AutoCAD Inventor :: Assembly Components In An Oval Pattern?
Apr 9, 2013
In Inventor 2012 I know that it is possible to arrange assembly components in a circular or rectangular pattern. But is there a way to arrange these components in an oval pattern?
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Sep 25, 2012
I want to arrange these outer circles in a corcular pattern at equal distance and at equal angle from each other without using circular patten feature in assembly tab. How do I do that.
The reasomn I dont want to use circular pattern in assembly tab is if I do that then, I cannot change color of each outer circle separatly If I change one color it changes color for all of these whcih i dont want.
I want to have each outer circle of different color.
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Sep 17, 2012
I have a pattern of reference components, but the quantity of the pattern can change based on certain criteria. When the quantity increases or decreases, I need each pattern element to have its BOM structure set to reference.
The problem is, even if the original pattern element is set to reference, each subsequent element comes in as normal. This causes the BOM quantities for that component to be reported incorrectly in higher assemblies.
Is there some iLogic or VBA code that will automatically set each component in a pattern to BOM structure "Reference", even if the pattern quantity changes?
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May 7, 2012
Is there any way to group assembly components?I'm aiming at a live mass calculation for different level of details/design views.In this case I'v got an assembly with about a ton of stainless steel spread out on different subassemblies.
I have made representations showing only the welded stainless steel and I would like the weight of these to appear in the partlist. Not the weight of the complete subassemblies.
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Sep 14, 2009
I'm using Inventor 2009.
Imagine a flat, rectangular plate with origin plains located symmetrically down the middle of the plate. Place a component, say a small cube, and constrain it to the face of the plate and the origin planes so that it too is symmetrically located. I now wish to pattern this cube about the midplane and create a total of five instances. I select "Pattern Component" in assembly mode and select the cube. For direction 1, I put in two instances and select an edge of the plate so that the pattern is taken to the left of the midplane. For direction 2, I again select two instances but pick an edge so that the pattern is taken to the right of the midplane. I now should have a total of 5 cubes but I don't. I have 6.
The second pattern is actually a repeating pattern of the first which, in the end, creates too many cubes. Visually, it looks correct because the cubes are placed excatly on top of each other. Numercially, like in BOMS, it is not correct.
Is there a way to avoid these duplications?
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Mar 15, 2013
I am working on a large plant piping project and while I've seen this behavior before I've never seen it this bad.
Attached is a screen shot of a small portion of the assembly drawing in which you can see a good example of what I'm dealing with.
At the top you can see a weld neck flange that appears to be attached to air where there should be an elbow. In the middle you can see that on one side of the elbow there is missing geometry.
At the bottom is another flange that attached to air where there should be an elbow. This drawing is littered with these errors and as such is unsuitable for even a reference document.
I have turned visibility of these components off and on without resolution. I have turned on tangent and interference edges without resolution.
I have translated a copy to ACAD to see if it's simply graphical but the ACAD file shows the same errors. I have checked parallel and perpendicularity and all is well.
Inventor 2012 Pro 64bit (Build 219 - SP2)
Vault 2012 Pro Admin
Windows 7 Pro 64bit
Quad Core processor 2.26 Ghz
1.5 GB Nvidia Quadro FX 4800 (Driver Version
2 – 320 GB SATA drives
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Mar 25, 2013
In past I replaced components in Assemblies with this sub:
Sub testReplacePartInAss()
Call ReplacePartInAss("W:INVENTORTPart1.ipt", "W:INVENTORTPart2.ipt")
End Sub
[Code] .....
But if the assembly is a weldment assembly the line
If oOcc.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.FullDocumentName = sInAssFilename Then
creates an error '91' that the object is not set.
What has to be changed in this code so that it will work with 'normal' assemblies AND weldment Assemblies too.
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Oct 6, 2011
I want to all thumbnails to have White Background.
I can Open and save each file but that will take me for ever.
Can it be done with iLogic?
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Mar 28, 2008
I'm running Inventor 2008 SP2. Each time I open the assembly 2 subassemblies always explode. You can see the red and blue subs in the attached picture. I thought this was supposed to be fixed by now. Actually I thought this was supposed to be fixed in R11 a long time ago. When I grab and drag either component, everything snaps back to where it's supposed to be.
If this isn't fixed (along with a laundry list of stuff that's been broken since R10) you will be losing customers. This and all the other bugs have cost me countless hours in lost productivity.
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Jul 26, 2012
I need to modify all the ipt in an assembly, but I don't kow how many ipt I have, and I don't know the name. Can I have with iLogic the list of all the ipt used in the assembly ? For example, to modify the Part Number in all the components.
The code should be like this :
For All component in Assembly
Next component
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Jan 16, 2012
Here is the history. I originally created a part with multiple solid bodies.
After creating it I was told we needed to make it an assembly. So what I did instead of recreating each component I called up the original multi-bodied part and did save as copies.
Then deleted the portions of the model I didn't need with only the part needed left.
Then I took all of those parts and assembled them together to form an assembly.
Now, here inlies the problem. When I go to make a drawin gof this assembly all of the balloons are coming up with the same item number as it was when it was a multi-bodied part.
It is clearly an assembly based on the model tree and the file extension.
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Apr 16, 2013
I have a machine assembly with old part naming. Now we have a new part naming system. So i am supposed to rename all existing parts, assemblies to new naming system.
E.g. : A machine assembly with old names (lets say part1, part2..... part1000). It has to be renamed to new names (say item1, item2.....item1000).
"part1" should be renamed as "item1" and so on.
Design assistant is not a good option because its a lot of manual work, its same issue with using Vault.
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Jul 6, 2012
Currently I have some code which loops through all sub components of an assembly and sub assemblies. However I only need sub components inside the top level assembly and not any sub-assemblies. Is there an easy way to acomplish this?
This code will list all sub components inside an assembly when a drawing is open.
Dim oDocument As Document Set oDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oRefDocs As DocumentsEnumerator Set oRefDocs = oDocument.AllReferencedDocuments
Dim oRefDoc As Document
For Each oRefDoc In oRefDocs debug.print oRefDoc.FullDocumentName Next
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Jan 12, 2010
It seems to me that the basic exclude component no longer works when deriving assemblies. If I cycle through components it is not possible to get the Grey circle with the backslash through it?
IV2010 SP2
Dell Precision PWS690
Quadro FX3500
DirectX 178.46
Spaceball 5000
Intel Xeon 3GHz
WinXP Pro SP3
IV2014 SP1 64bit
Dell Precision T7500, Geforce GTX 480, DirectX11 306.97
SpaceExplorer 4.04, 3DxWare 3.12.2
Twin Intel Xeon E5506 2.13GHz, 12GB RAM, Win7 Pro SP1 64bit
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Oct 25, 2011
I'm using I-logic to suppress components in an assembly. I've attached a screenshot with 3 suppressed components.
In the browser the parts are suppressed but in the BOM (items 6,7,9) they are not. Is there a piece of code for this?
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Nov 14, 2011
I'm a playground designer and we're currently in the process of updating our systems to Inventor. Over the next few years I'm going to be working on many different assemblies all using the same parts and sub assemblies, many of which need to share the same ground plane.
I'm wondering if there is any easy/quick way to make certain parts (not all) automatically constrain/flush to the ground/XZ plane when I place them?
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Apr 15, 2013
I want to create numerous custom properties for a part. Some of these will be the same for all instances of the part (i.e. vendor, part number, etc). But some have to vary from instance to instance.
So, as an example - if I place 5 identical tanks into my assembly I need to assign unique text entries for each of these 5 instances (i.e. TANK-01, TANK-02, TANK-03, etc)
Furthermore, all these textual properties have to be able to be shown physically on the part (for identification on plots) and extractable for BOMs, etc. It seems that any custom i Properties I set up are global for all instances of the part.
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Oct 6, 2013
Long time Autocad user but now am moving most of my work across to Autodesk Inventor.
Some of the work I do is with companies that their parts are standard components that will not change.
So I am using Inventor to automate the drawings based on their requirements. For example if it needs to be 4m high. then to use 2 x 2m sections. Currently I have create different assemblies of the different potential heights that I can switch between using ilogic but I need to be able to shift the top truss arch depending on how high the truss is.
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Feb 15, 2013
I was just wondering how to place a component into an assembly using ilogic? If this is possible, is there also an option to choose if iMates will be generated?
I would ideally like to place a list of components into an assembly, the list with probably exist in excel, then have iMates set to 'Automatically generate iMates on place' so that my assembly assembles automatically.
Inventor 2013 Certified Professional
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit
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Jan 28, 2013
I am currently working on a parametric assembly using i Logic to control the size of the components as well as patterns. However, I have hit a road block in trying to figure out how to write a rule for resizing the last roof sheet in this assembly pictured below to be even with the frame. The rule below is what controls the roof sheet pattern based on the frame length. The problem I am continually running into is how do you modify a part which is in an element within the pattern without having it affect the rest of the parts in the pattern since they all refer to part. I can get since it is hard to find information on i Logic.
Roof_Pattern_Spacing = Roof_Sheet_Width
Roof_Pattern_Count=Ceil(Parameter("Length")/Parameter("Sheet Metal Roof Section:1", "Roof_Sheet_Width"))
(Note: The red line symbolizes where I would like to have the roof sheet end.)
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Jun 14, 2013
Assembly comprised of multiple components all derived from the same master sketch "4 Inch Rail Master Sketch"
Using the sketch to drive geometry, using the parameters to drive various extrude lengths.
Geometry changes seem to propogate quite well, while parameter changes do this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Generally have to open each individual part and "edit derived part" to force changes to propgate...
files attached (move end of part marker down for all .ipts).
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Jan 6, 2012
I have tried the Frame Analysis for the first time and quit from this option as requested.
BUT now the subassemly consisting frame and all its parts are grey even after restarting Inventor.
Here is some bug. [URL] ....
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Feb 22, 2012
I did a pattern in part file which i want to use to rdive an objert (another part) in assembly but whan i place the part in assembly i CAN'T see the pattern so i can't select it & use it.
Is there any way to make the pattern visible/useable?
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Nov 26, 2011
I'm trying to pattern a subassembly onto a final assembly in Inventor, and it won't let me select the subassembly as a feature to be patterned. Is there a way to pattern a subassembly?
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Jun 29, 2013
I have a realy big assembly.
but I have to creat sub-assemblys.
I just place empty sub-assemblys in the big assembly,
drag and drop the specific parts i want the sub-assemblys.
But is there a way to drag and drop Patterns too?
Inventor is always priventing me to do so.
So i destroy the Patterns, drag and drop the specific part that made the Pattern,
and re-creat the Pattern in the sub-assembly.
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May 10, 2012
Change pattern ilogic. How do you change the distance and quantity in an assembly with ilogic?
It is simple in a part but in an assembly the parameters and equations do show.
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Jun 10, 2013
rule the runs from the assembly. My assembly file has 3 sheet metal parts and what I need is use ilogic rules to export them as .dxf files at the same time. It does work when I write the code for each single part, however, the rules not works when I assembly them together. I keep getting the error message
"Error in rule: Rule3, in document: access dr_same
Unable to cast COM object of type 'Inventor._DocumentClass' to interface type 'Inventor.PartDocument'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{29F0D463-C114-11D2-B77F-0060B0F159EF}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE))."
Something to clear, Rule3 is the rule I wrote in ilogic to export .dxf FILE. everytime the parameter changes, the rule allows me to automatically save the surface as dxf file to a certain location. the rule works perfect in the ipt file.
however, when i assemble 3 sheet metal parts together in an assembly file, this rule not works anymore and give me the above error message.
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Mar 15, 2012
To increase the speed of production, I like to generate idws of flat patterns from assembly. The following iLogic rule work fine inside a metal sheet (I had to create flat pattern before run this rule).
Imports Inventor.ViewOrientationTypeEnumImports Inventor.DrawingViewStyleEnumDim oDrawingDoc As DrawingDocumentDim oPartDoc As DocumentDim oSheet As sheetDim oTG As TransientGeometryDim oView1 As DrawingViewDim oOptions As NameValueMapoPartDoc
[Code] ........
But from an assembly there are some problem ( firstable I'm not an expert of vba and ilogic)
Imports Inventor.ViewOrientationTypeEnumImports Inventor.DrawingViewStyleEnumfmgr = ThisApplication.FilemanagerFor Each file In fmgr.filesdoc = ThisApplication.Documents.ItemByName (file.fullfileName)compdef = doc.ComponentDefinition' For each assembly or subassembly'If (doc.documenttype = 12291) Then For Each occ In compdef.Occurrences' For sheet metal or part
[Code] ........
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Jan 30, 2013
I have a subassembly that has been patterned.
I need to toggle the visibility of a part in that subassembly in each pattern element.
How do I refer to the part?
I have declared an object for my pattern, and can toggle the suppression on any element.
But I need to get at an individual component inside the element.
I've been trying something like this:
oPattern.OccurrencePatternElements.Item(X).Component.Visible("Valance Jig Frame - 1in:1") = False
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Sep 10, 2012
Any work around for rectangular patterns in assemblies?
I want to pattern a screw using an existing Part Feature Pattern; I have figured out depending on how the part is assembled you get two outcomes and if the part is mated opposite side to how the feature was patterned you get the parts going the wrong way (see attached pic).
Is there a “flip direction” option anywhere or do you just have to be super diligent on how the seed feature orientation is in relation to the assembled pattern?
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Jun 18, 2013
I want to create a flat pattern of a sheet metal-part that I've used in an assembly. In this assembly I've made cut-outs in some of the parts (see attached .png). Is it possible to get at flat pattern of the specific parts with the cutouts? I can e-mail a ZIP-file with the assembly (the file was too large too attach).
Running Inventor professional 2013
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