I am trying to find an automated way to rename multiple sheets when creating Inventor drawings.
I have an Inventor assembly, and I need to create a drawing for each component in this assembly. I have one Inventor Drawing with multiple sheets in it. Each sheet is for each part in the assembly.
I would like to loop though each sheet and rename the sheet name to the Part number of the part. Is there a simple way to do this though i Logic? And how would I go about doing something like this?
Is there any easy way to have sheet name automatically pull the "description" iProperty from the part that is on the sheet? It can be very handy in a multi-sheet drawing for each sheet to have a descriptive name in the browser, but the only way to do this (that I know of) is to manually change it.
I've got a drawing that is 14"x12" and have a printer that can only handle 8.5 x 11 sheets. I need to print it out full scale because I plan on using the drawing to cut something out. In school, I have seen my teacher print the drawing across multiple sheets, and then he simply tapes the sheets together. I have tried every configuration possible and have had no success.
I know you can insert an Excel spread sheet into the general table and have that show up on the drawing, but it has limitations to it that Excel gives you. My question is there a way to bring the Excel spread sheet into the drawing that would give you Excel functionality?
shouldn't sheets marked as "exclude from count" not be counted?
I tried this in both 2013 and 2012 to see if maybe AutoDesk broke it, but it doesn't work in either one. This is easily reproducible for me, a file shouldn't be necessary. Just open up (or create) a multi sheet drawing. Go to edit sheet on one or two of them and check the "exclude form count" box. Now create a new iLogic rule and put the following line into it:
MsgBox("This is the number of sheets in the drawing: " & ThisDoc.Document.Sheets.Count, VBOkOnly, "Number of Sheets")
I quite often make up quick parts to try stuff out and call them random things but if I want to change the name it is not just a simple case of renaming the part as a few things need updating.
is there a simple quick way to rename a part in one hit without going through other stuff?
URL....I need to copy one entire project and then rename them all, it has about 1500 parts/assys that I need to rename.
Instead of renaming all items of my project, one by one using Design Assistant, could I just make some kind of rule that renames all the parts/assy's in my project, and then update its PART NUMBER too ?
because my register code is something like this : TAG-0000-0000-00, and the only thing that's gonna change its the string TAG, nothing else. I could try to change only the first 6 that are the TAG, but this sequence of rename/open/update, how to make, and even if that's possible. Or maybe have any other specific tool to rename things this way instead of Design Assistant ?
I am using Design Assitant to rename files, but have had no luck with other referenced files.I have followed the Procedures from AutoDesk WikiHelp.
1. Open Top Assembly.
2. In the top browser, I select the part and set Action -> Rename.
3. Rename File.
4. In the bottom browser, I select the file types for additional referenced files.
5. I select (highlight) all the files.
6. Click "SAVE"
When I go to open the files, to check if the changes have been made, obviously to rename works on the Top Assembly,BUT for other additional referenced files, it doesn't.
I am doing this in a Single User Project.Just wondering if there are other steps that need to be done to use Design Assistant properly.
I want to duplicate & then rename a project I have stored on my vault computer, However I am experiencing many difficulties.
There are probably around 1000 + files in this project-multiple assemblies/drawings & parts. Initially i did a Pack & Go of the Project to my desktop. I then took my first top level drawings & using Design Assistant renamed all the reference parts and assemblies related too it. This worked fine, albeit a very long time to rename all the files.
The problem is that i have say 50 drawing files, some contain similar assemblies/part files which will have already been rename in the first top level drawing & some container different assemblies/parts (which are not related to the first top level drawing) & will have to be renamed separately.
Is there an easier way to duplicate & rename a vault project because design assistant makes this task extremely laborious. An great tool to add would be to 'Find & Replace' a file name & apply it too all the files. Similar to the function in Microsoft Word.
I have looked into the copy design feature in vault however, you can only copy a project within a project, you cannot copy it to a completely new folder in the vault.
The other problem is, is that you can only add a prefix or suffix to every file/related part/assembly, & i would rather replace the project number rather then add the new project number to the file names. This would be a viable option if you could rename multiple files quickly, however this just stems back to the design assistant.
I am trying to get the PDF macro to be hard coded to print all the sheets in an idw. I added this line (guessed at code basically), but it didn't work. Where do I find what the correct syntax should be for this code?
Is there a way to assign different dimension styles to different sheets in an idw. I have idw drawings with several sheets and use a couple of different dimension styles depending on what is on each sheet. I've created the dimension styles I want to use but I don't know how to assign a dimension style to a specific sheet. For now what I am doing is dimensioning, then as needed for the dimensions that need a different style, right click on the dimension and select new dimension style to changes its dimension style. I would like to assign dimension styles to specific sheets, is there a way to do this? Even though borders, title blocks, etc. are the same throughout the sheets, do I need to create different sheet formats to do this?
I am trying to modify the code Brian Ekins posted on Mod the Machine to renumber balloons across sheets. [uRL ....
It works great unless the item on the additional sheet is a sub-assembly. I believe it is because PartDef is declared as a PartComponentDefinition and there is nothing in the code to handle an assembly.
Dim partDef As PartComponentDefinition Set partDef = drawBOMRow.BOMRow.ComponentDefinitions.Item(1) partInfo(I - 1).ReferencedFile = partDef.Document.FullFileName
The Set partDef line was giving me a runtime error when it came to an assembly in the BOM until I added
"On Error Resume Next" at the start of the loop.
I tried changing the declaration to ComponentDefinition. It compiled fine, but didn't do anything. I think I'll have to add some duplicate code to handle an assembly in the BOM. Is there a better way to do this? Am I even on the right track?
I am trying to control the layer visibility on different sheets of the same drawing but have not quite figured it out yet.
We add a DXF sheet to drawings with flat pattern views to export to DXF for our laser. I wrote a VBA macro that adds the sheet, copies the flat pattern view and removes the dimensions to clean it up before creating the DXF. I am having a problem turning off the visibility of the bend lines on JUST the DXF sheet. I can turn bend lines and hidden lines off with this:
'Turn off bend lines and hidden linesFor Each oView In oSheet.DrawingViews 'Set the layers collection Set oLayers = oDrawingDoc.StylesManager.Layers 'Turn off all bend lines and hidden lines For Each oLayer In oLayers If Not InStr(oLayer.Name, "Bend Centerline") = 0 Or Not InStr(oLayer.Name, "Hidden") = 0 Then oLayer.Visible = False Else End If Next Next
but it turns them off on all sheets. I want to only turn them off on the DXF sheet. How would this be done?
Inventor Professional 2014 64 Bit Windows 7 Professional NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600 Dual Intel Xeon E5540 CPUs 16GB DDR3 Ram
My requirement is i need a programme to print inventor sheets in to PDF by using PDF995. And this should be created each sheet will be seperate PDF.
It need to ask rev number. my file name should be like "filename-sheetnumberrevision", for ex 870525 is my drawing number. PDF file name should be 870525-01A
We often have drawings with multiple sheets.Usually the first couple of sheets are devoted to identifying components and where they should be placed. The remaining sheets provide details on specific components (dimensions, tolerances, etc.).
It would be nice to be able to reference (associatively) other sheets, so it is easy to find information on a component when looking through the drawing package. For example, add a note that says "See sheet 12", and have the 12 update if that sheet (or drawing view?) changes location in the package.
Any intelligent way of referencing the sheet with the parent view? E.g. i put a detail or section view on Sheet 2 from a parent view on Sheet 1 and want to reference from what sheet the view is taken from.
Im working on something just now but ran into a problem when a new sheet is added after one that is excluded from count.
What i need is to re sort the sheets in the browser so the excluded ones go to the end. Im thinking i would need to loop through the browser nodes somehow but the skills elude me.
Using bolted connection, I want to place a bolt through 3 sheets of metal. The first 2 sheets i want it to automatically place a slightly larger hole (which it does) but I want the 3rd sheet to be threaded so the bolt thread and hole thread are the same size.
Working in an idw file, I have a need for two drawing sheets with the identical views of the same part. However, each sheet will need different dimensions and annotations. What I would like to do is after completing one sheet, in one step create the second identical sheet, then just edit/add dimensions and annotations. Is there a method to do this? So far, I have only been able to copy one view at a time from sheet to sheet.
I have an assembly drawing made with 2 parts in it. I have the assembly drawing as Sheet 1 and each part also in the file as Sheet 2 and Sheet 3. What I have a problem with is that when I change or update the original files for Sheets 2 and 3 it doesn't update the sheets in the assembly drawing. Is there a way to keep these files connected. I need to have the standard sheets for filing and part designation, but when production call for the assembly to be needed, the assembly (Sheet1) with the Attached part drawings (Sheets 2 & 3) hit the production floor. Without them linked a mistake will be made. There are to many engineers in my department and we all make production changes to parts and if they are not linked bad things will happen. I am just trying this out, we have a lot of assemblies that will be great for the production if I can get all the part and assembly files to work together and print at the same time from on file.
I know there is a way with iLogic/VB to do this but I'm not exactly sure how. Basically, I'd like to put the part number from the base view (view 1) of SHEET 1 into my title block. Easy enough with one sheet, but I want subsequent sheets to reference back to the part number from VIEW 1 on SHEET 1, regardless of what sheet it is on.
is it possible to do an individual revision table for multiple sheet drawings. if you typed in description 'sheet 3 nut changed from m3 to m5......etc' then all the bunf would carry over to every sheet
Is there a way, in my drawing template, to set one field as "Part Number iProperty from parent assembly on sheet 1 base view"? I want every single sheet in my .idw to reference the same "Part Number" iProperty from the assembly in the base view of sheet 1.
I need to rename the sheets of a multiple sheet idw. This should be easy but for some reason I cannot change the sheet names. I get no errors it just does not change. Here is the VBA
'Open drawing document
Set oDrawingDoc = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(sPath, True)
'Set the sheets collection Set oSheets = oDrawingDoc.Sheets 'Cycle through sheets For Each oSheet In oSheets [code]......