We are trying to use 3d scanned data in Inventor to facilitate our design process. We don't need perfect and good looking 3d scanned models ready to produce, but we need some accurate measurements from holes and faces that we can use to design our own products.
So mine problem is: How I can get those scanned meshes to Inventor that I can get some dimensions from it, project some geometry to my sketches, add some constraints between scanned surface and mine designs, etc...?
I have tried some Add-Ins like Sycode's STLImport and Sycode's software called Mesh To Solid to get those mesh files open and I can open those "converted" files in Inventor, but those are only some kind of surfaces called Composite or Surface which consist of tiny triangles.
I have some DWG files which contain walls of old castle some of the vertex are missing so I have to join them manually or found software to generate them automatically Does solid works have this functionality ?
After joining vertex how can I convert walls to meshes?
I have an assembly that has somewhere a hole with a round bar that exactly fits in this hole. But when meshing the assembly, the mesh of the hole and the mesh of the bar are different.
The result is that the different parts do only seem to touch each other at the edges of the mesh, resulting in high stresses.
See picture.
I tried to made a derived part from the assembly, but that one does not finish meshing. After 48 hours, the progress bar is still half way. While the one above did finish in about 15 minutes. What can I do to make the meshes match?
I am using Inventor 2013, with the stl importer plugin also installed. I have had a objected scanned and the scan is been given to me in STL file.
As you may know that once something is scanned, it becomes a mesh object with many triangle faces. This is more evident on curved parts of the object.
Is there any way to smooth the surface so the curves do no look like very small step trying to form a curve? If the surface does not become smoothed out so its seen as one surface then I will have to adjust every small face at a time?
I am trying to make a shell of a mesh feature after I have upscaled it.
I do not think the regular shell technique will work as my mesh feature has hundreds of surfaces. So, I decided to open the file with my part in it and then derive the same part but a little bigger using the derive button. I would then subtract out the smaller, original, one to make a shell of the bigger, derived one.
Unfortunately, when I use this method to upscale, the 2 objects are not concentric so I cannot make the uniform shell that I want to.
I have attached the file of my mesh feature in case you want to see it. not that you will have to convert the object you see on my file into a base feature before doing anything with it. I did not because it would have made the file to big to attach.
How best to go about creating a "wire mesh". What i have tried is to create a solid flat (2mm thick) piece of material. I then draw a diamond shape on the surface & extrude it so as to give me a void.
Then i use the rectangular pattern option. The problem is that when i try putting in the amounts of the "holes" i need to brings up message to use optimized compute. I do that and then when i click to crate all the "holes" it comes up with a pattern failure error.
I am working with 2 mesh's they are the same shape but different sizes. I want to subtract one out of the other but only after they are both "concentric". The objects are not symmetric so I cannot officially use the term concentric but I do not know any other term.
My problem is that I cannot get them concentric.
Things I tried:
They will definitely both have the same center of mass so I tried doing things with that but to no avail.
I also tried to set 3 constraints (distance between identical surfaces on each mesh) equal to some value x but it did not let me. If it did, I believe the smaller object would have no place to go but right in the center of the bigger one.
I have attached an assembly with both of the objects.
But during the first analysis, it stopped and gave me a message saying: Improper constraints, material or mesh..Then I went on the internet for finding a solution, I came up with 1 solution - to set Average Element Size to 0.040 instead of 0.100.
After I tried this it came up with yet another "error": Mesh failed: Very large number of elements generated, mesher cannot proceed further!
As my journey through Inventor 2012 continues, I have the task of creating Expanded Metal Mesh.I have the basic sketch of the shape and all is well. My question is how to pattern the sketch of the shape so that I dont have to copy or mirror over 100 of these sketches/outlines to form the pattern? Essentially I want my mesh to fill in a 30' x 30' square.
Working on a simple cylinder with a coil runing around the outside of it. For some reason the mesh does not handel the geometry correctlly - can figure our why - any thoguths ? Attaced are pics from the meshing and the model.
I'm currently working on a model where I'm subjecting a vertical wire (5 micron radius, 20 micron height) to a transverse load. I made an assembly of a 18 micron length section and a 2 micron length section, so that I can apply my force to the 2 micron tip, while leaving the bottom face of the wire fixed. I am trying to find the minimal force needed to fracture the wire (i.e., altering the force until the max stress hits the material's ultimate tensile strength). However, I've realized that decreasing the mesh size drastically changes my results, Obviously, decreasing mesh size should increase the accuracy of the results. Instead, by decreasing the mesh size, I actually am diverging from my results.
WHAT I A TRYING TO DO: is bend a grid/mesh pattern of material to a certain radii and distance. In the attached DWG I have used either Extruded or Sweep to create the existing (latitudal?) grid but am not doing well creating the perpindicular grid at the arc drawn below the existing (lat.) grid.
I believe the dwg is a good representation of what I am attempting to do, and I am trying getting to my end result, whether it means using what i've begun or starting over, and using the "Best Practices" to achieve such.
I've modelled part of a ship's deck, it consists of rather simple geometrich shapes(Plates, knee brackets and profiles).
However, when i model the assembly and do some negative extrusions in order to get the model how i want it, it leads to a face failure during mesh generation.
I downloaded the .stl file from here, which is a very detailed model of 20mb size:
it can be opened in inventor and is shown as a mesh object. Then I tried the plugin "Autodesk Mesh Enabler" to turn it into a solid. After almost an hour it produced something of 350mb, but it cannot be opened anymore, it crashes inventor immediately. Are there any settings to that plugin to reduce the number of elements that it creates?
I heard Mesh4CAD is a similar tool for autocad. I am installing autocad now, hoping that it is more powerful for these kind of things...
I just need to take measurements and attach new objects to the model, or can this somehow be enabled for mesh objects as well, without converting?
I often use the FEA tool of Inventor, I already had some "known issues" like degenerated element.
I have to test if a tank (full of oil) can resist at a 10G shock in every axes (six simulations separated). For simulated the oil, I created a part from the tank assembly using boolean tools (combine, and so on...). Then I applied the stresses on the oil part, in the interaction surfaces between oil and the tank.
When I mesh, there is no problem, I can save, quit and load the assembly, the mesh is OK. Once I have set all the parameters, whatever the simulation settings, I can see the message: "Adaptative refinement" then it stops after the first iteration, and the mesh disappears.When I repeat it, sometimes the simulation is blocked at the "adaptative refinement" step. I cancel it and a "mesh error" appear...
I thought they were supposed to appear when the Polygon shelf is selected? I don't see them. In fact, when I select different shelves the menu items on the right half of the task bar don't change at all. Is this normal?
Ok received parts from a customer. It was ALL mesh features.I converted some of them(the mesh features) to Solids. Some would not convert to solids (converted to surfaces).
I need to have the COG show up correctly. Yes, I have a physical COG. I know where it is supposed to be.
I am trying to use this and several other parts (with mixed, Solids, Surfaces, Mesh features), in an assembly AND balance it all thru a common lift point.
How can I correct the COG of the individual parts, so that the assembly is correct.
I have work planes for the corrected COGs, but I am afraid that I will need to calculate the new COG for the assebmly.
I have a user who has a problem with creating meshes in the Inventor Stress Analysis environment. When trying to create meshes in assemblies (after clicking the Mesh View button), the Mesh progress meter gets to about 80% done, then backs up a step, then never moves forward after that. He has let it run all night and no further progress is made. I noticed that the FEAComputeServer.exe process uses 25% to 50% of the CPU usage until about a minute after the mesh progress meter stops. Then the FEAComputeServer.exe CPU usage drops to zero.
The odd thing is that this is happening on only 1 computer. The exact same assemlies can be meshed without problems on his laptop and my computer. We have tried the following to solve the problem:
1. Adjusted Mesh Settings to various values.
2. Both Inventor 2014 SP1 and Update 1 for SP1 are installed
3. Updated the video driver. Video card is a NVIDIA Quadro 4000. Video driver is version NVIDIA's 331.65 WHQL certified ODE driver.
4. Uninstalled and reinstalled all Autodesk products using the procedure at [URL]
5. As part of the uninstall, we also removed MS .NET Frameworks and C++ Redistrubutables so that the Autodesk installer would install it's preferred flavor of these utilities.
6. Reinstalled SP1 and Update 1 for SP1.
Since the issue is happening on just 1 computer, I don't think the issue is related to the part geometry itself. The only other thing I can think of that could cause this is just bad hardware.
I have a dwg file of a section of a tunnel that has been exported from Microstation as a polyface mesh surface. What I am trying to achieve is cutting a hole into the surface. I am assuming that I cannot cut a surface directly, but need to convert it to a solid first.
I've searched this site and I have tried everything I can think of to no avail. Inventor does not seem to be able to convert the surface to a solid. Also, when I import the surface to Inventor, some of the triangular meshes are not there, and there are too many "holes" to patch them manually. I've also tried using lisps in AutoCAD, but on the surface and 3D faces after exploding it, but for example m2s.lsp or f2s.lsp do not seem to work.
I have also had the same file exported from Microstation as ACIS .sat, but version 18.0 is not readable by Inventor. Is there a way to convert the ASCII file to an older version?
I am using Inventor 2013, and I also have AutoCAD 2013 available.
we've made a part from an assembly and put the stress analysis to the test. Unfortunately the analysis doesn't complete it's run, because of an error:
"An error occurred while creating the finite element mesh. The cause may be invalid geometry or features that are extremely small in comparison to the overall dimensions of the part. To fix the problem, please suppress those problematic features or use standard meshing method."
We can't change the thickness of the sheet-metal, because it's a model which comes from a supplier with a different cad-program. And supressing any features isn't possible, because it's a base-solid.
But where can we change it to the standard meshing methode? The program is recently re-installed on my computer, the settings haven't changed since it's been installed. We can't find the feature.
I have purchased some clipart where the artist used Adobe Illustrator and it contained extensive Mesh Fills. The artist sent me the same artwork in pdf & eps but I am unable to open any of them with X5. Apparently it is a function of the mesh fills?
Below is my test procedure for "Create Curve Mesh Element" by Inventor simulation 2012.
1. I made a box 100(W)X100(D)X20(H) with 2xR20 (mm) fillets at the opposite edges.
2. I copied a box I made for making 2 type mesh.
3. I made mesh on the box without "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.
Node number: 2374 Element number: 1365
4. I made mesh another model with "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.
Node number: 2374 (same number, not increase) Element number: 1365
Mesh shape is different(please refere attachiment jpeg file).
I think that "Create Curved Mesh Element option" is not for making second tetrahedron elements.But I cnanot the true porpose of "Create Curved Mesh Elements" option.For only P method, not H method?
I am deep into my first Inventor project. I am approaching the point where I would like to make a comprehensive set of drawings with bills of material etc. I have discovered that all this time I have actually been working in one big assembly file. My main project file is NOT a project file (so I have discovered). It is a *.iam file.
So, my question is, should I create a project file, and then add my main assembly to it? Should one normally create a new Project file for each new job? What does one gain by doing this versus simply using the *.iam file?
Does the exported dwg file always have to be a zip file? I have tried save as a dwg file but it seems to be an Invnetor dwg which has the geometry as a block when opened with AutoCAD. It is a little easier to explode the block in AutoCAD rather than open and extract the zip file, save the extracted dwg then delete the zip file.
We are trying to get task scheduler to automatically download certain files from the Vault. Templates and Styles. The templates work great, but there is no way to specify any filetypes other than Inventor filetypes. Am I missing something? Is there a way to specify non-inventor filetypes?