AutoCAD Inventor :: Grouping Of Parameters

Nov 26, 2013

I was wondering if it would be possible to do the following:

Parameters who can vary for lets say a rectangular profile with:




That these data sets/parameters are grouped/linked to eachother in the Parametric Table.

So when I'm doing my analyses with the profile of 100 and I change the wall thicknes from 2 to 3mm the 100 changes to the 80 variant automaticly, or asks me which version I want.

It would be handy to avoid mistakes with non excisting combinations of profiles.

Is there a custom app for Inventor that allows you to manage parameters easier? (Grouping wise to keep a better overvieuw.)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Grouping Features In Browser Bar?

Jan 27, 2010

Inventor 2010 / I'm finding myself scrolling up and down the browser bar quite a lot to get to the Solid Bodies folder for example, and I was wondering if it was possible to group features into folders or something to make the journey quicker, with the benefit of also being able to just organize things a bit better.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Grouping Of Text And Symbols

Aug 17, 2012

I was working with inventor 2010, and i am want to link surface roughness symbols and text. so that they will be grouped together.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Grouping In Parts List

Sep 16, 2013

I have an assembly that I have the BOM property set to phantom. Consists of 7 parts, each have a bom property of purchased.

All parts are the same but cut to length in the shop. Parts list are based on parts only BOM. If I create a parts list based on just the assembly, I can group the items, they all have the same part number, and display the group participants,  and the item numbers and everything works as expected.

If I use this assembly as a subassembly in a larger assembly and create a partslist with the same group keys, the subassembly does not show as a group, does not show group participants or corresponding item numbers.

What I'm trying to do is show total length of a product that we buy on a spool for this assembly. To do this I'm using substitution in the qty column. Most parts are purchased each, these are purchased by length. What would cause the parts list to display as a group in one list but not in the other?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List Grouping

Mar 8, 2012

I want to be able to take a few parts and group them together to make them appear as one single entry on the parts list.

Example:  I have a Liquid Level Switch, Mounting Bracket and mounting hardware in the assembly as separate parts.  On the .idw Parts List I need to have them show up as one item, as a 'LLS Kit' phantom.

Also, these parts will be used on other assemblies and will probably be used with other main components (ie. Temperature switches, pressure switches, etc.) so then need to remain independent of one another.

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AutoCAD VB :: Access To User Parameters In Parameters Manager?

Aug 3, 2011

How can you access user-defined parameters/function defined in the Parameters Manager dialog?

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AutoCad :: Linking Constraint Parameters To Action Parameters?

Sep 21, 2011

Im wondering if its possible to link either a constraint dimension to an action parameter or vice versa. Or using a linear parameter's value in an user parameter formula.

Its a 2D cylinder, for winding purposes we just have a rectangle, with a distance from the Y axis for radial.

Parametric dimensions: B=thickness, C=Lenght, R=radius
User parameter: A=Diameter (R*2), Mass in kg ((((pi*(c*b))*(A+B))*1.25)/1000)/1000

For the BOM, i need A, B, C & mass

For drawing references for peoples on the floor, to distinquish a cylinder from a stick, we put lines at the top and bottom of the cylinder, 1mm distance inbetween them.

I figured that making a linear parameter + stretch on the thickness to replace the B parametric dimension, allowed me to make an array of that line, with increments of 1mm as i stretch the cylinder. The thing is that the mass formula cant take the value of action parameters....

Other alternative is to keep the B parametric dimension, and add a linear parameter as above for the array. But then i have 2 places to adjust, and from a test i made, if i change the R dimension, the linear one does not follow. Its very frustrating.

What i was hoping autocad would be able to do is distance1 for array to be same as B dimension, but it does not allow me to do that, unless im missing something.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get Parameters Name And Value Using API

Jun 29, 2013

How can we get the parameters of a inventoer object using

I have 3 parameters named d1,d2,d3 .I want to get these three parameters name and value using API programing  using

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Object Grouping Disappears

May 24, 2012

I use object grouping for several different things in AutoCAD. With the release of ACAD 2013 I occasionally get the following message upon opening a drawing: 

Associative Network Evaluation Error

The object cannot be resolved or value limit has been exceeded.

Inconsistent associative objects my display geometry and grips incorrectly and update in unexpected ways when edited. You can undo to restore the associative object to its previous state.Upon receiving this message, all groups have been removed from the drawing.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Area Schedule Grouping

Oct 20, 2013

Is subtotaling still impossible with ACA 2014?

Is there a workaround to what I am trying to do?  I just want to create a table that has a list of all the spaces sorted by name, give a quantity of the spaces and the combined area of all those spaces in one row of the table.


King      4  2000sf

Queen   2 1000sf

Suite     4  3000sf

My attached schedule gives a row for each space, except that it groups spaces of exact same areas.  I want a single row for each room type. 

Also, when working with spaces sometimes using Space_Add, Generate I am met with the response that a space already exists and no space can be added.  The "phantom" space does not show up in the schedule, thawing all layers does not reveal any space and I've tried all my selection tricks to parse a space from the closed boundary that appears empty.

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AutoCad :: Loose Grouping When Using Copy Clip

Feb 12, 2013

So we have this custom construction note routine. It creates all the notes with station, offset, blah blah , and it is all together as once piece. So if you move the note group the leader will stay attached to it and it holds all of the label properties.

When I copy clip, wblock, insert these key notes into another drawing they are no longer a group and there is no way to move them all together.

This has created a lot of extra work and moving stuff around that does not seem necessary.How can I copy or move construction key notes from one drawing to another without losing the group properties. I have tried WBlock and making sure the grouping is on when I copy and paste/insert them but it still doesn't work.

Oh and we are running a 64bit 2013 with the carlson suite application,

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add To Linear (mm) Parameters?

Mar 15, 2013

Creating User Parameters, can we use trigonometric functions? and can we add these to linear (mm) parameters?

Can we add the Values irrespective of Units i.e. Inch/ Deg/ Unitless

Example: d0 (In) = d1 (In) +d3[ul] + (sin(Variable_Angle))

In value = In Value + ul Value + deg Value

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Preferred Multi-level Grouping?

May 19, 2012

When I collect objects into, say, a drawing of a bicycle, I can do this with grouping or by creating a block (and I don't know what else). If one of the objects in the bicycle collection is itself a collection of objects--for example, a "front wheel" made up of tire, wheel frame, and spokes objects--what "grouping" method do I use such that when I explode the bicycle it only explodes the first level of objects--the objects that made up the bicycle become separate objects, but the objects that make up the front wheel stay collected as a "front wheel." (Or, is there a less deep form of explode?) Blocking the most detailed objects seems burdensome.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Reference Parameters

Oct 9, 2013

I'm having some difficulties with iLogic and reference parameters.

I have made a tube with a weird shape and I want to measure the longest length. So I have to cut the tube in a certain angle in relation with the center to measure the length.

The problem is that this angle is really hard to calculate.

So I tried making a rule where I can make my angle shift x degree and then measure the longest length. If the measurement is larger the previous measurement the angle will shift x degree again until the measurement is smaller than the previous.

So I made my starting angle 0 degree, I know this is for a fact not the longest length. And then I tried this rule. (before making a While rule).

And I noticed that on screen the measurement changes. But the reference - parameter stays the same. So it gives me the measurement on the starting angle & after rotating it again gives me the starting angle.

How can I get the parameter to update itself in between?

Dim measurement_length As DoubleDim measurement_length2 As DoubleMessageBox.Show("Start angle ", "My iLogic Dialog", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)angle_measurement_spec = 0RuleParametersOutput()InventorVb.DocumentUpdate()measurement_length = [code].....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Delete All Linked Parameters

Nov 13, 2011

I have lots of files that are linked either by length, height, etc.. Is there an option to delete all linked parameters. I would also like to keep the part history (cuts and extrudes).

I wonder if there is an option to delete all at once like iLogic option-"delete all rules" or should be deleted individually.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Erase Unused Parameters

Oct 31, 2011

I am using Inventor 2009 SP2, OS is XP Professional 2002 SP3.

I copy a file which has lot of parameters, I want to delete some of them, but Inventor Parameters pop up window just has buttom to add a user Parameter, without button to erase one.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 (64 Bit) SP2
Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645
12.0 GB Memory

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameters In Weld Symbols

Mar 12, 2012

I am creating a weldment that is controlled using parameters that are linked to an Excel spreadsheet (using Inventor 2012). One of my parameters is the size of the weld bead. I am able to add the parameter to change the visible size of th fillet and groove welds but am unable to have the weld symbols update to show the parameter value. How to add the parameter to the weld symbols? Or is this not possible?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Delete Unused Parameters

Jan 14, 2013

I have assymbly wich linked to excel sheet.

I can delete the excel sheet from the assmbly and its parts too, but I can't delete the unused parameters in "List parameters "

And, I can't link a new excel sheet to this assembly, even if I changed the name or made a new one,why?

I use inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Copy User Parameters

Apr 23, 2012

I need to copy about 15 user parameters from 1 part to about 300 others.  I used the DA to copy the iproperties but the user parameters are also needed. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting Text Parameters

Jan 9, 2013

Is there any way of exporting text parameters from an assembly to individual parts without using i Logic? I am also unable to import text parameters to a . I am from an excel file.

We are currently using ilogic to change part text parameters from the assembly but it is a sticking plaster at best, as the rules need to be rewritten when parts are added and deleted from the assembly. We are trying to update our etched job number (which in many cases contains letters) from a single point on the assembly model which should populate all part files, and make it robust for all our CAD users, who do not use iLogic in their day to day duties.

If this is not possible (exporting text parameters the same way numerical parameters are handled) is there any plans of getting this included in upcoming versions?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Parameters From Excel In 2010?

Sep 17, 2010

I created an assembly, so far with one part in it.  I created an Excel spreadsheet with several dimensions in it that would be used in the assembly parts.  I went to Manage>Parameters  and linked the spreadsheet.  The Excel file appeared in the Parameter Dialog Box with the parameters included in it.  However, when I create a part in the assembly and attempt to dimension a sketch in it, the parameters option in the dimension box is not present. 

I have done this in the past in IV2009, has anything changed that I cannot do so in 2010?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Excel To Control Parameters

Jan 31, 2012

As my Inventor endeavors continue, I would like to take a template of a part I made and use Excel to change the parts dimensions.  Essentially make it so if we need a 20 Tonne Lift Lug, I just punch in the necessary values in Excel and have the part update. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Dimension And Parameters

Sep 16, 2012

Why does this message appear?  Is there a setting that is turned "on" that should be swtiched "off"?It occurs under Editing Dimension and Parameters.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Text User Parameters

Jul 18, 2005

Is there a way to create user parameter as TEXT Paramters does not accept the text paramaters . we always have tor create parameters as numbers.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Writing Equation In Parameters?

Mar 7, 2012

I need to put the following into equation form to plug into a User Parameter:

if d91 falls in the range of 4" to 11"

then d92 = d91 + 2"

else d92 = 7.5"

Windows 7 Pro, SP1
Inventor 2012 SP1

Due to the nature of our business, I am not permitted to attach any files showing models or .idw environments of any actual work-related components.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameters In IProperties - IParts

Feb 14, 2012

I need a parameter from an iPart to show up in my Parts List by using the Stock Number iProperty, then CHANGE with each variation of the iPart (PLATE BC-01, PLATE BC-02, PLATE BC-03, etc). I already have the parameter exported, named 'BOTTOM_A.' Stock number has the expression: '=1/4" HRS x <BOTTOM_A>.' 

However, this only works for that particular part. The number does not change when I place a Parts List for PLATE BC-02 and PLATE BC-03. All three have the same number. I found that the number corresponds to the active part. If I double-click PLATE BC-02 in the ipt file to show it, the number for the separate Parts Lists will all correspond to PLATE BC-02.

I've attached an image of the Parts Lists after double-clicking PLATE BC-02 in PLATE BC.ipt. I can include more if needed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Negative Angle Parameters

Aug 1, 2013

Imagine I create a line in a sketch angled at 12 degrees (above the x axis) . Then I create another line in the sketch angled at 12 degrees (below the x axis)

When I list the parameters programatically both give me a value in radians of +12 degrees.

So where is the specification of the angle direction stored? As a user I cannot input a negative angle, but I can see that it is negative. But how does a program know the true value of an angular parameter? Currently I get +12 for both lines.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Move Face Parameters

Jan 25, 2013

In doing a move face I noticed there isn't any parameters that can be edited after the move face has been created. I want to control the face length with a parameter after it has been created. Am I missing something or is there a work-a-round?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameters Units And Decimals

Aug 15, 2011

Inventor 2010

- I have drawing partslists with parameters that change automaticly
- Based on a main assembly with a customized structured BOM, with information I fetch from the individual parts exported parameters (Ex. =Length <part-length>)
- The main assembly is based on many sub-assemblys
- Based on "Make Component" skeletonmodels
- Based on embedded EXCEL worksheets in where I control my parameter values.

Now the problem expl.:

- Total I have about maybe 50 parts, witch have 15 parameters each, that I need to control this way.
- In every single part I have derived it's parameters from the skeleton part, and exported them.
- On some parameters I don't want to show the units, in most of the parameters I don't want the trial zeros.

So in the individual parts parameter table I choose "Custom Property Format" for the exported parametern in every individual part.

-uncheck "Trailing Zeros" and check  "Apply to existing...", then uncheck "Unit String" for some parameters.

I lot of setup work with 50 parts, 15 parameters each (750 individual parameters).Every time I change a dimension in the embedded EXCEL worksheet, ex. a pipe dimension and thickness, a diameter for a revolved feature and so on, the units go back to it's default values again and I have to do all this parameter setup "Custom Property Format" again.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameters Of Derived Assembly

Nov 6, 2011

Now I want to know how to exclude derived parameters of an assembly and of occurrences in this assembly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Linking Parameters Between Parts

Nov 6, 2013

So i have a box with a left side, right side, top, bottom and a door in an assembly.I've linked all the parameters to the 'right side component' so that when i change it, it updates all the other parts in the assembly.

What I want to accomplish is to be able to use my BASE SIZED BOX ( say 500 x 500 ) to create many different sized boxes.The problem I have is when I save the assembly as a new one and save and replace all the components for the bigger box, all the components still reference the old part ( 500 x 500 right side component) instead of the bigger ( 600 x 600 right side component.

how to link parameters, don't know ilogic, and just know the basics of assemblies and part modeling.

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