AutoCAD LT :: Creating Line Type
Jul 12, 2012how do you put a “>”. I’m trying to make a linetype that looks like -> -> -> i know 2,(but i don’t know what goes here),-2
View 7 Replieshow do you put a “>”. I’m trying to make a linetype that looks like -> -> -> i know 2,(but i don’t know what goes here),-2
View 7 RepliesHow can create in vba with line type ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a new linetype. It is a simple linetype, made up of a continuous chain of capsules that I've attached here. I understand that linetypes require shape files and line definition files. However, AutoCAD isn't even telling me how to create the shape file(s) I need to begin making the linetype.
The capsule is .12 units long at its widest, and will need to connect end-to-end.
I created some new custom line types using express tool featute in autocad and I saved it with a .lin extension. It is only available in that drawing itself. How I canget those line type in all my new drawings.
I tired to edit the default linetype file even it doesnot appear in the linetype manger windo.
How to change the Color, line type and Line weight for the Line using .Net.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI needed to remove a feature line that I used as a break line when creating a surface. When I removed the feature line from the definition of the surface, the grading did not change. It appears the points created by the feature line remain which is why grading didn't change. The only work around was to delete these points.
I noticed the same thing happens when I removed the surface boundary and inserted a new boundary. why these points remain and how to remove when I delete boundary and feature line from surface?
I am trying to create a new line type for water, drain, and sanitary. i want the lines to have letters on them
I'd like to have a linetype that is a solid polyline with open circles every so often indicating a proposed field tile line. I'd also like to have the same line filled in circles to indicate existing tile.
How do I go about creating each line?
I'm in 2010 C3D.
I want to create my choice line type so any lisp to create line type ok.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow can i create this line type which attached?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to represent some lines, in model space, that alternate in color, yellow/red, that are "scalable" with respect to different scale view ports in paperspace.
my initial idea was to use two lines, each in which the dash and space between were the same distance, then just offset the yellow/red lines enough for each to fill the others gaps. But, wondering if it was possible to represent that in a single linetype?
My boss wants me to make the most outside line of a walltype to be the heaviest pen. If I go to the properties of the wall and changethe boundary it changes the boundary of the item in the wall, each boundary independentfrom the other. Such as a wall made of the following: BRICK, AIR SPACE, SHEATHING,STUD AND GYPSUM BOARD. In this wall theexterior face of the brick and gypsum board need to be heavy.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor years we've had a line type change toolbar that worked just fine. This years update may have changed something that the old macro is missing or doesn't need anymore because none of the commands work anymore. One of the macros reads:
^C^Cselect chprop;previous;;ltype;dashed;ltscale;4;;
I have a problem with line type scale for hidden line it appears different line type scale in another drawing, al though the setting for line type scale & Global scale factor is same for both the drawings. Is there any other setting for the line type.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble with the line type dissappearing or showing as Continuous when I print. It also does not appear to be the same size on different lines, even though the type, scale etc. are all the same.
View 9 Replies View RelatedLine cable tray. How to do this kind of dynamic line in lisp?linetype.dwg
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to create a new layer with a new Line Type that has the word power - in the actually line.. I am using Auto-cad LT 2012 .
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to make custom line type in auto cad 2012 . Any lisp or external utility software or with auto cad without any application
for example
___x_______x____x -------AFRAZ---------afraz----------
-----r----------r---------r-------- -------0---------0----0
I use many types of lines for drafting. I have to set a Linetype Scale depending on the scale asked by the client. For example if the client asks for 1:100 then my lines are set to 0.5. But if he suddenly changes her/his mind and asks for a 1:250 scale I have to change all the Linetype Scales to 2.5.
Is there something like "Annotation scale" for lines? So whenever I change the drawings scale my lines can be seen as they must be.
I have a few custom linetypes created for the cut and fill daylight boundary on a grading and corridor. I have it set up to put these lines on different layers than the rest of the grading. I can turn the rest of the grading off and just have my surface created from the grading and these daylight lines on that are linked to the grading. Everything looks good when I go to paperspace to print, except when I actually print the daylight lines do not. They appear in paperspace but not on an actual hard copy. I do not need the grading, I have tried extracting the lines and deleting the grading. This presents another problem. When I extract the lines the come in as a solid line and I cannot get my custom linetype to show despite changing LT scale, etc. How can I make these lines appear in the fashion I want them to.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhere can I get custom line type for asphalt? Made my own with back slashed but they are all the same length and I saw one that looks better with shorter slashed on the ends and longer in the middle.
View 2 Replies View Relateddrawing a view port with Polygonal option. When completed it defaults to Dash dot line type which can not be changed in the properties dialog. Civil 3D 2012
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow to add, in this case the "Dashed2" Linetype, to my drop down selections and have it stay there pernamently? I know how to add it but every time I start a new drawing it is missing again.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using ACAD 2012. My "Line type Control" toolbar have missing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I create a line type for a PID software signal using a dash line and a filled in circle dash line? I have tried to use the donut feature as a shape file and a filled in circle as a shape file to define my line and neither has worked. what I am trying to create for a line type.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have tried to load a custom line type from Autocad 2013 to Inventor 2013, through Edit Laver-->Line type -->Other --> Load, but it doesn't appear in the drop-down list. I have read that previous Inventor releases coudn't work with autocad custom or complex line types. Is it still like that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm doing some building drawings for Uni using AutoCAD 2010 and what is the best way (and process) to set line weights and types (dash, dot) for printing. What I’m currently doing doesn’t seem to be working and seems a bit inefficient.
The way I am doing it at the moment is that I have put all the various drawing elements on different layers with varying colours. I am then going through each layer in the layers dialog box and setting the line weight and line type as required.When in paper space or plotted the lines all come out solid/continuous and with same weight. (Note: I have used LTSCALE so that the dashes are viewable in model space). So here are the questions: Does the line weight and line type you set in the layer properties equal what should be printed? At the moment it does not for me. It is best to create all your layers and individually edit each layer for line weight and type, or is there a quicker way to assign line properties? I think I read that you could assign different properties to colours, but not sure what this means.
MEP 2013
I have a three point arc, and the custom line type has text that is not only inverted, its backwards.
How do I edit line types? whenever I copy this particular existing line type into the other drawing the text style changes. There is no way of editing it when I go to the line's properties. I want to change the line type's Text style.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow can i make new(user defined) line type.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I create a custome line type with alternating text as description like this:
-------- - e -------- - (oh) -------- -------- e