AutoCAD Inventor :: Indexing An Ascii Type Point Cloud
Nov 8, 2012
I am trying to index an ascii type Point Cloud. The file is exported from GOM Inspector program and file extension is asc. There are some parameters in GOM for exporting the point cloud. For example you can chose "," or "." as separator. I believe the problem lies in this area. I believe the syntax in my file is wrong. I have tried to find instructions of the file format / syntax.
I have 3d scan of aircraft door frame (see attach) in point cloud format. I'd like to overlap 5 different frames and construct a new 6th frame by averaging out all of the points.
At the moment, the 3d data files has no surface and I'm unsure if adding surface with the construction of the 6th frame. I will also need to take into consider alignment, point density, and orientation when overlapping all of the frames before I can start work to average all points (Note: each scan are taken from 5 different vehicle).
I have both Rhino3D and Autodesk Alias Design 2012. What are the logical steps to do in this case?
I have a DXF and a skip file of a room i'd like to convert to surfaces i can use in inventor 2010. I hear this can be done with inventor 2013?
The files are too large to attach. _____________________________________________ Inventor 2012 Pro Windows 7 64 bit Core I5 2410M processor | GeForceGT 525M graphics card | 8G RAM
how to match up certain points. I have imported 2 point clouds and have tried to use the 'align' tool to specify three points from the source object (cloud) and three points from the destination object (cloud). When doing this, it does not properly align them. The point cloud makes it difficult to select the exact point I would like to align, since there may not be a point at that exact location, but close to it. Does AutoCAD require the points in alignment to match up perfectly or is it capable of doing a best fit?
Also, is AutoCAD capable of creating a solid 3D piece from the point cloud? I would like to take all of my points and make a smooth object.
I'm working on mating two assemblies together by work points on a part inside of them. Here is the code I'm using. It worked with work planes, but when repurposed it to work points, I get a type mismatch when the code tries to generate the work point proxies:
Dim oPartPoint1 As WorkPoint oPartPoint1 = oOcc1.Definition.WorkPoints.Item("botMatePoint") Dim oPartPoint2 As WorkPoint oPartPoint2 = oOcc2.Definition.WorkPoints.Item("matePoint") Dim oAsmPoint1 As WorkPointProxy oOcc1.CreateGeometryProxy(oPartPoint1, oAsmPoint1) Dim oAsmPoint2 As WorkPointProxy oOcc2.CreateGeometryProxy(oPartPoint2, oAsmPoint2)
I'm relatively new to AutCAD map 3d but I've used arcGIS a while back.
I have existing roads, towns etc data that are already set to UTM 17. I want to import ascii point coordinates (from a comma delimited file) into the file. I can import the ascii coordinates as points fine (easting and northing), however the points come in as the absolute coordinates rather than geometric coordinates. I already set the files for right geographic projections. Beyond manually inputing the coordinates into the coordinate tracker, is there a way to import the coordinates form the file set for the geometric coordinates?
I'm using AI CC now, but I noticed this problem in earlier versions of AI: If I want to place a one-word label on an illustration I move the type insertion cursor to a speific point on the screen image and click, but then the flashing insertion point, where the label will actually start, pops up elsewhere, usually a line or two above where the cursor was, and a pica or two to the left, forcing me to type the label, then move it into position rather than simply typing it in the right place and moving on. The problem is merely annoying, but I'd like to fix it. It's probably a matter of ignorance-I simply haven't read the right documentation, but I don't know what to call the problem. Where can I find out how to change the position of the cursor relative to the insertion point?
I can get my stylised map from Promap into Map3d 2011, and I have tried importing the point cloud data which I have as a esri ascii grid file, it is basically 3 columns of numbers:- for north, east and height.
Unfortunately when I choose to format as nez (when importing) it turns the whole lot round by 90degrees ...
I have tried importing it as enz but no joy, and also in niether case will it align with my map (have tried using coords and not using coords).
I am trying to trace part of my point cloud, which has been aligned according to a new UCS I set. Drawing on the top down view, a poly line works fine out in the black ether or the model space, however when I attempt to trace over the point cloud it shoots way off in the distance.
My node snapping is turned off of course, but this only happens when I click over a part of the point cloud, as if it was snapping to the cloud and getting confused.
When I turn snapping off completely I can click anywhere I want and I'm fine. This suggests to me that it is a snapping issue, although I was under the assumption that "Node" was the only snap setting that related to point clouds.
Using Civil 3D 2013, Faro Scene, Kubit PointCloud Pro
Is it possible to turn off the bounding box on a non-Civil 3D, .PCG point cloud that was indexed into Civil 3d directly from the Faro .FWS file using the "POINTCLOUDINDEX" command?
Supposedly there's a way "To Convert One or More Surfaces to Solids":
However, I'm unable to find Home tabSolid Editing panelThicken.
I'm trying to take LIDAR/Point Cloud data and 3D print it (in the end, I need to make an STL file). I've created a 3D surface from Point Cloud data which results in a Raster Layer. I do not know how to convert the surface that's in the Raster Layer into a solid.
How can I rotate my point cloud to have the front view on the top. I want to optimize the surface creation on the lateral surface of a deck and not on the ground (top) surface. I think to rotate 90 degrees on the X or Y axis.
I was wondering if there is a way to select specific 3D points out of a point cloud (.pcg). I am new with Autocad and handling of point clouds .
I can think of various things that you might want to do, as in clean up a bit the data or even delete some areas that you are not interested with. additionally, one might want to do some calculations, so selecting points first and the running a list script to use that points can be handy as well.
I'm working with a point cloud in 2013. The color comes in when I convert to .pcg and import into Revit. But I can't get the color to display in CAD. I've heard it may be a visual style problem, or a setting in my hardware acceleration, but nothing seems to work.
I'm trying to access the style manager to allow classifying LiDAR point cloud based on elevation. I have been able to attached the point cloud and see it on the drawing. For some reason I can't see the Point Cloud Menu, which I believe should be showing up beside "Express" menu on the top toolbar.
I have a point cloud of an excavation surface, i want to create a surface from this points. 3d civil can do it but im not 3d civil user, is there any way to do it in autocad or in 3ds max.
Civil 3D point cloud tools (ribbon) are different than AutoCAD's. Is there a way to bring up AutoCAD's point cloud ribbon in addition to Civil 3D's ribbon?I guess if the commands are the same, I can just copy the ribbon from AutoCAD's CUI and plop it into Civil 3D's CUI.
But, is there a better way or is there something I'm missing?I'm looking for the clipping tools and the point cloud display otions (scan colors, elevation, normal, intensity, etc.)
I am quite conversant with Unicode keystrokes (Alt+XXXX) for most symbols in fact I have a cheat that aids me in the correct character code.If I don't have the code I just copy it from the character map and paste it into the sentence but it gets a little tiresome after a while searching the character map for symbols.
I have on numerous occasions lately had the need to to insert the 'THEREFORE' symbol (You know the 3 dots in a triangle) into text notes on my drawings.
This symbol only seems to have a code "U+2234"..I have spent a lot of time searching everywhere for a clue as to what this keystroke sequence means.
I have my font style set to "Arial Unicode MS". Looking for the correct keystroke sequence for "U+XXXX"?
I am working with a Lidar dataset that is over 34 million points. It covers an area far larger than I need for our project. I have experimented with point clouds and am able to process and generate a surface from the data by applying a clip boundary to the surface. The problem with this is the surface only has about 540k points out the total dataset and it appears that the points have been greatly reduced in density. I am thinking this is due to the way C3D limits large data sets to display only 1.5 million points and thus my surface data is highly filtered since it is extracted from a small area of the dataset. I have tried setting point cloud display to 100%.
can I somehow filter my point cloud so that I can reduce the area of coverage and thus increase the density that is extracted into my surface?
while i am trying to load my point cloud files the points appeared in the model but not all points
i entered to the setting of the point cloud from the toolspace toolbar , i found that there are about 32 million points but only 700000 points are displayed in the drawing. Is there a way to display all the loaded points in my drawing to show all the points since i need to render a high resolution pictures for my lots.