, like a place to define an insert layer or schema. All I get is the plain dialog that asks for formatting (file format such as autodesk up loadable file), Z unit, Coordinate system, and create block.
I also want to export the attribute data into a survey point file.
I've been given GIS data from a county and trying to design a water line using it. I have the .shp files for all the structures, roads, addresses, parcels, etc. bu the utilties are in a .mdb file. How do I use the .mdb to show the line work for the existing water line.
How to import data from .txt files? Or from Excel? I'd like to specify some points and lead a spline through them. I've made a list (quite long) of coordinates in Excel and I wish I didn't have to type them all
A GIS person has asked me if I was able to convert a Civil 3D surface they have received into raster data files so she can use the data with ArcGIS. Just wondering if this is possible with Map3D? She normally gets someone in another office to do it, he uses an ArcGIS addon to take the data of the surface and converts it. The result is a bunch of ADF files and an XML file.
Is it possible to create a "relative" connection to databases and SHP files in Map 3D, similar to the ability to create a relative external reference to a Civil 3D drawing file?
I had a hdd crash, I took the hdd to data recovery and they did recover something but some of the important dwg files are invalid.
From my understanding, computers use two files: pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys to store data used at a given time, for quick access (and other reasons). I have these files from the broken hdd but I don't know how to open them.
How they can be opened? How to successfully recover dwg files from them? the computer does it all the time so there must be a way.
I have checked my data folder and I cannot find the file Surface-7.dwg used in a surfaces tutorial. It's a multi-view block. I checked my entire hard drive and it is not there. Can the files be downloaded? I can't seem to find where I can do this.
As a matter of fact, the location where the tutuorials say to look, Windows 7: C:ProgramDataAutodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D2012enuData, does not exist on this Windows 7 Home Premium computer I am using.
Windows 7 x 64 Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 8 GB Ram Intel Core i5-2310 @ 2.90 GHz v. F.107.0.0 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP1
We using Vault to control our Inventor Standards and I know in the past Product Design Suites (2012) the design data versions were different in the fact that the Ultimate Version design data had more to it because of the extra features, therefore resulting in having to control two seperate sets of data.
Just upgraded our department to 2014 and it appears that the design data files between the Ultimate and Premium Suites are the same and would have to only control one set of data?
I'm fairly new to Map 3D and I'm trying to attach either an Excel or Access file as a data source. I started out with a simple test case and created both Excel and Access files following the steps outlined in the first reply in post:
When I get to the drag & drop step to attach the data I get the following error messages:
Invalid Wordspace file format: My DocumentsTEST.xlsx Invalid Wordspace file format: My DocumentsTEST.accdb
Not to be deterred, I saved the source files back to earlier xls and mdb file versions and was successful at attaching the data in both cases, but Map reported that there were no tables when I tried to define a link template.
Just recently I have noticed a Major problem occurring with Xdata. My programs that i use XDATA storage in work fine until you save the drawing. When you call the file back up the Xdata is gone the only thing in the xdata is NameSpace value. Is this related somehow to a Windows update?
I recently switched to a new machine and manually copied and pasted my custom settings over and set paths to the new location. Everything seems to work fine except when I click on "Plot Stamp Settings".I receive an error that says "Data Link Files" and sometimes it says "LISP".
I've been trying to clean up some things on my PC concerning Lightroom. I just came across 3 files in my Lightroom folder, the folder where my Catalog file and the Preview folders are located.
Can I apply the meta data to the files when I am not connected to the physical storage place of the files? Are the meta data stored in the catalogue or are they somehow connected to the actual data file??
I am having a strange issue with LR 5.3 however this issue could have been here before and I never noticed. Over the years I have been using the gps4cam app on either my iPhone or Android phone to track GPS data. For the most part I have never had serious issues with the data and the tracking results. I was away a few weeks ago shooting images and using gps4cam and have found some strange behavior in LR after reviewing images.
All images shot with my Canon 5D MK III and then tagged with gps4cam work perfectly in Lightroom both in showing the data and displaying fairly accurately in the Maps module. However images shot on my Canon EOS-M and tagged with the same GPS data either don't show the data (almost like it doesn't exist) at all in LR 5.3 or are completely off when viewed on maps. If I open these same images in Geosetter, they show accurate position and location on the maps.
I don't do a lot of Geotagging of my images except when I travel and didn't want to have to buy the Canon GPS Device.
I have a master shape file that contains parcel ID, owner, tax info., etc. I have another file ( access 2003 -open to better file format suggestions-) which contains parcel ID and a "yes" or " no" entry for whether or not the parcel needs a new water meter. All I want to do is add the water meter information into the other shape file. This would create one shape file with one table with all the information that I need.
Ultimately I will use the information to do a map query and find out spatially where i need new water meters.
Right now i have the master shape file connected though the “Connect to Data” feature. I also have the new data added to the drawing though the Data sources------>attach under the “Map Explorer” Task pane. I attached access file (ver. 2003 .mdb) which has two columns “Parcel ID” and “Meter”.
I right click on the shape file under the display manager and select”Create a Join;” however my water meter table is not listed as an option. Will this not work?
Plan B - I tried to Create and connect to the access file as an ODBC connection. Followed this guy’s directions to a T [URL]. But when i populate my table under the fdo connection the column headings exist ( “parcel ID” and “Meter”) but the actual data is missing. Am I missing something important?
Note: I am running c3d 2012 on a Win 7 64 Bit machine. I also removed office 32 bit apps and installed 64 bit apps to see if that would solve the problem. No go.