I have lost several days of work when Vault has overwritten my local files, about 5 iam and 20 ipt-files. I think it started with a crash and then when I reopened my main assembly it was 13 days old.
It seems that I have forgot to check in my local files to Vault since that date. I am not sure how it happened but I suppose I have answered the question (about replacing local files by older versions from Vault) wrong. Is there any possibility to restore my overwritten files?
I have several parts that are controlled by ilogic rules linked to member names ,and in some cases some of staff run the productivity bonus tool (rename browser nodes) to either file name or part number.
This causes the rules to fail as rules definition name have been overwritten.
I am after a simple rule that is triggered on save to save my occurrence browser name to what originally was defined
I've found a .lsp that does nearly what I require. The lisp that I've got allows you to identify a block, and have another block replace it.
Is it possible to adapt this lisp to allow you to select multiple target blocks to be overwritten?
(defun c:rblk (/ pre nb ss i en ed) (while (or (not pre) (not (snvalid pre))) (setq pre (getstring "Existing BLOCKs Name Prefix: "))) (while (not nb) (setq nb (getstring " New BLOCK Name: "))
[Code] .....
In this particular instance, I'm trying to have multiple different door symbols in a 2D plan overwritten with a uniform marker.
I have a new computer and want to move the databse catalog over. I backed up in PSE 9 to an external hard drive. I connected to HD to the new computer and tried a resotre catalog. I chose "New Location" since I was going from XP to Windows 7 and was unsure if there would be a conflict with file locations. I also chose "Restore Original Floder Strucure". Very quickly I recieve an error message "Could not restor file .xml". I have run Restore Catalog several times and each time a DIFFERENT FILE receives the error message. I then disabled Norton Anti Virus Auto-Protect. I then disabled several programs running in the background. Same problem. I then copied the Backup Catalog to the new computer and tried to Restore it from there. Same Problem. I have now run a Repair Catalog on the original file. PSE states there is no error. I want to purchas PSE 11, but wanted to install/restore the database with the same version 9 first.
So I recently switched to a PC from a Mac. I actually prefer Windows 8 to all other OS's, I know I'm in the minority, but that's what I like. My question is this: When I imported my catalogs from my Mac to my PC all imported fine with all files showing correctly and all images showing a history of edits etc. However for whatever reason one wedding I shot didn't make it in. The files are there along with the sidecar files. So I tried to import that folder into the catalog and it did. However it didn't import the sidecar files and all my previous edits are now not showing.
How do I import these XML files so that my edits are restored? I see no option at the import screen to inlcude or not include XML files. Are my edits lost forever or can they be saved?
I'm working with a large PSD (100+ layers, over 170MB). I wan't to preview it as a PDF. I click Save As ... and I make a new file on the desktop. I minimize Photoshop, go to desktop and open the PDF. Ok everything's ok. I go back to photoshop (just maximize it). I work work work .... Ctrl+S every once in a while ... and I suddenly realize that the file I'm working on has changed its name from project2.psd to project2.pdf (I see this in the top bar of the window). I minimize photoshop, go to the folder where my psd file is stored and I check it for weight -> it's now 24MB instead of 170MB. Ok, Istead of going back in history I decide to Overwrite my original project2 (which is now a pdf as the windows explorere shows ... [oh yeah, and the pdf I've created on the desktop is still there as a totally separate file]) with the project I have currently opened in photoshop (I still have layers in the layers pallete and everything, it's just the photoshop shows the name of the file in the top bar "project2.pdf"). I do that. Now I close all the projects opened in photoshop (I guess that's the moment I really screwed up) - though I don't close the program itself if that matters at all - and I reopen my project2.psd.
it opens as a PSD ..... but it's flatten. No layers.
why after creating a new pdf file on the desktop the whole project I was still working with turned into a PDF file.
I wan't to get my 170MB 100+ layers file Does Vista store some temp files anywhere? I suppose it won't be there.
I have PSE11 on my old Windows XP computer. I have installed it also on my new Windows7 computer and hoped it would be easy to transfer the photos by backup/restore via an external hard drive.
When I try to restore a backup on to the new computer, no tly file is found. When I then look at that backup folder in Windows explorer the .tly file is absent. I tried again with an older backup, checking first that a tly file had was present, by looking on the old computer with Windows explorer. Looking with explorer on the new computer - no .tly file. Looking again with explorer on the old computer, the .tly file is gone!
I am completely mystified. I dont't want to keep trying as each successive backup is older. If the .tly files are gone, I assume the backup becomes useless.
I recenty upgraded from an old Vista PC to a new one running Windows 7. My IT guy transfered all the files and my application software. I'm running Elements 11 along with Organizer. I shoot in Nikon RAW (.NEF), open in Organizer, then edit and save in Elements to JPG format. My new photos work fine, but the old files have lost their associativity between the original RAW file and the resulting JPG. Is there any way I can restore the associativity for the files that were transferred from my old PC?
I've been using LR3 for a year or so and have an imported folder with over 7000 images in it all from 2009. The set was originally created in Elements organsier 8.0 probably in 2009?
I have noticed that somewhere along the line 658 of them have had the original capture time overwritten to a single point in time 15th Nov.
They are all JPEG (before I had a RAW camera) and the changes are embedded in the jpg.
This folder has been processed with a few tags and some editing and filtered out rejects.
I would like to get the original time stamp back as the images do not flow with the other 2000+ from the same couple of months.
I do have copies of the originals with correct time stamps - but no tags etc as they were created at time of import.
I have tried copying one of the originals from backup and overwriting the 'wrong date' file using windows and then importing the metadata from file and this rectifies the date - but loses keywords etc
If I use LR to import from back up - firstly it does not see the backup as a duplicate - despite file name being the same - I guess date throws it?? so I end up with duplicates - one on each date ; correct + incorrect
My question is: Is there a way to re-read the original time metadata back into the file/catalog and retain the keyword tags (like a selective merge)?
It would be great to have a solution rather than manually having to identify the incorrect files and copying, Or doing a mass read of original metadata and losing any keywords.
I have a problem where LR4 on import seems to rewrite the xmp-files, and in that process data is lost, notably GPS-data, is lost.
My workflow:
Create xmp-file with Exiftool from CR2-files (sets copyright etc) Geocode with Geosetter Color labels with Photo Mechanic Import to LR4
After import geo data is gone for around 30% of the files. It seems like files that have received a color label by PM is not affected, and many files without color label are correctly imported.I never loose any data before importing to LR4.
I use a Canon 7D, Exiftool and Geosetter are updated to latest versions, LR version is 4.3. I couldn't find how to attach files, but how the xmp looks before and after LR4 import, I could copy-paste the code in an answer.
How do I go about restoring, repairing or fixing the default materials and appearances that come installed with Inventor Pro 2013? I have a stand-alone single seat installation. SP 1.1 has been installed.
I tried to create a custom library of materials and appearances by making a copy of InventorMaterialLibrary.adsklib and renaming it. I then added new materials. Depending on project, I get nag messages regarding template styles in conflict with the library styles. I'm also getting message warning me that the InventorMaterialLibrary can't get loaded.
It is my intent to create a custom materials and appearances library that mimics the as installed InventorMaterialLibrary plus some additional materials and appearances. The custom library and appearances need to be available to all NEW projects and MAY be added to existing projects without getting the nag message about style conflicts.
I'm also seeing a behavior where the default appearance changes from standard light gray to the first appearance listed in the Autodesk Appearance Library, the 1.5 inch blue tile. I suspect that's the reason I'm getting the nag message. How do I fix this? How do I prevent this from happening in the future?
1) Restoring default as installed material and appearance libraries
2) Creating a custom materials and appearance library to contains ALL items found in the InventorMaterialLibrary plus new materials and appearances
3) Preventing nag style conflict messages
4) Preventing the default appearance of light gray to change to the 1.5 inch blue tile
The machine I'm currently using needs to be ready to go in the morning.
I wanted to know if there is a way to restore the link between a part/assembly and a drawing so that the drawing will open when "Open Drawing" is selected from right clicking the part/assembly from the Model browser in Inventor.
While evaluating a few "Instant Effects", the orginal image file was overwritten with one of the altered images. The original image file, which I need, cannot be found.
I did not "Save" the altered image. Autosave is turned off.
I have multiple computers in my department that just received multiple Microsoft updates, a service pack update to Windows 7 and an upgrade to Internet Explorer 9. When they restarted and browsed in Windows explorer, all the Autodesk icons have been replaced by a generic icon. We tried to reset by re-establshing the file association and that did not work.
How do we rebuild the Autodesk icon cache on these machines?
I am deep into my first Inventor project. I am approaching the point where I would like to make a comprehensive set of drawings with bills of material etc. I have discovered that all this time I have actually been working in one big assembly file. My main project file is NOT a project file (so I have discovered). It is a *.iam file.
So, my question is, should I create a project file, and then add my main assembly to it? Should one normally create a new Project file for each new job? What does one gain by doing this versus simply using the *.iam file?
Does the exported dwg file always have to be a zip file? I have tried save as a dwg file but it seems to be an Invnetor dwg which has the geometry as a block when opened with AutoCAD. It is a little easier to explode the block in AutoCAD rather than open and extract the zip file, save the extracted dwg then delete the zip file.
Visual Lisper trying to migrate to .net! how to restore a form?
I have an "about" project which contains 3 forms.
Form1 is displayed by default when the command is called...it contains two buttons which both close form1 & open form2 or form3. What I would like to happen is that when form2 or form3 is closed, form1 will be restored.
This is the code which defines the command & shows form1:
I have lost my "Home Tab" at the top of my screen and cannot get it back up. the tab that offers the Home, Insert, Annotate, Render, View, Manage, etc.
I have gone through the suggested "restore the default home view" and nothing happens.
I worked on a project a while back and loaded a sid into the drawing coord correct. I now have opened that drawing again and I get big letters with the image files path. I have tried to restore it but cannot get it back to the same coordinates. Is there a way I can restore the image without having to reinsert it?
I'm in AutoCAD Architecture 2010. I've lost all menubars and need to reload. I was perfectly happy with the 2010 ribbon. When I search other forums it seems the answers are all geared toward restoring the older format of menubars because people are unhappy with the 2010 ribbon. That does not apply to me. I just want to restore the default 2010 ribbon menu bar.
I've tried the "Menu bar" command and have not found the original 2010 default menu bar. Maybe it's there and I'm not figuring it out. Steer me to a path to reset and re-establish the default 2010 setup?
I prefer to not have to uninstall and re-install the program to get back to the default settings if I don't have to.
I kept getting a fatal error when I tried to open the layers manager and I found a discussion board saying I had to do a system restore to fix the problem. Well I did a system restore and now autocad won't even load. I click on the icon and the hour glass goes but then it disappers and nothing happens. I have windows 7 if that makes a difference. I have been using 2007 lt for a few months now and everything worked fine.
OK, something I did completely displaced my ribbon from the default horizontal location to either a floating or dockable vertical layout. It's probably staring me right in the face but how can I change it back?
I tried to create a new workspace, and it was sort of working where I could switch between my custom workspace and the original 2 or 3 Autocad workspaces. Then I think I loaded a menu and the other (original work spaces) have disapeared. How to restore these without doing a re-install?
I just installed Autocad Architecture 2013 only to learn that Autodesk once again is hard at work making our lives difficult. For some reason they seem to want us ALL to use the ribbon. The ribbon in my opinion is HORRIBLE. I MUCH prefer the classic workspace since I do not use many toolbars and I key in the vast majority of my commands. As such, I get rid of the ribbon because it takes up too much space considering the fact that I only use a handful of buttons from the ribbon. But Autodesk has thrown a bunch of obstacles in my way.
1. Type "ribbonclose" - this closes the ribbon.
2. Type "cui" - this bring up the Customize User Interface dialogue box.
3. Right click on workspaces. Enter a new name for your new workspace.
4. (optional) Right click on toolbars to make your own. Then drag and drop commands from below into your new toolbar.You may also notice that you no longer have toolbars, soooo..
5. Type "menuload" - things brings up the Load/Unload Customizations dialogue box.
6. Click "Browse".
7. Select the first file ending in ".cuix". Click "Open". Click "Load". If you get an error message don't worry.
8. Repeat step 7 for each and every file ending in ".cuix".
Now you have tool bars and menus. However, the Express menu may STILL not work.
9. Then visit this webpage:URL.... to get the Express menu working.
10. Close autocad. and re-open autocad.
11. Set up your screen the way you like it.
12. Either click on the workspace switching icon on the lower right portion of your screen or type "workspace" and select "Save Current As".
13. Save your workspace with whatever name you like.