AutoCAD Inventor :: (Interference Analyze) Tool-Change Identified Interference Color
Jun 4, 2012
how to change the color that the "Interference Analyze" tool identifies with??
I recently converted from 2010 to Inventor 2011 Pro. 2010 had a Dark Translucent Red which was extremely useful. 2011 has a Light Translucent Red which is extremely difficult to make out ( I have a massive assembly). Identifying these fouls/interferences is vital to my job.
I tried Styles Editor, View Styles, Application/Document Settings, and even part manipulation! (bah!)
how to change the color that the "Interference Analyze" tool identifies with??
I recently converted from 2010 to Inventor 2011 Pro. 2010 had a Dark Translucent Red which was extremely useful. 2011 has a Light Translucent Red which is extremely difficult to make out ( I have a massive assembly). Identifying these fouls/interferences is vital to my job.
I tried Styles Editor, View Styles, Application/Document Settings, and even part manipulation!
Is it possible to isolate the interference detected by Inventor? I am thinking something trough the API or ilogic?
When we analyze interference we get a long list from inventor and sometimes is hard to see it. I am thinking maybe to Isolate the two parts that interfere.
I can't find how to change the color of the interference solid that is created during interference analysis. The default is red but unfortunately our housings are primed in red so I decided to color my housing assembly red without realizing that was going to make red highlights difficult to spot.
Is there a way to use interference checks to determine what material needs to be subtracted away from other parts to get the clearance needed? (See Attached) The way I typically handle this is to project the lines from one part onto the sketch of another and proceed accordingly, however as you can see, it didn't work out well in this instance as the face of the part in question is not parallel with the sketch plane in the other..Therefore making the cut location inaccurate.
I have a rack and a sprocket, in inventor, is there any command which can prevent the interference between both all the times.
my actual problem is while driving the motion constraints, sometimes, no pin of rack is in contact with sprocket, so i want to delete the motion constraints and want to rotate the sprocket to move rack, just as actualy it happens. Is t here any way to do so?
We just migrated from Inv 2011 where I had set the letter A as a shortcut for Zoom All. I tried setting it up again and ran into an issue where two commands were tied to it with the other command being Interference Analysis. I can't find interference analysis in the keyboard customization section and am wondering if there is a way to get rid of it's association with the letter A.
When I run an interference check on an assembly, any of the threaded holes that have fasteners in them shows interference. I guess that the problem arises from the document setting "Tapped Hole Diameter" is set to minor.
To solve the problem with the interference, I could either change the modeled size of the hole or change the modeled bolt diameter. Either one causes problems in other places.
I'm trying to figure a "fast" algorithm to obtain the amount of material (in linear distance) between 2 points within an assembly i.e. if I draw a line between any two points P1 & P2 in an assembly, what is the length of this segment that goes through material and what is the length that goes trough empty space?
For now I'm creating a thin cylinder as a new part, place it with one end at P1 and the other end at P2, calculate the interference volume of this body with the rest of the assembly and divide this number by the total volume of the cylinder. but has some problems:
1. It is VERY slow, and I want to call this function lots of times. 3. Is not accurate due to the finite diameter of the cylinder. 2. If the assembly has some interferences, the result is wrong (accounting same volume more than once)
When you use Inventor command "Inspect" -->"Analyze Interference" command to analyze interference of two component, it not only gives you the interference volume, but also highlight the interference volume area to exactly identify it, as shown in the attached screen shot.
We want to implement this interference analyze using API. But the API sample (in AssemblyComponentDefinition.Analyze Interference Method) only gives the way to highlight the two interfering component occurrences and the interference volume, but there is no way to know where they exact interfere. So how to highlight the the interference location as in the inventor command? or does inventor exposes this function to API?
I'm working on a drawing which requires me to rotate 3D rectangles until they are leaning against each other like dominos. Because they are standing on a curved path only one top corner of each will touch the adjacent rectangle, and because each one is shorter than the last the point at which they touch is different every time. There are over 40 rectangles.
I have no problem picking the correct axis of rotation for each but I want to avoid time-consuming calculations for the angle of each or the reference Point for each. Ideally I'd like AutoCAD to rotate until it recognizes that the solids are interfering.
I have run the interference check on pipes in my pipe network but I am not sure the results are accurate. I have set the 3D proximity distance to 1.7' in the attached example and Civil 3D found the pipes in interference with each other, but I'm not sure how this distance is calculated. This distance doesn't appear to be the pipe clearance measured along the perimeter (2.4' in green) or the inside diameter perimeter (1.8' in green) of my structure.
The distances measured directly between the pipes on the inside of the structure doesn't match the interference results either. I have set the pipe elevations and slopes to the same numbers in this example so I can measure the distance in 2D.
I have just put some photos together with transitions and a couple of music tracks. It is a n AV file as I wanted to put it back onto tape. Plays fine on the laptop but when I transfered it back to dv tape there was interference on the sound - difficult to explain the sound but like an intermittent spitting sound.
Unselected layers are creating parameters (or some sort of masking issue) on the selected layer. For an example. When I paint bucket a layer it will paint everything except.
I want to give a poster I'm designing a look like it's been digitally compromised. This is one I like a lot, although I'm not seeking to render it unreadable like this one, perhaps toned down a slight bit.
After having made a record of my project, I see and hear a sound interference that looks like "click click click click click click". This often happens when rendering the transition constant gain.Here above render my project, the result and the problem.
And here below the photo of my project not encode, before rendering. occurred since the last update 2 Premiere Pro CC.
I cannot open anymore an IPT file (an error comes up). I know that the IPT file contains multiple references to other IAM´s and IPT´s via "Derived parts"; is there a tool to show all the references inside an IPT file?
Being all new and complete virgin-like, to ilogic, I would like to know wether it is possible to analyze a sketch (wenn it is being closed)?
What I want to analyze is:
Does the sketch contain a fully constrained closed loop?
Does this closed loop consist only of straight lines?
What is the total number of lines in the loop?
Next fase is:
Create an excel-sheet with the following information:
For each line in this closed loop i wish to add the length of the line, and the angle to the next line (consequently on the internal side of the loop, resulting in angles from 0 to 180 degrees).
I get the following message when I try to update a view on a drawing. Cannot coalesce given transaction with a previous identified transaction. Some times it shows up other times everything works out perfectly fine.
A while back I saw a video about using the video editing capabilities. In particular the video showed a car with a colored sheet over it and the in the video the sheet was either pulled off the car or the car moved out from under the sheet (I cant remember which). Then the video showed how to use the color replace tool to change the color of the sheet throughout the entire video.
I use the following lisp to control my window background colour,
;Setting window colour to crimson (uses OLE colour code system)...(vla-put-TextWinBackgrndColor(vla-get-display(vla-get-preferences(vlax-get-acad-object)))3937500)
However I would like to change the drafting tool tip background also using lisp, but I don’t know which vla-put-….. I need?
Is there a way to change the color of parts inside the ipt file, but do it from inside an iam?
I want to change groups of part-colors from w/i an iam, but drive it down to the ipt level, so I don't have to open up each and every individual ipt, and change each one manually one at a time. I have about 1000 parts that need to change color, but want to do it in groups.
I am using Inventor 2014. I have an assembly where one parts has to be trimmed after assembly. When I do the cut in assembly, the part turns to a different color (black). My current view rep in assembly is Default.
I am using Inventor 2012: I have a table with different part numbers. I want to create an iLogic rule to change the color of second solid body in my part for a specific part number.
This is what I did.
If iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") = "F22111796" Then Feature.Color("plastic")= "Gray" ElseIf iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") = "F22111796V" Then Feature.Color("plastic")= "Gray (Dark)" ElseIf iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") = "F22111796N" Then Feature.Color("plastic")= "Gray (Light)" Else Feature.Color("plastic")="Gray" End If
However it does not change the color of the second solid body when I make the part number active.