AutoCAD Inventor :: Mapping Image To Flat Surface?
Dec 4, 2013
I would like to map an image to the face of Inventor part document. Which possibilities Inventor API offers here? I checked out the ColorMapping example but the tessellation of the flat surface is not sufficient to get high resolution image mapped on it. My intention is to attach images to several parts faces within the assembly environment and this as fast as possible since the scene needs to update very quickly.
It is not possible forme to add the fil because it is to large 1.8MB how can I poste then I like to know if it is possible to extend the button flat surface diameter ø12.5 up to the shaped surface. The result should be a total solid block whit a surface shaped hole.
File last up-date with Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013
I want to transfer the rotation motion of part 'C' at a pivot point 'D' , to part 'E' which is pivoted at 'F', while the flat surface of the part 'c' is inserted in to hole 'B' of part E. How to give an assembly constrain to hole 'B' with flat surface 'A'
Is there any way / trick to wrap a 2D sketch to a non-flat/cylindrical/conical face? See attached part. I'd like wrap the lines in Sketch2 to the ring's outer face in order to get a proper path for "engraving". I see no other way to get a proper path for sweep, because project along vector won't work.
I am building a Crankshaft. How to build the connecting weights that attach the main journals to the connecting rod journals. I can post a screenshot of the design. I have a extruded face that is a half circle on the I am trying to fillet or cut a section off of the rounded edge. I have tried to build tangent workplanes and projecting geomety, but to no avail.
I often have to do storm pond surfaces that (for the purposes of planning) are flat on the bottom. These surfaces are created from a combination of survey data and grading groups and the tin of these surfaces is perfectably acceptable. However, when contours are shown, the flat bottom is shown with contours jig-jagging all over the place.
The attached image shows a comparison of the same pond. The top was created with survey data and grading groups; the bottom was created using contour data only. The generated surface on the top shows the bottom contour going in different directions and has parts where the an expected contour is missing.
How to correct/manipulate the surface to show a proper flat surface?
I created an iLogic rule that allows in a sheet metal part to the informations Length, widht and area of a flat pattern. This rule run and the iproerties are created (see attachment file).
Now, I will run this rule from an assembly file to create automatically, in all sheet metal components, theses iproperties.
Is it possible ? what must I change in this rule ?
If you look in the attached PDF, I have an elliptical wall that also has changes in elevation. call it a compound radius if you will. What I have to do is to make a wall cap to go on top of the wall. I know, sounds fun.....I have the surface on the right of the PDF and i need to figure out how i can take that shape and have it lay flat so that i can cut this shape out on my CNC. i know I can use the FLATSHOT command, but this will not give me the true shape of the board.
I am having some mapping difficulties with regards to applying a JPEG as a material map onto a surface material. Below are the details.
I have a surface model which was generated from topographical information. I have aerial photography of the area the topographical information is based on. The photography covers approximately 1000m2 area.
The topography area in contained within this area, it is in the upper right hand corner of the square photo. I have applied planar mapping to the surface . I resized the mapping area of the surface to suit the area that the photo covers (I created a boundary rectangle and adjusted the mapping size to suit). I created a customer material using the jpeg photo I applied it to the surface . The image scale is set to 1000 . All other settings remain as default settings.
The mapping displays over my model, but its on the wrong location, i.e. information contained within the jpeg that is out with the topographical area is appearing on the model. When I turn off tiling the mapping disappears from my model completely. I have read a few tutorials today and went back to basics on a few trials by creating blocks and applying the material and scaling it that way. All behave as anticipated. Apart from this.
I'm using AutoCad 2007. I'm trying to map a simple 2D flat drawing onto a curved surface.
I have a 3D drawing of a very simple curved floor, similar to a skateboard ramp or a photographers infinity curve backdrop. I also have a 2D design. I simply want to drop my 2D drawing onto this curve, so that it follows the geometry of the curve's surface.
If i have a GPS Survey which i can create a surface from and 2D mapping from GIS records, is there any way to turn the 2D mapping into 3D using the surface data?
running an assembly in to the road corridor and creating a surface. i have designed a network of Roads in CIVIL 3d in which whole network is surrounded by a Loop road. The loop road cross fall is unidirectional (2%) and 4.5 wide. I have used LaneOutsideSuperWithWidening subassembly to create the assembly of the road. This doesnt contain any kerb or footpath but only road channel lines, The corridor run soomthly but after creating the of the loop road corridor the surface is becoming flat meaning there isn't any cross fall acoss the road but in the assembly crossfall is there. If i run the same assembly in another road alignment the suface is coming absolutely correct.
I also tried different road assemblies to run along the loop road but the result is same no cross fall across the road.
I am using Civil 3d 2012 and an trying to apply elevation banding (one color) to a surface that is completely flat. Everything seems to be in order but nothing shows up. If I add another point file to it that has a variety of elevations then the elevation bands show up, if i remove it it disappears again. I can view the boundary and get elevation readings when I mouse over the surface.
I am using Autocad 2013. I need to fuse a square building which is placed on a sloping terrain. If the terrain was flat, i would have no problems. But how i can put a perfectly square building on a sloping terrain without having any gaps in between?
I can't find a way to create multi flat patters in one part from a lofted sheetmetal part. Also, didn't the developers fix the 'can't make a flat pattern from a derived part'?
IV 2010 Suite Digital Storm PC: EVGA & Intel components Win 7 Pro 64 bit
I am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.
Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.
When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly. What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?
I started using Image Mapping earlier today to see what it was...I made a signature for a friend of mine. However i have these two boxes in the image that were suppose to be click-able links. I used Image Mapping to do this however, I found out that after you get the source code it's programed to HTML. I was wondering if there was a way to use the HTML code to put into an IMG.
Like. What i mean is. Instead of using an HTML code for a website banner, Is there a way to do the same concept only in IMG format, And to where when you see the image, You can move your mouse over the two boxes and they could be click-able, And direct you to the specific site that It's programmed to take you to?
I have copied a standard "L" to my custom library. Now I would like to map the properties for the CC parts to be like my other parts that are not created in CC. One of the things I need is the "Title" and "Description" iproperty fields need to be the sectional size, i.e. L3x2x3/16, L4x4x3/8....etc.
To do this, I went into the editor and created a column. I mapped this column to Project.Description (see image)
why this does not work? When I create a new part and look at the BOM, I only see "Angled Steel" in the description iproperty field (see image below)
I did the same thing with the "Title" field and the "Project" field. Those work great.... just can't make teh Description field happen.
I am having a problem with camera mapping...I get everything setup and looking good, but when I render it, the image looks really washed out. This happens with both scanline and mental ray rendering. I have done this in the past using max 2009 without any issues.
When I assign an image map or URL to an object in PPX6 then proceed to Export to Web with HTML and slices selected, it does not export the HTML hyperlinks or image maps.
using Gimp to create a website header that includes image mapping. I figured out how (Filters > Web > Image Map). I just can't figure out how to save it in a format that I can then upload to a Bandcamp website.
I can open a graphic in Gimp that I made in Powerpoint. A second window opens with the same graphic and that is where I add the image mapping. So now how do I save it so that when I upload it the tags are there? Or am I supposed to copy all the tags and then paste that code? I can find the place in Bandcamp where the code gets pasted - but I haven't yet figured out how to copy the code.
how I can add more volume to curved object surface? Say for example I have a plastic cup.You can think of this as cylinder object ,which was the shelled out using the shell tool and then had its base sealed.
Now at certain parts, I would like to increase the thickness and then blend it the rest of the surface(may be chamfer its edges) .
At certain parts on curved surface I would like to add an extra mm, I think if the surface was flat I would just sketch the shape, then extrude it by few mm and smooth the edges by doing a chamfer
But how can this be done on surface that is curved? Or multi curved for edges?
I'm designing a press for a skateboard similar to: Rib Press
I have the board modeled: (see attached)
Now what i want to do is generate those ribs as seen in the picture.
I tried creating a block that intersected with the board and tried to split the rib at the surface, but to no avail. I think the issue has something to do with the curve of the board in two directions, but i can't seem to get it right.
if you are having trouble visualizing what i'm asking about, look at this. I want to be able to figure out the exact shape of those center ribs to print and eventually cut out of wood.
I am a beginner when a extrude a feature and select a part surface for new sketch now i want is to offset that surface but i can,t there is + sign with mouse icon and something like fully constrained is written in down the window.
I want to extrude a flat 2d image to 3d image in equal proportions(in all 3 axis) in Action 3d space.Hence I request u to give me a proper solution for this.sir.doc
I have created parts, assemblies and drawings . How can i create 2D flat cnc drawings of the components for production? i am in woodwork and manufacturing not metalwork so the whole metal facility in inventor is a little redundant.
Description required on the best process or any process to create 2D cnc drawings from the components? Now, when i say drawings, i do not mean CAM integration. I mean 2D .dwg files of the component that would show say rebate lines, drill holes etc.