AutoCAD Inventor :: Draft Angles - How To Show In 3D Drawing
Dec 16, 2011
I'm currently working on a Spa design and using new tools which is all new to me. I've used Draft Angles before but on a spa where you sit normally the sit reclines back.
Now I'm not sure how to do / show this in a 3D drawing. I've read and serached for different things but have yet to find something similar I'm looking for.
I've attached a PDF along with the circled area as to what I'm trying to accoomplish. Wanna be able to show the dip etc via Inventor.
Trying to add draft to an area on this part. Not sure exactly how to get the results I'm looking for. Tried "Draft" command and that didnt work at all. Tried to do a sweep. Its close, but not exacly what I want.
I am trying to get draft applied on this entire face at a given angle (say 5°). The Sweep feature in the part is where I attempted it, but you can see below the Ø6in section, all of the face does not have the draft on it.
I've been using Inventor for a few years now and haven't seen this. It created a base view with green marks and when I go to print it says
"One or more drawing views are currently draft previews. Draft previews differ from final views in quality and may produce visually different results. Would you like to wait for views to update before printing or smash the screen from irritation of having a new roadblock thrown in your way that we make no effort to remove for you? HAHA you ignorant fool you will never learn all the idiosyncrasies of our product".
Which I thought was a bit unnecessary.
It does make some effort actually. It sits there with a progress bar. This drawing is about as simple as I create and it can't get past the progress bar. If I print anyway, there is no line weight. So where is this little switch hidden to turn this off? I've already fiddled with background updates and the sunglasses are not checked and grayed out. I don't know how I never ran across this problem before or what could have changed. Given the performance of my computer, I don't think I need some low grade preview for drawings of this type.
I'm trying to get Inventor 2012 (64 bit) to show the complementary angle to the bend angle in the bend annotation on a flat pattern within a drawing. I.e. the bend annotation shows: "10 UP" for a ten degree bend. I want it to show: "10 (170) up, where 170 degrees would be the complement to that angle, automatically. I know I could type it in, but then it will not update itself if I change that angle.
I went through a bunch of tutorials on how to draft and assemble parts and when going through them step by step everything looks really neat and works well. Start with blank files and try creating something from scratch and that is when the laws of the universe no longer apply.
I am sure I am doing something wrong here but the problem is when logic and common sense no longer apply and each mouse click and drag is bound by some law that cannot be documented let alone repeated that is when I start getting lost.
My assembly is mainly comprised of pipes, clamps and pipe T-joints which are joined by rotational joints. I am sure this has to be a tricky assembly task since I have witnessed numerous times my assembly flying apart in every possible direction into a tangled mess from just trying to nudge one part.
For example -> Currently I have a part bound by a single rotational joint and I ground the pipe this joint is connected to. I have used this many times now to rotate parts relative to one another to prevent the arbitrary explode and re-arrange that occurs if you do not ground a part. Now all of a sudden when I try to rotate this part I get a circle with a cross through it beside the mouse pointer telling me that this will not happen. Why now? For a sanity check I went back to a previously saved file and the same scenario works. Why?
The best part of this software is the: "The assembly cannot be solved" dialog that pops up as soon as anything gets more complex than a single joint. This dialog fascinates me since after it pops up and I cancel it I will spend a half hour trying to ground parts and nudge the pieces closer together. Then I try the exact same joint and...... it WORKS! It blows my mind every time. So is there a internal timer that ensures you spend an appropriate amount of time screwing around before it will let you pass to the next level? If I can ground/nudge the two pieces I want to join in about a half hour why can't the software do this, maybe I am missing something but I thought this was the point for software like Inventor?
How I would try manipulate it if it was in front of me. I see a part that needs to be rotated so I try click and drag it into place, of course Inventor has no clue that the part I click on could possibly be the one I want to move so every piece not grounded will fly off into random directions.
I'm using Inventor Professional 2012. I have what seems like a relatively simple part, but I cannot find any way to apply a face draft to the four quadrants between the upper outer and inner "'cylinders". I get the dreaded "did not produce a meaningful result. Try with different inputs." no matter which type of draft I try. I have created parting line drafts everywhere else. how I can get these faces to draft?
If I am drawing in 3D and I want to draw a line with a specific angle, how do I choose the plane that it is drawn in? Cos whenever I specify an angle the line is drawn in the horizontal plane
I am attempting to draft a shape that begins as a protruded rectangle. The shape then continues as a protruded rectangle that bends and conforms to the shape of cone. That may have been confusing. The profile does not change in shape to a cone. Lets say I want to do a sweep, and use the rectangle as the profile. I pick a path that was project wrapped to the cone, and the cone as the surface. I have trouble with the outcome.
I get all kind of open loop errors, and stuff with the paths, oh and also I get an error saying that the the path is not tangient and continuous. I have spent hours trying to go at it different ways. I tried using rails and I still can't get this sweep to do what I am wanting it to do. The rectangular profile has to be perpendicular to the cone surface as it follows it for the outcome to be correct. I have attached the file.
Is there any way to set the default angle when using the 'Face Draft' command. The default angle is set to 2.5 degrees - for my application 45 would be more useful.
I'm having a real problem with a part I'm trying to develop:
I'm attempting to have a single timber part that has several draft face features within it, so I can control the bevelsa on the part with iLogic at a later date. The problem I'm having is that when the "running bevel" changes direction it throws out the bevels on the ends. (I've attached the file, it's very difficult to put into words.
But basically: When the running bevel is "forward" the end bevel measures 20degrees (as it should) When I flip the running bevel to "backwards" the same end bevel now measure 19.7degrees while the input parameter still says 20.
I have a drawing where I am cutting a section on one sheet and them moving it to another sheet. Is there a way to get the section mark/callout to state on which sheet the section resides?
For example instead of the section just stating "A" it would say "A/3" or "A/Sheet 3" or something like that?
Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1) Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)
I thought I had virtual sharps figured out but I guess not. I can dimension to the virtual sharps point but the wittness lines are not showing up. Thus it appears that the dimension is to something off in space. Where do I find the setting to show the wittness lines and select the style of lines? As I wrote this I thought of "styles editor" but I didn't fijnd anything there either.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1 Vault 2013- plain vanilla version HP G71 notebook celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system Win 7 home premium
I made a table in the file and also split the part into 2 solids.
In the drawing, when i choose the first table mamber it shows both. when i choose to show the active member it shows the first member only (as i want).It didn't happen before i split the part.
My zip program doesn't know to include only the subfolder with the generated table files, only the whole path. i hope you will manage to generate the files, if not-i will add them with the whole path
I am working in one assembly. in that assembly i created all the part with using i part & same part i called in to the assembly & created i assembly. while creating drawing i have facing problem to show the model parameters in to the assembly drawing table. How to link the model parameters in assembly parameters with using i assembly.
Why do some drawings show in later drawings even through I have them set to invisible? I cannot find a consistent reason and the only way to "fix" it seems to be to delete the old drawing and redo it.
I am using parameters from a .ipt file to display dimensional information on a drawing file I have created (the fields colored red are the parameters it is reading). How do I get them to display as fractions instead of decimal? I want it to read 5"1/2 instead of 5.5", for instance. I have tried inputting them as fractions in the parameters dialog in the part file, but no luck, they still come out as decimal.
1. Is there anyway to adjust the angles of lines outside of just using trial and error? For instance, I just the line tool and create a line - it tells me what angle the line is, and I have to move tiny little amounts to try and make the line a certain angle. Another example would be when you paste something and are rotating it, again, you have an angle value, but you just have to kind of eye it and get it close. So is there a way I can adjust these (using a field where I can type in the numbers I want for instance)?
2. I'm creating a line that isn't straight. Over the course of the line it deviates from 0 degrees to 5 degrees. Is there anything that I can use to create tick or hash marks along the line that would be right angles to the line at the portion they are located at?
How do I show detailed drawings of all weldments onto one drawing sheet? I have created a weldment assembly of various pipes attached together and would like to create shop drawings. Please see attached picture for model tree. I can't seem to bring in seperate views of each of the pipes on the same drawing sheet for proper detailing. Do I have to do something before making the assembly or afterwards to get those views?
I have a sketch on a component. That component is being used in an assembly. The assembly drawing (.idw) does not show the sketch on that component. I have made them visible on the component, but don't want it visible on the assembly model. (only the assembly drawing)
I'm trying to show my tube and pipe route sketches in my drawing without populating my routes. In the past my tube and pipe assemblies have caused me and my company many problems. not populating the routes until final release can speed up our process a little bit.
When you have a part with a thread feature, the default setting should show the thread feature in the drawing view...rather than making the user right click the view and select "Display Thread Feature". I don't understand why this doesn't show up in the drawing is, after all, a feature on the part.