AutoCAD Inventor :: All Application Settings Just Reset To Default?
Jun 4, 2012
For whatever reason, everything reset back to default in my application settings. The only thing I remember happening was that at one point my Inventor was not able to establish a connection to the server where the liscence is stored and it gave out an error message. Ever since then, everything was reverted to default.
how to change the look of the highlights in the assembly environment when selecting parts? I can't remember where it's at.
Where can I reset to default settings in Inventor 2010 ? Trying some configurations , but now I need to set my Inventor to original settings, where can I do that ?
im doing this for class and the book tells me to hold trl Al and shift as soon as i open photoshop. this isnt working and because im doing this for school im on a bit of a time crunch.
My 3D camera view is acting kooky when I go into 3D mode. It's like I'm underneath the text looking up at it, and no matter what settings I mess with I can not get the view that I want. Yes I have went to all the little drop down window and clicked on default view and I still get this same underneath view. Is their a way to reset ALL default settings in PS Cs6.
We're putting Paint.NET on some public computers. Is there an easy way to reset the program back to the default settings? I'm aware of the "Reset Windows Locations" option. I'm looking for a way to reset everything else back to the "out-of-the-box" settings/configuration when Paint.NET is installed.
My brushes an sculpting tools arnt doing wht they're supposed to. My sculpting tool is taking from the mesh and my bumpmap is doing the same, even whn i press ctrl my bumpmap dsnt raise as much and ive checked my brush strength. how to reset my settings
i recently updated to 5.3 and everything was great, just like normal.. then after an import of raw files, i selected one to develop and went to look for my "exposure" slider on the right side of the screen. it has disappeared??? i also am missing my simple saturation slider too. now i have an extremely indepth saturation sliders for every color. i have tried to reset tool settings, i have searched around, i even reinstalled lightroom hoping i would get it back to what i am used to...
is there a preference file that i can delete to get me back to 100% default settings?
I am using Paint Shop Pro X6. I am an experienced Paint Shop user. Today, I must have done something strange, because now when I use the clone tool, instead of getting what normally occurs, the cloned area consists only of large dots--similar to what a half-tone photograph looks like under high magnification. The dots are the proper color.
Is there a way to reset Paint Shop Pro to default settings as the software existed when it was installed? That might solve my problem.
I have a problem with media libraries in Corel Video Studio Pro X4.
When I close and reopen Studio X4 the library does not contain any media (photo, video, audio). Library exports and imports no luck. It looks as if start Studio the library is reset. A smart package no luck too.
Deleting C:Documents and settings....Ulead SystemsCorel Videostudio Pro14.0pl-PL no luck.
The problem is so serious that adding a HD video again- new proxy file is created- it takes a long time. The old proxy file is correct, but in proxy manager is absent.
AMD Athlon 7860 (DualCore) 2,8GHz, 4GB RAM, NVidia GeForce GTS450 1GB CUDA, Windows XP SP3. VideoStudio with servicepack, DirectX 9.0c. Administrator acount. 40GB free on C: HDD.
I have changed my template using the styles library. For some reason Inventor 2013 will not let me save my new settings as a default in my newly created template. Instead it gives me an error message that reads:
" The following style definitions in template ....... differ from the definitions in the style library; the style library will be used.
Part listart list (ANSI), Revision Table: Revision Table (ANSI)
If the style definitions in the style library are intended for the new document, update the template with the new style definitions. If the style definition in the template are intended for the new document, remove these styles from your style library using the Style Library Manager."
I'm trying to set up some new title blocks, I have some "prompted entry" Properties that I want to incorporate, I've got them in the title blocks OK but I can't seem to get em to return a default value, the prompts are all coming in blank when the dialog box comes up. I have set the defaults to what I need on the original ANSI template with the new title block, but when I create a new drawing using that template, the title block comes in without any values set. Is there a way of setting them to return a default value initially that you would change if required, I'm sure I'm missing something very basic!!
Also, in the 'edit property' fields dialog box, there does not seem to be a way of inserting symbols into the value field, have I not turned on the right variable, or missed have I something else??
For some reason regardless of what I save or the fact that I've saved the template files, everytime I open a new file it automatically adds shadows and applies perspective view. This is extremely annoying. How do I alter the default settings to be ortho with no shadows?
How do I get rid of these white boxes on my lines... [URL] ... I am using cad 2011 for mac. i have probably clicked some setting in the ortho or snap buttons or something, should i just reset to the old settings and if so how?
When using AdMigrator.exe /reset [see here] you can create a ZIP file with a backup of the user settings. Are there any instructions to restore the user settings from the ZIP file?
I can't reset the quick leader to its default value. I used to have a custom tool bar for that using the following command: (setvar “Dim DRBLK” “.”), and it worked greate. Now this command does not work with C3D 2012.
Now I'm stuck with the dot leader and I want to reset it back. I use dot and arrow head a lot.
We have a big issue where half our users can't open autocad. We have half running 2013 and half running 2006. For our 2013 users we've gone to our start menu and reset settings to default. and then just re-loaded our custom menus. How can I reset Autocad 2006 to default if I can't open Autocad?
When I first install My autocad Map 3D 2012 my workspace name are Planning and Analysis, 2D Drafting Workspace or Map Classic Workspace after I select reset button in option->Profiles tab My Workspace names are Drafting & Annotation, 3D Basic, 3d Modeling or AutoCAD classic. How do I get my profile to reset back Autocad Map 3d 2012?
Occasionally Photoshop will crash or I have to force close Photoshop. When this happens the settings within Photoshop reset back to the default settings. This is a pain as I must then go back and reset everything again. This has been happening since CS5 and also happens in CS6.
I'm running 64bit CS6 and have 24GB of ram. GTX 660ti. This shouldnt be a problem and has not been. My psd which is almost 500MB usually takes 30-60 seconds to open and once i am in it works fine. It just took me a good 5-10 minutes to open the psd. The efficiency is at 19%* and i dont know what that asterisk means. I allocated 22GB of ram to it, 8 cache levels and such and it's still being really slow. Should I try reinstalling? This is very cumborsome and would like to fix this problem asap.
this also happened randomly. The program wasn't even closed. My brushes reset, too. I even tried rebooting, and nothing.also, photoshop now uses up to like 20gb of my ram automically without any files open in the program. Before it was about 6-9gb.
I recently installed Lightroom 4.3 on my computer and made an error in setting my defaults. Then I made some corrections using Windows Explorer, now when I try to start program I get message "Lightroom encountered an error when reading previous cache and needs to quit". "Lightroom will attempt to fix this problem next time it launches".
The only option available is to quit Lightroom. After attempting to restart Lightroom several times including a reboot I get the same message.
Do I need to uninstall lightroom and then reinstall or is there a way to delete the catalog and start over.? I can't run lightroom to make any changes unless there is a way to bypass the quit option.
Came into work today to find my Illustrator CC has defaulted back to factory settings - keyboard shortcuts, workspace/panel setup, etc - all defaulted. Not only that, but the individual files I might use to revert back to my settings are gone.
Then I'm suddenly asked via a pop-up to log into my Adobe ID so as to validate my Illustrator CC. Again. Then, I find, for some reason I'm logged out of the Adobe Creative Cloud program. So I log in, hoping that'll do something.
Now I must re-do 100% of the customizations I've made to Illustrator's interface.
My cloning stamp is suddenly doing things differently, but I didn't knowingly make any changes, so I'd like to reset the program to its original settings but I don't know how.