AutoCAD Inventor :: Suddenly Taking Too Long To Perform Actions
Sep 20, 2013
I am working with Inventor 2013 Professional. For some reason, after a crash last night, Inventor takes anywhere from five to twenty seconds to perform simple tasks. Things like Constraints, geometry projection, and saving are taking way too long. This is all of a sudden.
This is a simple project consisting of 10 simple parts.
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Jul 5, 2013
A few of my design drawings are taking a long time to open from cold. They are not particularly complex drawings and all the files / assembly etc. that are referenced on them are correctly stored and are not corrupt or 'sick'. Why are these drawings taking so long to open? waiting for them is slowing me down considerably.
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
64-bit HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
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Nov 8, 2012
I have a vaulted project with about 1000 parts in it and a subfolder within that that has about 250 parts in it.I am told that vault does not manage references outside the project scope as defined by the IPJ which in theis case is at that 1000 part folder level.
If I go to rename the folder with 250 parts in it, it takes up to a half hour. I am having trouble believing that vault can't do better than a half hour to manage the references of a subfolder of a project with 1000 parts in it, when only 250 parts are affected.
Also, I notice a secondary ipj file is created temporarily during the renaming. That ipj appears under an inventor folder under my docs. Can't see why it takes two ipj files to manage one project. Also don't understand why there should be a local ipj file active when I am renaming at the vault level. I am suspicious that this other ipj (named after my company name, indicating a purposeful act) is expanding the scope of reference management since its parent resides at the root Vault explorer ($) separate of the projecy ipj. Also takes way too long to rename individual files.
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Jul 23, 2012
When I use the mirror component, is taking around 15 minutes to finish (3 simple sheet metal)..
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Jul 31, 2011
I'm using ACA 2012 with Windows 7 Pro x64 in a stand-alone environment. Lately it seems that even running a very simple script file takes multiple minutes where it used to take 1 or 2 seconds. Also, the script no longer scrolls through the 4 or 5 commamd lines I show at the bottom of the monitor; it just lays there like an egg. This behavior is common to all of my scripts. Also, saves seem to be taking a lot longer than before. I've turned virus protection off to no avail.
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Oct 23, 2013
My Photoshop CC is taking too long to download.
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Aug 3, 2013
I've just started to use AE again (CC version) and I'm trying to make a simple 3D text animation and it seems like it's taking an excessively long time to render. I have a 4 year old MacBook Pro (2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB) and it's taking several hours to render and export a 5-second clip through Media Encoder. The animation is just text on a black background. I'm using the ME YouTube 480P preset. The original file is 1920x1080 because I am going to have to chroma key it over some existing 1080p video. I did a little 3D work years ago and this seems like an awfully long time for such a short, simple animation. Is there some simple, common mistake I'm probably making? Should I scale the comp down to 480p?
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Dec 7, 2004
I was wondering if anyone knew what is wrong with my smudge tool. When I go to use it and apply it to my image, it takes a while to show the affect. Everything else in my photoshop works fine. Oh yeah, I use PS CS if that makes any difference.
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May 8, 2006
when I try to use it now, It basically locks up the whole computer, and takes around 2-3 minutes before it finally pops up with the liquify box.
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Aug 8, 2011
When i start corel it takes really long time to create new document. Or when i save document it also takes a lot of time. I resest workspace, clear temp directory, what else could i do?? This all started without any reason. I shout down pc, and now i turned it on, and since then corel is not working ok...
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Jul 21, 2013
Some of my actions in CS5 all of a sudden stopped working. Some work, but the ones I use most frequently are not working at all. I have re-booted my computer, turned it completely off/on, re-installed the actions and the same ones aren't working. The action will run, but the brush will not work. For instance, an action called Flawless Face will run, but doesn't actually do anything when I go to "brush" the face.
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Feb 18, 2012
why an action that was working perfectly has suddenly started screwing up, royally?It's an action I bought on a digital scrapbooking site. Never could get it to work in PSE but was delighted that it was working in PS. Today, though, it just began malfunctioning. I have my doubts as to how reliable some of these actions are from these digiscrapping people.
Could I have accidentally done something to mess it up? I haven't done anything lately except download some patterns and brushes from a very reliable source.I doubt I even have the zip files anymore. I had pretty much given up on this action working...until I bought CS5.5 and voila!
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Feb 21, 2012
If i have even used the correct technique but how do i perform the bends in the flat bar so as the bottom and top section are vertical and the small mid section is on the angle. At the moment the mid section is displayed vertical when using the cub please see attached files.
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Aug 26, 2011
I have an assembly as a template that was created by a previous employee. There are known variables that are controlled with an Excel spreadsheet.
What I am attempting to do is create a VB form that the user can input the known variables and then have the program open the template, perform the changes, and copy to the vault. Sounds easy enough. A few caveats:
If I store the template in the Vault (preferred), how do I perform a "Copy Design" with a VB6 program?If I store it on a hidden network drive, this prevents users from screwing it up, but then I have to open each indivual file and perform a "SaveAs". Also easy enough. But, since the previous employee linked each component of the assembly to the Excel file, I would need to perform a "Change Source" to the newly created Excel spreadsheet in each component. Not sure how that is done. I do have VB2010 Express, but just not as comfortable with it as VB6. (I know, get with the current .Net)
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Sep 17, 2012
I want to use Ilogic to construct a code part name.
My question is perform a code of about 12 characters. For example the parameter "Lenght" is 600mm but in the expressione result It must be "000000000600" (a string of 12 characters)
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Nov 19, 2011
I have inventor 2012 and I´m having trouble doing a cut boolean operation to two solids. One is a revolved elipse, so it´s a kind of egg, and the other one is an extruded rectangle.
I want to cut the egg in the rectangular solid, so I can obtain a rectangular solid with an empty egg space inside. I tried to use the "derived" command, so I derived the egg from the rectangular solid, and used the combine command, but with no success. Right now I have two separated solids on the same file (the egg and the extruded rectangle).
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May 13, 2013
taking too much time for pdf creating, so software got automatic updates
when i create pdf its shows following window, but taking too much time to create
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Mar 14, 2013
A costomer sent us an IGES file 228 MB in size and it's trying to open but its been almost an hour.
I tried different options in the options tab before opening but still dooging it.
Dell Precision T3500
Windows 7 Pro
Quad Core Intel Xeon
6 Gb SDRam
Product Design Suite 2014 Premium
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May 17, 2012
I've been trying to model cut produced by a ball end mill taking an arbitrary 3D path. I know how to do this for 2D paths (and this has been discussed a couple of times on this forum), but I have had little to no success extending this to paths in 3D. I've attached an Inventor file that demonstrates what I want to do, it has an sketch that describes the tip of the end mill and the path that I want the center of the tip to trace out.
This seems like something that should be possible using sweep feature, but if it is then I have not found a way to get this to work. The issue is that I have not been able to effectively control the angle of the sweep plane with respect to the path. In reality, the normal of the plane should be equal to the tangent of the path with the z-component zeroed out.
However, if I sweep using the path and the "Path orientation" then it does not zero out the z-component, if I sweep using the path and the "Parallel orientation" it does not take the x&y tangent components, if I sweep using a guide rail or guide surfaces it also does not zero out the z-component.
In fact, the only way I could come up with to accomplish this would be to sweep the path in 2D and then to use a series of bend part features in order to put things into 3D. So far as I can tell this works, but back calculating the 2D curve is so backwards and laborious that I can't imagine using this for anything. In Solidworks this is relatively easy using the sweep solid feature .
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Nov 19, 2012
I have found after my last save, the Datum Planes of the assembly have just lengthened in two directions monstrously for no reason. I checked to see if it was an unassebled straggler but cant find anything. Is there a way of knowing why it does this.
Check attached image, the dot is a machine 20 metres high and the datum plane seems to reach the nearest neighbourhood for some reason.
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Oct 4, 2012
See attached,
My section lines "legs" are coming in very long in idw.
I unchecked "show entire line" and it still leaves a massive line away from the arrow.
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Dec 13, 2011
Bolted Connection
Placement By hole
Select Start Plane
Select Existing Hole
Select Termination
Receive blank stare from Inventor.
It doesn't change to match the diameter of the hole (which is a hole feature in both parts) and it doesn't bring up a list of fasteners. Everything is still highlighted in the assembly. It just won't do anything with it.
Infrastructure DSP '14 / Product DSP '14 / Vault Professional 2014
Dell Precision T1650
Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit
Intel E3-1270 V2 3.5GHz / 32G RAM
Nvidia Quadro 2000, Driver 331.82
Space Navigator, Driver Version 6.17.7
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Oct 31, 2011
Just when I thought I was getting somewhere I come to a complete standstill. I'm attempting to insert an iFeature, louver to be exact. I inserted the one from cbliss easily and was able to edit the width, length, thickness etc. but had trouble trying to change angles. I later tried inserting one someone emailed me, so I removed the other one and now I can't insert new one and I can't even go back to insert cbliss one. Not sure what changed or what I messed up. I'm new to IV and not overly experienced in AutoCAD period.
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May 17, 2013
I'm wondering if there is a way to annotate from the origin without having a long diminsion line to the center. (see image) I want it like the 'linear diameter' but not with double my size. I always have to annotate the projection from center and this would be easy much more easy to do.
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Jan 15, 2013
I am running Inventor 2012 sp2.
Even with a simple IPT that only has a handfull of features, at times it takes a long time (3-5 minutes, sometimes longer) for Inventor to execute a undo or redo command.
Undo file size setting in Application options is set at 1MB (which is teh same setting I used in previous versions).
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Oct 20, 2011
We have a data folder on the server mapped as network drive to the clients. The data folder contains all cad data stored from productstream professional.
Due to an over 10 year old environment the data folder contains a huge amount of cad files, library parts, iParts and so on.
Due to historical growth of the environment there are some missing parts (not available on the file system anymore), because they were deleted, are corrupt, and so on. At the root of the data folder there is located the typical cmpinv11.ipj inventor project file.
If you open an assembly either from productstream or via inventor (without productstream) directly from the data folder and the assembly has an unresolved child component because the file isn't there anymore it takes a very very long time until the dialog box for unresolved link comes up (waiting time several minutes 1...10min). Once reached this point one can skip and repair the assembly, of course.
But the question is, how to speed up the time for getting the unresolved link dialog?
The network connection itself is quite OK und the project file itself is also OK. The project file list of every user is pretty small (only cmpinv11.ipj and some standard ipj's).
We think inventor internally scans the whole project-file folders to ensure that the component is really missing but due to the huge environment this takes many minutes and is annoying.
Any bypass for that? Is it possible to apply a temporär setting before opening a potential inconsistent assembly? Or is there a setting like skip unresolved components by default or by a defined timeout?
Because it is Inventor 2010 (Productstream PRO 210) there is no File open Option Auto-Skip unresolved components (like in 2012) but even if it was I guess it wouldn't reduce the time to get the dialog either.
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Apr 8, 2013
How to perform LayTrans operation using API.I want to load a DWS file and needs to translate it.
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May 15, 2012
I have a function which removes the filepath from an IDW drawing which is handy when exporting to other formats. Currently it's just used in a batch script so the drawings close without being saved and there is no problem. Now I'm trying to make another macro which will just export the currently open drawing. So I have to undo removing the file path so the drawing is back to it's original state.
Below is the code for removing the filepath from the titlebar. I tried to do the reverse and put <FILENAME AND PATH> back in, however it appears as normal text. Since the title block uses "variables" which update with other properties and I don't wish to lose that adaptibility.
Function Remove_FilePath()On Error GoTo ErrMsgDim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocumentSet oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument' Create the new title block defintion.Dim oTitleBlockDef As TitleBlockDefinitionSet oTitleBlockDef = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.DefinitionDim oSketch As DrawingSketchCall oTitleBlockDef.Edit(oSketch)Dim count As Integercount = 1While oSketch.TextBoxes.Item(count).Text <> vbNullString If oSketch.TextBoxes.Item(count).Text = "<FILENAME AND PATH>" Then oSketch.TextBoxes.Item(count).Text = " " End If count = count + 1WendErrMsg:Call oTitleBlockDef.ExitEditEnd Function
So I either need a way to undo the actions of the subroutine or know how to insert the "variable" which references the file's properties.
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May 3, 2011
I have been asked by a collegue if Map 3d will perform Network route Analysis and produce a model of the results.That is using defigned roads, footpaths etc find the shortest route from A to B.
As I'm only just getting into Map3D I couldn't answer this one. How you perform the analysis, a tutorial or example if avaliable.
I'm currently running Civil3D 2012 which should have the same functionality as Map3D 2012.
Civil3D 2013 / 2014
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.0GHz With 32768MB RAM, AMD FirePro V4900, Dedicated Memory: 984 MB, Shared Memory: 814 MB
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Jul 27, 2012
How do you perform a traverse adjustment using a fbk file?
I have imported a fbk file through a network in the database. It is a quick loop that was run in the parking lot. The initial set up was 1 BS 2 the stations were 3, 4, 5, and the final FS was 6. 5 and 6 were the overlapping leg of 1 BS 2.
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Nov 2, 2012
How do I perform chamfer on a cylinder?
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