AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Content Center Custom Library

Dec 11, 2013

Is there a way to export to share with other a custom content center derived library?  (without vault)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center - Selecting Components From The Proper Custom Library

Jun 28, 2012

Because my company is setup such that it has 3 companies operating under one roof and multiple MRP systems we have components that could have different part numbers depending on which company is in posession of it.  As a design Engineer I need to be able to produce production drawings for all 3 divisions and provide production personnel the appropriate part #s for the items depending on where in the process the item is.

The Eng. Dept. acts across all companies the designs are controlled in a single place.  I have created Custom Content Center Libraries for the different companies for standard items like nuts, bolts, etc... 

How can I choose which Custom Conent Center Library my parts come from?

2013 Product Design Suite Ultimate
Windows 7 Sp1
Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-2400 @ 2.00GHz
6.00 GB of RAM
AMD Radeon HD 6570

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Default (custom) Material For Custom Content Center Parts

Feb 21, 2013

When inserting a content center part for which we have to choose a material, we would like to have a custom material as a default (material with name: "No material selected"). So when selecting no material for this part (for example when the user forgets to select a specific material), the default material (in this case material "No material selected") will be active. In this way, we can see in one view across the BOM which parts have no material assigned yet.

How can this be achieved in the content center (editor)?

Product Design Suite 2014
Inventor 2014, Vault 2014
HP Workstation Z220
Intel Xeon 3.4GHz
Nvidia Quadro 4000
Windows 7 Professional (64bit)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Set Custom Property In Custom Content Center Part

May 16, 2013

When using Inventor with Vault, we have a problem when categorizing custom content center parts in Vault. In short, custom content center parts are incorrectly categorized as "Content Center" and automatically released - as there is no property that we can use to identify these files.

I need iLogic code to trigger when custom content center files are created/saved, wich adds the following custom iproperty "IsCustomContentCenter=True".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Library

Dec 11, 2013

if i have created a custom content center library,  where all content center parts use my material "Steel XYZ", is there a way to use it in old assemblies that use a no custom content center library?

I mean, i have 100 assemblies that use bolt with Steel Mild material... can i change that material changing the content center library and using mine that use "Steel XYZ"?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing A Content Center Library

Feb 15, 2012

I'm trying to fix up the iproperties of a content centre item. However the part has been used before and saved in Vault. I have edited the library and then when I tried to use a part from the library, the part is just pulled from Vault, hence not having the edits on it. I tried a part that hasn't been used before and it works ok. How can I force it to rebuild from the content center so I can save over the copy in Vault?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Installing Other Library In Content Center?

Jun 10, 2013

how I can install the 'Other' library content into the Content Centre?

I need the Australian Standards content but I was unaware that it didn't install automatically when I installed Inventor software, and from what I've read it's contained in the 'Other' library which I was also unaware you needed to install.

How can I solve the problem without uninstalling/ reinstalling? I'm using the downloaded Student version.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Library Not Updating

Apr 25, 2013

I created custom library by coping iso read only library. Then edited custom library family table and created extra columns (for custom iproperties) for company purpose BOM. This columns needs to be updated from time to time with new part numbers.

When I update part numbers and hit apply it tells me that published successfully to selected library. Then i go to iproperties of updated parts and this update is not showing up.

I am using inventor 2010 and vault server.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Edit Properties Of Content Center Library

Jun 4, 2012

I am facing problem with editing content center library. Find attached file for more details. soft ware is asking for read / write library. I have  2011 version there is only read only option. 

 What will i have to do for the same.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding GOST Content Center Library

Sep 8, 2012

How to download GOST content center library to Inventor 2011.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Open Zipped Content Center Library

Oct 29, 2013

If you forgot to install DIN libraries during your original configuration:

Directly from your installation media, copy the relevant IDZ file to the Content Center library location on your PC. The IDZ file is an archived (zipped) IDCL file.  

The question is, how I supposed to extract this zipped file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Skip Library And Content Center Files

Nov 13, 2012

I'm trying to automate my drawing creation but i've run into a problem. In my code it takes the document collection object and iterates through and creates a drawing for each part and assembly the problem is i need it to skip the files from my library and content center since they dont require drawings. Here is the

Public Sub CreateDrawing()
'get documents collection object
Dim invDocs As Documents
Set invDocs = ThisApplication.Documents
'iterate through documents in collection

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Up Custom Content Center?

Feb 2, 2012

I've never set up a custom content center before and I've done some research on the forums but I could really find the information I was looking for.  My goal is to change the stock number and description to our company standard.  Right now I edit it with the bom editor which is a bit time consuming.  Another goal i would like would be that the part number is always the file name.

-Autodesk Inventor Professional 2010

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unique File Naming From Library Or Content Center?

Jan 20, 2012

I'm having some problems giving certain parts in my assembly a unique file name. Im reorganizing all of my projects in a

- content center
- designs
- libraries

way, where my projects are under designs and commonly used parts under libraries.

Now i have something like a pump. I can derrive this assembly into a solid and put it in the content center, or keep the assembly and put it in the libaries folder. since this is a part i use in multiple projects.

Now my problem is that this pump has a different name in every project, and a library part doesn't allow me to change this name. Say standard name is "centrifugal pump" while the name in project 1 would be P101, while in project 2 it has to be named P501 and so on in order to match with the flowcharts.

Is my only option here creating a solid out of these components and putting it all in my content center ( leaving my libraries folder totally empty ), adding it as a custom part afterwards ( so i can rename it ). I rather have it in my library folder, since this will keep my design folder organized without hundreds of duplicates of this pump, using different names. Besides i rather have it as an assembly so i can assign the connecting tubes of the pump to different sub assemblies of piping.

Different example, a butterfly valve excists out of 3 parts. the valve itself, and 2 connecting tubes. possible to dissemble. all 3 parts need to have the same file naming say XV900. 1 side of the valve needs to be assigned to pipe-01 while the other side of the valve needs to be assigned to pipe-02. Content center doesn't allow me to split files, but allows me to use unique file names. A library party allows me to split files ( if not read only ) but doesn't allow me to change names.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Shapes For Content Center

Nov 25, 2013

The time has finally arrived; the current content center profiles no longer suit my needs (for this specific project) and I now must create an extrusion that consists of holes.  This profile is to be used in the Frame Generator and Frame analysis so it is imperative that I get the holes into the custom extrusion (see attached picture for the extrusion I require - it is a column extrusion for Pallet Racks.  I have never entered the realm of custom content center extrusions. I need to do as far as what values I will require for the Analysis part (Inertias, Areas, etc...) and what proces I will take in order to first set up my extrusion to use?  As mentioned, the holes in the extrusion are vital as they occue frequently (every 3 inches) and will affect the results in my analysis. I am currently in the process of reading up on Custom Content Center Publishing. Using Inventor 2014 Professional.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Published IParts Model Into Content Center Library

Feb 22, 2012

I had a ipart that i already published into the content center library, how do i go back and edit the model? not all the published data but the ipart model its self 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Add CUSTOM Materials To Content Center Families

Oct 26, 2011

We use different types of Stainless Steel fasteners. For example 18-8, 304, 316, etc. When I use the "Material Guide" in the Content Center Editor it only has the Autodesk default materials listed. How do I add CUSTOM materials to this list to create new families with my custom materials?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Content Center And Frame Generator BOM

May 1, 2012

I am using a student version of Inventor 2012 to design the FSAE Chassis for our University team this year. I was not able to find suitable geometry for the required tubing to make the chassis. So I found a guide on setting up a Custom Content Center and publishing parts. I have followed that. The Chassis has turned out great but now I am trying to draw it up and the BOM is not populating as desired.

A Summary:

-Custom Project file with Read / Write Library added.

-Custom tubing geometry created and published to the Library.

-Chassis constructed using standard Frame Generator techniques.

Previously I had the chassis modelled using standard Content Center parts and the BOM would populate with the individual tubes in the drawing environment. Now with the custom tubes the BOM calls up each of the individual tubing sizes, ONCE only and has large quantities. The automatic "Measure" Column is also populated with "*Varies*".

In the Frame Generator wizard each tubing size has come up as it's own "Family".I believe this is because I have published the different part sizes individually. I am guessing I should have published only the one active part but with variable geometry selectable in the "Size" drop down?

I have tried forcing the assembly into the "All Levels" view with the Bill of Materials pop-up in the Assembly environment, but even this is not populating correctly.Something else I have noticed is the individual tubes are using a different naming convention in the model tree.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Modifying Custom Content Center Part

Dec 4, 2013

A coworker of mine has made a bunch of custom extrusions, turned them into iParts, and published them to the Content Center. The parts are driven in length by the key parameter "Length". Unfortunately, he forgot to mark that "Length" parameter as export in the parameter dialogue before publishing. Is there ANY way to get that "Length" parameter to be exported so the Parts List can pull the cut length?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Column Error In Content Center

Nov 23, 2010

I copied an existing family into my new read library. I added some rows to be able to generate a few variations that were not contained in the original family. I just copied existing row up several times and edited the information in those rows to yield desired new variations. I made sure the file name column contained a unique file name for these new members. When I go to publish I get this error message:

Defined file name does not include all custom columns. An identical file name can be generated for different members. Make sure that the file name is unique for any combination of custom column values to avoid placement failure

Missing Custom Columns:


(see also attached screen shot)

 I have scoured the file name column and can find no repeated file names; I cannot understand the rest of the error message. It must have something to do with the "does not include all custom values" portion of the error message.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Content Center And Frame Generator

May 25, 2011

We have invested much time in creating custom content center family tables based on exisiting  ANSI tables, etc. so that we can suppress sizes and shapes we do not use and have the descriptions and stock numbers show up both so BOM and parts lists will roll up identical parts and as our purchasing department requires.

We have just discovered, however belatedly, that while these custom tables function just fine when placing an individual part, frame generator apparently does not see these and gets it's info from somewhere else. I have seen a similar post which references an McadForums post, but the link provided is dead.


How to point frame generator to customized CC familes?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Recognize Custom Content Center Part

May 2, 2013

I am looking for a way to recognize a custom content Center part inside Inventor. The way I see it, I would like to fill a custom property with a value so I can set a seperate category inside Vault Pro for a custom Content Center part.

What I found is the following:

CustomContentCenter variabele: ContentCenter{844FDDD7-2E90-4E4C-8868-134CEAEDC078}
IsCustomPart    1

Is there any way that I can get this information inside an Custom Property?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center - Custom Part Modification

Jul 19, 2012

I've run into an issue with the Content Center customization. I easily understand how to manipulate the table to create parts with our part numbers, different material spec, & other predetermined aspects of the included templates that were included with the Inventor 2012 update. The issue I'm running into is that we would like to add or modify the original part the table is referring to.

In my example pics there is a bushing that I would like to control the hex nut size on. In the model it was created with a tangent constraint within the sketch instead of a linear dimension from the two flat surfaces. I would like to change that, but keep getting error messages stating:

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Content Center 2014 Publishing Error

Sep 28, 2013

I'm using Inventor 2014 with Service Pack 1 with Desktop Content Center enabled on a single machine.  I've also installed Vault Basic 2014 on the same machine. Operating System is Windows 7 Professional.

I've edited my non-vaulted and vaulted project files to create a Custom Content Center Library called Zzyzx.  I've started a new Assembly and entered the Content Center Editor to add files to the Zzyzx library.  I've copied the Inventor ANSI fasteners section into the Zzyzx library, using the Copy To method with links enabled.  So far, so good. 

After copying the entire Inventor ANSI fasteners to the Zzyzx library, I created a new column called DESCRIPTION within the Heavy Hex Head Bolt - Inch series folder.  Using and expression, I've modified the string values of the just created DESCRIPTION column.  I've elected to map DESCRIPTION to the Project.Description iProperty.  I use the OK button and each row in the new column gets populated.  Update Lightning Bolts are displayed at the far left of the dialog box. 

I then use either the Apply or OK button and then Inventor displays a Publish Error message box that states: Non-unique filename(s) found in members.  I've checked the file names and I see nothing that's repeating.  I've tried using a new file name, but that doesn't solve the issue.What steps must I take in order to successfully edit my Custom Content Library called Zzyzx?

Inventor 2012 Certified Associate
AutoCAD 2012 Certified Associate

Product Design Suite Ultimate 2012, 2013 & 2014...Other than THAT, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? Where we send more Govenors to prison, than on to retirement!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Server Communication Error / Custom Content Center

Mar 28, 2013

I am trying to replace an unresolved standard part with a component from a custom content center in a stand-alone installation.  I get this error message:

"There was a problem encountered while communicating with the server. Please check the network connection and server status."

I can place the same component from the content center. The content center component family was created as "save to" from an ANSI standard.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Publishing Custom Nut To Content Center For Use With Bolted Connections

Sep 12, 2013

I'm making a customized content center library for my company and I'm trying to add a special type of nut but I'm not having any luck. I finally figured out how to author a part and have it show up in the bolted connection tool. Now I'm just getting an error as soon as I select my custom nut.

The error is "Cannot initialize part data table. Please verify the table definition in Content Center editor."

I've attached my part. It's a simple nut for use in aluminum extrusion, the only thing that changes between sizes is the threaded hole.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Content Centre Library Appears Empty?

Jul 25, 2010

I typically use basic ISO fastners in conjunction with the bolted connection generator. Just now I have discovered the ability to add a custom library to the content centre. This appears fantastic as I no longer have to sift through the 10 - 30 or so items available in each category to complete my bolted connection.

However I am experiencing a delima

I have created a custom library called "My Favourites" and it contains 6 bolt families, 1 spring & flat washer family and 1 nut family. All families are derived from the ISO standard (bar the spring washer which is DIN 128) and all thread pitches for the respective nut and bolt connection(s) match.

The problem I am experiencing is when I execute the bolted connection command I can add the bolt, 2 flats and 1 spring washer yet when I come to close the connection with a nut the nut selection box is empty?

I have the active project configured with "My Favourites" "Inventor Feature" & "Inventor Routed Systems" as the only in use libraries. Secondly, I have verified the existance of the nut(s) in "My Favourites" in the Content Centre Editor.

I am using Inventor 2010 updated to SP3 on a standalone machine, running Windows 7 Ultimate (w/ latest updates)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Outlines Of Custom Content Center Parts In Drawing Views

Mar 13, 2013

I am working with several drawings that were created, I believe, using Inventor 2011.  I am currently using Inventor 2013.  I noticed some views do not show the outlines of custom parts created using Content Center.  And it's only some of the parts within the view.  The outlines of parts created the same way show up correctly.  The B.O.M. structures for the parts are set to Normal.  I toyed with the Drawing View Settings' Display Options with no avail.   When the Drawing View is set to Hidden Lines Removed, the part doesn't appear at all.  When I select the shaded option, the part appears, but there is still no outline. 

Along similar lines (no pun intended), sometimes the outline extends beyond the actual part location.  For example, a pipe that is 24 inches will show up in the drawing view as 72 inches.  When the shaded option is selected, the part appears correctly, but the outline extends beyond the shaded area.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Change Size Of Custom Content Center Part

May 10, 2013

I'm looking for a way to change the size of a custom content center part via ilogic. I found a way to replace them on this forum but this is not ideal for, because that creates a new part every time i change the size of the part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Trigger And Insert Custom Content Center Files To Assembly

May 9, 2013

I would like to know, whether is there is any ilogic option by which the Custom content center is triggered automatically to insert component in an assembly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replacing Parts With Custom Parts Created From Content Center

Sep 27, 2012

I am trying to replace a custom part - created from a content center part -  with a copied part with a different name.  (I am using the replace tool in an assembly.)  However, Inventor is not replacing the part with the part I pick but rather the content center version of it.

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