AutoCAD Inventor :: Publishing Custom Nut To Content Center For Use With Bolted Connections
Sep 12, 2013
I'm making a customized content center library for my company and I'm trying to add a special type of nut but I'm not having any luck. I finally figured out how to author a part and have it show up in the bolted connection tool. Now I'm just getting an error as soon as I select my custom nut.
The error is "Cannot initialize part data table. Please verify the table definition in Content Center editor."
I've attached my part. It's a simple nut for use in aluminum extrusion, the only thing that changes between sizes is the threaded hole.
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Oct 11, 2013
In my work i normally use our standard full threaded rods with square nuts. But, since we make the rods and nuts in the factory, they do not follow any international standard.
I wanted to add the threaded rods to the Bolted Connection menu in order to be able to automaticaly add the rod and to let inventor calculate the needed lenght.
I was able to add the rod to content center as an Ipart with all available sizes, but it doesn't appear on the bolted connections menu.
See attached our normal bolted connection, how can I add this to bolted connection so inventor will size it automatically to the needed lenght?
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Sep 28, 2013
I'm using Inventor 2014 with Service Pack 1 with Desktop Content Center enabled on a single machine. I've also installed Vault Basic 2014 on the same machine. Operating System is Windows 7 Professional.
I've edited my non-vaulted and vaulted project files to create a Custom Content Center Library called Zzyzx. I've started a new Assembly and entered the Content Center Editor to add files to the Zzyzx library. I've copied the Inventor ANSI fasteners section into the Zzyzx library, using the Copy To method with links enabled. So far, so good.
After copying the entire Inventor ANSI fasteners to the Zzyzx library, I created a new column called DESCRIPTION within the Heavy Hex Head Bolt - Inch series folder. Using and expression, I've modified the string values of the just created DESCRIPTION column. I've elected to map DESCRIPTION to the Project.Description iProperty. I use the OK button and each row in the new column gets populated. Update Lightning Bolts are displayed at the far left of the dialog box.
I then use either the Apply or OK button and then Inventor displays a Publish Error message box that states: Non-unique filename(s) found in members. I've checked the file names and I see nothing that's repeating. I've tried using a new file name, but that doesn't solve the issue.What steps must I take in order to successfully edit my Custom Content Library called Zzyzx?
Inventor 2012 Certified Associate
AutoCAD 2012 Certified Associate
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2012, 2013 & 2014...Other than THAT, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? Where we send more Govenors to prison, than on to retirement!
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Apr 8, 2013
Is it possible to use your own customer fasteners with bolted connections?
I other words, special nuts / bolts that do not appear in the Inventor standard libraries, that are essentially user created, defined and published.
Windows 7 Pro (X64)
Intel(R) core (TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
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Autodesk Inventor 2013 Professional Ultimate Design Suite
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Jul 24, 2013
I just created an empty Fastenal Library, and it is set to Read/Write. We order most of our fasteners from them, but not much else, so I used "Copy Category Structure To" Fastenal. I created a plain washer to add to the library, but when I try to publish it, I can't get it to work.
When I "Publish Part," I select Fastenal and English, then am asked to select a category to publish to. The Washers folder is greyed out, along with most other folders, but the Ball sub folder is not. I can't select Plain, which is what I need, but I can select Ball.
Also, is there a way to delete sub folders? I right click on Pins or Rivets, and the option to Delete Category is greyed out.
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Jun 18, 2013
Is it possible to publish an assembly to the content center?
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Jun 27, 2013
I have published a "custom" tube size to content center, but I am curious if there is a way for the tube size to be added to the existing library?? (not sure how to explain) Frame Generator has 4x3x5/16 and I would like 4x3x3/8 , in the ANSI AISC HSS(Rectangular) Library. Do I have to actually create a custom part and publish or is there a way to add this tube size to the library, nothing is changing except one parameter, which is thickness...
I just realized I pointed to the wrong library, it is the one directly above the red box - ANIS AISC (Rectangular) not the HSS one.
Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014
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Dec 8, 2009
I've been setting up all our standard faster in the content center. I'm now trying to test the Bolted Connection feature, So far all is well, I can utilize our Nuts and Bolts however I can't select our Washers on the "Select Fastener" dialogue box. When I filter by our Standard it shows nothing, When I filter by All, it shows a whole bunch of washers (But not all of the ones included in content center). What determines whether a fastener will be displayed in the "Select Fastener" dialogue box?
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Jun 12, 2013
Publishing parts to C Center or Editing tables in C Center Crashes Inventor Prof 2014
Before i say anything let me say that this problem occured last night.Was always there as i had not used the feature before in 2014. I uninstalled ONLY Inventor from the suite and re installed. It worked !!
Tonight i was publishing new parts and then Inventor crashed. Since its crashed again i cant publish or edit part family tables to make additions etc with Inventor crashing.
I believe something has corrupted again within the Inventor 2014 install and i dont know what.
Im looking for some pointers as i dont really feel like uninstalling and reinstalling Inventor to fix it.
I have cleared the cache from users folders etc. Im guessing i need to clear some thing else as well. This crashes in both Vault and local CC files.
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Aug 21, 2012
I am trying to create/publish custom shapes into Content Centre and for use in Frame Generator. I can create the i-Part and configure the parameters I want to enable different sizes - no problem. However when I go to "Publish Part" ()
I get the following error.......
do I need to save the ipt file in a different location? What dependencies are there? I get the same result if I follow the Inventor tutorial using the brace.ipt part....
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Feb 21, 2013
When inserting a content center part for which we have to choose a material, we would like to have a custom material as a default (material with name: "No material selected"). So when selecting no material for this part (for example when the user forgets to select a specific material), the default material (in this case material "No material selected") will be active. In this way, we can see in one view across the BOM which parts have no material assigned yet.
How can this be achieved in the content center (editor)?
Product Design Suite 2014
Inventor 2014, Vault 2014
HP Workstation Z220
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Nvidia Quadro 4000
Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
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May 16, 2013
When using Inventor with Vault, we have a problem when categorizing custom content center parts in Vault. In short, custom content center parts are incorrectly categorized as "Content Center" and automatically released - as there is no property that we can use to identify these files.
I need iLogic code to trigger when custom content center files are created/saved, wich adds the following custom iproperty "IsCustomContentCenter=True".
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Aug 27, 2012
I've got two pieces with 11/16" diameter holes for 5/8" bolts.
When I use Bolted Connection to place nut/bolt in the hole, it detects the 11/16" hole and sizes the bolt to look for 11/16" bolts. There aren't any 11/16" bolts so the window shows no bolts. I have to manually choose 5/8" for the bolt size in order to get a list of bolts to choose from. In my reading, i was thinking this was supposed to have been fixed by 2010, is that not correct?
Also, in testing another theory, after placing the bolted connection andt then editing the bolt size to 7/16" or 1 13/16" in diameter. The bolt doesn't update it's size to reflect the change in the hole. Is there really no correlation here? Is a manual change to existing bolts, nuts, washers, etc going to be necessary if the hole size changes? If i change the thickness of the plate(s) the bolt is going through, using autosolve updates the bolt length, but nothing seems to be checking the diameter of the hole.
If true, kinda harst to be able to make a completely parametric assembly of everything but the fastners.I'm using the Hole method on the bolt connection dialog with pre-existing holes that do not have threads on them.
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Aug 14, 2013
When i try to make a bolted connection my "click to add fastener > standard/category" box is empty. my hole, which used hole command, is 11/16" and the bolt only needs to be roughly 2" long so im not demanding odd fasteners.
inventor 2014
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Apr 9, 2013
So I've got this part, and it's got bolted connections. There's two of them, and each one is a pattern of multiple #10 machine screws.
No matter what I do, one of them will always have a lighting bolt next to it, as shown in this picture:
Rebuild All doesn't fix it. Manually editing the bolted connection will fix the lightning bolt ... but it will invariably switch to the other bolted connection instead.
Also, another fun little thing I've found: if you grab one of the screws with the mouse and drag on it, only the first bolt in the pattern seems to be actually constrained to the hole. The others appear to have pretty much just distance constraints, maybe plane-axis constraints. You can rotate the whole pattern around the hole that the first bolt was set in. This doesn't seem like a good behavior to allow ...
Anyway, the data set for the above image is attached. The screws themselves aren't, but they're just content center parts and should get automatically generated if you open the assembly.
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013, 2014
Autodesk Inventor 2013
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Nov 16, 2011
We're new to using bolted connection in our piping systems. They work great within a pipeline, connecting flanged fittings, etc. Where we have an issue is across two pipelines. Each pipeline is a sub-assembly, so in the bolted connection wizard it is impossible to select the mating flange on the other sub-assembly as the termination plane for the bolted connection. I want the bolted connection to show up in the BOM for one or the other sub-assembly, not at the top level.
Right now what I am doing is manually inserting what would be the mating washer and nut, from the CC and using an offset Insert constraint to make it appear to sit on the face of the mating flange, then pattern that... and THEN run the bolted connection for the bolt and another washer on the other side. This works, but is very time consuming. How this could be done across sub-assemblies, with all of the parts in one sub-assembly's BOM?
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May 29, 2012
Bolted connections between two angled surfaces?!?
Is this possible ?!! Ive been working in various CAD packages and have found this to be an issue every time. Say for instance you want to bolt through a wall onto a tapered flange, how can you select a non parallel face as the start or finish surface?
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Apr 11, 2013
When a bolted connection is used, the bolt changes in length as the stackup of hardware increases and decreases. I have noticed that if I do not grab the red arrow to adjust the length, the amount the bolt extends past the nut
seems to be only about 2 threads. What is the formula Inventor uses to determine this extended length?
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Nov 27, 2012
I'm currently creating a program to replace all fasteners in an assembly with there Metric / Imperial opposites. My program works and I've created a log file for any issues that do come up.
My question now is:
Is there any way to manipulate bolted connections through the API? Or is this not supported yet?
I cannot seem to find anything to do with them. It's strange though as my program creates an error log for the Lock Washers in the Bolted Connection (which it was struggling with previously anyways), but shows the other fasteners as being successful.
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Aug 1, 2012
When deleting bolted connections from my assembly using design accelerator I am left with black cross hairs where the connections used to be, I can't seem to delete these from my model either in the assembly itself or by editing the sketch, what are these, why are they left over from a deleted connection and how do I remove them ... ? ?
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
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Nov 29, 2011
If there is a way to create multiple instances of bolted connections using design accelerator instead of having to add one by one which takes forever ? All the bolted connections are of the same specification.
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Aug 15, 2013
I needed to create a lot of bolted connections so that my design could be sent for FEA analysis.Connections with thru holes eg. nuts and washers on the back work fine beyond the everpresent update issues.
My issue is with tapped holes, my parts already have the tapped holes but the "Botlted connection" feature insists on creating a new tapped hole for me. This is not so bad but every time I have to update for moved holes etc when updating the bolted connection I get a new tapped hole.Would really like to get rid of that tapped hole?
Also when I get the extra holes I delete the feature and then have problems with the underlying sketch which I cannot access, how do I get rid of that sketch or how do I access it?
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Jun 21, 2012
We'd like our bolted connections to show up as assemblies in our parts list rather than individual parts.
We've modified our CABoltCon.Imperial.xml template to make the assemblies B.O.M. structure 'Normal' rather than the default 'Phantom'.
Now we'd like to drive the assemblies description based on the bolt size used. For example, the description in the parts list would read "5/8" HEX BOLT C/W NUT AND WASHER".
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Nov 5, 2012
I have an assembly comprised of 2 identical parts that have holes in a radial pattern. The holes were created at the part level, & the holes are obviously in both parts (they are not created by the bolted connection).
I've made a bolted connection using the "By hole" option & I've checked "Follow pattern." The bolted connection is made without any problems, & the "Follow pattern" populates all the holes as would normally be expected.
However, here's the problem: the only bolt/nut/washer assembly that appears to be fully constrained is the one on the base hole (by "base hole" I mean the hole that I initially selected). The other bolts/nuts/washers are not constrained to the holes. So, I can drag the entire pattern & it spins radially about the axis of the base hole.
I've never seen this ridiculous behavior before IV 2013.
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Feb 2, 2012
I've never set up a custom content center before and I've done some research on the forums but I could really find the information I was looking for. My goal is to change the stock number and description to our company standard. Right now I edit it with the bom editor which is a bit time consuming. Another goal i would like would be that the part number is always the file name.
-Autodesk Inventor Professional 2010
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Nov 25, 2013
The time has finally arrived; the current content center profiles no longer suit my needs (for this specific project) and I now must create an extrusion that consists of holes. This profile is to be used in the Frame Generator and Frame analysis so it is imperative that I get the holes into the custom extrusion (see attached picture for the extrusion I require - it is a column extrusion for Pallet Racks. I have never entered the realm of custom content center extrusions. I need to do as far as what values I will require for the Analysis part (Inertias, Areas, etc...) and what proces I will take in order to first set up my extrusion to use? As mentioned, the holes in the extrusion are vital as they occue frequently (every 3 inches) and will affect the results in my analysis. I am currently in the process of reading up on Custom Content Center Publishing. Using Inventor 2014 Professional.
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Oct 26, 2011
We use different types of Stainless Steel fasteners. For example 18-8, 304, 316, etc. When I use the "Material Guide" in the Content Center Editor it only has the Autodesk default materials listed. How do I add CUSTOM materials to this list to create new families with my custom materials?
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May 1, 2012
I am using a student version of Inventor 2012 to design the FSAE Chassis for our University team this year. I was not able to find suitable geometry for the required tubing to make the chassis. So I found a guide on setting up a Custom Content Center and publishing parts. I have followed that. The Chassis has turned out great but now I am trying to draw it up and the BOM is not populating as desired.
A Summary:
-Custom Project file with Read / Write Library added.
-Custom tubing geometry created and published to the Library.
-Chassis constructed using standard Frame Generator techniques.
Previously I had the chassis modelled using standard Content Center parts and the BOM would populate with the individual tubes in the drawing environment. Now with the custom tubes the BOM calls up each of the individual tubing sizes, ONCE only and has large quantities. The automatic "Measure" Column is also populated with "*Varies*".
In the Frame Generator wizard each tubing size has come up as it's own "Family".I believe this is because I have published the different part sizes individually. I am guessing I should have published only the one active part but with variable geometry selectable in the "Size" drop down?
I have tried forcing the assembly into the "All Levels" view with the Bill of Materials pop-up in the Assembly environment, but even this is not populating correctly.Something else I have noticed is the individual tubes are using a different naming convention in the model tree.
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Dec 4, 2013
A coworker of mine has made a bunch of custom extrusions, turned them into iParts, and published them to the Content Center. The parts are driven in length by the key parameter "Length". Unfortunately, he forgot to mark that "Length" parameter as export in the parameter dialogue before publishing. Is there ANY way to get that "Length" parameter to be exported so the Parts List can pull the cut length?
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Nov 23, 2010
I copied an existing family into my new read library. I added some rows to be able to generate a few variations that were not contained in the original family. I just copied existing row up several times and edited the information in those rows to yield desired new variations. I made sure the file name column contained a unique file name for these new members. When I go to publish I get this error message:
Defined file name does not include all custom columns. An identical file name can be generated for different members. Make sure that the file name is unique for any combination of custom column values to avoid placement failure
Missing Custom Columns:
(see also attached screen shot)
I have scoured the file name column and can find no repeated file names; I cannot understand the rest of the error message. It must have something to do with the "does not include all custom values" portion of the error message.
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May 25, 2011
We have invested much time in creating custom content center family tables based on exisiting ANSI tables, etc. so that we can suppress sizes and shapes we do not use and have the descriptions and stock numbers show up both so BOM and parts lists will roll up identical parts and as our purchasing department requires.
We have just discovered, however belatedly, that while these custom tables function just fine when placing an individual part, frame generator apparently does not see these and gets it's info from somewhere else. I have seen a similar post which references an McadForums post, but the link provided is dead.
How to point frame generator to customized CC familes?
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