AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Materials Into Design Data Master?
Aug 1, 2012
I have a little over 100 materials created that I need to add to my design data materials master and to avoid having to go into styles managaer and hand type them all over again is there a way to add materials through something like excel or edit the materials list through excel?
IV 2010 SP3
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Oct 12, 2011
I know that the xmls are very important in the design data folder and we shouldn't mess with them.What about the rest of the folders. I have around 11 folders. GOST, AEC Exchange, AIT, Cable & Harness, Bend Tables, DWG-DXF etc...
I need to know if any of these folders can be deleted? We don't use AEC Exchange, Cable Harness, BIm Exchange, Design Accelerator, Tube & Pipe.
What about the Optimisation, DXF-DWG. I am not sure if I am using them unknowingly.Does this could be deleted? Is there a procedure to get rid of them.
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Sep 17, 2013
We using Vault to control our Inventor Standards and I know in the past Product Design Suites (2012) the design data versions were different in the fact that the Ultimate Version design data had more to it because of the extra features, therefore resulting in having to control two seperate sets of data.
Just upgraded our department to 2014 and it appears that the design data files between the Ultimate and Premium Suites are the same and would have to only control one set of data?
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Oct 11, 2012
I am having problems with an error message relating to what appears to be a corrupted design data file. I am unable to save changes in my dwg to my design data file. I get this message:
Style library (C:UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor 2011Design Data) cannot be saved because it is damaged.If I attempt to copy a view in a dwg to another sheet or move it using the browser, I get the following error:
Paste View: problems encountered while executing this command.
Invalid XML value for 'SubstituteDisplayUnit'. Expected 'bool' received '44' in file:///C:/Users/Public/Documents/Autodesk/Inventor%202011/Design%20Data/PartsList.xml.
Invalid XML value for 'SubstituteFractionalFormat'. Expected 'bool' received '255' in file:///C:/Users/Public/Documents/Autodesk/Inventor%202011/Design%20Data/PartsList.xml.
I have also noticed that if I multi select components with ipropWiz5 and attempt to change the part name - it fails.I have tried reinstall in Inventor, ipropWiz5, etc. But to no avail.
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Apr 28, 2013
I've got a strange situation regarding the bolted connection generator. For some background, I made another post a while back about editing the hole sizes for Flat Head Cap Screws so that the heads were below flush. That thread is here:
Basically, I increased the countersink diameters Clearance.xls and then found that the Design Accelerator doesn't use that spreadsheet for its data source. More research led me to this file:
C:UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor 2013Design DataDesign AcceleratorTablesHolesAnsi Unified Screw Threads.xml
So I edited the diameters in this file and tested the design accelerator and everything was great. [I kept a backup of the original...]
Since then, another thing that has bothered me was counterbore numbers for socket head cap screws. The Cbore diameters don't match the tools that we have and the depths are always right on size. i.e. for a 1/4" SHCS, the bore is 7/16" diam x 0.250" deep. In reality our cbore tools are about 0.406 and we cut them about 0.265 deep to make sure the head is below flush.
I went in to these two XML files and edited them (and kept backups): Ansi Metric M Profile.xml Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml
Everything seems to be cool, except for one scenario. When I create a counterbored joint for a metric SHCS, the cbore diameter is always 16.00 mm diameter and too deep, regardless of its size. I searched the XML file and what it's doing *does not* match the data in the XML file. I monkeyed around a little more and could not get the counterbores to come out right.
So at that point, I renamed all the files to restore my original backups to the "factory" ones. I assumed that I screwed up the formatting or something in the data table and I'd just try it again. However, even after I restored my backups and removed my edited files, the metric counterbores are messed up.
What I don't understand is that changing the file "Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml" *did* update the holes for English screw joints. But does the DA pull data for metric joints from somewhere OTHER than "Ansi Metric M Profile.xml"? And if it does use this XML file, why isn't it working? The original data has been restored, but the behavior is not behaving correctly.
Inventor 2014 64-bit SP1
Win 7 Pro 64-bit SP1
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May 14, 2013
I've got a strange situation regarding the bolted connection generator. For some background, I made another post a while back about editing the hole sizes for Flat Head Cap Screws so that the heads were below flush. That thread is here:
Basically, I increased the countersink diameters Clearance.xls and then found that the Design Accelerator doesn't use that spreadsheet for its data source. More research led me to this file:
C:UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor 2013Design DataDesign AcceleratorTablesHolesAnsi Unified Screw Threads.xml
So I edited the diameters in this file and tested the design accelerator and everything was great. [I kept a backup of the original...]
Since then, another thing that has bothered me was counter bore numbers for socket head cap screws. The Cbore diameters don't match the tools that we have and the depths are always right on size. i.e. for a 1/4" SHCS, the bore is 7/16" diam x 0.250" deep. In reality our cbore tools are about 0.406 and we cut them about 0.265 deep to make sure the head is below flush.
No big deal, right? I went in to these two XML files and edited them (and kept backups):
Ansi Metric M Profile.xml
Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml
The problem ==========>
Everything seems to be cool, except for one scenario. When I create a counter bored joint for a metric SHCS, the cbore diameter is always 16.00 mm diameter and too deep, regardless of its size. I searched the XML file and what it's doing *does not* match the data in the XML file. I monkeyed around a little more and could not get the counterbores to come out right.
So at that point, I renamed all the files to restore my original backups to the "factory" ones. I assumed that I screwed up the formatting or something in the data table and I'd just try it again. However, even after I restored my backups and removed my edited files, the metric counterbores are messed up.
What I don't understand is that changing the file "Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml" *did* update the holes for English screw joints. But does the DA pull data for metric joints from somewhere OTHER than "Ansi Metric M Profile.xml"? And if it does use this XML file, why isn't it working? The original data has been restored, but the behavior is not behaving correctly.
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Mar 15, 2012
I have 45 PCs running Autodesk Inventor 2011 in a student PC lab. We have since set up Vault Server and I need to change the location that these point at.The files that I need to edit can be got to by:
1. Open Autodesk Inventor
2. Click “Pro”
3. Click “Options”
4. Click the “File” tab
5. I need to edit the following: Default templates, Design Data (Styles, etc) and Default Content Centre files.
6. The above three will be pointed to a server that has vault setup on it (\vault emplates, etc).
Now to clarify, Inventor works, I do not need assistance activating it, and I do not need assistance with group policy to set up the install..I need to be able to modify the above with group policy through either the registry (if possible) or some other method.
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Aug 8, 2013
We're moving to Trimble Access on the survey data collectors which means that we have to export design data using Trimble Link and then use Trimble Business Center to examine the data and do any editing before sending it to the field.
So far I've found that alignments, profiles and surfaces seem to transfer OK. Corridors however have been an almost total failure.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 & 2014
Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q890
2 x i7 - Q740 quad core CPU's
8GB of RAM
60GB SSD + 500GB HDD
NVidia GeForce GTS 360M - driver
Win 7 Home Premium
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Oct 9, 2013
I wanted to use the program to design a robot for our school vex competition. Vex has provided cad files for all the parts. So, how i can import the seperate parts into one design. I can only open each part individually but cant find a way to combine them so can assemble the robot in one design.
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Jun 26, 2013
I have 2 different surfaces (Existing Ground & Proposed Pipe Invert) that I want to have the elevations shown for in a profile data band, but I want them to show at the design profile's PVIs (Proposed Road). Is it possible to set up a data band style that samples at one profile's geometry points but displays the elevations from these points from a different profile? My workaround is to set the data bands to all sample from the design profile first and label over the design profile's data band but I'm hoping for a cleaner solution. Attached is an image showing the profile view in question.
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Feb 28, 2012
I'm having some problems using some existing MX highway design data I've brought into Civil3D using the genio import extension. Basically I can bring in all the alignments that I want to be able to use but am unsure where to go next in terms of creating a proposed profile line. My goal is to be able to pull out long sections and cross sections based on this data. Ideally I'd like to avoid doubling up on work in MX and Civil3D as much as possible.
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May 8, 2013
Is it possible to have an idw file of a part as the master idw and insert that idw into a new idw or a few different idw files and the secondary idw files that were inserted update when the master idw file is edted or updated?
I am using the same ipt in multiple assemblies and i would only like to update one idw file. I do need to have as many as eight different idw files related to the single part and i would like to only update the master idw file.
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Apr 10, 2012
I just made a copy of assembly in Design Assistant.I opened the copied assembly in Design Assistant to make some changes.Parts are accessible but I have only "Clear" option possible. URL....
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May 30, 2012
I was making some changes the other day to the parts list settings inside of the styles editor and discovered that this involved needing to make the master project file a read/write condition. I was starting to get into uncharted territory at this point, but was proceeding with caution. So I went into my vault working folder in windows explorer and RC'd on the MPF and changed it to read/write. I made my BOM changes and life seemed to be good on the heals of a long holiday weekend. I changed the properties of the MPF back to read only and I thought things were fine.
Until yesterday when I started getting this message. This shows up every time I open and check out a file from Vault. Plus it also changes my MPF on my local drive back to read/write. I am also starting to get this error message when I start a new drawing file as well.
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Jul 22, 2008
I have an assy in which I have created work planes which are huge and annoying, so I make them invisible but when I save the assy I get a message saying the Design Current Design view representation.... blah blah..... or Unlock the Current one.
How do I unlock the Master View Rep.
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Sep 20, 2013
the activation is failed because the serial number i've enterred is not valid. i install AutiCAD LT on tha same computer with new Operating System(Win7)
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Jul 25, 2012
How can I block the View representations on Master, so that when I reopen the asembly it is on Master, or, the view I want ?
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Apr 3, 2012
We are having an issue where the master project file that we have created at my company keeps switching back to the default.ipj file randomly. This is causing obviously our template paths as well as other path settings to not be right.
Our VAR told us that this randomly happens. why this is happening or that my VAR is correct in what they said?
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Feb 15, 2007
I have made an assembly with a lot of "Positions" (in the Representations). See browser.
Is it possible to change/edit one of the Positions (In the Representation tree) to be the Master Position?
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Oct 10, 2013
I have a macro to change the thumbnails of a part, but my parts have not always the "Master view" active.
How can I activate a view by code? Get control of your sheet metal files at [URL]
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May 7, 2013
I have a top level assembly which has more than 5000 components.
It was saved previously in a particular LOD.
Now i want the same assembly to be uploaded to the vault in turn which i should be reactivating the master LOD.
The moment I click activate the master LOD, inventor freezes and stalls for couple of hours.
my machione has a very decent configuration with 32GB ram memory.
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Mar 6, 2012
Is there a way to create sub assemblies from components already in an assembly?
See attached link from Solidworks doing this. Looking for something similar. [URL] ........
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Nov 14, 2011
Whenever I do a model update through an ilogic form my View representation changes from default to master and then i have to go and manually change them back to default also in my idw files in order to update the drawing files I have to go in and change the view representation from default to master click ok and close it then open view edit set it to default and close. Is this normal? Is there a setting so that my model views will stay on default?
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Jun 27, 2007
is there a way I can "Unlock" my MASTER view in representations. I keep having to create new views as the MASTER is locked and for some reason I can't unlock it.
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Sep 21, 2011
I thought I kind of understood level of detail and master views but apparently not. I have an I-Beam that I have cut and bent in the part file. In the drawing I would like to show the beam both full length and in the bend configuration. From my reading I thought I would be able to create one view with the part in final shape and one view where I suppress all the bends and show the part with the cuts in it but all flattened out. I created view1 with the part bent, I then created view 2 and supressed all the bends. Unfortunately the bare does not toggle back and forth in the part, and when I place the part in a drawing. I am still not bale to have a difference in the part in the drawing with the two configurations either. What is the proper method of obtaining the two different views?
Also is there a way to request software enhancements?
We create many large assemblies where the shop uses a cut sheet to make the parts. Since many of the parts have secondary opperations like forming or cutting done to them i like to create a second sheet with the piece parts dimensioned on the sheet. In SolidWorks i would simply create the views, create an assembly BOM and link the balloons to that BOM, end of story. Not in Inventor! And creating a million LOD views to hide all but the one part in each view is not an answer for a professional CAD program.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium
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Dec 16, 2011
Just wondering, if I have several seperate idw files and I want to combine them into one master file, is this possible? Would be handy to have all my drawing on one file instead of the 30 or so seperate ones it will become.
Inventor 2014 PDS
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Oct 16, 2012
I have an issue with opening assembly files as they always open as Master not Last Active.
Have I missed an option on another tab or something else?
64-Bit Inventor Professional 2012
Build 219, SP2
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Oct 26, 2011
I am currently building an Iassembly and I keep running into this message whenever I go to save one of Iassembly members
It states " Do you want to calculate the mass properties for the master level of detail? if you select 'NO' Inventor will calculate the mass property for the currently active level of detail."
now when I go ahead and select yes or no, it goes ahead and places 4 BOM columns in my table with Default and Reference. What exactly does this mean? I keep deleting them and they keep coming back constantly adding more and more columns to my ipart table.
Since I am constantly suppresing and unsuppressing, adding and deleting components based on the configuration, I have to always be on another level of detail other the master detail correct?
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Aug 24, 2012
when open an assembly not all parts are shown. To be able to see entire assymbly need to change View representation to Master manually. How to achieve this in Ilogic?
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Oct 7, 2011
I am fairly new to Inventor and have recently just finished drawing up a machine made of many parts and sub assemblies and then made into one master assembly. Due to the nature of some hole positions i decided to draw some holes directly on the Master assembly thinking it would then change the original sub assembly/part file. Apparently not as i found out making technical drawings.
How i can rectify this so i dont have to re-draw all the holes on part level and keep my constraints in place?
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Mar 30, 2012
Ok I am struggling with this again. Some how when my assembly was made I had several work planes visable on several subassemblies. No big deal, I will just go to the subassemblies, turn them off and save them and all will be fixed right? Wrong, the assembly still opens with the work planes showing. So I expand the subassemblies and turn the visability off in the top level assembly. Now when I attempt to save the assembly I am told that the master view is locked and I need to create a new view. But I don't ever want all the work planes on and I don't want to create a new view because that leads to not being able to save a linked assembly or drawing if the wrong thing is open somewhere.
How do I unlock the master view to be able to save it with the planes turned off?
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