AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Formats And Style From Base

Apr 13, 2012

I'm working on setting up some sheet formats for a few of our common drawing types.  I'm running into an issue where even though I set them up with all the projected views having "Style from Base" checked, when the sheet is generated from the layout they don't carry that setting over.

The particular one I'm working on needs all the views shaded - as it currently works, both of the base views come in correct, but the two projected views are unshaded because this setting is being lost.  The format is usable, but currently requires an additional step of turning "Style from Base" back on, so it's not where I want it to be.

If I use one of the Autodesk-created sheet formats from the "standard.idw" template, they all seem to work, yet any I create don't.  Am I missing something, or does this just not work?

Inventor 2010, SP1
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 64 Bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copying Sheet Formats / Replace Existing?

Mar 13, 2012

I also need to copy sheet formats and have it replace existing like it would with Titleblocks or Borders.  All it does at the moment it create Copy of Titleblock. Here is the current code.

Function CopySheetFormat(SecretDrawingName As String, Titlename As String, ActiveDrawingDoc As DrawingDocument) As SheetFormat
    Dim SecretDrawing As DrawingDocument
    Dim I As Integer
    'Find the number of Standard Resources in the Documents collection.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Sheet Formats In Drawing Resources Without Using Blocks

Feb 14, 2013

I am attempting to create a series of drawing templates in Inventor 2013.

I have successfully created four unique Sheet Formats with Border, Title Blocks, Revision Table, and text populated by iProperties.

I have a bunch of text that I want to have inside a square on the first page of a series of drawings. I draw the square in sketch mode, Create Sheet Format, and the sketch ends up as a separate AutoCAD Block ("SheetTemplates_XXX_Sketch1") rather than in the Sheet Format. I can place the block on the new sheet, but it can be placed anywhere as the block floats.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Sheet 1 Base View Properties

Jan 3, 2013

I'm pretty sure there's a way to do this but I am not sure on what code to use. I would like to have the "number" field on my title block template always get the "part number" attribute from the first base view (or first part/assembly) on sheet 1. This will be regardless of what sheet I am using the title block on. I could even store it as a custom property or something as I won't ever have two different part numbers in one drawing.

To clarify on that, we may have a welded assembly that has one single part number, but as I'm designing it, I just add a -1, -2, etc. to the end of the part number for each component being made. In the end when they're all welded together, it's one part number. Since no one else needs to see my -1, -2 etc, I'd like it to pull the part number from the assembly on sheet 1 for every sheet.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal ILogic Rule Not Executing On Non-rectangular Base Sketch?

Aug 5, 2013

I have a template that I have created, in it I have a rule that changes the stock number and description based on which sheet metal rule is selected.   The weird thing is it works correctly if the first sketch is a rectangle.  If you sketch a circular shape and make that the face it will not work.  It blanks out the values for the stock number and description.  

I'm running Inventor 2014 update 2.

Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML:     165 EndHTML:   33212 StartFragment:     314 EndFragment:   33180 StartSelection:     314 EndSelection:     314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Sheet Number Of Base View For Selected Child View

Jun 21, 2013

Is there a way to get sheet number of the base view for the Selected Child view (Mainly for Section. Detail Views). Because the Section views, Detail views (initially they would have created on the same sheet where the parent is, then they moved to different sheets). So we place the parent view sheet number.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Style For Corrugated Fiberboard

Jul 19, 2013

I had good success making flat patterns for corrugated fiberboard (cardboard commonly used in packaging). I am posting the sheet metal settings here because I didn't find them anywhere else.

This forumla comes from Inventor Reference Guide > Work Environment > Styles and Style Libraries > Work with styles > Linear:

Unfolded length = (inner Bend Radius + KFactor*Thickness)*(Bend Angle)

where bend angle is in radians.For corrugated_fiberboard, let inner Bend Radius = 0 and let KFactor = 1 (no stretch on outside, inside compresses).

Setup "corrugated fiberboard" sheet metal style in the Style Editor:
from a sheet metal part, ribbon > Manage > Style Editor
> Left pane, Sheet Metal Unfold, Default_KFactor > New > Name: corrugated_fiberboard_KFactor
  > Unfold Method: Linear, KFactor Value: 1 ul
> Left pane, Sheet Metal Rule > Default > New > Name: corrugated_fiberboard
  > Sheet tab > Unfold Rule: corrugated_fiberboard_KFactor
     For thickness, refer to [URL] .....
  > Bend tab > Bend Radius: .0001
> Save

Before you save Styles to Style Library, make sure your Style Library is Read-Write.  Close project files and then from Projects:

  Use Style Library = Read-Write

To save a style:

  Ribbon > Manage tab > Styles and Standards panel > Save icon > click "Yes to All", OK

Changes made to a style library are not available in other documents until the current Autodesk Inventor session closes and a new session is reopened.To make a fiberboard mock up, print a 1:1 scale drawing, contact cement drawing to fiberboard, cut, fold, and hot glue.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Import Sheet Metal Style In ILogic

Sep 11, 2013

importing a sheet metal style (STYLENAME.styxml) into a sheet metal part. 

I would like to automatically import the style using an iLogic script.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Delete Sheet Metal Unfold In The Style And Standard Editor

Apr 19, 2013

Just as the title says. I can't seem to get it done.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Use Sheet Metal Style / Material Appearance In A Parts List

Mar 29, 2013

We use different types of sheet metals, from stainless to bronze, and different thicknesses.

Currently, in order to show the correct material on a parts list, I have to duplicate the material Stainless Steel, and rename it to say 20 Gauge Stainless Steel. Then again for 16 Ga, 14Ga, 12 Ga, etc...

I'd like to have the parts list show the common material such as "Stainless Steel", with another column for the sheet metal style such as "20 Gauge."

We also use items such as Plastic Laminate. I'd like to create a generic material for the physical properties of "Plastic Laminate", and then change the material appearance to say "Formica #1234 Walnut". Again, i'd like to be able to put this in (2) columns on the parts list.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change / Apply Sheet Metal Style To All Parts In Top Level Assembly

Oct 24, 2012

I am using this  code placed in the .ipt file to change Sheet Metal material 

If Material_SM=1 TheniProperties.Material="Steel"SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("RB_Mild Steel")ElseiProperties.Material="AISI316"SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("RB_Stainless")End If

It works fine presuming code placed in every .ipt file to be ruled.

Is it possible to modify code in a way so when it placed in top assebly it runs through entire assembly finds all Sheet Metal parts and applys Material prpperties/Sheet metal style according Material_SM parameter.

Inventor 2013 SP2
Windows 7, 64 bits
Core TM2 Duo CPU 2,99 Gz

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Add Base Or Sub-base Depth To Transition Lane?

Apr 6, 2011

Is it possible to add a base depth to the transition lane assembly?   I need to do volumes for my road, (pavement, base) but there is a section with a transition (which only has one depth), so that section is off.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Sheet Keynote Schedule Table Style?

Mar 16, 2012

Im trying to change the table style formatting and nothing seems to stick.  I want to turn the border off in the title cell and only use a thick underline.

I change the schedule cell, save changes to the style and Ive tried saving as a new style but when I reinsert the cell format is gone.  Back to the out of the box state.

Also, when I save the OTB style to my new A3 Sheet Keynote style the new style doesnt match what was saved.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Where Style Sheet For Displaying Report Is Stored

May 31, 2012

I am using the volumes dashboard extension in Civil3d 2012. Where the style sheet for displaying the report is stored? I want to modify to be a bit nicer!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Internal Name For Import Style Command (in Style Editor)

Sep 16, 2013

I read that it's not possible to import a style (styxml file) into the style editor through the API, there is no dedicated command.

However I'm wondering if there's a a way to have the internal name corresponding to the button as we can do for the ribbon buttons (there's a sample code which does this).

So is it possible ot get the internal name of a button inside a dialog box (style editor here) or is it really hopeless to think I can import a style with a macro ?

By the way, that would be for Inventor 2009.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Dimension Style Reverts To Different Style

May 7, 2012

I am working with a template, that doesn't allow me to change the dimension style. In the project the Use Style Library is set to Read/Write. I have created my dimension style, at this point just a copy of the ANSI standard with a text size difference. I went to my template and set that syle as my default, and saved it. Now the fact that it doesn't automatically update the drawing I had alreadycreated is a nuisance, however if I creat a new drawing, the style has reverted to a different standard, that is not even the ANSI default. If I right click a dimension and change the dimstyle to what I saved it does update, but if I try to change the style again it defaults to a random dimstyle, AND changes the style even if I hit cancel. So... the question is how to make the changes stick?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Save Multiple Formats

Mar 1, 2013

I have the following

strFile = ThisDoc.FileName(False) & "-Rev " & iProperties.Value("Project", "Revision Number")ThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(strFile & (".dwg"), True)ThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(strFile & (".pdf"), True)

And it works like a charm for pdf, but it does not export to .dwg?

And also, is it possible to decide where in the name the "-Rev " &iPro....should appear?

Ex. if the filename should be : "12345 - Rev 02 - Section cut"

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Drawing Sheet To New Custom Sheet Format

Sep 20, 2013

I have an older drawing with an outdated sheet format. I'm wanting to update to a new custom sheet format without having to redimension and recreate views. Is it possible to just update the sheet format?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal From Flat Sheet To Rolled Part?

Sep 12, 2013

A collegue asked me about this as he has been given a part to model and the details are for the flat sheet not the finished model. Is this possible in 'sheet metal'? I had a quick play but couldn't work it out. Im used to creating the finished part and 'un-folding' to get the flat pattern.Detail supplied below.

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Photoshop :: Base Layer Layer Style With Clipping Masks

Feb 19, 2009

I'm using a clipping mask on a layer. The base layer that the clipping mask is referencing has a layer effect applied (in this case an inner shadow). I want to make it so the layer effect is only applied to the base layer and NOT the clipped layers.

Below is an example of what I'm talking about. as you can see, layer 1 has the base layer's inner shadow applied to it. I want the inner shadow to be hidden by Layer 1, but the clipping mask to still apply.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Accessing Sheet In Multiple Sheet Drawing

Apr 16, 2012

I have a dwg file with three sheets in, just default names, I can access sheets 2 and 3 but get the attached errors when trying to access sheet 1 form either sheet 2 or 3

This file was originally created in IV2009 I've had no problems then or with the various conversions of it.

It seems to be memory related so here's the sitrep as for memory 8GB DDR2 RAM, and Virtual Memory set at min of 8192MB and a Max of 16384MB, I did have it set a systems managed but that gave a warning of low virtual memory with almost every drawing file that I opened.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Link Text From One Sheet To A Field In Another Sheet

Aug 5, 2013

I am using Inventor 2010 (I know this is my first problem, but you have to use what you're given!) and I need to use the sheet number in a calculation that will display the result in a text box.  =((<SHEET NUMBER>-1)8)=1  displays a result of ((11-1)8)+1. I suspect that the sheet number is being brought in as text instead of a number. I tried adding atoi to the equation to convert the sheet number to an integer, but it did not work.Is there an alternate source for the sheet number that will return a number? Is my syntax wrong?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Screen Shot - Import And Export Formats

May 9, 2013

Snap a screen shot of both Import and Export CAD File formats?

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Revit :: Style Sheet List Schedule

Nov 7, 2011

I've been trying to style my sheet list schedule. ... trying.Is it true that I can't

* style (fontsize, fontweight etc) a 'sorting header'?
* style the scheduleborder to only underline the sheetlist-rows
* seperate the header styles from sheetlist styles? (I don't want the header to have a border.... while sheetlist-row should be underlined)
* format the height of a row

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 3D Sketch Base On UCS

Mar 5, 2012

I want to make some points in 3D sketch base on the Coordinate System that I defined (UCS).Is there any solution to make these points in 3D sketch just by inputing their coordinates in my UCS?

Example:  the new UCS origin has (x,y,z) coordinates from the origin.and one of the points has the coordinates of (x',y',z') from the UCS.

So from the origin it has the coordinates of (x+x',y+y',z+z').Is it possible to just use (x',y',z') from UCS directly to get my point?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Base View

Jan 24, 2013

I was wondering if there was a way to change the model my base views were linked to.

If I wanted to link the base view to a different model, would this be possible.

When I double click on the base view it shows the file path for the model that is currently chosen; however, it is all grey and I am unable to edit it or choose another file path.

How to change this? Is this even possible? Is it because I have annotated the drawing view that I am unable to change the model path?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change View Base

Dec 7, 2011

what could have happened in an assembly when I've changed the cube front view (3D)? The projection has changed automatically (the view) in 2D. In other assemblies didn't happened the thing I've mentioned before even if I did the same thing meaning that I've modified the front view but 2D stayed in the same projection. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Place Base View

Mar 20, 2012

When starting a new idw, my first action is placing the base view.  I would very much like to start a new 2D and have the "Drawing View" window automatically pop up.  I'm not sure how to do this.  Would it be part of the idw template, or is there a setting I'm oblivious to?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: DWG To IDW Change With Base View?

Apr 15, 2013

We've got a new dwg template and we found that when we bring in a base view on a new drawing, the drawing changed to an idw format.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Base View Using VBA

Jan 14, 2013

I'm trying to develop a program where I can use a base view based on the current view of a single part. The idea is basically export the contour of the part to the DXL format and save it to be used on cutting machines.

I've found something similar here, but in the context, it was necessary to use the path of the part to work, and I need it to recognize the part that is already opened.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraining Item Twice To A Base

Mar 13, 2012

is it possible to constrain an item twice to a base, because a task i'm doing requires a tank to be constrained to 2 completely different parts. What i've got so far is one end will go through the whole way.

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