AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Show Equation Instead Of Value?
Jan 16, 2012
We have some equations in our templates which i have modified with iLogic. Once the rule is run it only shows the value and not the equation. ie i want it to show Thickness*2 instead of just '12'. The ilogic will say something like InnerRad = Thickness * 2 Is there a way to make it show the equation rather than the value? While i know whats going and can see the driven link in the parameters the planned change to 2012 could take some getting used to for users.
I have an iPart that I have created parameters to perform some basic calcs so the values will show up on every member. The parameters are correct for the different member so it appears to be working correctly on the model side. For example I have a parameter called 'CutLength' that performs simple math functions. But when I make the table on the drawing and I include this parameter, I see the formula in the table instead of the value. Is there a way I can have it display the value instead of the equation?
If I set this to true, then when I "place iLogic component", I don't get the form displayed or the parameter table or the model preview.
If set True, displays the form when placing this model as a component in an assembly. This setting affects Place Component and Place iLogic Component. If the template file has a form, this setting also affects Create In-Place Component.
when open an assembly not all parts are shown. To be able to see entire assymbly need to change View representation to Master manually. How to achieve this in Ilogic?
I'm trying to start Excel and show the results of some BOM items I have written to a file like item number, part number and description.The task is to find components in an assembly that have a part number longer then 39 characters, due to ERP limitations.
What I´m doing is cycling through all BOM (structured) items on first level and check if the part number is longer then 39 characters.
I write these item number, part number, description to an Excel file (temp.xlsx), so the user sees which Components he has to check for the Part Number (make it shorter). I figured it would be best to do that with an excel file, so the user can save the results to a new file or just check it.
Values will be erased from the temporary excel file afterwards.Here I can't figure out how to start the excel application and open the file in an actual application window if possible.
how to list the results with plain iLogic that would do it too or some other solution to list a snapshot from the BOM.I guess there is no way to add your custom BOMViews ?
I need to make a model of saddle surface. The surface is given by equation z = y^2 - x^2, and I must have some thickness - It will be printed on 3D printer.
I have Inventor 2014 and I dont see possibility of making the surface directly in Inventor. Is there any trick for that?
I'm afraid I cannot use solution as stated here Equation-driven surface , because saddle surface looks like this hyperbolic paraboloid .
I tried this solution: I made 3D surface in Matlab, exported it in .stl and opened in Inventor - but this only makes the surface with no thickness. Functions extrude, loft require 2D sketch.
Can an equation be used to calculate equal distances when using the rectangular pattern.Regarding the attached .ipt file i would like to place 25 holes in the X direction with equal gap size between each hole.Also how to calculate the number of holes in the Y direction again with equal distance between each hole.I have not done this before with equations but was thinking that i would need to use the Length x Width in the equation.Do i need to add figures into the Parameters box also?
The attached file with the Hole feature the sketch is not constrained for the purpose of using an equation so i know how far from the start of the part to get equal distances between each hole to the end of the part .
I was trying to use ipart to create some parts and place the relevant dimensions in the table format in the idw file. However, the equation for the dimensions appeared and I like to have it as numeric. Also, the feature present or absent is preferred to be called "Yes" and "No" instead of "Computed" and "Suppress" respectively.
I have an asssembly stack and I have a known bending moment at a given place (ie the datum). I want then to create a drawing of this stack up and show the bending moments at known locations beside the relative dimension.
Now I can do this manually no problem...but I would like this drawing to update automatically. ie the stack up height(s) change and i want the bending moment figure to update accordingly.l
Is there a way to do this with drawing dimensions? ie dimensions created in drawing mode?
I'm trying to use the equation curve to draw a super ellipse.The formula I'm trying to translate for inventor is the following.I'm guessing this should be possible using the abs() for the first section and an IF() statement for the second. The problem is Iäm not even getting the abs() to work at all. How to translate this formula?
I have a small assembly with the parts. I'm doing an array (pattern) of one of the parts and I tried to do two things without success:
1. Tried to link one of the parts to the assembly itself with the equation tool ,but the software doesn't let me do it and says "...was rejected since it causes a cyclic dependency" - so what?:-) I know and need to do it!
2. After rejected the first choice, I tried to "project geometry" some stuff of the pattern I created in order to try and and make my connection in this way, but then I got a similar rejection: : problem encountered when doing cross part projection"...probably it's because it's from a pattern I'm creating from the part I'm doing this sketch inside?
What Can I do in order to bypass these remarks and make it somehow? Most important, Why can't one "tie" something from a part to its own assembly in which it's located???
Is there any way in which the text of a text parameter, which is in the equation column, can be replicated into the nominal value column in the parameters table? I want to reference the value of the parameter in Custom iProperties but it always comes up as blank because it has no value.
I need it to update automatically, e.g not entering the value manually.
what the 2D or 3D equation curve for a parabolic spiral, otherwise known as a Fermat's spiral would be? I have found this info but do not know how to apply it:
Fermat equation
Therefore in terms of the affine plane its equation is The Fermat curve is non-singular and has genus
I am trying to create a coil which from above, retains equal and thus parallel pitches whilst at the same time adheres to a semi-circular form in the cross section. You can see from the images attached that the first two revolutions are larger than the semi-circle outline.
These are the values I have used:
r (t): 134.56924424045517662353735770102mm * t * 0.5 q(t): 1 deg * 360 ul * 3.0 ul * t z(t): 10 mm * 6 ul * 0.5 ul * t * (1.5 * t) * t
When you sweep a profile along a helical path, use the plane normal sweep (instead of perpendicular sweep) to orient profiles suitable for coil or spring. In the example below, the sweep path is a constant radius, variable pitch helix.
I would like to create an equation driven curve with inventor. I have no problems plotting the function in a plotter, however, inventor won't accept my equation. It gives me the error message, saying: "The equation contains unit errors". I'm using the explicit equations.That's the bare equation:
But both equations are not accepted by inventor due to unit errors. In this design, I'm using the metric system, millimeters, so I don't understand why and how I have to redefine this for the equation in order to get it working.
Is there a way to graph a curve using an equation over a closed interval in Inventor 2012? I know I can draw a spline through points that are solutions of my equation, but this does not guarantee that the curve is the graph of my equation.
how math works for scale factoring to specfiy a smaller or larger inserted object. Working with a door. I want to set the door at 3'. To do so I need an X scale factor for 12.
The factors for factional inch scale is derived by multpying the denominator of the scale by 12. Then dividing by the numerator.
Example. If the scale for 1/4" = 1',0" is ( 4x 12) / 1 or 48/1.
Not sure if these figures below have anything to do with the scale Factoring problem at hand. But.
For 3/16" = 1'-0" scale the operation is (16 x 12) / =3, or 64.
For whole foot scales like 1" = 10', mutlpe the feet side of th equation by 12.
I'm trying to use iLogic Design Copy to copy an assembly and all its associated parts to another directory. The assembly contains content center parts. Inventor warns me that the destination file of one of the CC parts (and 18 others) will be overwritten. When I go ahead and copy anyway, the copying process stops at that specific CC part. The Design Copy Progress dialog box states there is an error copying that CC part. When I close the Design Copy Progress dialog box, Inventor crashes.
The error copying the CC part: I'm allowed to use content center parts in iLogic Design Copied stuff, right? I searched some related topics and I'm under the impression that Inventor keeps the CC parts in its own directory and shouldn't be trying to overwrite them.
How to hide the frame that comes with the equation? I inserted an equation using the “equation editor”. What’s weird is that the equation is inserted with a frame around it! Is there a way to remove this frame?