AutoCAD Inventor :: Overlay View On A Cross Section?
Mar 7, 2013how I can get an Overlay view on a cross sectional secondary projection?
View 1 Replieshow I can get an Overlay view on a cross sectional secondary projection?
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to add additional cross sections (sample lines added after views were created) to an existing Section View Group?
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
I am trying to verify the bending strength of a solid part. Need to calculate the section modulus on certain cross section. Don't know how to do it using inventor.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI understand how to get a shape drawn in cross section view -- assign a shape to the area in the SA. I've done that but now I need/want to take the next step.
Using SAC, I created an SA that draws my RockFill but it only shows up in cross section view.
How do I spec that I want the shape to show in plan view too? the shape in plan view should be the daylight line on one side and the RockFill Line on the other side.
Attached is a simple drawing of a round tube sitting on an imaginary level grade. I'm needing to develop a pattern to cut the bottom angle. I'm making a scale model and this is one of the elements. The scale is 1"= 10.66" so this round tube will be 4.5" in diameter. The angle is too gentle to cut in my horizontal band saw; can't fit it between the guides. Years ago, we used to grid out from a base line and develop a continuous curved line on flexible linoleum that when wrapped around the tube, would allow a line to be drawn on what would be my grade level line.
We would then cut the steel tube with a torch on said line. Did this for 24" to 90" diameter pipes. I need to do this for this one cut; I think I can get all the rest of the angles for the project on the saw. I'm hoping that the printable (can be done on more than one sheet if needed and taped together or something) paper pattern can be rendered easily, such as a sheet metal shop might develop a flat pattern for rolling or bending. I'm limited to legal size paper, 8.5 x 17". I'm using AC LT 2011 so I'm limited in my abilities.
Any way to adjust the placement of my cross sections after i created my view frames? As you can see from the image attached i have extra room on the bottom of my sheet and my first cross section is not completely on the page. Some of my view frames are correct and others are not. Can this be adjusted per sheet?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to extend sampleline along matchline for creating cross section view.I used Modify-extend in hometab, but it doen't work.
View 2 Replies View Relatedrecommend a good way to indicate the location of cross section sample lines in a profile view (of same alignment) as vertical lines? the sample lines have been created at user defined locations from polylines, and do not follow a particular station order. my first thought was to use transparent command to draw line in profile view using station from plan view, but i have in excess of 100 cross sections, and that may be time consuming.
Civil 3D 2013 SP1, Win 7-64 bit
I am trying to annotate a floor plan to show the location/orientation of section, elevation and detail drawings. The labels must also indicate the appropriate drawing cross reference. (basically a circle with a arrow, text inside circle showing drawing cross reference). My question is - is there an automated way/library to insert such labels or do I have to create each of them from individual elements and make a block?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am a new user of AutoDesk inventor and have a few questions about saving different views of the drawing. I have a floor plan layout and need to save several different cross section views to see different angles and different parts of the interior. I am familiar with how to do this in programs such as google sketchup but not inventor. I also need to insert text with arrows pointing to different things in the drawing. Is this possible with inventor or does the drawing need to be put into other software such as paint.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've created a solid in Inventor and used the Section Analysis tool to create several cross sections. I'm trying to find a way to export the geometry of each cross section to a some format so that I could laser cut each cross section.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWnitake a cross section of an assebly n Invetor 3D moel t the cross section of each componet look ey similar like cement, Is there any way to change the cross section texture.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe section view behaves strangely with the ‘section participation: none’ components
Invertor2012 sp2
Win7 x64
why my section is not parallel with my section line. I did constrain my section line in the section line sketch.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to scale the cross-hatching in a detail that was created from a section view so it looks better with the scale of a detail? If the scale factor of a detail is much larger than its parent, the cross-hatching is very sparse and detracts from clarity rather than adding to it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to find the cross section details like area and movement of inertia at particular cross section
in( solid works there is a direct option select the section and select the face and click on the calculate automatically gives the are and movement of inertia etc in part and sassy level also) but in inventor in part level its possible but in an assembly level.
I am using AutoCAD 2013
My solid model is imported from IGES file format. I'd like to make a plane at specified location (perpendicular from the surface), and I'd like to have a cross sectional geometry cut by that plane. (attached pic.)
1. How can I make a plane following perpendicular line from the surface?
2. How can I export the cross sectional geometry?
Is it possible to have the parent view for the section in one drawing and the child views in another drawing?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to show section view in base view with out projection the component.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a long shaft with parts mounted on. i want to section it and show the parts. i don't need to show the whole length of the shaft.
I know i can crop the isometric view, but this way i will not see the key hole which is on the other side, it's hidden.
If i make a section it 's in an orthogonal view only.
I want to make the section view, but later to transform the sectioned view to an isometry. is it possible?
Is there a way to save a section view in the assembly as a view rep? Am using 2011.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIt's possible to do a cut view with the cup part with a different view style from the other "not Cut" half.
I achieve that, whit the cut view + normal view croped hover the cut view... but this isn´t a accurate process...
Autodesk Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2014
Autodesk Simulation Mechanical
Autodesk Simulation CFD
Windows 7
I place the first view in a drawing and want to be sectioned.
Is there a way to do that, since when i mark the section line, another view is created.
Or should i put the main view outside of the paper boundaries?
is possible to view in sectional assemblies with overlay tool?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI now know how to get my main video and overlay tracks to cross fade. I also know that the default cross fade effect using the overlay properties option has a duration of approx 30% of the entire clip.
Is there a way to control the duration of the overlay fade in / fade out?
I need an urgent solution to my issue.I have created section view from a sketch (a line constrained to the projection of a work plane) from my derived part to my drawing using the "Get model sketches ". When i update the iassembly and update the the view using model state the view tries to update but throws an error see attached document.When i delete the section line and create a section line manually ie. by creating a normal sketch in the drawing the same model gets updated without any error.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen creating a section view in 2014, the new view now comes bordered by a large box that is hatched. I can hide the borders (4 separate lines) and the hatch but cannot change the size of the view border. I don't remember this from 2011.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was wondering in inventor 2010 how to create a 3d model section view of a 3d model assembly or if its even possible.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to produce a section view of a vessel. Inventor makes the section just fine except it is incomplete. See images below:
In the past when I have encountered this issue I would simply locate the part in the browser, Right click on it + Section Participation + section. That usually solves the issue. This time it is not working.
While sectioning an assembly in .idw file, I dont want to see any thing that is behind the section line.
I am not talking about hidden lines. (I can switch of the hidden lines).
Some times, there are holes or opening while sectioning. Thru those openings, some of the parts that are behind the section planes are visible. I dont want to see anything.
How to do it? I am using INV2013.
Options like,
Option 1: Dont view anything more then 0.00mm or 1 mm behind. (Like section depth or view depth which can be entered)
Option 2: Switch off that are not sectioned.
If you have a section view, shafts are typically turned off for segtioning, however there is sometimes detail such as keyways or oil holes that are required to be shown which is where a breakout, view is req'd, however it appears the only way to do this is by creating a detail view first, leading to the possibility of a lot of clutter on the drawing from detail views, as when a breakout view is created on the section view, the shaft will not participate in the breakout.
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