AutoCAD Inventor :: ASCII Text To Unicode Conversion
Aug 30, 2011
I have the following visual basic
sFileName = "C:Test FolderTest.dxf"
sFileName = StrConv(sFileName, vbUnicode)
msgbox (sFileName)
But, when I run it it does not seem to work. (All I require is the UniCode equivalent).
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Dec 10, 2013
I have this old lisp routine that I have been using for quite a while and it works and loads just fine, however I would like to open it to see/edit the code... when I open in Notepad however it opens with wierd symbols... How to get this back into normal text?
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Jun 27, 2013
I can't write unicode characters to a text file.
as you know, you can write chars on text screen easily: (write-line (strcat "\U+" "2122"))
but if you want to write chars to a text file, this command does not work: (write-line (strcat "\U+" "2122") TxtFileVar)
Here is a part of my code to test:
(defun C:HexGen ( / d f S w x y z h c)(setq d '("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F") f (open "c:\0000-FFFF.txt" "w"))(foreach w d (foreach x d (foreach y d (progn (setq S "") (foreach z d (progn (setq h (strcat w x y z)) (setq c (strcat "\U+" h));;;<===character (setq S (strcat S " " (strcat h " = " c ))) ) ) (write-line S f) ) ) )) (close f)(startapp "notepad" "c:\0000-FFFF.txt"))
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May 18, 2012
According to adobe, Illustrator CS4, CS5 have the unicode font support for asian languages. but when i pasted the text in CS4 , it shows junk characters. I applied unicode font(Vrinda) my target langugae.
What are the details to paste the text in unicode.
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Feb 13, 2012
I am quite conversant with Unicode keystrokes (Alt+XXXX) for most symbols in fact I have a cheat that aids me in the correct character code.If I don't have the code I just copy it from the character map and paste it into the sentence but it gets a little tiresome after a while searching the character map for symbols.
I have on numerous occasions lately had the need to to insert the 'THEREFORE' symbol (You know the 3 dots in a triangle) into text notes on my drawings.
This symbol only seems to have a code "U+2234"..I have spent a lot of time searching everywhere for a clue as to what this keystroke sequence means.
I have my font style set to "Arial Unicode MS". Looking for the correct keystroke sequence for "U+XXXX"?
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Nov 8, 2012
I am trying to index an ascii type Point Cloud. The file is exported from GOM Inspector program and file extension is asc. There are some parameters in GOM for exporting the point cloud. For example you can chose "," or "." as separator. I believe the problem lies in this area. I believe the syntax in my file is wrong. I have tried to find instructions of the file format / syntax.
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May 18, 2012
I frequently require mathematical symbols such as ≤ or ≥, which are easy enough to insert as unicode characters and supported by common fonts such as Arial.
However, when I try to import text containing such characters, such as within an Excel table, they just import as "?" instead. I've tried pasting Excel table in various formats. As an Excel object or a Metafile the overall formatting is retained correctly but the symbols become question marks. Enhanced Metafile preserves the symbols but alters the fonts so that the text no longer fits within the cell, ruining the layout.
I've also noticed that when I manually insert unicode symbols using the text tool in CorelDraw X6 it changes the font to Adobe Fangsong Std R (which looks awful). If I try to change the font after the fact, everything changes except the symbols. Highlighting the symbols also looks different: rounded highlight rectangle versus normal rectangle for ordinary text. It seems CorelDraw refuses to treat these symbols as ordinary unicode text forcing them instead into this horrible wirey font instead.
I also have issues try to export from CorelDraw to say Powerpoint where Corel will automatically format some text as ligatures but when exporting these just show up as "?" in Powerpoint.
1) Is there any way to get CorelDraw X6 to reliably import and export text, including unicode symbols, without messing up the formatting/layout.
2) is there any way to get CorelDraw not to change the font of symbols?
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Jan 26, 2013
How do I open UNICODE text file in Adobe Illustrator CS5 when the UNICODE option is GRAY-MARKED ?
Currently, I am only allowed to open ANSI text files and not UNICODE text files...
But, I wish to open UNICODE text files .
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Dec 5, 2012
I want to convert our drawings from one template to another (attached). Conversion is from .idw to .dwg. What's the best method?
Dell T3500
Intel Xenon CPU
64-bit operating system
NVIDIA Quadro 5000
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Oct 10, 2011
I am trying to print on a 3d printer and seem to have a bit of a scaling issue with inventor 2012. I saved the .stl file in the same units but still get a scaling issue. Under options when I save it shows a 1:1 scale as well as the correct units.
When printing a .stl file from another computer that has inventor 10 installed we do not have this issue. Seems to be something with the files from 2012.
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Mar 21, 2013
It's possible to do bach IDW to DWG conversion, but autodesk doesn't provide a tool to do the opposite:
Inventor's DWG to IDW
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Nov 1, 2012
I have about 500+ idws that has to be converted to dwg. No problem I thought... just use the task scheduler and create a task (Convert IDW to DWG) to do it.
That works.... but there is a small problem. The DWG that it saves has the data in paper space. Of coarse, the customer requires it to be in Model Space.
Is there a way to do this with the Task Scheduler? or some other way, short of manually opening/saving each idw. I don't own KwikBatch Runx64 and was hoping we could do this without purchasing something else.
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May 14, 2012
I have one problem like conversion in this project involving things are converting total imperial dimensions in to metric while converting all the dimensions required in single precision like 15/16'' as .9375 mm but he need approximate value like 1 . I have large assembly how to maintain over all dimensions and how to change internal dimensions in simple ways.
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Aug 3, 2012
It seems that parameters can not mix units. You can not use in or ul in a deg parameter. I want to roll a cylinder using a contour roll but I want the cylinder to have about an 1/8 gap at the seam no matter what the diameter of the cylinder is. So in order to calculate the calculated rolled angle I need to use "360-((0.125/CYLINDER_DIAMETER)/0.017453292)". I can not seem to get this equation in the parameter value because it has mixed units or in the multi-value custom equation. I can make another parameter that is ul and have it calculate it but I can not feed this value back to the contour roll parameter. I assume that the calulated parameter is ul and the contour roll parameter is deg.
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Jan 3, 2013
I have a problem converting a file into STP or IGES formats. Inventor 2011 keep crashing. I managed to do shrinkwrap which is 38MB in size. I am converting this 38MB file into other formats for customer suitability.
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Jan 2, 2013
Using Civil 3D 2012 x64
I have an SDF file which contains point objects with associated data table records. I'm trying to extract the data to xls file /or text file/
Once imported in Map there's the option to view data table, then one can go select all and copy/paste everything in excel. This would have been perfect if coordinates were exported too. Alas I end up with a rather useless table.
Is there a way to convert an SDF file to xls file and preserve all the data records along with the geometry /xyz/ in the process?
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Sep 25, 2013
How do you get ArcText to recognize special characters.
If I create a string in MText with special characters IE "Rotate the handle 45 %%d" or "Rotate the handle 45 U+00B0", I get a text string in the drawing with the degree symbol.
If I enter the same string in the ArcText input box, the degree symbol does not show up in the drawing, only the control characters.
In researching this problem, the only thing I could find, anywhere, was a Rev14 ArcText update specifically for special characters.
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Jun 26, 2012
I'm running into a file conversion issue at work. I use Inventor 2008 and i need to have my assembly miodels analyzed by stress engineering via Pro/E Wildfire.
I've tried converting the assembly file to .iges and .step. However, the assemblies are jumbled in the conversion. All the parts are there, but the constraints are not. In the past, the assemblies have been small enough that the stress engineer was able to reassemble the parts in Pro/E. This current project, however, is much to large to do so.
If I were to purchase Inventor 2013, could I save the files with the Pro/E native file extensions directly?
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Feb 27, 2013
Sitka 1/3 arc-second DEM is the page for the source of the .asc file.
I downloaded the rather large (190 mb) zipped file of a large ASCII file with a few extra things (readme, metadata, report)
I followed this how-to document.
And I get the error message "Cannot set the column 'Name'. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column." And then nothing at all happens. No data imported.
Also, if I can't find the coordinates they assigned to the Ascii and I choose one I always use for this area, could that be the problem?
And I'l attach a photo of the 'preview' screen before I get before the error message.
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Oct 24, 2008
Any workaround for text along path conversion from freehand to illustrator?The problem is text along path in freehand which is slightly moved along path.The result after conversion to illustrator is an invissible (exept a red+ where the text should be)text. Sometimes you can't even correct the problemtext so you had to place hundreds/thousends of text (streetmaps) again after conversion.
Exporting the Freehand file as illustrator 7 gives a much better result for the text part. (the art works is in this case seperated into lines and fills)The message I get opening the illustrator file in CS3 is that legacy text should be updated, clicking the update button and text is looking way better and there is less text to replace.Opening the Feehand file in CS3 doesn't give me this method.
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Feb 6, 2013
I need to insert a registered brand character (®) into a string for a product model using code ("Model Name ®"). How do you handle Unicode in VB .NET?
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Nov 17, 2012
I have a DXF and a skip file of a room i'd like to convert to surfaces i can use in inventor 2010. I hear this can be done with inventor 2013?
The files are too large to attach.
Inventor 2012 Pro
Windows 7 64 bit
Core I5 2410M processor | GeForceGT 525M graphics card | 8G RAM
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Jun 7, 2013
I have a .crd file which i need to convert to ASC1II file to then import into civil 3d to build a ground model.
I have used the survey link: [URL] ...
However when i click convert i get an error saying points not found, please see attached.
How i can go about importing the .crd file?
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Sep 24, 2012
I am after a script or some direction for a script to convert a large number of text objects. I'd like to be able to convert from metres to yards and vice versa. All the text objects would be on the same layer and only contain integers and symbols such as (25) -23.
If the conversion could select all the text on one layer, and then convert and copy to a new layer it would be useful but this can be done manually if needed. Is this possible? I am not familiar with scripting really but can learn what i need to get this script going.
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May 3, 2012
How can i import ASCII GRID file in autocad civil 3d. I use autocad civil 3d 2012.
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Nov 22, 2011
I have a .PTS file (an ASCII file with XYZ coordinate data + two additional sets of info per point). Is there any way to bring this into AutoCAD natively?
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Nov 4, 2013
I'm having problems importing points into Civil 3D 2012.I'm trying to import an ASCII file into the drawing.Files formats are P,N,E,Z,D in ASCII file and the same format is selected when I try importing.
The ASCII file has well over a 1000 points but when I import the points only the first twenty or so points import to the drawing.This seems not to be limited to this drawing.I tried to import points to a different drawing and the same thing happened.
Up to this point I have not had trouble importing points into other various drawings.Is there a button or setting that may have changed that is preventing full importation of the points?
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Mar 22, 2011
I have acsii data that I need to add to a map. My coordinate system for the map is CANA83-3TM114
The coordinate system for the ascii points are unknown. How do I transform the data to the same coordinate system as my map?
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Dec 5, 2012
i received a ascii file of position and elevation points (PNEZD) and do not see any where to import these points into AutoCAD 2011.
I know there exists survey products from autodesk, but still kind of wondering why there is no easy way to import points in the basic CAD program.
How to import a PNEZD file into AutoCAD 2011?
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Mar 27, 2012
I have a text layer with width given at its creation. When I later open text editor and enter some wider text, it is wrapped to second line. So I would like to enhance the width of the layer to prevent this. When I add width to the layer using "Layer Boundary Size" menu item, text layer gets converted into standard bitmap layer . I don't understand the logic why a text layer isn't preserved on change of its size .
Is there a way how I can adjust size of text layer without its conversion to a bitmap?
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Nov 8, 2012
Is it possible to export a DTM (TIN surface) to ESRI's ASCII grid format (for ArcGIS)?
I've attached an example file.
Failing that, is it possible to export to a simple XYZ point file?
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