AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Do Boundary Patch On 3Dsketch Circles In VBA

Sep 21, 2012

I want to select all circles in the design to patch them. How do I do this in VBA? Drawing the circles is no problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Boundary Patch

Jan 31, 2013

I'm having problems creating a boundary patch on the attached model, Its a Y-Pipe joint in 3 planes that I'm attempting to split in half. I've used a silhouette curve to create a centre line in a 3d sketch then joined the ends together, however when I try to select the lines to create the boundary patch it only allows me to select some not all of the lines.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Boundary Patch Not Flat?

Sep 10, 2013

I created sheet metal parts from boundary patch. In the included files, the boundary patch is not flat, so it didnt unfold. Is there a better way doing that or a better method to create flat boundary patches ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Guide Lines To Patch Boundary?

Jul 30, 2012

Can we add guide lines to surface patch boundary ?

I dont see any guide line option. The only options are G0,G1 & G2 continuty.


add guide lines like in a Loft?
Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Bend (fillet) Between Two Lines In 3DSketch

Sep 15, 2013

I generate 3 points, two lines between point 1,2 and 2,3 and make a bend between the two lines. Cannot do it correctly.

On one side the fillet is not trimmed correctly. I think it is a bug in Inventor. Also when I have the sketch I manually cannot make a decent bend/fillet in the 3D sketch I created.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 'add 3d sketchpoints in open partdoc Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument Dim oPartDef As PartComponentDefinition Dim oTG As TransientGeometry oTG = _invApp.TransientGeometry oPartDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument oPartDef = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition Dim oSketch As Sketch3D oSketch = oPartDef.Sketches3D.Add() Dim sp1(2) As SketchPoint3D Dim rod(1) As SketchLine3D sp1(0) = oSketch.SketchPoints3D.Add(oTG.CreatePoint(0, 0, 10)) sp1(1) = oSketch.SketchPoints3D.Add(oTG.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0)) sp1(2) = oSketch.SketchPoints3D.Add(oTG.CreatePoint(10, 0, 0)) rod(0) = oSketch.SketchLines3D().AddByTwoPoints(sp1(0).Geometry, sp1(1).Geometry) rod(1) = oSketch.SketchLines3D().AddByTwoPoints(sp1(1).Geometry, sp1(2).Geometry) 'bending it oSketch.SketchArcs3D.AddAsBend(rod(0), rod(1), 2.5) End Sub
The resulting part-file is added, for who wants to try to get a bend with both sides trimmed correctly.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Query Point Cloud Boundary Then Add All Points Within Boundary

Nov 9, 2012

i need to know if there is any way to control the points in the point cloud.

1. either only import the point cloud in a polyline area i specify

2. add all the points within a boundary not limited to the pointclouddensity = 100, freaking default is 15 almost cost my job today. extremely stressed out right now.

i am talking about extreme lidar surveys. 1km 1km LAS/0.5m contours/xyz files times 355 of them. covers a 2km wide corridor. but i only need 100m wide after i define the road alignment. no need to have all the extra points.

right now i densify the heck out of it and end up like 5-12m points. decent but not good enough because the geotech is bitching about that accuracy is not good for some feasibility study. or is there any software i can do this besides civil 3d.

what i want can also do is automate the 'add points to surface" under point cloud and have the software do multiple boundaries without having me baby it over the night. right now every click is 5 minutes and adds like 400k to 1 million points. Civil 3D 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Work Axis Normal To Surface Patch

Apr 24, 2013

I have a complex surface that consists of many patches. I need to place a work axis perpendicular to one of the patches on the surface of the cheek.  It could be on the interior of the patch or it could be at one of the vertices of the patch.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Remove Detail View Boundary?

Apr 19, 2012

I know I'v done this before but I'm having trouble getting a detail view to just show the jagged cut lines where it crosses the part only & not all the way around it. See images attached to show the problem.

Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Removing Detail View Boundary Box?

Nov 6, 2012

How does one remove the boundary box for a detail view? I don't want it sitting in my main view, as this is a conveyor and it's very obvious at to where the drive arrangement is sited. See attached. 

I'm guessing changing it to another layer that does not print is one option, or? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 Loft And Boundary Fail

Nov 13, 2011

In the attached sample file if you edit the sketch in the first surface feature and change the dimension of 600 to 700, both the patch and loft features fail.  It seems to be the curved edge that is the problem in both cases.

I cant see anything wrong with either way of modelling this so assume its a bug.This causes other problems in my real model with parts that reference these types of surfaces falling apart further down stream and is wasting heaps of $$$.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Ellipse For Boundary Of Detail View?

Oct 23, 2013

How to use ellipse as boundary for detail view?  I can only see rectangles and circles as my choices.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Detail Boundary Box - Making It Square?

Jan 23, 2013

Inventor 2012, in an *.idw, can you make the detail boundary box square? I see there are two options for two different circles but not an option to make it square. Is it not possible or am I missing something?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Surface Boundary Only Showing Portion Of Surface Within The Boundary

Oct 24, 2012

I used a 2d polyline to create a surface boundary for a surface created.  The polyline is a closed loop.  For the boundary type it is outer, unchecked Non-destructive breakline, and mid-ordinate distance = 1.

My problem is that when I do this I only get a small portion of the surface to show up within my surface boundary.  If I don't have a surface boundary the entire drawing surface shows up no problem.

The purple polyline is my boundary and the light blue is the surface created within the boundary.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mystery Circles On PDF / Printout

Feb 3, 2012

I create an assembly, then a drawing from the assembly, i add a parts list and annotate everything, then include a title block. Everything looks fine. Then i print or PDF the drawing and odd circles appear which aren't present on the original drawing. They appear to be randomly positioned and don't line up with any other cylindrical feature, i cannot work out how to remove them.

I have told all non-essential layers not to print and in the PDF the circle is on the same layer as the drawing (Visible (ISO)).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Making Tube Between Two Circles?

Oct 28, 2011

I've been trying to make tube between these circles but I can't figure it out how to make it smooth. I tried sweep too but that didn't work too well. Here's picture of my try without sweep: [URL]

You see that it leaves corners on the back. I would like to have it so it's smooth and has same angle. How should I do it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimension Circles With Same Radius With API

Sep 26, 2011

I have been able to dimension any circle on the drawing, but if there're several circles with the same radius ,I just don't know how to dimension the circles with the same radius with only one dimension.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Loop Select Sketch To Create Boundary

Sep 26, 2011

I am not sure exactly why this is a limited feature of Inventor 2011 but when you want to select a sketch to create a boundary patch you have to select each part of the sketch in sequence.  It's a pretty laborious task.  I am looking to a way to automate this using i logic. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Detail Boundary And Section Line Scale Is Different?

Sep 11, 2006

Inventor 11 - Sp1

Why is the scale of my Detail Boundary line different than my Section Line scale? I have set the global line scale so that hidden and section lines look OK, but the detail boundary line spaces are so close that it prints as a continuous line. I am using the same line weight and line type for both detail and section lines.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Remove Text Label From Detail Boundary?

Oct 1, 2013

How to remove the view label text which is attached to a detail boundary? I know that if you double click ont he etxt you can manually delete it from the format text window but I want edit the default setting so that it doesnt appear on creation.

See attached image.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Extrude A Ring Formed By Two Circles

Jan 18, 2012

I was trying to extrude a ring formed by two circles with for a part.

Think I need define the profile with sketch block. If there any sample code shows how to use it? Is there a website like the where I can get the sample for the api?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Note Text Boundary Overlapping Drawing Views

Sep 20, 2012

Is there any way to control the priority of what information Inventor displays "on top" in a drawing when you have two elements that overlap?

My specific situation is I have a text note whose boundary (where the text 'box' would be if that was turned on) overlaps a detail of a section view and seems to be preventing the display of the hatch layer in one of my section views.

I have attached 3 pictures to show this problem. The pictures show the section view in 3 slightly different positions relative to the text box. I selected the text box before taking the screen capture so you can reference the green "handles" to know where the boundary of the text box would be. Notice how the hatching of the welds, flanges, and pipe as well as a portion of the extension line and arrow for the 3/16 dimension are 'covered' by the boundary of the text box.

Is there a way to control the priority in which different layers are displayed, or is there a function similar to the "Bring Forward/Send Backward" options in Microsoft Word?

FYI, I am running Inventor 2013 RTM build 138.

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Photoshop :: Circles Inside Circles (or Rings)

Feb 11, 2005

I'm trying to make a logo. Circular logo with an inner ring maybe 4 px wide and 15 px inside the rim of the outer circle.

Basically I want a blue circle with a yellow inside ring. What's the best way of doing this? The only thing i can think of is: creating a blue circle marquee, and then another (trying to estimate a new circle size and change the color) that is yellow, and then making another smaller blue circle inside the new one. That's just ugly.

I tried the edit/stroke but that just gave me a stroke around the outer circle; it didn't put a ring inside the circle 15 px down.

Also I tried to contract the original circle by selecting it, then Modify/contract. That's got me a selected ring, inside the circle. Now how in the world do I make that little ring yellow? It just remains selected and I can't seem to find a way to color it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Extrusion With Sketch Containing Multiple Circles

Mar 18, 2013

I am trying to creating an extrusion with a sketch containing multiple circles. However, the AddForSolid() Method is not working properly, returning non-NOERROR is C++. Below is the code that I used to create a sketch(which is succeeded) and then try to create a extrusion (in my case cutting). 

ApplicationPtr pInvApp;pInvApp.GetActiveObject("Inventor.Application");DocumentPtr pItem;pItem = pInvApp->GetActiveDocument();PartDocumentPtr pDoc;if(pItem->GetDocumentType() == kPartDocumentObject)pDoc = pItem;SelectSetPtr selectedItem;selectedItem = pDoc->GetSelectSet();FacePtr face;//printf("

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Distinguish Hole Features From Other Circles In Drawing / Add Centermarks

Sep 16, 2012

I'm attempting to use VBA to put center marks on each hole in my drawing. So far I have the following

Dim oIntent As GeometryIntent Dim oCenterOfPart As Centermark
'Add center marks to base view For Each oCurve In oBaseView.DrawingCurves '
<- need to identify Hole Features If Not oCurve.CenterPoint Is Nothing Then
If oCurve.CurveType = kCircleCurve Then 'CurveTypeEnum

[Code] .......

oBaseView is the DrawingView object representing the base view the code just placed. I also used VBA to place the projected views oTopView and oRightView. I want to add center marks to each hole when viewed from the end (as circles) and add centerlines when viewed from the top or side (as hidden lines).

I will be iterating through several models representing various handhold styles. The feet can be in many orientations, 99% of them are paralel to one of the origin planes (XY,YZ, or XZ).

This is what my code generates: (The centermarks that are selected are the ones I don't want the code to generate).  This is what I WANT the code to generate:

1) How do I distinguish whether a circle curve originated because of a hole or because of another cilindrical feature?

2) How to I identify the corresponding hidden lines in the other views so I can add a center line?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Part Of Different Tubes By Sweeping Circles Along Lines?

Oct 29, 2013

I'm trying to make a part of different tubes by sweeping circles along lines. However one side of the part joins correctly, but other not. I'ill add photos of correct smooth join and uncorrencly unsmooth.

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Photoshop :: CS 4 Patch?

Dec 10, 2008

Complaints about sluggish performance on many machines have been piling up.

Some attentive Adobe techies confirmed issues and promised to look into it.

Is there any news-worthy progress in development of a remedy or
a vage forecast of when to expect a first patch?

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Photoshop :: PS CS4 After The Patch...

Mar 18, 2009

Photoshop CS4 was useless for me due to many problems that occured on my system (and as far as i can see, many other user's systems).

Meanwhile i installed the Patch to Version 11.0.1 and updated to new NVIDIA-driver Version 182.03.

I gave PS CS4 another try and realized, that some of the problems are gone. The OpenGL Features stay activated, rotating and smooth zooming are available and work fast and stable, graphic glitches and wrong menu-drawing are gone. That is most of the time...

Some problems remain:

- My long trusted wacom driver Version 493-3 (the only driver i had no problems with) does not grant me pressure-sensitivity in Photoshop CS4. It works well with CS3, but in CS4 theres no pressure at all. So switched to ne newest driver version. But even the newest Wacom-Driver does not work properly. If I close photoshop and reopen it, some pressure sensitivity of the brushes is gone. Sometimes ALL pressure sensitive functions are gone. Sometimes it helps reloading my brushes, sometimes this has no effect at all. Driver Version is 610-6 in combination with an Intuos3 Tablet.

- I have many cases where Photoshop just disappeared. It closed without warning or error-message.

- the OpenGL Features STILL deactivate out of nowhere. This happens mostly with layer-intensive documents and in combination with taskswitches. I only realise this when zooming becomes jumpy and the smoothness is suddenly gone. Then the rotate feature is greyed out. Strange thing is, all openGL features are still marked as active in the preferences. There's no warning or error message, the features simply vanished for this particular document. (It stays active for other open documents at the same time)

I am completely helpless here. For me it is AGAIN back to CS3. Working with Photoshop CS4 is really not possible with the above mentioned things happening all the time.

I use the most recent drivers available. My system is still fresh and nothing of this ever happened with Photoshop CS3.

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Photoshop :: Why Is CS6 Patch Not As Good As CS3

Jun 2, 2012

I recently upgraded from Photoshop CS3 to CS6. The patch tool did not appear to work as well in CS4 or CS5 and CS6 appears just as bad.
I've attached an image showing (from left to right) a patch using:
CS6 Normal;
CS6 Content Aware.
CS3 is MUCH better. 

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Photoshop :: Patch Tool In CS5

Apr 2, 2012

I am having a problem using the patch tool in Photoshop CS5. I click on the Patch Tool and select the Source option from the upper tool bar. Then I circle a gray area in the background of my photo and, holding down the left mouse button, I drag the selection to a black area in the background and release the mouse button. Instead of turning the selected area black it just makes the area slightly darker than it was originally.

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Photoshop :: In CS4 - Using Patch Tool

Oct 26, 2012

I select an area I want to repair, click source, then drag to the area I want to use to make the repair and release. It looks great in the preview, before I release. As soon as I release it disappears.
For example, after using the automate tool to combine multiple images into a panorama with a transparent background there are a few blank areas. I select one of the blank areas with the patch tool, click source then drag to the area I want to use as the replacement and release. As soon as I release, it goes back to the transparent background. The transparent button is NOT selected.
This is a Windows Vista system, with NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT video, If I try to do updates to CS4 is sas it is using the latest driver. Which it lists as version 11.0.2.

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Photoshop :: Using The Patch Tool

Oct 11, 2006

I am trying to use the patch tool and am fairly successful except that the color that I patch from the destination to the source blends with the existing color and does not completely replace it.

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