AutoCAD Inventor :: Controlling Break Size Using ILogic?
Oct 14, 2011
I have an assembly drawing which requires a break in the drawing view due to its height. The drawing view scales accoring to the change in height (so it remains the same physical height on the drawing), however I need to be able to increase/decrease the height (or value) of the break linearly to the height of the assembly.
I had a look at the ilogic 'break sample' and tried to adapt it to my needs, however, i couldnt get it working. I am using Inventor 2012.
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Feb 24, 2011
is there any way using iLogic or other method to automatically control the size of the 'break' in a drawing view? I have built a model which uses iLogic to control virtually everything, however the large variations in the length of the product mean that there are some interesting results when it comes to the broken drawing views updating.
it would be nice to locate the break at the absolute center of the view and then size it as a percentage of the view size along one axis or perhaps according to some other length based rule.
Dell Precision M6400 - C2D 2.66 / 8gb / Quadro FX3700M / Win 7 Pro x64
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Oct 31, 2012
How can I use one "line break" in the same command on iLogic ?
For a simple doubt, a simple sample :
MessageBox.Show("Message blabla blablablabla blablablabla", "Title")
In this case, how could i divide the message in 3 lines in the messagebox ?
actually this would work for me in other case too, creating a text with more than one line, instead of creat many text boxes.
IV 2013
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Oct 2, 2013
Problem: I need to be able to control the size of toolbars (ICON size) via the worspace.
More Details: There is a department in our company that has a very specific function they need to perform in our ACAD drawings.
I created ONE toolbar that has the commands they need and set this toolbar to be the only thing that is displayed in their workspace.
Since it is just one toolbar I thought it would be good for the tool bar to use the large icon setting. But I only need to it to change when when using this one workspace.Other workspaces need to use small icons.
Is there a way to control the icon sizes when switching between workspaces?
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Apr 30, 2013
How do I control the width of a palette?
ps = New PaletteSet("MyPalette")
ps.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(164, 266)
ps.MinimumSize = New System.Drawing.Size(215, 150)
ps.TitleBarLocation = PaletteSetTitleBarLocation.Left
For some reason changing the Size and MinimumSize doesn't seem to have any impact.
Also..I've been basing a project on the width it allows me but on a lower resolution screen it loads cutting off the right hand segments of the controls.
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Feb 3, 2012
Looking at using ilogic to display and populate a custom field of available finishes for my products.. I'm using the InputListBox message box and its working BUT I would like to know how to make the actual list box larger (wider to be exact).
sadly running 2014 Product Design Suite Ultimate
Windows 7 64 bit
90G OCZ SATA 3 SSD (My SSD is faster than your HDD)
Core I7 920 processor, ATI HD6970 graphics card, 12G Corsair RAM
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Oct 26, 2011
I have created a ilogic rule that should set the size and the cut length of my parts. Most of the time the rule behave as I want it to. But sometime it gives me a error. See attached picture. By the way, I have included this rule in my custom content center parts (beam's etc). The rule is:
'Turn off workfeatures
ThisDoc.Document.ObjectVisibility.AllWorkFeatures = False
'check if the part has any geometry
If Measure.ExtentsLength="0" Then
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Jan 15, 2013
I made a form that allows the user to enter in a custom sheet size. Using the API I am changing the Drawing Sheet Size Enumerator to the Custom Sheet size which allows the user to enter in custom values. That part is all working fine. My problem is that when a custom size is used in my title block it says that the size is "Custom Size (mm)". I know that the API uses cm for the sheet size units so I have the code convert the values into cm.
In the sheet settings window built into inventor it has the option for Custom Size (inches) and Custom Size (mm). How do I change whether it is inches or mm?
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Oct 23, 2013
I am interested in Learning about Ilogic and the Itrigger. I worked at a company where they had a prompt that would change, size, material, hole quantities etc. I am trying to recreate that for a cabinet but cannot seem to find a good tutorial, I know I need to write some sort of rule to do this but cannot find out specifcally how to do so.
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Jun 28, 2013
I have created the code to print out the pages from a drawing using Ilogic and the Print Manager.However, I cannot get the ilogic code via the Print Manager to change either the orientation OR the paper size to suit the print out.
For example, If I have an A3 drawing i can create the Ilogic code for the Print Manager to select the page size of A3 (kPaperSizeA3) within the code, but when I run the code the printer will ONLY select the Default of A4 paper.
The A3 paper is in a different tray but I cannot get the Print Manager to Select the A3 Paper.The printer we are having this issue with is a HP LaserJet 5200...We are also having the same problem of Printing out 1:1 Scale drawing to an A0 Plotter. I cannot get the Print Manager to change the Output Page Size either.
This is for a HP DesignJet 430...I have just tried to use the iLogic Snippet for Printing, and if you change the page size to suit A3 (kPaperSizeA3), the printer asks for a paper size of 312mm x 210mm.... This was with the HP LaserJet 5200.
how to get the Printer output paper size changed through the Print Manager.
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Nov 6, 2012
Dont have a before print Event Triggers . I want to make a rule with automatic print with a right sheet size, but in all my try don't work
that is my last one
'Dim oDraw As Document
oDraw = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
oDrgPrintMgr = oDrawDoc.PrintManager
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Dec 5, 2013
As I continue my learning of AutoCad on the PC after having been a Mac CAD (non-AutoCad) user for 15+ years, another question has cropped up. My boss wants the circular "heads" of the elevation and sectional callouts to be smaller on the finished drawings. How can I control (or override) the default size of these? Or do I need to override on a case by case basis? I've searched these and other forums and what I am getting a sense of is that AutoCad controls those sizes pretty tightly so they remain annotative and AutoCad sets them at the size it thinks they should be and changing that size is not a simple process.
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Feb 15, 2013
Controlling the “pickbox size” when working in the “block editor” mode,
I couldn’t know how to increase the size of the pickbox while working in “block editor” mode.
In the regular case, the pickbox size is controlled from the option dialogue box
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Sep 24, 2012
a customer has a title block with a revision table ( standard vault revision table) add on top of it.
If you change the sheet size the revision table remains his position.
If found the way to reposition the table with a ilogic rule.:
'point afstand in cm
'punt vanaf rechtonder gemeten in cm
This is working perfectly. But now the challange how to trigger this rule to run if you change the sheet size?
if tried:
to create a userparameter and added this line in my rule : Size=ActiveSheet.size, normaly is you change parameters it triggers the rule to rule. but both way didn't work.
Can event triggers from the API be used? Do i need the "Onchange" event? Any example for a ilogic rule?
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May 10, 2013
I'm looking for a way to change the size of a custom content center part via ilogic. I found a way to replace them on this forum but this is not ideal for, because that creates a new part every time i change the size of the part.
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Oct 11, 2013
I have a video that is 2:20-long, so it is a bit longer than a DVD/DL (8.5GB) at full HQ. But, when I let X6 "make it fit", it seems to reduce it by almost 50%, making the DVD folders only 5.1GB. This really ruins the quality.
Is there any way I can either control the reduction or tell it to leave the output alone when writing to hard-drive/DVD folders. I can then use a different DVD/video processing program that is smart enough to control the reduction just enough to comfortably fit/fill a DVD/DL (I have such a program) and not use a 100/50/25% approach to compressing/reducing.
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Nov 15, 2004
Is it possible to map '[' and ']' to the wheel on a mouse? I think that it would be much easier to control brush size like this than using those keys. If not, I'll just try to find adjacent keys on the left size of the keyboard to do that.
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May 7, 2012
I want to have a Blank size custom iproperty using flat extents length and width this is what i did but gives error is there a way to get this to work the way I want it to? I dont want a Length and width to be seperated would like it all in one.
iProperties.Value("Custom", "BLANK SIZE")=Round(SheetMetal.FlatExtentsLength, 3)"X"=Round(SheetMetal.FlatExtentsWidth, 3)
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May 23, 2012
I created the following user parameters:
I then created a Custom iProperty which consisted of the following "formula": Finished Material Size = <Thickness> x <Width> x <Length> Lg.
eg. of Finished Material Result : Finished Material Size = 6 x 25 x 300 Lg.
The problem comes up when dealing with diametrical components as the above formula will only populate for square or rectangular parts. Which would work if I could use iLogic code to populate the Finished Material Size iProperty. I have tried but failed.
First I created another user parameter called "Geometry Type" which has a drop down selection of either "DIA" or "SQUARE, RECTANGULAR".I then created the following iLogic code to set 0 as the value for the "unused" size parameters
The part I just can't get to work is as follows.
I need some iLogic code which will populate the "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE" custom iproperty with one of the following based on my "GEOMETRY TYPE" selection. "DIA" would return the following to "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE": = Ø <Dia> x <Length> Lg.
While "SQUARE, RECTANGULAR" would return the following to "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE": = <THICKNESS> x <WIDTH> x <LENGTH> Lg.I tried the following code but it does not work:
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Mar 16, 2007
How to set the dimbreak size for their dimstyles (I'm sure it can be tweaked a bit... but works ok as is):
(defun SetDimBreak (DimstyleName Value / ds edata xdata newxdata i ent)
(tblsearch "dimstyle" DimstyleName)
(setq ds
(vla-item (vla-get-dimstyles
(vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
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May 17, 2013
I there any way to set the dimension break size in autolisp ?
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Feb 22, 2013
I'm using A Mac OS 10.6.8, and Illustrator CS5. I do garment screen printing. In my designs I use a gradient, which needs to have the halftone dots controlled, and a certain size, to expose properly on my screens to then print. I can't seem to figure out how to adjust the frequency or LPI, and the angle so that they work. It still prints out as a seen on screen
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Aug 28, 2009
I want to set the break size in all of my dimstyles but I can't find a system variable for it. know what it is or how else to set it?
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Mar 19, 2010
Is it possible to change te Break command permanently in the Break at Point command?I never use break, only break at point.
Changing te macro for break ^C^C_break to the macro for break at point ^C^C_break \_f @ doesn't work.
To do it manualy at the command prompt takes to much keyboard entries and mouse clicking.
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Jan 8, 2013
As a background....I am coming off of 10+ years using Catia (that's the software the company used) and have moved to a company that uses Inventor instead. I have used inventor for the past year.
In the past (Catia) it seemed pretty intuitive to create the vertical and horizontal during the creation of the sketch in such a way that would reflect the way you would want it defined as a view in a drawing. As well as controlling the preferred screen view (vertical +’ve to the top of the screen and horizontal +’ve to the right of the screen)
As per a previous post....I have tried the "Edit Coordinate System" but find it difficult to control the Vertical and Horizontal axis independent of each other.......
I understand that "functionally" there is no issue...but it becomes quite disorienting in a complex model when going to edit a sketch and the model spins around, showing the sketch in an orientation that doesn't relate to the models features, or "sketch related" features.
It becomes especially difficult/confusing when modifying/checking other peoples models as well.
I just wanted to support the need for this functionality. In the end it just enhances the flexibility of the software and maintain some amount of definable company standard work procedures for modelling.
Maybe it hasn't been included in the software because of proprietary reasons? I would hope there is a seems like there are people out there who would utilize it.
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Jun 1, 2012
If I want to control a mechanism assembly, like an excavator, on screen with a couple of joysticks, how can this be done?
The idea is to test the suitability of mechansims and their controls.
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Jul 24, 2012
1) I have assembly containing pipe and a flange. I want flange size to correspond pipe size. In other words, when parametrically change pipe size, flange size to be updated automatically. ( do i need to have two parts - pipe and flange, or it can be one assembly without need to create parts?)
2) Is it possible to control type of flange (slip-on, weld-neck.. etc) by parameters or need to make different assemblies for different flange type?
3) Then when flange and pipe sizes are updated would like to make overall length of that assembly whole number (since hub length changes with the flange size). how to round that overall length to integer?
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Oct 27, 2011
I've been running into issues in IV 2010 with the shading where I need to show a part in a perspective view on my IDWs and depending on the angle I rotate to the majority of the part is shown in shadow. It's frustrating because I need to show a feature in that particular orientation, but the whole part looks dark.
Especially when I am showing left and right mirrored parts. One side always seems to end up dark. FYI I almost never show the material as a texture map in my part drawings so I use white as the color default because I am simply trying to get across the shape of the part in a shaded 3D view. These don't really serve as renderings to me per say. Is there any way to control the light source direction for custom views in terms of shading? Could I make it more of an ambient light or similar to the Global Light Style in Inventor Studio.
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May 23, 2012
I have a browser display issue that occurrs sometimes when imported parts are inserted into an assembly model. Before dropping some imported parts into my assembly model I changed the filename to something corresponding to our part numbering system. When the part is dropped into the model, the name of the instance displayed in the assembly browser is the same as that originally used by the originator of the model.
I know I can change the name in the browser by editing the name field in the occurrance tab; but I'd need to do this for each instance. What iproperty field (or other property field) should I edit at the part level so that the revised part name is used in the assembly browser whenever that part is inserted into an assembly?
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Nov 30, 2012
I have made a family of weldments. I am having trouble controlling the visibility of the weld symbols when I place one of these members. On some members the welds are shown and on others they are not. I know that I can turn off all the welds (View>Object Visibility> Weld Symbols) but there are other weld symbols in the assembly that I need/want to leave visible. In the image below all three weldments have the same welds, but the weld symbol of only the one is shown when I place it in an iam.
In each member of the iassembly, I have unchecked the visibility under the Welds node, but some are still visible when i place them, so that must not be controlling it. Sure would be good if visibility of welds were controlled by view representation.
Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram
Intel i7-930 @ 3.60ghz
nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42)
INV Pro R2013, SP1.1
Vault Basic 2013
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Jan 25, 2013
I have common parts (custom frame member) that I use repeatedly in assemblies that I don't need to show in a parts list. Is there a way to control this so they don't show up in a parts list? Currently I go into the parts list and turn them off before exporting the list.
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot
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